2016.06.09 The British Referendum – What REALLY Happened Created by James on 5/12/2018 6:14:54 AM Intervention by Yah to bring about the vote for Britain to leave the European Union
The British Referendum – What REALLY Happened
Dr James A Robertson
On Thursday 23rd June 2016 the British people voted to leave the European Community. More specifically the English and Welsh people voted to leave and the Scottish and Irish voted to remain with the overall vote being 51.9% to leave versus 48.1 to remain. Does this have any spiritual significance?
Since moving to the UK as a British Citizen in 2013 Father has been progressively showing to me that the British and specifically the English, have, overall been most faithful as a nation in serving Him and been most blessed.
When the ten tribes of Israel from the Northern Kingdom of Israel were sent into exile by Babylon before the birth of Yahooshua {Jesus}, they never returned but progressively migrated North and West until they ended up in Northern Europe becoming the ten nations that ultimately formed the original European Union. Denmark is Dan, Germany is Gad, England is Ephraim, etc. This is approximate because there was a lot of intermingling and cross breeding and many stayed behind on the journey. I am a Levite and come from Scotland.
England, by virtue of the blessings of Ephraim remained most faithful to the Almighty even though their religion was corrupted to a significant extent. Because of this faithfulness England and English have been blessed to an extraordinary extent with the British Empire at one stage extending over a very substantial part of the planet and English continuing today to become the universal language of commerce, industry, academia, etc.
While much of England is apostate and in serious error it remains so that England still has a special place in Father’s heart and, He hopes, a special place in the remaining centuries before the final judgment in around 3003.
For this reason the referendum that just passed was of significant interest to Father.
What happened?
I was planning to vote “remain” – I saw the decision to leave as being a divorce decision and fraught with all the damaging things that happen in a divorce situation. Then, last Sunday I received a link to a lengthy video about why Britain should leave the EU, it was titled “The Movie - Brexit (Exposing EU Corruption and Incompetence” -- http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article44898.htm
This video stressed issues of the non-accountability of the European Parliament and the fact that it was becoming less accountable and that the individual member states were progressively losing their say over their own destiny. I started to rethink my position on remaining.
On Tuesday night (21st June) I got on my knees and asked Father what He wanted me to vote. He said “leave” and explained to me that because of the relative faithfulness of the English people, compared to the rest of Europe, He expected that He would have a better prospect of people in England remaining faithful to the end than in the rest of the World and He therefore wanted to prevent England from becoming more absorbed into Europe as would be the case if we remained in Europe.
I said to Him that it seemed to me that the remain vote would carry and I could not see how leave would win. I had read a newspaper article that afternoon which said that if the weather was bad fewer leave supporters would vote so I said to Father that if He wanted leave to win there would have to be bad weather and He replied “I will see what I can do”. This seemed unlikely as the weather forecast at the beginning of the week had indicated good weather for the Referendum.
The next evening, Wednesday 22nd, the night before the referendum there was a heavy thunderstorm and heavy rain. As heavy as anything I have experienced since moving to the UK. The next morning there was rain, trains were disrupted, this continued through the day with heavy rain in the latter part of the day and further disruption to traffic and trains with flooding in some areas such that in some cases people were unable to vote. London had as much rain in one hour as it normally has for the whole month of June.
I did not think much of it, I went and voted “leave” and did my work and went to bed. The next morning it was announced that Britain and specifically England and Wales had voted to leave although Scotland, Northern Ireland and London had voted to remain.
So Father’s objective was met.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
26 June 2016
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