2016.03.12 Some points to watch for Created by James on 4/28/2018 12:19:58 PM Response to an email by one in serious error regarding the correct time of day for Easter
Some points to watch for
By Dr James A Robertson
I received the following email in response to my email about "Easter is NOT Passover" -- I am forwarding it together with my response because it is indicative of the sort of errors that are rife within the body of true believers.
Hi James
Yes we are still on track and will never change. Sadly we find that there is tremendous infiltration by the enemy into the Messianic movement. The latest errors put forward, is that the Sabbath starts at 6am on Saturday morning. The second is that the Almighty heavenly Father YHWH is the same as YHWSHY. Not understanding that They are one in Spirit as are husband and wife one in spirit. They now by this belief make YHWH and His Son both liars. Matt 3: 17 “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.” Matt 27: 46 “My El, My El why have You forsaken Me?’ Yesterday there was a Messianic believer who we thought was strong asking on face book how to roast a lamb-shank for Passover this Easter.
We replied that the Passover is next month on the 22nd and we would be remembering the Last supper according to 1 Corinthians 11: 23-31 with washing of feet. On Passover night we would not be eating any lamb as our Saviour is the Lamb nor would we be placing blood on our door post as His blood shed once for all time covers us.
Perhaps we are wrong by other’s standards and do not compromise to gather numbers but take great comfort in His words Matt 18: 20. “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them.” Not 20 or 30, not 200 or 300. Sad as it is “Many are called but few chosen.” We who are not prepared to join the throng will always be few.
Dear ...,
My brother.
Thank you for your detailed email.
I am sad about what you write and write this on the basis that you and I have walked a long road together and I have learned from you on a number of occasions
That said I want to suggest for your consideration that you are off the mark on a number of the points you make, please see replies in thread
I beg you to prayerfully consider what I have to say, it is written after prayerful consideration.
From: ...
Sent: 24 March 2016 05:23
To: List@ETI-Ministries.org
Subject: RE: Easter is NOT Passover
Hi James
Yes we are still on track and will never change. Sadly we find that there is tremendous infiltration by the enemy into the Messianic movement. The latest errors put forward, is that the Sabbath starts at 6am on Saturday morning.
>>> JAR – Father has very clearly said to me that the day begins at sunrise for why would He have created things in such a way as that we begin our lives with night rather than beginning with day, working the day and then resting at night – Father rested on the seventh day NOT the first day – see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Commandments/Chesed%7BLove%7DtheAlmighty/KeepSabbaths/DayBeginsatSunrise.aspx.html and associated pages
>>> I suggest for your consideration that, while this IS important, it is a second order item and NOT something to divide the body over and certainly NOT something that should result in branding others as being subject to demonic infiltration, particularly when, in fact, you are the party in error.
The second is that the Almighty heavenly Father YHWH is the same as YHWSHY.
>>> JAR – I am NOT familiar with YHWSHY I know only “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is salvation” and, again, I am very clear that Father taught me this many years ago, please read http://end-time-issueministries.org/CreatorsNameYahtheEternallySelfExisting.aspx.html
>>> I also know our Father in Heaven as “Yah the eternally self-existing” with “Yahooeh” being the correct translation of “YHWH” – something that you taught me many years ago.
>>> so, again, I am not sure where you are coming from on this and caution against labelling others as demonized, again when, at some level you are in error.
>>> re saying Father Yah is the same as Yahooshua totally agree, a major error, that sadly many succumb too out of Christian teaching
Not understanding that They are one in Spirit as are husband and wife one in spirit.
>>> JAR – absolutely agree
They now by this belief make YHWH and His Son both liars. Matt 3: 17 “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.” Matt 27: 46 “My El, My El why have You forsaken Me?’ Yesterday there was a Messianic believer who we thought was strong asking on face book how to roast a lamb-shank for Passover this Easter.
We replied that the Passover is next month on the 22nd
>>> JAR – agree on these points
and we would be remembering the Last supper according to 1 Corinthians 11: 23-31 with washing of feet. On Passover night we would not be eating any lamb as our Saviour is the Lamb
>>> JAR – I generally eat roast Lamb at Passover and when I complete a fast, Father has never said to me that this is not acceptable, Yahooshua reassigned the lamb to the bread so, IF you are to take your argument literally you should limit yourself to eating bread and never eat lamb – that seems to me to be a dangerous Phariseeism.
>>> Note that Yahooshua ate Passover with his followers and ate Lamb three and a half years after Yahoochanan prophetically assigned Yahooshua to be the lamb of Yah.
>>> Regret that I cannot agree with your reasoning here
nor would we be placing blood on our door post as His blood shed once for all time covers us.
>>> JAR – my dear brother you are in serious error here.
>>> I pray regularly for Father to cover me and those close to me and also my possessions with the blood of the covenant and quite regularly anoint myself and others with grape juice prayed over to represent the blood.
>>> We need this protection constantly, it wears off and we open ourselves to demonic attack if we do NOT apply the blood regularly.
>>> I had this confirmed some years ago by a person who was extremely close to Father and who was constantly in intense warfare against the Satanic and Demonic realm who applied the blood (grape juice) daily, sometimes more frequently.
>>> The grape juice / wine replaces the blood of the sacrifice for convenience and the blood of the sacrifice was to be applied on a regular basis
>>> To say what you say above is serious error
Perhaps we are wrong by other’s standards and do not compromise to gather numbers but take great comfort in His words Matt 18: 20. “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there I am in the midst of them.” Not 20 or 30, not 200 or 300. Sad as it is “Many are called but few chosen.” We who are not prepared to join the throng will always be few.
>>> JAR – ... , my dear brother, your email is riddled with error and PRIDE
>>> I strongly commend my article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” attached together with its companion article in terms of measures to take to get in right standing with Father and to be cleansed of sin.
>>> The only thing that you write about above where you are correct is that Father and Yahooshua are one as in the case of man and woman but then you use language that puts Yahooshua on a pedestal and that puts the Bible on a pedestal and there again you are in error on both counts.
>>> I urge you to go on seven three day fasts at weekly intervals as set out in the attachment and pray the prayers that are set out in the attachment.
>>> Even the fact that you refer to a “Messianic movement” is error.
>>> There is only ONE movement that Father is concerned about and that is those who believe in Him with NO labels whatsoever, anything beyond “I am a believer in the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing” is error and sin! There are true believers in every grouping and massive error in every grouping and we are called to deal with our OWN error, deal with the planks in our OWN eyes.
>>> I commend to you my article “Seek truth NOT error” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/SeekTruth/SeekTruthNOTError.aspx.html and companion articles – also attached
>>> Share the truth you perceive you have but NOT arrogantly or forcibly as you do above.
>>> Focus on learning whatever truth others have and then, IF you consider their error to be intolerable, move on quietly without passing judgment on them and remembering that you are fallible and might just be the one in error.
>>> I have just been through an extremely traumatic experience with a mature believer who Father said was very close to Him but who was in massive error. He turned on me as a rabid dog and caused me huge loss and trauma because he would not accept the truths that I have and Father has implored me to forgive him and move on without seeking judgment (which I am fully entitled to seek) because there are so few who are at any material level seeking to serve Father.
>>> See also my recent article on the Demographics of the Kingdom, attached, to better understand my point.
>>> My dear brother, I fear for your wellbeing, please deal with the pride that has crept into your life, repent and get back on track.
>>> I deeply value your fellowship and hate to see this ugly streak in what you write
Warm regards and blessings,
Your brother in belief,

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