2016.01.06 Clarification -- Yah is “Indifferent” to the Lot of Unbelievers Created by James on 12/29/2017 9:35:21 AM A short response to someone asking for clarification of the article "Yah is indifferent to the lot of unbelievers"
Clarification -- Yah is “Indifferent” to the Lot of Unbelievers
Dr James A Robertson
In response to my article “Yah is “Indifferent” to the Lot of Unbelievers” I received the following:
Hi Dr James,
I understand that if our conduct is not good to the eyes of our Father in Heaven chances are is going to be indifferent to us.
What causes the believers to become "unbelieving believers"? Is it the wrong teachings received / preached by the churches around the world? or it is just the fact one did not truly believed in the Yah and did not properly understand his word!
Warm Regards,
My response:
Hi …
The main problem is that the church is preaching and teaching lies
They focus on getting people saved instead of focussing on teaching what they need to know once they have accepted the reality of Yah
Further, by focussing on Yahooshua who cannot save anyone, it is Yah who saves, many who are alleged to believe either do not believe at all or worship the demonic principality called Jesus, see http://end-time-issueministries.org/YahooshuaNOTCreator.aspx.html
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James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
09 January 2016

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