2016.01.09 Submission Tithes and Offerings Created by James on 12/29/2017 10:05:21 AM
Response to someone who asked whether they should submit to the leader of an assembly and whether they should pay tithes and offerings
Submission Tithes and Offerings
Dr James A Robertson
In response to the article “The “Fivefold Ministry” is false” I received the following email:
“Hi Dr James,
In response this article I have two questions to ask.
- My understanding is we have to be submissive to Yah as he is the highest authority that exist. But then to the believer attending their congregations, are they not supposed to obey to their congregation's leader?
- What is your take when it comes to offerings an tithes? is Yah interested in these?
I wish you a lot of blessings,”
My response was as follows:
“Hi Pierrot,
Thank you for your questions.
Apologies for the delayed response, as you know the last week has been challenging.
Re submitting to the leader of a congregation or assembly – Yes, IF you choose to join such a group you are expected to submit to them
BUT in general it is NOT a good idea to belong to such a group because you are then required to submit to their error.
Further, such leaders SHOULD, but generally do NOT, take FULL responsibility for what they preach and teach.
By “what they preach and teach” I mean that they should take FULL responsibility before Yah for what they teach and preach.
That means that they should indemnify those who follow them against ALL judgement for sin committed in submission -- that means that they should commit to go to Hell on behalf of their followers in respect of any and all error that they preach, teach, apply or enforce.
It also means that they should publicly pray “May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I preach and teach” on a regular basis – I do this regularly and it is in my formal email signature and on my website.
Unless a person is prepared to pray this prayer and others like it you should NOT follow them under any circumstances.
Note that Yahooshua died to make it possible for each one of us to live separated from the world and from sin and that includes he did all that was necessary for a true believer to serve Yah APART from corrupt assemblies and leaders – there is NO reason why any mature believer should belong to an assembly, in fact, IF you listen carefully you will find that Yah is saying “come out of her my people” – the church is FULL of error and corruption and is serving Satan more than it is serving Yah, as I have just experienced very forcibly.
So, to sum up, IF you belong to an assembly, SUBMIT – so, do NOT belong to an assembly UNLESS you are 100% clear that Father wants you there.
Regarding tithes and offerings – what you do with your money creates spiritual yokes – if you give to an assembly then you are co-responsible with the leadership of that assembly for ALL their sin and error because you are making it financially possible for them to continue in their error, thus you could find yourself at your judgment facing a term in Hell because of your surrogate sin as an investor in a corrupt ministry and you may also find yourself being judged in THIS life.
You should ONLY give to a ministry that takes FULL responsibility for what it teaches, indemnifies its followers AND that Yah confirms is where He wants you VERY clearly.
Note also that once you have progressed to a moderate level of maturity Father EXPECTS you to operate as a servant {minister} in your own right and NOT sit in church listening to a corrupt and error filled message.
In such a case Father fully accepts that you apply your money to fund YOUR ministry work provided it is done with the guidance of His Spirit – I have been doing this since 2000.
See also http://end-time-issueministries.org/Tithes.aspx.html for several related articles
I hope that this helps?
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish”
>>> EMAIL ENDS <<<
Note also that Father desires us to have a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him and that accordingly time spent in church UNLESS it is helping you grow dramatically in the RIGHT direction is a total waste of time – rather spend the time fasting and seeking Father for direct revelation.
You could also usefully spend time on my website daily, there is more than enough material for several years of reading and I testify that while there IS error in places a significant amount is anointed and approved of by Father Yah.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
17 January 2016

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