2016.01.13 Our World Today -- Chapter 3 -- Adam as Ruler – rebellion and falling away Created by James on 12/29/2017 10:32:32 AM Overview of how Adam gave authority on Earth to Satan.
Our World Today -- Chapter 3 -- Adam as Ruler – rebellion and falling away
Dr James A Robertson
Continuation of the Book.
- Adam to Rule over Satan
Adam was placed on Earth to exercise Yah’s authority on earth as Yah’s agent or representative– as a ruler to exercise dominion, especially over Satan and his horde who had be cast down to Earth.
- Adam gave authority to Satan
The minute that Adam disobeyed Yah and did what Satan proposed by eating the forbidden fruit, Adam became a servant of Satan and unable to have authority over Satan and his horde.
- Satan became the Mighty One of this Earth
Thus Satan became the mighty one {god} of this world and has ruled on earth ever since over ALL children of Adam except those who gain mastery over sin and actively serve to seek the Almighty Creator – those who are known as “Overcomers”.
- Victory over sin
The only way that a human being can escape the clutches of Satan is to eschew sin and defeat the forces of darkness in their life by achieving a deep personal relationship with the Almighty AND living a life above sin.
- Only Yahooshua has fully succeeded
Only Yahooshua has FULLY succeeded in achieving this goal, he was born with no earthly father and therefore no blood-line curses and he lived and died without committing sin ONCE.As such his victory elevated him to the position of King of all Human Kings and Lord of ALL Human Lords.
- Yahooshua delegated his authority
After his death, Yahooshua was instantly resurrected because death had NO hold on him and he was granted “all authority in Heaven and on Earth”.Since he was leaving the Earth he had NO authority on earth and so he immediately delegated this authority to those who followed him, that is, those who followed his example and sought to live a life without sin.Thus those who truly believe and are in right standing have delegated authority to deal with the forces of darkness.
In nearly all cases those who have at some level had a revelation of this authority have still been corrupt and in sin and error but, until recently Father granted grace (chen) with regard to this.This has resulted in a situation where believers think that the gifts and authority that they are exercising indicates that they are in right standing when, in fact, it does not.This chen {grace} has now been withdrawn for the reasons explained in the article on Withdrawal of Grace at:
In order for Father to secure a judgment against Satan to send him to the Pit for 1,000 years it was necessary for ALL grace to be withdrawn.This has now resulted in a situation where mature believers are falling into greater and greater error, see the article “Why are so many mature, committed, sincere believers in such gross error?” at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-so-many-mature-committed-sincere-believers-gross-james
This descent into error over the past decade has led to increasing demonization of believers, see the article “Demonized Believers who Hate Truth” at:
- Very few understand this
Very few people understand this and those that DO attempt to walk in this authority are compromised by the level of sin and error in their lives.
I hope that as you read this you will be challenged to step up to the mark that Yahooshua set and seek to live a life above sin and, in so doing, draw very close to Father Yah AND come to a place where YOU can reign over evil on this Earth.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
23 January 2016
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