2016.02.01 All races ARE descended from Noah Created by James on 3/24/2018 6:28:36 AM All races are descended from Noah, this article explains how this is entirely possible.
All races ARE descended from Noah
Dr James A Robertson
I fairly regularly receive emails with articles about racial issues alleging that it is not possible for all humans alive today to have descended from Noah. This is NOT so, it is very easy for all the tribes today to have descended from Adam and from Noah through a process of selective breeding.
These wrong beliefs fuel some very harsh racial beliefs that are potentially very destructive. This article is intended to debunk these false beliefs.
- Proof of a Global hydraulic and tectonic event {Flood}
Associated with these wrong beliefs are wrong beliefs that the flood of Noah was localized and that various other groups of people from various strange origins survived the flood.This is entirely false, the entire surface of the earth evidences that there was a massive tectonic upheaval associated with water such that around 90% of the surface of the earth comprises rocks that were laid down under water.Mountains such as Everest are the consequence of tectonic movements AFTER the waters drained away.
Key elements of the event that we know of as the flood are:
- Impact by an Ice Comet that knocked the Earth off its vertical axis and out of its circular orbit round the sun;
- this gave rise to massive torsional and shear forces in the surface of the earth resulting in the cracking of the crust of the earth with upwelling of thousands of volcanoes, lava flows, etc;
- the Comet was of the order of 1,000 km in diameter and after fragmenting and melting this resulted in the surface of the Earth being completely covered with water;
- this water circulated around the Earth as massive tidal waves cutting down high points and redepositing the material in a continuous swathe;
- the Earth has a nuclear reaction in its core which keeps the core molten – in the early stages of the Earth this led to internal pressures and expansion such that after the crust was fractured by the Comet impact the Earth expanded causing the waters to drain off the land into what we now call Oceans;
- these plates kept moving and colliding for some time giving rise to all the major mountain ranges that exist today;
- see detailed discussion and detailed videos evidencing the above at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Flood.aspx.html.
- It is NOT possible for Demons or Messengers {Angels} to father human children
Associated wrong beliefs are beliefs that some apparently human beings on Earth today are the offspring of Demons or Messengers {Angels}.
This is entirely false, demons are human spirits without bodies and therefore lack the physical procreative apparatus to father children although they can engage in simulated sexual acts under certain circumstances.
While messengers {angels} can manifest with a human-like body they are entirely different beings and do NOT have the capability to father children.
- Selective breeding – entirely possible
In considering the subject of whether all humans today descend from Noah (and from Adam) it is appropriate to consider that selective breeding, as generally applied in animal and plant breeding can generate massive differences within the same species within a few generations.There is plenty of information on this on the Internet and the subject is well known to anyone who has studied Biology at school so is simply repeated here for completeness.For more information see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_breeding and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetics
Selective breeding involves the following basic steps:
- Select a male and female who show a particular desirable set of characteristics, e.g. larger than average;
- Breed with that pair and, from their offspring select the ones that again demonstrate the desired traits to the greatest extent;
- Repeat until you have a new breed that demonstrates the attributes you consider desirable;
- Measures need to be taken to prevent extreme inbreeding resulting in weakness so the actual process is more complex than described above.
Using this approach animal and plant breeders around the world are constantly developing new specialty breeds which are better in terms of whatever attribute is required.
Consider two pronounced examples:
Large and small dogs all originate from dogs:

Generations of maize from the original on the left to a modern breed:

It is apparent from these examples that selective breeding can explain diversity at levels far greater than occur within ALL human tribes on Earth today.
- Noah’s three sons, different wives and different locations
Thus we see that it is possible that ALL tribes and races today could have originated from Noah, or, for that matter from Adam.
Fact is that Noah’s three sons married women from very different social and cultural backgrounds and so, from the get-go their three families had distinctly different traits.
The three sons moved apart fairly rapidly as there was more than enough space for them to spread out and they did not get on particularly well because of their very different religious beliefs:
- Shem, serving the Mighty One {God} of his father Noah, Yah the eternally self-existing, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, tall, what we would today call European or Middle-Eastern physical appearance;
- Japheth, agnostic, worshipping the work of his hands, shorter, angled eyes, what we would today call Far-Eastern physical appearance (China, Japan, etc);
- Ham, Satanist, worshipping Ancestor Spirits or demons, reasonable stature, became the people we today know as African.
Thus the three families bred separately to a significant extent and preserved and emphasized the different characteristics cited above.
- All races easily achievable in 6,000 / 4,500 years
Consideration of animal and plant breeding in the context of the developments of the last hundred years clearly evidences that ALL recognizable differences between races and tribes could EASILY have come into existence through separated breeding in the time available, 6,000 years from Adam and 4,500years from Noah.
- Possible influence of radioactivity
Note also that because the core of the Earth is radioactive and there were radioactive isotopes present in the volcanic outpourings, lava flows, granite domes and other upwelling’s from the core of the Earth there was a material level of radioactivity present on Earth during and immediately after the Flood and this can also have contributed to differences in tribes through limited levels of mutation in response to radioactive exposure.
Note also that there was a widespread nuclear war between the time of Noah and the time of Abraham so there was opportunity for further radioactive mutation to take place amongst human beings, animals and plants.
It is important to be aware that all dogs originate from a single dog breed, all cats from a single cat breed, etc so the number of animals carried on the survival vessel were MUCH fewer than it would first appear to be necessary.
- Environmental factors such as melanin and spiritual factors
Added to the above factors driving natural selection over the centuries, environmental factors such as level of solar radiation, pressures to survive, etc all had a significant impact.
To illustrate from reference to skin colour:
- A person living close to the Equator does not require much clothing and is constantly exposed to intense sunlight. A person with light skin colour will be much more likely to contract and die from skin cancer than a person with dark skin colour. Result is that irrespective of where one goes close to the Equator the people have dark skin colour because those with light skin colour have died out.
- Contrast this with people living in far Northern climates such as Europe where Melanin is a vital requirement for producing vitamin D which is necessary for health. In this climate a light skin colour results in higher levels of vitamin D production with people with dark skin colour dying out.
There are other factors such as ease of survival, impact of demon activity, etc that further result in different characteristics for different people groups and different locations.
In fact, taking account of all the points above, the variability of races is quite small, relative to what is possible as evidenced by animals and plants!
- A uniform common breed could be generated within 100 years of inbreeding
Turning this around, it is likely that if a carefully controlled sample of human beings representing ALL the major racial groups was placed in a controlled closed environment with strict control over breeding that within 100 years there would be ONE breed of mid-brown complexion human beings with attributes which were an exact mix of all the groups that provided input in the first place.
It is very clear that all the races and tribes on the Earth today have originated from Noah and that there is actually a remarkably limited degree of variation between all the different groups.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
06 February 2016

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