2016.07.08 Count it ALL Joy when you fall into diverse trials Created by James on 5/12/2018 11:15:49 AM One should count it a source of joy when the forces of darkness mount opposition to you, for it means you are becoming effective as a servant of Yah
“Count it ALL Joy when you fall into diverse trials”
Dr James A Robertson
What does this saying mean?
How does it work?
- The Forces of Darkness are taking you seriously
If you are a believer and you suffer loss and attack, it evidences that the Forces of Darkness count you as a threat and an adversary worthy of their attention – rejoice because you are doing something right!Note that this message applies ONLY to believers, if you are NOT a believer you are subject to a different set of criteria.
- If you are NOT a threat they will ignore you
Note that if you are NOT in any way a threat to the Forces of Darkness they will ignore you and you will prosper and most of the time be in health as is the case with the vast majority of so-called believers today who have close to non-existent relationships with Father Yah and who are doing close to nothing to defeat the forces of darkness.
- Sin gives rise to Judgment
HOWEVER, the Forces of Darkness can ONLY succeed in their attacks IF you have sin in your life – if you have NO sin whatsoever they cannot touch you.
- Judgment in This Life
How so?
Read the articles on “Judgment in this life” at
http://end-time-issueministries.org/JudgmentTHISLife.aspx.html -- if you have sin or error in your life a representative of the Forces of Darkness (the Satanic realm) goes before the Court of Heaven, reads out the charges against you and requests a sentence.
- Extenuating Circumstances
If you are a young believer or there are extenuating circumstances, Yahooshua, our advocate, MAY request clemency or a reduced sentence, else sentence is passed.
- Forces of Darkness Execute Judgment
The Forces of Darkness execute the Judgment which may go all the way to a death sentence.If you are close to Yah He may make a way for you to escape that death sentence.
- It takes years to reach ZERO SIN
IF you have ZERO sin and ZERO error in your life the Forces of Darkness cannot touch you BUT it will take years of dedicated effort coupled to repeated fasts to reach this position, see the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” at
http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html to learn what is required to reach this position.
- Count it ALL JOY that you warrant attention
So, while you are on the journey to a life ABOVE SIN count it all joy that the Forces of Darkness count you to be enough of a threat to mobilize their forces against you.Note that there is NO guarantee you will ever reach zero sin, few do (and few really try), you will need to be seriously committed to serving Yah to reach this place.
- Temptation
Note that the Forces of Darkness will also seek to trip you up in every possible way by bringing temptation to you in diverse forms – for example lies about Yahooshua, lies about the Bible, lies about the Torah, lies about the Quran, etc.
- Divided House
In the lives of most believers the sexual covenant union we call marriage is frequently associated with a divided house and this is a sin which opens many believing families up to attack, judgment and loss.It is vital to reach a point where there is ZERO division in your marriage, if one partner is NOT committed to this objective then a time will come where divorce is required of you.
IF you overcome to the end you will qualify to sit on a throne in Heaven for Eternity and IF you really press in and draw really close to Father you can become His Friend and qualify for the highest rank and one of the highest thrones in Heaven alongside Yahooshua, Noah, Abraham, Moshe, Mohammed, etc. I encourage you to GO for this objective, that is what we were created for.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
17 July 2016

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