2016.03.04 Incised Valley’s – Prove High Speed Water Drainage Consistent with a Global Flood and Continental Separation Created by James on 4/14/2018 10:50:04 AM Incised valley's all over the world graphically demonstrate that there WAS a global flood event
Incised Valley’s – Prove High Speed Water Drainage Consistent with a Global Flood and Continental Separation
Dr. James A Robertson
Adding to the complexity of the Geology and Topography that we are considering the African Erosion Surface is comprehensively intersected by valleys incised into the plane that we discussed in the previous chapter.
Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMDX89_OCUg
Slides http://www.slideshare.net/End_Time_Issue_Ministries/06-incised-valleys-prove-massive-hydraulic-action-consistent-with-a-global-flood
- What the Remaining Surface of the Dome Actually Evidences
So what we find is small streams in wide flat valley’s where the stream does not have the erosive capacity to cut the valley and there are rough rocks in the stream bed evidencing the very limited erosive power of the stream.
The streams could never erode valleys like these, the erosive capacity is far too low, even in flood.They would produce narrow valleys.The streams are not even able to erode the granite rocks in the bottom of the stream bed.
- Gentle rain or stream flow does NOTHING it is all about high velocity water
Low velocity water nurtures plants it does NOT erode however long it flows.Even if it flows for millions of years.
- High velocity water scours out large amounts of material very rapidly
High velocity water erodes rapidly and continues eroding until there is nothing left to erode.
- Erosive Capacity as River Bed Load is Exponentially Related to Water Velocity
The erosive capacity of flowing water increases exponentially with water velocity:
- Plucked Cliff Faces
All over the world we see shear, steep cliff faces with large blocks plucked out of them and ragged rocks remaining.Evidence of dramatic high energy action.High velocity water with massive sucking action is the only possible explanation.
- Plucked Hill Tops
We also see isolated ragged rocks on the tops of hills and mountains where the surrounding material has been plucked out leaving sharp, jagged rocks scattered across the hill top.High velocity water with a sucking action is the only possible explanation.
- Where has all the rock gone?
Over the Halfway House Granite Dome about 600 cubic kilometres of rock and earth have been removed (600 thousand million cubic meters).The river flow is downhill all the way to the low ground of Limpopo province, about 1,000 kilometres distant and over 1,000 metres lower down.This material was all removed through the Hartebeestpoort gorge.ALL the material en route has disappeared as well.Massive high velocity water flows are the only possible mechanical explanation.
- Not glaciers, Not evaporation, Not dissolved
Various people have given various explanations when I have raised these issues but the fact is that the valley shape is NOT consistent with glaciers, see below, and rock does NOT evaporate and does NOT dissolve and IF it did the material left behind would look different.
- Rapid Continental Separation the ONLY Plausible Explanation
The continents fit together.Conventional theory says this took place gradually over millions of years.What if it happened rapidly like all the other events discussed in this document?
This requires massive forces to split the continents and massive forces to overcome inertia and start movement and massive forces to stop the movement.It needs an external force to initiate all of this.
Imagine rapid separation of the continents.What if simultaneously the earth expanded as a consequence of all the surface disruption breaking the crust which would have contracted rapidly as a consequence of rapid cooling?What if several kilometres depth of water drained off the land in a very short space of time – perhaps days or weeks?What if the water flow had the erosive capacity to cause the topography that I have described and the topography in the part of the world where you live?
- A Hypothesis for Continental Splitting or Cracking
The coefficient of thermal expansion of Granite is 6.5 micrometres per metre at 20 degrees Centigrade.The melting point of Granite is 1,700 degrees Centigrade.Cooling from molten to zero degrees would shrink the circumference of the earth by approximately 427 km.BUT the core would NOT shrink.Massive tension and splitting of the crust would result.It is NOT necessary for the cooling to be from 1,700 degrees, much more modest reduction in temperature associated with a flood of ice melt water would be more than sufficient to cause huge tension in the crust.
- Ocean trenches another source of drainage
The Mariana Trench is 11,000 m deep.Seemingly concurrently with continental separation trenches were also formed further draining water off the continents.The volume of the seas is MUCH greater than the volume of the continents (18x).Easy to postulate rapid and dramatic drainage.
Massive forces when the Continents Collided
Having developed rapid motion the continents then continued around the surface of the Earth until the collided with one another giving rise to the Alps, the Himalayas, the Rockies, the Andes, etc.
- Comet impact is consistent with all that has been reported
Impact by a Comet is entirely consistent with what has been reported here.There is a theory that Earth’s axis was once vertical, that the orbit of Sun was originally circular and not elliptical and that a year was originally 360 days.All of these parameters were changed by the comet impact introducing massive forces into the crust of the Earth.
The torsional shear between the crust and the liquid molten core would have been huge and would fully explain the rapid separation of the continents postulated here.
So we see large valleys incised in the dome and elsewhere – all over the earth that are too large to be formed by the streams currently running in those valleys. We see massive plucking of rocks out of cliff faces and tops of hills.
We see that the continents were originally one land mass and that thermal shrinkage of the crust due to rapid cooling associated with inundation of the surface of the earth with ice cold water explains splitting up of the continents.
We see that a massive impact of an ice comet tilting the Earth on its axis, distorting its orbit around the sun and causing massive shear (hysteresis) between crust and core can explain separation of continents and this explains rapid drainage leading to the formation of the valleys and other erosion forms we see all around us.
All this happened rapidly – it is mechanically impossible for it to happen slowly!
May Father bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
27 February 2016
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