2016.07.09 Satan rules the world through the leadership of Demonic Masterminds and human Satan Servants Created by James on 5/12/2018 11:30:51 AM Satan rules the Earth today through a group of Demonic Strongmen known as the MasterMinds. This necessitates that believers are cautious about what they say and do
Satan rules the world through the leadership of Demonic Masterminds and human Satan Servants
Dr James A Robertson
On the previous page it was explained that Satan is forced to operate through human beings
It is vital to understand that Satan is a messenger {angel} and has NO MORE intellectual capability than a human being
Satan and his followers seek to counterfeit the Almighty through an interesting and effective model
When an unbeliever dies, they die as a servant of Satan, therefore they have NO right to enter Heaven and they remain on Earth as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon
Their rank in the Satanic and Demonic realm is determined by their service to Satan
There is therefore a similar ranking of Satan Servants to the ranking of Believers in the Almighty Creator
Of most significance in this situation are the Demonic Masterminds, who are the leaders and, in large measure the brains, behind the Satanic forces in the battle against Yah, the Creator
These Masterminds were nearly all amongst the first UNbelievers BEFORE the Flood and they survived the Flood riding on Ham, the son of Noah
These Masterminds deceived people to worship them and gained power and authority through this worship
The Masterminds include Baal, Molech, Malak, Ashteroth, etc -- many are mentioned in the historical writings compiled in the book known as "The Bible" and in other historical writings, they have constantly deceived the masses since very early on in the Contest
More recent Masterminds include demons named Jesus, God and The LORD who, from the time that Yah withdrew grace for these blasphemous names on 1 January 2001 have been increasingly receiving the praise given to Jesus, God and The LORD in lieu of the correct names Yahooshua, the Almighty and Yah the Eternally Self-Existing -- these new Masterminds are rapidly gaining power, authority and influence and are increasingly delivering sophisticated counterfeit miracles, anointings and appearances
Over the years the Masterminds have refined and revised the Satanic agenda geared to ensuring that there is NO believer in Right Standing with the Creator, firstly in 2003 when Satan was cast into the Pit (they missed this goal by one man), now their goal is to prevent there being one believer in right standing in around May 3003 to call for the return of Yahooshua
IF they succeed they will rule on earth with Satan for eternity, if they fail they, Satan and all other Satan servants will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where, in a moment of terror and torment, they will be utterly destroyed and cease to exist
In this Contest the Masterminds each have a dedicated messenger {angel} who transports them around the world
They operate very much according to human practise, they are, after all, human
So they have conferences, they send demons on courses to learn better how to do the things of the Satanic realm, the latest lies and machinations, the thoughts to speak to their hosts, how to counterfeit the things of Yah, how to simulate the anointing of the Spirit of Yah, the latest overall strategic direction of the Satanic forces, etc
But they, too, can ONLY operate on earth through the offices of live human beings, Satanists, Witches, Warlocks, Wizzards, high order Free Masons, etc -- unbelievers who have been powerfully filled with demons, whose lives are dedicated to serving Satan and the Masterminds, who actively do things, like human sacrifices, drinking human blood and other deeds that are abominations in the sight of the Almighty, in order to prove their allegiance to Satan and his leaders and thereby gain power and authority
These are the people who give the verbal instructions, pray the Satanic prayers, practice the rituals and rites of the Satanic realm in order to strengthen the Satanic realm and do the will of Satan and the Masterminds, they are all around us and, without them the Satanic realm is powerless, be aware of who you deal with and who you talk to, there are some people that you should avoid!
The success or failure of their efforts in YOUR life will be determined by the extent to which you turn to the Almighty, seek His will, deal with sin in your life, pray and DO His will, etc
The outcome of the battle is up to all who believe
What will YOU do about it?
NEXT SECTION: Satan to the Pit in 2003 >>>
What Yah Said:
Yah re Masterminds -- 8 August 2014
"There is a council of the Masterminds global government that tracks and reports on all significant believers and particularly those with visible anointing"
Yah regarding Demonic and Satanic attacks on believers -- 13 August 2014
"Demons are humans without bodies and therefore reliant on others for transport. They have the same limitations and abilities humans have with the caveat that the more senior demons HAVE learned the full extent of what can be done and have messengers to help them"
Yah regarding demons -- 14 August 2014
"As the number of demons has increased exponentially the ability of the forces of darkness to counterfeit my things has also increased dramatically"
Yah re the Masterminds -- 22 August 2014
"The Masterminds and Satan closed ranks very effectively after the death of Yahooshua {Jesus} to corrupt and conceal the truth about what had happened"
"The Governing Council of the Masterminds is here in London"
Yah re the wrong beliefs regarding Yahooshua -- 24 August 2014
"Yahooshua is as upset as I (Yah) am by the way the Masterminds have totally corrupted Yahooshua's achievements and tricked men into worshipping him"
Yah re understanding this life -- 26 August 2014
"It is NOT possible for a human being to have a realistic understanding of this life without knowing about the existence of ancestor spirits and, in particular, the Masterminds"
Yah re the abominable acts of senior Satan servants -- 18 September 2014
"The reason senior Satan servants commit abominable acts is to demonstrate their utter rejection of me (Yah) and ALL I stand for in order to win the approval of their masters who then allocate more powerful demons and messengers to serve them"
Yah re the anger of Ancestor Spirits -- 27 September 2014
"Inherently most ancestor spirits are angry at being deceived and robbed of their inheritance (they are shown Heaven as well as the Lake of Fire and Brimstone when they die) and the majority turn that anger into determination to make sure that others are robbed also. A minority withdraw and try NOT to contribute to others falling -- these are are amongst those in the Kingdom of the White Witches"
Yah re futile evangelism -- 14 October 2014
"One of the most effective ploys of the forces of darkness is to send enthusiastic and fervent believers to do missionary work with Ham and Japeth (Africa and Far East Asia) where they will produce almost NO results"
Yah re Zeus and Jesus -- 15 October 2014
"Zeus was the ruling Mastermind in and around Greece 2,000 years ago, he has subsequently changed his name to Jesus and is one of the most powerful Masterminds on earth today!"
Yah re Satanic miracles -- 19 October 2014
"The Masterminds are able to bring about apparent miracles and supernatural happenings by deploying large numbers of messengers and ancestor spirits to work together to make things happen and they have NO qualms about disrupting peoples lives in order to achieve their objectives. Most humans are extremely gullible when it comes to the supernatural very readily believing events are from me and constitute a sign of approval from me even when I have NOTHING to do with the event!"
Yah re languages spoken by the Masterminds -- 22 October 2014
"The Masterminds all speak the original language which is effectively Hebrew because that is what they spoke when they lived and all speak English because they have been headquartered in the UK for a long time. Plus they speak other languages depending on their interests, for example Jesus, formerly known as Zeus, speaks Greek"
Yah re deployment of demons -- 17 January 2015
"Demons have NO say over the hosts that they are allocated to by those higher up in the Satanic and Demonic hierarchies, their controllers."
Yah re demonic sexual pleasure -- 17 January 2015
"Demons participate in some measure in the sexual experience of their hosts."
2013.09.10 - The Confrontation a Rejected Person Experiences when they DIE
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Over the years I have vaguely wondered about the statement made by Yahooshua that “today you will be with me in Paradise” contrasted with the reality of demons and the manifestation of demon worship in ancestor worship
I have also read of and heard of people who have been taken into heaven on death and returned. I have even spoken to one of those people
I have also read of people who have experienced a rush to hell on leaving their bodies
For some years now I have understood that when primitive people engage in ancestor worship they REALLY are communing with their ancestors in the form of the spirits of people who have died which have become demons because they did NOT have a relationship with Yah
I have also vaguely wondered about the reality that all demons, that is all ancestor spirits, seem to operate in concert to bring about deception, death and destruction
I few days ago it came to me that when a person dies who has no knowledge of Yah or who has been rejected by Yah (Hebrews 10) they have an experience in which they are informed that the book of their life is closed, that they have NO hope of spending eternity with Yah and that their ONLY hope of avoiding destruction is to turn the entire population of earth against Yah such that there is no one in right standing with Yah when Yahooshua is due to return and therefore there is NO human being in a position to call on Yahooshua to return
Their reward IF the forces of darkness succeed will depend on how zealously and how effectively they have pursued this objective
Should this happen Yahooshua will NOT return, Satan, having been released from the Pit will then face Yah and declare that he has won the battle to control mankind and therefore will claim earth for him and his followers (messengers and demons – i.e. rejected human beings) for eternity
Since this first came to me I have given it quite a bit of thought and, before writing this, turned to Yah for confirmation to be told that this is “approximately right”
Demons therefore bring all their knowledge, experience and intellect to bear to turn living humans to sin and deception in the hope that before Yahooshua is scheduled to return they will turn ALL humans to a point that there is no man or woman free of sin that can call Yahooshua down to bring judgment on the earth
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
20 July 2016

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