2016.07.06 All authority and dominion on earth has been given to humans, Yah and Satan are constrained to act through them Created by James on 5/12/2018 10:52:02 AM Yah and Satan are constrained to act through Humans and this seriously limits their ability to act
All authority and dominion on earth has been given to humans, Yah and Satan are constrained to act through them
Dr James A Robertson
One of the huge errors in the thinking of almost all people on earth is that the Almighty Creator (Yah the Eternally Self-Existing) does what He likes on earth and that, by implication, we are all effectively glove puppets that must fit in with Him or be rejected
The fact is that when the Almighty put Adam on Earth He gave ALL authority on Earth to Adam and his children
It is also so that in terms of the rules of engagement Satan is ALSO constrained to operate on earth through human beings, firstly living human beings and secondly the spirits of humans who have died without believing in the Almighty Creator
When Adam submitted to Satan by believing and acting on his lie about eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Adam gave this authority to Satan
After Yahooshua {Jesus}, having live a life without sin, died physically and was immediately resurrected because the curse resulting from Adam's disobedience had NO hold on him, he regained authority on earth
Again many make the mistake of believing that Yahooshua is in charge and running things on Earth
This, too, is NOT so, Yahooshua, having gained authority immediately DELEGATED it to those who followed him and went to sit at the right hand of the Almighty where he is WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool, that is for his enemies, Satan and his servants and followers, to be brought into submission, that Yahooshua also does NOTHING on earth without the sanction of a living man or woman on earth
From the first day of Adam to today and, ongoing through to the end of the age which will be roughly May 3003 EVERYTHING on earth must take place through the words and deeds of human beings alive at the time
Thus, for Father Yah, the Almighty Creator to do ANYTHING on Earth He needs a human being to pray an appropriate prayer so that the Almighty has permission to operate on Earth and do what the Almighty wants to do
This has been even more the case since May 2003 when Satan was cast into The Pit for 1,000 years and the rules of engagement changed such that Father Yah was bound to operate strictly within the terms of the Rules of Engagement
For this reason it is vital for believers to seek to become
1. Filled with the Spirit of the Almighty, that is "Anointed Ones" -- there are currently only about 5,000 people on earth who are sufficiently anointed to make a difference and most of them do not understand the parameters under which they are required to operate and the functions they are required to perform -- this website seeks to inform them and ALL believers of what is truly required of them
2. Wise stewards and Good and Faithful Servants -- people who act responsibly and DO and SAY what the Almighty requires of them in support of His agenda
3. Overcomers -- those who overcome sin in their lives and live lives without sin and in obedience to the commandments of the Almighty, there are only a small number of these people on earth
4. Friends of the Almighty -- people who are in close personal relationship with the Almighty and can pray His will on earth and DO His will on earth -- there are only a handful of such people on earth
The outcome of The Contest will be determined by this small group of people who are "fighting" on behalf of the Almighty, the battle is against sin and the forces of darkness
Satan too is constrained to operate through the human beings who submit to him and seek to serve him and who actively seek to be filled with numerous demons in order to give them the knowledge and authority to act on Satan's behalf
Thus if good or bad happens in your life at some level supernaturally it is as a consequence of YOUR words and deeds OR of the words and / or deeds of some other human being relative to you
As a believer you can pray in the name of Yahooshua for curses to be cut off and IF you are in right standing, that is have dealt with sin in your life, you have the latitude to ask Father in his discretion to return curses to those who have spoken them against you where they understand what they are doing -- you may also request Father to multiply the curses to the extent that He considers appropriate
It is also important to understand that everything that you speak out over yourself and others has power commensurate with your authority with the Almighty or with the Satanic realm
I encourage you, IF you are a believer, to seek to understand these things, seek to be strongly anointed, seek to draw close to Father Yah and seek to make a difference, this will LARGELY be determined by what you pray and then what you DO in response to what you have prayed and what happens to you -- refer to the page on Prayer for guidance
2011.07.03 - Most demons are decent, polite and friendly Many even go to church regularly
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I continue to become increasingly aware that if Yahooshua were to return today nearly the entire population of the earth would spend eternity in the Lake of Fire
I have also become very aware that most of these people are nice, friendly, decent, polite, "GOOD" people, many even go to church regularly.
There is a major mistaken belief that only "bad" people go to hell.
Fact is that only those who keep the Ten Commandments and have at least some level of relationship with Father will go to heaven and the number of people who meet this requirement are very few indeed.
Even most of those who claim to be believers today and who have some level of relationship with Father are largely in for a major shock on the Day of Judgment unless they turn from their sin with regard to the wrong names, wrong Sabbath (Sunday), etc
I have also come to realize that while the tendency is to believe that demons are ugly, violent, etc that, in fact, every person on the planet today has demons at some level and these demons help them to be nice, good, friendly, decent church going people
Do not become complacent in your life and your walk with Yah, draw close to Him, remember the covenant and take the bread and wine regularly, ask Father to show you the level of your current deception and how to correct it on a regular basis and ask Him to judge you severely and correct you harshly on a regular basis
It is vital to understand that "good" is NO guarantee of a favourable outcome on the Day of Judgment, it is compliance with the commandments and relationship with Father that will determine the outcome.
Nearly ALL good people are currently headed for hell!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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2011.04.03 - The REAL battle is between the highly anointed versus the highly illuminated ones
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For reasons I have shared previously I am currently very aware of the level of anointing on people.
I have come to realize that there are a minute number of people on the planet who are anointed at a level that they are making a difference at a material level.
Most people who appropriate the label Christian, which theoretically means "anointed one" have such a minute infilling of the Spirit of Yah and are so far removed from Him that they are not recognizably different from those who do not believe.
A few make noises about being committed believers and loving the Almighty and Yahooshua but most of them do not know what one is talking about when one starts asking questions about their personal experience of the anointing, the supernatural, their relationship with Yah -- most are walking in intellectual head knowledge and even those who are not have mostly had a few isolated experiences and have no eager expectation that they can walk MUCH closer to Yah, hear His voice regularly, experience His guidance constantly, let alone that they might aspire to do the same works Yahooshua did, let alone greater works.
There are a small number walking at this level, a few are raising the dead, turning water into wine, being translated, walking so closely with Yah that He guides their every step, going where He sends them to do what He sends them to do, so full of His Spirit that they can go with almost no sleep and not be weary, experience supernatural wisdom, just "know" the answer to questions they have never heard before, etc, etc
If you have not read the Gospels and Acts and imagined that YOU are Yahooshua or Shaul {Paul} or Peter you may well not even understand what I am talking about here.
In 1993 Father Yah told me to read the Gospels as though I WAS Yahooshua!
It gives you a very different perspective!
You may say that is sacriledge but it is not, Yahooshua SAID that we would do GREATER works than He did.
In 1994 Father so filled me with His Spirit that for a few hours I experienced what it was to walk under a comparable anointing to that which Yahooshua operated under.
Until you have had that experience you have NO IDEA of the power that is available to YOU and what Father is EXPECTING you to walk in!
There ARE a small number of people who ARE walking under powerful annointings but for the most part the rest of the believers are worshipping them instead of following their example and seeking to emulate them or go further than them
Father says that the greatest sustained anointing on earth today is about half the level of anointing that was upon Yahooshua and virtually no one aspires to that level of anointing let alone the level of anointing that was upon Yahooshua.
It is only this small number of highly anointed ones, about 100,000 worldwide, who are having ANY impact whatsoever on the direction the world is taking and only 5% of these, that is 5,000, who are materially impacting the world for Yah. The rest are in their comfort zone at at a material level serving Satan more than they are serving Yah.
So, it is the prayers of those 5,000, the words of those 5,000, the deeds of those 5,000 that are shaping the world today for the Kingdom of Yah.
Then, the interesting part, there are roughly equivalent statistics for the kingdom of Satan on earth. About 100,000 illuminated (that is filled with (possessed by) demons at a material level comparable to the anointed ones mentioned above. The rest are as luke warm and insipid (Father's word) as the believers mentioned above.
And there are about 5,000 of these illuminated ones who are materially impacting the world, but they are BETTER ORGANIZED and better advertised than the 5,000 serving Father. These are the dedicated witches, warlocks, Free Masons, etc who really go all out for Satan, the one's who regularly make human sacrifices, drink human blood, speak out curses, murder anointed ones, hijack businesses and governments, etc.
It is the actions of these two groups that will determine the future of all mankind in the years to come -- will the anointed one's pull together and fight together and deal with all the lies they believe or will the illuminated one's triumph because of their greater discipline and greater commitment to evil and lies.
As much as Christians say "read the back of the book WE win" they are terribly deluded, the one's who win are the one's who overcome to the end and if you study the characteristics of those who overcome to the end you will find that if Yahooshua were to return today, which means the Day of Judgment were to come today, virtually no one on the planet, including some of the highly anointed ones would escape the lake of fire and brimstone which is the second death.
If YOU think you are guaranteed a place in heaven, I have to tell you that that deception on its own will breed a level of complacency that will almost certainly guarantee you a place in the lake of fire and brimstone UNLESS you get real about what is written and clean up your act!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
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May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
14 July 2016

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