2016.03.01 Global Flood that Changed the World -- The Halfway House Granite Dome Created by James on 3/24/2018 11:50:54 AM The Halfway House Granite Dome in South Africa and other Granite Domes around the World prove that there was a Global Flood
Global Flood that Changed the World -- The Halfway House Granite Dome
Dr James A Robertson
The Halfway House Granite Dome – Proves a Massive Tectonic Event
We have already seen reference to the Halfway House Granite Dome in previous sections.This chapter explores the lessons we can learn from more detailed consideration of the Dome.
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSwcvIegI1I
Slides http://www.slideshare.net/End_Time_Issue_Ministries/04-the-halfway-house-granite-dome-in-south-africa-as-evidence-of-a-global-flood
- The Earth has a molten rock core
The first thing to understand with regard to the Dome is that the Earth has a molten core:
In considering this it is important to ask how the core REMAINS molten, for millions of years or longer or for a shorter period if what I am postulating here is valid.Either way, the core remains molten today as evidenced by volcanic eruptions that occur on a regular basis.
There is only ONE possible way for the core to remain molten, that is for some mechanism to exist to keep heating it, otherwise by now it would almost certainly have frozen.There is only one way that I know of for this to happen and that is by an ongoing nuclear fusion reaction and we will see a bit later in this chapter that the Granite rock contained radioactive isotopes at the time that it solidified thereby evidencing that the core IS radioactive.
Taking account of this, it is possible to postulate that there is either progressive cooling of the core or progressive warming depending on whether the core is cooling down or getting hotter.Whether this is a driver of so-called “global warming” is material for another discussion.
- Granite domes are everywhere and can be very large
It is important to be aware that Granite domes occur all over the surface of the earth and can be of considerable size.Here are a few examples:
Notice that these domes project above the surface of the Earth and recognize that the rounded shape indicates that these domes were contained by surrounding material when they were formed.That material has, in the above cases, been subsequently eroded away leaving the very hard Granite to stand out.
Our discussion of the Halfway House Granite Dome informs the discussion of how the Domes pictured above came to be formed.
- The surface expression of the Dome on a Geological Map
The image below illustrates the surface expression of the Halfway House Granite Dome on a Geological map of South Africa:
Notice that the dome is represented by the pink coloured area which is roughly circular with the Northcliff Ridge on the Southern side.Notice again how complex the geology is and how fragmented it is, all pointing to massive disruption and massive forces coupled to massive erosion and deposition.
- Geological Section through the Halfway House Granite Dome
Following is a Geological Section through the Halfway House Granite Dome together with an overlay to better illustrate what happened.
The first image is a detailed section of the Dome as it is today:
The second image shows the molten Granite being upthrust and the doming up of the originally horizontal layers:
It is clear from consideration of this image that the sedimentary rocks were flexible at the time they were upthrust because they have conformed to the shape of the dome.
- The crust was thin at the time
Consideration of the number of Domes around the Earth and the number of volcanoes indicates that the Earth’s crust was relatively thin at the time of this event so there was molten rock in vast quantities readily available just under the surface of the Earth.These upwellings also indicate massive pressures and massive instability.
Consider the image below of a “crust” formed by freezing water to form a thin outer crust:
- The Granite contained radio-active isotopes at the time it was formed
Dr Robert Gentry has identified that Granite formations around the earth contain the signature of radioactive isotopes with very short lives.This evidences that the Granite came from a radioactive source, that is that the core of the Earth IS a nuclear reactor.He also evidences that the Granite cooled very rapidly which is consistent with it being upthrust into ice cold sedimentary deposits and ice cold water.
- The sedimentary rock was NOT solid at the time the Dome intruded
We have seen that the Quartzite rock that overlays the dome is vitreous, that is glass-like, extremely hard and, by extension, extremely brittle.The image below, taken at the instant that a ceramic floor tile of similar strength to the Quartzite rock shatters under bending forces, evidences that the dome could NOT have intruded into Quartzite rock, rather the Dome FORMED the Quartzite rock through the intense heat that came from the molten rock as it forced its way upward into the sodden and soft sedimentary materials.
If the rock were already vitrified and sufficiently thick when it was subject to upthrust it would NOT fracture at all.
If the rock had contained cracks at the time it was upthrust then the cracks would have opened up and material would have deposited in the cracks making mining extremely difficult.This has NOT happened.
In order to give rise to the rock forms that actually exist it was necessary for the sedimentary rocks to still be soft and malleable as with the example of window putty below:
- The Granite was subject to further disruption
Examination of the detailed Geological Map of the Halfway House Granite Dome as well as physical on-the-ground inspection indicates that there was further massive disruption including faulting of the dome and intrusion of dykes of other igneous (volcanic) rock after the Dome was formed:
The scale is substantial -- about 50 km diameter at the surface. The vertical displacement of the top of the Dome is at LEAST 7,000 meters (26 Hillbrow Towers). The sedimentary deposits were converted to extremely hard vitreous (ceramic) quartzite. This had to happen quickly before the granite solidified that is “froze”. The disruption of the surface of the earth is staggering.
There is ONLY one possible explanation, a massive tectonic event accompanied by massive water action. This required an external stimulus to initiate the reactions that took place and this can only have happened with an Ice Comet impact or something very similar.
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
05 March 2016
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