2016.02.07 South African Gold Mines Prove Global Flood Created by James on 3/24/2018 7:39:16 AM The Geology of the Gold Mines of South Africa prove that there has been a global flood
South African Gold Mines Prove Global Flood
Dr James A Robertson

- South African Gold Mines – Proves a Massive Hydraulic and Tectonic Event
The image below is taken from a stope in a Gold Mine in South Africa which could be as deep as over 4 kilometres below the surface.The yellow line indicates the dip of the ore body.
Video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brc4VLnp0Rs
Slides at http://www.slideshare.net/End_Time_Issue_Ministries/02-gold-mines-prove-a-global-flood
The rock mass is derived from sedimentary (water laid) deposits that were originally horizontal and on the surface.
The sand / soil raw material has been compressed by further layers being deposited on top of it to form rock.The originally horizontal layers have been tilted to an angle of approximately thirty degrees and then subject to intense heat which has caused what should be sandstone rock to metamorphose into quartzite, a ceramic form of sandstone.Deposits like this occur on the surface, with Northcliffe, cited above being an example and they extend to depths of over 4 kilometres.
The important conclusions from this reality are that the only way material to this depth and this uniformity could have been deposited was by massive uniform water cutting action that flowed in one direction only.In other words, tidal tsunami’s ripping round the planet on a planet covered in water as indicated by the calculation in the previous section of the depth of water that would cover the planet if an Ice Comet the size of Hellas Planitia were to strike the Earth and melt.
- Quartzite Rock
The image below shows Quartzite rock on top of Northcliffe hill where the glassy ceramic nature of the rock is more evident.It is vital to understand that this huge mass of material was first deposited under water, compressed and subject to intense heat to achieve what you see here.
- Contorted Geology
The Geological map below shows the extremely complex nature of the Geology in the area where the Gold Reserves are found.This is evidence of massive tectonic action on a scale that is very hard to visualize and which can, I submit, ONLY be explained by a global hydraulic and tectonic event.

- Cross Section showing Faulting and further erosion and deposition
The image below shows a cross section through a portion of the Gold Deposits.Notice the bedding of the rock that was originally horizontal but is now tilted to about 30 degrees.
Notice the faulting, the semi-vertical shear lines cutting at roughly right angles to the bedding.Notice that ALL of this is tilted.Then notice that the top of the formation has been cut off horizontally and that further material has been deposited on top of the cut off formation.

Please recognize the scale of this, look at the scale on the right of the diagram, the full width of the diagram is about 150 kilometres.
This could ONLY happen with massive depths of water, with flows in ONE direction and with massive crustal movement and crustal trauma indicative of massive external forces.So we have two distinct mechanisms operating here:
- Massive water forces in a uniform global flood.
- Massive crustal displacements in response to the impact of the Ice Comet disrupting the surface of the planet.
- Schematic of how the horizontal material was tilted
As previously mentioned the up-thrusting of the originally horizontal material was a consequence of the intrusion of the molten mass of Granite rock that became the Halfway House Granite Dome.
The schematic below shows how the intrusion of the dome up-thrust the water-laid sediments and baked them turning the weak sandstone rock into extremely hard quartzite.

The Hillbrow Tower is referenced as an indication of the scale of this, it is 269 metres tall.
Conclusion – South African Gold Mines Evidence a Global Flood
It is important to note that mines all over the world provide similar corroborating evidence of a Global Flood in various ways.
It is important to note the huge depth and extent of the deposits, the fact that they were originally deposited horizontally but are now sloping steeply. Note the massive faulting.
The scale of the deposits can ONLY can only result from deposition in water over a large area then subject to intense pressure and temperature.
All of this begs the questions:
- Where did the material come from?
- How did it this all happen?
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
27 February 2016

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