2016.01.07 An Open Letter to Family, Friends and Associates regarding the Existence of the Creator Created by James on 12/29/2017 6:27:45 AM A short article to family, friends and associates regarding belief in the Creator setting out some key points for consideration
An Open Letter to Family, Friends and Associates regarding the Existence of the Creator
Dr James A Robertson
I do not know exactly where you stand with regard to your views concerning the Almighty Creator whose true name is “Yah the eternally self-existing” and, for this reason, I am writing to you.
If you at some level DO believe in the existence of the Creator then I want to stress that He desires a DEEP personal relationship with you and refer you to the corresponding articles on my website starting at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html and urge you to study and apply what you find there.
IF you do NOT believe or are NOT SURE if you believe, then I would like to offer you the following thoughts:
- Complex and Precise Beings and World è Creative Agency
We are amazingly complex and precise beings who live in a world comprised of amazingly complex and precise elements and creatures in an amazingly complex and precise solar system and Universe.From an engineering perspective this could NOT happen as a random process – there HAS to have been an overarching creative (engineering) agency.
- Sexual Reproduction è Creative Agency
All higher plant and animal life forms reproduce sexually.Sexual reproduction requires that both the male and female components function perfectly together before reproduction can occur.This is so exact that the species would cease to exist if both halves (male and female) did not match perfectly, physically, genetically and emotionally from day zero.This too indicates the existence of an external creative agency.
- Why ARE we here???
Our very existence begs the question “why are we here” and in the absence of a highly intelligent life form who desired friendship and relationship there is absolutely NO rational explanation for how and WHY we exist.
- Where did the Creator come from???
These points, of necessity, required that one address the dilemma of where such a higher Creative life form might come from and how He (or “it”) came into existence.I can only answer this question by saying that I have a huge amount of personal experience of Him and therefore I know with total certainty that He exists and desires a deep personal relationship with each one of us.
- Eternally self-existing???!!!???
Beyond that, He states that He is “eternally self-existing”—he was ALWAYS here.I DO understand that this is a HUGE barrier to intellectual assent to His existence if you have NO personal experience of Him!!
- Bad experiences and irrational beliefs
I also understand that you may have had bad experiences with religious people, may be turned off by the conduct and utterances of the established religious orders be they Christian, Muslim, Jewish or other.You may rightly regard the false believes about “The Bible is the Word of God” and similar irrational beliefs as nonsense (which they are), may regard teachings that “God came to earth as a man called Jesus” as preposterous (which they are) and may have been put off by countless other elements of irrational, disquieting or offensive conduct or utterance.In considering this letter I ask you to look past these issues.
- An Experiment
It is so that my experience is of NO help to YOU in deciding whether to believe or NOT and so, I suggest an experiment.Father Yah WANTS to have a DEEP personal relationship with you and so I suggest the following:
- If you are willing, get on your knees and humble yourself – NOT essential but helpful – else pray as you sit or stand right now.
- Pray or say something along the lines of “Dear Creator (IF you exist), James Robertson says that you exist and desire a deep personal relationship with me but I struggle to believe this. Accordingly, IF you are real I ask you to reveal yourself to me in a way that I am able to understand and that leaves me in NO DOUBT as to the reality of your existence!”
- WHY does this matter?
Why should you worry about this?Your life is probably going well, you are probably reasonably successful and content and you got there without the relationship that is written of here – so you may well say “so what?” or similar.
Fundamentally there are two avenues open to each person on earth when they die:
- Believers face eternity in Heaven with a rank and status corresponding to what they did for the Almighty on Earth – it is possible to qualify for a High Throne with great esteem and authority for eternity.
- Unbelievers continue to live on earth as a disembodied spirit or demon, relying on third parties for transport and, if you have been a good person, largely left to your own devices in a very lonely existence until the end of the age when you will either be thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly consumed OR, IF Satan wins the competition with the Creator, you will find yourself on Earth for eternity subject to cruel demonic powers on a desolate planet devoid of the life giving presence of the Creator.
The choice is yours but it is VERY clear to me which of these options is preferable – I pray that after due consideration you will realise this.See also http://end-time-issueministries.org/WhereareYOUgoing.aspx.html for more information.
If you already believe I pray that you will read the article on relationship cited above and draw closer to Father.If you do NOT believe I pray that you will conduct the experiment suggested above and have an open mind to receive whatever may come about as a consequence of your request.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
09 January 2016.

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