2016.01.18 Our World Today -- Chapter 8 -- Where we are today – the choices we each face Created by James on 12/30/2017 7:12:27 AM An overview of the world today and particularly the spiritual state of the world today. There is almost no one hearing Yah and it is up to each believer to lay down their lives and seek to get MUCH closer to Yah than they are right now.
Our World Today -- Chapter 8 -- Where we are today – the choices we each face
Dr James A Robertson
Continuation of the Book.
Consideration of the preceding chapters brings us to consideration of where we are today and the choices we each face with regard to the rest of our lives:
- A watershed
We are at a watershed as extreme as that of Noah, Abraham, Moshe, Yahooshua, Mohammed, Martin Luther, perhaps more extreme – the number of believers is small and most of them are in gross error and deception, refer the article on “The Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah on Earth Today” at https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/demographics-kingdom-yah-earth-today-r-end-time-issue-ministries
- Almost NO record and almost NO person listening
There is almost NO record of the core facts and principles and almost NO person able to hear and record this information.
- Almost NO person who realizes the extent of the problem and the need for change
There is almost NO person who realizes the severity of the situation, let alone who realizes the need for change.
- Almost NO person willing to make the sacrifices and do the hard work
There is almost NO person willing to make the sacrifices and do the HARD WORK to bring about the magnitude of change that is require to prepare the way for Yahooshua to return in victory.
- Are YOU willing to come alongside me?
Are YOU willing to come alongside me and help to bring about this turning around in whatever way you can manage, be that a financial contribution (tithe or offering), be it working on the website to add new content as I create it or anything else that you can think of that you can do to help me with this burden?
- Are YOU prepared to take the baton and run further?
Better still, are YOU prepared to take over the baton from me and run further?
- Yah’s will for YOU today!
I tell you today, without fear of contradiction, that it is Yah’s will for you to come alongside me with a view to taking over and running further in the years ahead.
These is a GREAT work to be done and a GREAT reward to any person who will take up this challenge and successfully drive it through to the next level.
I challenge YOU to do this today!
THAT is Yah’s call for YOU today!
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
23 January 2016

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