2015.12.09 Yah desires a deep personal relationship with YOU Created by James on 12/28/2017 6:33:28 AM The Almighty Creator desires a deep personal relationship with you.
Yah desires a deep personal relationship with YOU
Dr James A Robertson
Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator says:
"I created human beings, this planet and this universe for men and women to be my friends, my companions, to explore and learn and develop together, my greatest grief is that almost NO person understands this let alone seeks such a relationship with me!"
"The 'Rules of Engagement' between myself (Yah) and Satan prevent me telling YOU anything you do NOT know UNLESS YOU ask me or do something to put yourself in a place to hear NEW truths from me"
'"I (Yah) am limited in speaking to YOU by the mental barriers YOU have put in place with regard to what YOU believe I can say to you AND by YOUR vocabulary"
The Almighty Creator wants a deep personal relationship with YOU as His FRIEND
and wants to REWARD you in the life to come!
See pages Where are YOU Headed and What should YOU do for more information
The purpose of serving Yah is NOT for what He will give us in THIS life, but for what we will give Him in exchange for His rewards to us in the life to come!!
Related Pages:
Creator Desires Deep Relationship
7 Components of Growing Close to Yah
Recommended Worship
These three articles are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, please read!!
Note that you can ONLY draw really close to our Father in Heaven IF you go to Him directly, human beings can give you suggestions BUT He will lead you along a unique path designed just for YOU -- no human being can do this
Pray "Father Yah I desire to draw close to You, please take me by the hand and guide me so that I may come to know You and have a deep personal relationship with You"
Then DO whatever you find to do, pray whatever you find to pray, read whatever you find to read, speak to whomever you find to speak to, go wherever you find to go, as Father leads, constantly ask Him for guidance and constantly check in with Him -- He wants you to hear Him and be led by Him to become first a servant, then an overcomer and finally a friend
There is much on this website to assist you with this journey -- I encourage you to GO FOR IT
You might like to start with the Creator Desires FRIENDS page.
James Robertson
Emissary of Yah
22 December 2015
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