2016.01.17 Our World Today -- Chapter 7 -- How the madness of Bible worship has corrupted understanding Created by James on 12/30/2017 6:56:40 AM Worship of the Bible is leading many people seriously astray. The Bible is a very incomplete history book.
Our World Today -- Chapter 7 -- How the madness of Bible worship has corrupted understanding
Dr James A Robertson
Continuation of the Book.
This section discusses how the inappropriate stature accorded to the Bible has contributed to the high level of falling away that exists today. See the article “Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah elaboration” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/demographics-kingdom-yah-elaboration-r-end-time-issue-ministries and companion articles for a discussion of the extent of the falling away.
- The Bible hardly addresses any of this -- Miniscule fragments of Shemite history
In considering the previous chapters it is apparent that the Bible hardly addresses any of the most important elements of human history.
The Bible records minuscule fragments of human history assembled by people from the Shemite dispensation under extreme duress.As such it IS a useful but restricted resource.
And it WAS preserved with some level of supernatural intervention when Satan tried to destroy it as a limited remaining source of knowledge.That does NOT mean that it replaces the huge volume of direct revelation and teaching about the matters of the Almighty that Father Yah has given in recent centuries.
- A useful history book – period -- part of a broad prayer led study protocol
The Bible should be read as a useful history book in conjunction with other historical accounts, NO MORE.
It is of greatest value when read together with deep fasting, prayer and questioning to understand why things happened and together with much wider reading.Prayer is needed regarding what is NOT discussed and to seek ALL truth.Prayers like “show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it” and other prayers in the article “Seeking truth” at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/seeking-truth-james-r-end-time-issue-ministries and elsewhere in my writings, see also http://end-time-issueministries.org/Prayer.aspx.html
- The Bible is NOT the “Word of God” -- NO supernatural attributes
Any belief that ascribes special significance to the Bible such as “the living Word of God and without error” is gross error, idolatry and breaks the Second Commandment “No Idols”.
Ascribing special “magical” or supernatural status to the Bible like standing on it or placing it on one’s head is irrational, foolish and results in any number of wrong beliefs not to mention witchcraft practices.The fact is that the modern English or other language Bible is comprised of human translations of a book compiled by other humans from fragments of material recorded and in many cases repeatedly copied by humans.
- Yah is forced to show up when we exercise Faith for Him to be there
It is important to recognize with regard to supposed supernatural experiences with the Bible that there is a thing that Father refers to as “Force of Faith” whereby if one goes to the Bible with strong faith that one will find Yah there, He is forced to show up (His words) – see the article “Do YOU treat Father Yah like a Performing Seal?” at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/do-you-treat-father-yah-like-performing-seal-james
This phenomenon results in greatly mistaken beliefs about the nature of the Bible.Note also that our brains filter the spiritual impulses we receive from Father when He speaks to us so, if we believe the Bible IS the Word of God, we will hear “my word” when Father actually is trying to communicate to us about “The Bible”.
- Wrong beliefs have turned many from faith in Yah
These wrong beliefs about the Bible have turned many people in this generation against Yah because of the foolish and absurd claims made about the book.These wrong beliefs have also led to a culture of Bible worship which has prevented huge numbers of people developing close relationships with Father as they have pursued Bible school, Bible study and other Bible based activities while ignoring the most important element, relationship with Father.
- Much on the End Time Issue Ministries website
There is much information on the End Time Issue Ministries website, much of it written at times of intense separation and much fasting so I testify with some confidence that it is a valuable and useful resource recognizing that I am human and do make mistakes.Also that my understanding of these matters is constantly evolving and being refined.
Yah says that you should read the contents of this website rather than repeatedly reading the Bible see http://end-time-issueministries.org/ or alternatively http://eti-ministries.org/ (currently slower but with more effective search functionality).
- Fundamentally the issue is RELATIONSHIP with Yah
AND you should be seeking a deep personal relationship with Father BEFORE you spend all your time reading and gaining head knowledge.The ETI website is geared to helping you draw close to Father quickly and to answering MANY questions you may have along the way but it cannot be comprehensive.
Father wants you to draw close to HIM and seek answers from HIM!
ANYTHING or ANYONE who gets in the way of you developing the closest possible relationship with your loving Father in Heaven should be LET GO!That includes association with ANY religious grouping, religious label or whatever.You should first and foremost be a “believer in the Almighty Creator Yah the eternally self-existing”, everything else is fluff and stuff by comparison!
I challenge you to choose this day WHO you will serve and then go ALL OUT to get as close to Father Yah as any person on earth EVER has!
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
23 January 2016

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