2016.07.13 Why are the Muslims so ANGRY? Created by James on 5/17/2018 7:30:43 AM Massive attrocities have been committed by Christian people against Muslim people and this is fueling the violence between the two religions and the cultures that embrace them -- disturbing information
Why are the Muslims so ANGRY?
Dr James A Robertson
Some days ago, in response to various atrocities reportedly carried out by Muslim people I asked Father what was going on.
My experience of Muslim people has been for the most part that they are gentle people who fear the Almighty. Father has said that there are more true believers in Islam than in any other religious grouping. I was trying to understand how that context correlated with a man driving a truck into a crowd killing dozens of people, a man flying an aircraft into a mountain, suicide bombers, etc.
A few days later, completely unsolicited from an email address I did not recognize, faircivillaw@gmail.com I received an email which started out as follows:
Why are the Muslims so ANGRY?
4500 TONS of illegal DEPLETED URANIUM bombed on the Middle East by …
Middle East polluted with Nuclear waste forever.
Cancer and deformed babies by the thousands.
DEPLETED URANIUM caused Cancer cannot be cured.
John Pilger - Paying the Price - Killing the Children of Iraq [2000]
This video provides graphic evidence of the claims made above. Evidence that could not be manufactured and that evidences that the USA, UK and others have waged war in a frightful and disturbing manner.
In considering this video I did so within the context of the revelation that I was given by the Almighty in 2009 that the destruction of the World Trade Centre was an orchestrated event involving controlled demolition that was perpetrated by insiders in the US Government in order to create a pretext for war in the Middle East see:
This war has been against fundamentally Muslim people and has been waged by fundamentally Christian people.
Over the years I have come to understand that this war is fundamentally demonically inspired as the children of Isaac, son of Abraham, war with the children of Ishmael, son of Abraham, refer Genesis 16 and 21. The children of Isaac include all the West European peoples and therefore the USA, all are descended from the people of Israel who went into exile from the Northern Kingdom of Israel (1 Chronicles 5). They subsequently migrated North, West and East to form the people of Russia, other European nations and, most importantly, the 10 nations of the original European Common Market specifically Germany is descended from Gad, Denmark is descended from Dan and England is descended from Ephraim. The Ephraimites were particularly blessed and this gave rise to the British Empire and persists today with English becoming the language of commerce globally.
The children of Ishmael comprise all the people of the Middle East other than Israel and particularly the Arab nations and, because the Almighty spoke through Mohammed who was an Arab, all the Muslim people.
There are all sorts of complications in this situation but the simple bottom line is that the above video evidences that the Christian nations, under the leadership of the United States of America, on a false pretext have waged war in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere using methods that have devastated those nations and, most importantly, alienated a huge number of Muslim people. Some of these people have been angered to the extent of taking action independently and individually in a way that is not collectively possible given the imbalance in the war making capability of the USA versus the other nations involved in this situation.
That is about all I can say on this situation – be aware that things are NOT as they seem to be, just as with 911 things were NOT as they were presented to be.
All you can do is pray appropriately for the will of the Almighty to be done in this situation and make sure that you are NOT passing unrighteous judgments in the situation thereby sinning.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
30 July 2016
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