2016.01.12 Demonized Believers who Hate Truth Created by James on 12/29/2017 10:27:39 AM The vast majority of mature believers are in gross error and heavily demonized, this article discusses why and the manifestation of this phenonmenon
Demonized Believers who Hate Truth
Dr James A Robertson
I have recently had a very ugly run-in with a highly demonized believer who is relatively close to Father but who HATES the truth. Refer to the article “Why are so many mature, committed, sincere believers in such gross error?” at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-so-many-mature-committed-sincere-believers-gross-james for some context.
In considering this situation there are a number of points to keep in mind for ANY true believer who is seeking to draw close to Father:
- Grace withdrawn for core errors
In considering this article please remember that the Grace for sin and error WITHIN the body of believers, be they Christian, Muslim or Jewish has been withdrawn, see the article on this topic at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/withdrawal-grace-prior-3-may-2003-amended-james
- Demonic powers NO longer restrained
In considering the current situation it is vital to understand that the withdrawal of grace means that the demonic powers associated with these errors and lies are NO longer restrained.The Demonic Principalities, Powers, Thrones and Dominions responsible for these errors are controlled by the Demonic Masterminds who rule the Earth see http://end-time-issueministries.org/DemonicMastermindsDirect.aspx.html
- Vicious demonic response to truth
The current reality is that IF you truly love Yah and love His truths you WILL encounter vicious demonic responses to that truth from believers who believe the lies and are therefore servants of Satan.
- Few people who truly love Yah and love His truths
There are very few people today of any grouping – Christian, Muslim, Jewish or other who truly love Yah enough to do the hard work that is necessary to get free of sin and error and draw really close to Yah.
- Established traditions are gross error
The established traditions and conduct of these heavily demonized believers are gross error, but note that on the surface they appear to be gentle, peace loving people who love Yah but they use the wrong names, break the Commandments, etc with impunity and show NO interest in the truth when it is shared with them.
- True believers should pray for wisdom
True believers should pray for wisdom in terms of who they associate with and who they engage with.
- Forces of Satan as vicious as ever, just appear civilized
The forces opposing Yah and His True Servants are, as always, powerful, vicious and destructive albeit now apparently more “civilized” than during the Inquisitions, etc.
- Greatest evil now WITHIN the body of believers
The greatest evil on Earth today is now WITHIN the body of believers NOT in the world of the unbelievers.
Exercise caution in who you associate with and only share what Father has taught you as Father leads and, even then, be prepared for vicious and destructive attacks on your character, family, etc – anything that the Forces of Darkness can use to break you down in an apparently law abiding and “loving” way.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
17 January 2016

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