2016.07.10 Relationship versus Religion Created by James on 5/17/2018 6:13:03 AM
What counts is having a deep personal relationship with the Almighty rather than belonging to some relgious grouping that follows other human beings
Relationship versus Religion
Dr James A Robertson
In recent months I have been increasingly troubled by the number of sincere people who are apparently seeking the Almighty and seeking to do His will but are dangerously off the mark. This ranges from severely deluded Christians who have built totally false doctrines off misunderstanding the Bible to Islamic fundamentalists who are actively killing those they perceive to be against the Almighty. Both groups and everyone in-between are operating off a base of religion and religious head knowledge as opposed to operating off a base of deep relationship with Father. This can be summarized as follows:
- Relationship requires deep worship and hearing
Relationship requires deep worship.It requires a deep seeking to KNOW Father Yah, deep seeking after truth, putting Yah first, deep willingness to learn and change, deep desire to please Father, fear of judgment.This is coupled with regular fasting seeking to HEAR Yah clearly, to KNOW His will and to do it, to please Him.Virtually no one on Earth today is REALLY doing this.See the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html and the guidelines for getting to this spiritual state in the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html
- Religion is based on head knowledge
Religion is driven by head knowledge of the teachings of men, head knowledge of the Bible / Torah / Quran, intellectual assent, academic pride in knowledge, attachment to the doctrines (teachings) of other humans, little or NO relationship with Father, deep error, no fear of judgment and willingness to judge others through their error.
- Relationship desires the best for Yah
Fundamentally a person in relationship desires the best for the person (Yah – the Almighty Creator) that they are in relationship with and seeks to please them and bring them joy.This requires self-sacrifice and willingness to change!
- Religion is based on pride in knowledge
Fundamentally a person in religion is proud of what they think they know, has an academic knowledge based on the teaching of others, is harsh and abrasive in their attempts to force their wrong beliefs on others.Passes judgment on those who believe differently and seldom if ever consider the possibility that they could be in error – they seek error in others rather than seeking truth that they lack.
- Relationship understands that few KNOW Yah
A person in relationship with Father Yah has, at some level, come to terms with the harsh reality that few people agree with them, let alone understand them because very few people TRULY know Yah and have a relationship with Him.
- Religion is based on what people think and believe
A person in religion sets great store on being part of a group of people who all agree regarding a range of core issues and they attach value to these beliefs as being from Yah.
- Relationship with Yah hinders relationship with humans
It is very difficult for a person in deep relationship with Yah to be in deep relationship with a significant number of human beings because of the level of error in the world today.
- Human kind has moved progressively more and more into religion and away from relationship
Fundamentally over recent millennia and centuries human kind has moved more and more away from relationship and more or more into religion such that today there are very few in relationship.
- The “sacred” writings are about people with relationship and therefore misunderstood
Since the Bible, Torah and Quran are fundamentally comprised of writings about people in relationship, these books are meaningless and irrelevant to people in religion – the Almighty Creator can ONLY be understood by being in deep personal relationship with Him!
The distinction between religion and relationship explains how a man can drive a truck into crowds of people and believe he is serving the Almighty Creator (Allah – being the Arabic for Almighty), it is also behind the gross errors of the Christian religion, the Jewish religion and the Muslim religion – in all three religions there are a minute number of people who have relationships with our Father in Heaven and a massive number of people who operate off a base of intellectual knowledge and academic belief instilled by other human beings.The ONLY way you will come into deep personal relationship with Father Yah is to seek Him DIRECTLY and PERSONALLY!
I commend the two articles cited above for your serious consideration IF you fear judgment and desire to please the Almighty Creator and come into deep personal relationship with Him!
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
24 July 2016

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