2016.08.01 Prayer Created by James on 5/17/2018 7:52:24 AM Discussion of key principles with regard to prayer and different types of prayer
Dr James A Robertson
The Almighty says:
"Effective prayer relies on the right heart attitude and the right words"
Prayer is petition to the Court of Heaven
There are prayers that are EXTREMELY powerful and prayers that are of some value and the vast majority of prayers are meaningless or presumptuous or so wrong that they are sinful and can open the door for demonic occupation
This section presents some prayers that I have found particularly valuable
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Important Prayers
The Most Important Prayers
2011.04.29 - Important directional and defensive prayers
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I received an email this morning from one of the people on the list who, amongst other things, asked me what I meant by "Defensive Prayers".
In response I have prepared a collection of the prayers that I seek to pray regularly that I believe are valuable in drawing close to Daddy Yah and to doing His will in one's life.
Following are a selection of directional and defensive prayers that I have found to be powerful and effective.
You might like to consider praying all of these on a regular basis.
Father Yah, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua,
I confess that I have sinned by … (list any sin that comes to mind), I ask you to forgive me in the name of Yahooshua.
I ask you to teach me your ways;
I ask you to lead me into all truth;
I ask you to lead me that I may live a life pleasing to you;
I ask that you may help me that I may overcome to the end;
I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it.
I ask you to bring people into my life who can teach me and lead me.
I ask you to take the people you do not want in my life out of my life and bring the people that you do want in my life into my life.
I ask you to speak to me through people, books, magazines, newspapers, TV, radio, email, websites on in any other way that I am able to hear you in order to come to a deep personal relationship with you.
I ask you to teach me to worship you deeply and draw close to you and be totally filled with and controlled by your Spirit.
I ask you to strip off the old things and create new things in my life.
I ask you to open the doors in my life that you want opened and to close the doors that you want closed.
I ask you to bring the people you want into my life and take the people you do not want in my life out.
I ask that you will lead me that I die to self and the things of the flesh, that my old self is put to death with Yahooshua that you may fill me and live through me.
I ask you to fill me to overflowing with your Spirit and to help me to deal with all issues in my life that are standing between me and the full measure of anointing that you desire me to have.
I ask you to teach me to wear your whole armour, the belt of truth, the surefooted shoes of the goodnews of peace, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation and the shield of faith and I ask you to teach me to wield the sword of your Spirit which is your commandments and to teach me to pray in the spirit at all times without ceasing.
I ask you to cover me, my family with the blood of the covenant from the tops of our heads to the soles of our feet.
I ask you to cover my dwelling with the blood of the covenant, the floors, the ceilings, the roofs, the walls, the windows, the window frames, the doorposts and the lintels with the blood of the covenant.
I ask that you cover all that I own and have beneficial use of with the blood of the covenant.
I ask that your messengers {angels} encamp around me to protect me, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and that every tongue that rises against me shall be refuted.
I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me and against my family.
I ask you for wisdom in all that I do.
I ask you for favour in all that I do.
Help me to be effective in the war against the Satanic and demonic powers of this earth.
Father, I ask you to give me utterance in prayer to pray whatever it is you want into my life.
I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly every day for the rest of my life.
I give my life totally to you to do what you please for you have today saved me from a certain terrible death of eternal torment and affliction.
Over all food – Father I thank you for this food and ask you to sanctify it to my body and bless the hands that prepared it in the name of Yahooshua.
I pray all of this in the name of Yahooshua.
I love you Daddy Yah.
I encourage you to pull out all the stops and go ALL OUT to serve Yah and pray these prayers DAILY
Rehearse the covenant with the bread and wine DAILY
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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Prayer is petition to the Court of Heaven
There are prayers that are EXTREMELY powerful and prayers that are of some value and the vast majority of prayers are meaningless or presumptuous or so wrong that they are sinful and can open the door for demonic occupation
This section presents some prayers that I have found particularly valuable
2012.10.01 - Important Prayers
Yesterday I was talking about the matters of Yah with two believers at one of my clients
I mentioned that the single most important prayer that one could pray and the one prayer I would chose if I was limited to praying only one prayer for the rest of my life was "Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly"
Thereafter I prayed
"Show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it
"Bring the people You want into my life and take the people You do not want in my life out
"Open the doors You want open in my life and close the doors You want closed
All the above to be prayed to Father Yah in the name of Yahooshua {Jesus}
My client subsequently sms'd me for the words above and, having emailed him, I thought that those on the list might find these prayers of value
In my email I further said
Only pray this if you are sincere and willing to make the adjustments that you find yourself needing to make
One must be sensitive to the leading of the Spirit of The Almighty and be obedient to His leading
Once one has prayed this, every time something “goes wrong”, you need to go before Father and ask Him what you are doing wrong and make the necessary course corrections, repent, etc
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you
2012.10.02 - Prayers
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Following on from the previous article about Important Prayers, this article discusses prayer as I have come to understand it over 19 and a half years of intensely seeking to walk with our Father in Heaven – Yah* the eternally self-existing {The LORD}.
All prayers should be prayed to Father Yah in the name of Yahooshua* {Jesus}.
Most of the prayers below should be prayed regularly, even daily.
1. Prayer is petition to the Court of Heaven
A petition to a court is called a “prayer” – thus a “prayer” is a petition to the Court of Heaven, that is to Yah Himself as the Judge of All the Earth – you should NOT pray to Yahooshua.
2. NOT prescription, NOT demand
Prayer should be humble, it is NOT prescriptive, presumptuous or demanding.
Many mistake prayer in faith for presumption.
The most effective prayer is with a broken spirit and a contrite heart but this is ONLY possible when the Spirit moves on you to pray in this manner – one short prayer in this heart attitude, inspired by His Spirit can achieve major breakthroughs and movements.
3. Yah can ONLY move on earth through the prayers of believers
It is vital to recognize that Yah gave ALL authority on earth to Adam who then proceeded to give it to Satan. Yahooshua regained this authority but immediately handed it over to those who followed him.
Thus Yah can do NOTHING on earth save that a son or daughter of Adam FIRST prays that thing into existence in the name of king Yahooshua.
Thus, IF you are truly in tune with Yah you may find yourself praying some remarkable and even unsettling things.
Expecting Yah to do something in your life if you have NOT first requested it and given Him permission is futile.
4. Short and to the point is frequently most effective
Yahooshua spoke against praying with many words – pray concise and to the point prayers – lengthy prayers prayed with your understanding are likely to get in the way of Yah NOT help Him – He needs crisp clear prayers that give Him maximum room to act.
The prayers in this document accord with this recommendation and collectively represent a very powerful and effective set of prayers that I have prayed with greater or lesser regularity, mostly for over a decade to significant effect.
Frankly, if you are NOT praying most of these prayers regularly you are unlikely to be really serving Yah in any meaningful manner.
5. Give yourself and your life over to Yah – seek His direction
One of the most important decisions that one can make as a believer is to recognize that one knows so little and understands so little that prayers prayed with your understanding and a life lived according to your understanding are likely to be at best futile and at worst highly destructive.
Once you have reached this realization the next thing to do is to understand that the best solution is to ask Yah to take charge of your life and give you direction by His Spirit.
When I pray to Yah formally, usually at the end of the day before going to sleep, I generally open:
“Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua, I thank you for this day and for your Love and your Mercy and your Grace”
“I ask you for Wisdom and Understanding in ALL that I do”
I see the above as foundational for day to day living – I started praying for Wisdom and not much else when I was about 13 years old and prayed for Wisdom just about every night till I was about 40 – through this Yah has given me great insight in many areas.
In terms of seeking direction, perhaps the most important, and most challenging prayer is:
“Judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly”
this may seem like an alarming prayer but, provided it is prefaced by reference to Father’s Love, Mercy and Grace as above He will moderate His judgments within your capacity to cope with them.
Remember, He is your Father, He loves you, He wants the best for you.
Praying for His judgment is the SAFEST thing you can do.
Trust Him totally.
Remember, if you are NOT judged in this life you WILL be judged on the Day of Judgment – rather be judged now while there is still time to course correct.
Be sensitive to things happening and then seek Him to know why you have been judged and how to correct.
Judgments can be very small or they can be major, such as a motor accident or near accident – no matter what it is, if something goes wrong and you have prayed for judgment, get on your KNEES and ask Him to show you what you have done wrong, repent, course correct and get back on track.
If you will do this on a consistent basis you will find that after a few years the way you are living your life has changed drastically.
Regarding your doctrine:
“show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”
be prepared for much and possibly most of what you believe to be turned on its head.
If you are REALLY serious about seeking truth:
“lead me into ALL truth”
Go on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days and constantly petition Yah to lead you into truth and correct your error – refer to the article on Drawing Close to Yah.
If you are really focused on the reality of judgment at the end of your life and the possibility of ending up either in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where you will be consumed by fire in agony for your sins or sitting on a High Throne with Yahooshua for eternity you can pray:
“please guide me that I may be found to be a ‘good and faithful servant’ on the Day of Judgment”
This is perhaps the most important foundational prayer, another is:
“please help me to overcome to the end that I may sit on a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity”
Other directional prayers that are important and should be prayed regularly:
“bring the people you want into my life and take the people you want out”
be prepared for all sorts of people to leave your life, in the year after I first prayed this prayer Yah took a number of my staff, one of my business partners and my wife out.
Recognize that in some situations YOU will need to act – Yah will show you that there is a problem and that the person is not suitable to have in your life but you may have to take action, such as divorce, dismissal, etc. Only do this ONCE you have prayed repeatedly for confirmation and guidance. Other times, Yah may arrange things that the other person takes themselves out and show you in the process why they are leaving. This can be quite shocking at first so do NOT pray this unless you are willing to live with the consequences.
That said, if Yah does NOT want someone in your life then, no matter how hard it is, you NEED them out – He knows much better than you do what is best.
Other directional prayers:
“lead me by Your Spirit every second of every day”
“help me to accurately discern the leading of Your Spirit and be instantly obedient”
“help me to see what you want me to see and nothing else”
“help me to hear what you want me to hear and nothing else”
“help me to think what you want me to think and nothing else”
“help me to speak what you want me to speak and nothing else”
“help me to write and contract (with my hand) what you want me to write and contract and nothing else”
“help me to walk (go with my feet) where you want me to walk and nowhere else”
“lead me in every possible way”
“speak to me through whatever medium I am able to hear you through, books, magazines, newspapers, emails, radio, TV, recordings, emails, websites or any other medium”
“where necessary send people or messengers {angels} across my path to speak to me”
in all of the above it is up to you to be sensitive and discern that Yah is answering your prayers.
He will NOT steam roller you into anything or force your hand. If you do NOT want to listen or for some reason are unable to listen He will NOT force you – it is up to YOU to be sensitive and obedient and seek clarification, confirmation and further guidance as you grow in relationship with Him.
Do NOT ask for Yah to send other people to you UNLESS you are willing to be obedient to what He says, failing this you will open yourself up to judgment. It is a major logistical exercise in most cases for Yah to arrange the life of another person to meet up with you – when it happens be appropriately grateful to Yah and be attentive to what Yah has to say to you through that person.
As a spokesman {prophet} of Yah I am constantly disappointed by the extent to which people, when confronted with a spokesperson {prophet}, take what that person says lightly and frequently go out and do exactly the opposite of what Yah has said.
6. Provision and protection
There are a range of important prayers for provision and protection, the exact wording may vary depending on the extent to which you have faith for these things:
“I thank You that You are my Healer, my Deliverer, my Saviour”
“I thank you that You supply ALL my needs according to Your riches in glory by the anointing that was upon Yahooshua”
note that if you are one-flesh with one or more other human beings and they are not in close alignment and harmony with you and what you are believing for and doing this prayer will constantly be frustrated by hindering spirits (demons that obstruct the flow of finances) – remember that “a house divided against itself CANNOT stand” and, conversely, “unity is strength”.
Where you have illegal or residual one-flesh (sexual) bonds see the article relating to the separation of a man and a woman for a complete set of prayers and procedures to cut these ties.
Where you have legal ties you need to work out what you need to do to get the person or persons with whom you have those ties into alignment with you (if you are the male) or for you to get in alignment with them (if you are the female).
For protection:
“Father, I thank you that your messengers {angels} camp around me to protect me, that NO weapon formed against me shall prosper, that every tongue that rises against me in unrighteous judgment will be refuted”.
7. Relationship with Yah and knowledge of Him
Some of the prayers above will bring you into closer relationship with Yah.
Other prayers include:
“bless me indeed, enlarge my territory in knowledge of You and Your Ways and Your Kingdom, in anointing and in finances”
“help me to know You more nearly and see you more clearly day by day”
“help me to be Your friend”
“help me to bring You Joy every day”
a big prayer IF you comprehend what you are committing yourself to do AND, in fact, NOT that difficult, Yah desires our obedience and self-sacrifice and committed efforts to keep His Commandments.
“help me to keep Your Commandments at ALL times and show me where my error and deception is keeping me from realizing that I am breaking them”
if you pray this in conjunction to requesting judgment and correction of error expect your understanding of things to change radically in the months and years ahead, especially if you ALSO go on seven fasts.
Other prayers:
“let me know Your Peace that passes all understanding”
“let Your Joy be my strength”
“let Your Love be shed abroad in my heart”
“let me know your heart”
this one about knowing Yah’s Heart is a big one -- be prepared to feel Yah’s anger, His Grief, His Joy, His Sadness, etc – I have seen Him weep with Joy and with Hurt, this is NOT a prayer to pray lightly.
Once you have prayed this expect there to be major constraints on the type of movies and TV programmes and live theatre programs you can watch, what you can read, people you can associate with, etc, etc.
As you draw closer to Yah pray for Him to touch you and fill you with His Spirit more and more:
“Father, I ask you to pour out Your Spirit upon me and fill me with Your Spirit”.
“I ask you to anoint me for the work you have called me to do”
Note that if you are one-flesh with another who is NOT serving Yah or one who is but who gets into fear, rebellion, treachery, etc the anointing will be drained out of you and you will become weak. Conversely there will be limits on the extent to which Yah is able to answer the above prayers.
8. Covenant and death to self
Acknowledge the covenant regularly:
Take the bread “Father, I recall that on the night that Yahooshua was betrayed he took the bread and when he had given thanks he broke it saying ‘this is my body given for you, do this as oft as you eat it in remembrance of me’ – I ask that as I partake of this bread that I may partake in everything that it represents to you and that I may come to fully understand its significance and how it works”
Note that whenever you sin you should confess your sin, repent and take the bread and wine as symbolizing the sacrifice for sin that was ordained by Yah through Moshe {Moses}.
Take the grape juice or wine “Father, I recall that on the night that Yahooshua was betrayed he took the wine and gave it to those who followed him and said ‘this is my blood of the new covenant, do this as oft as you shall drink it in remembrance of me’ – I ask that as I partake of this cup that I may partake of everything that it represents to you and that I may come to fully understand its significance and how it works”
Once you have a revelation of the covenant you can apply the “blood” (juice or wine” to your right earlobe, right thumb and right big toe and pray for guidance and deliverance – refer other articles on this.
If you are really going all out you can anoint totally under certain circumstances, see other articles relating to this.
You can also pray the blood of the covenant over your life and those close to you:
“Father I ask you to cover me with the blood of the covenant from the top of my head to the soles of my feet that no evil may touch me”
“I ask you to cover this dwelling, the roof’s the floors, the ceilings, the doors, the windows, the window frame’s, the door posts and the lintels with the blood of the covenant that no evil may enter my dwelling”
Note that if you have sin in your life or artifacts that give the forces of darkness legal rights against you, such as stolen items in your house, the above prayers will be of limited effect.
The covenant through Yahooshua operates very differently to the way that most people teach so you might pray “Father I ask you to reveal the covenant to me and how it operates”.
Seek to wear the Whole Armour of Yah:
“Father Yah I come to You and I ask you to help me put on and maintain Your Whole Armour – the Belt of Truth, the sure footed Shoes of the Good
News of Peace, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Helmet of Salvation, the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit which is Your Commandments. Help me to pray in the Spirit at ALL times without ceasing”.
Notice that each element of the armour is an attitude and way of being, seek truth at all times, etc. Pray also:
“teach me to walk in the Armour and use it effectively”.
Note that “pray in the Spirit at ALL times without ceasing” is NOT a figure of speech, it is a REAL possibility, ask Father to teach you:
“please teach my spirit to pray at all times without ceasing”
Regarding the Sword of the Spirit which is the Commandments of Yah (NOT the bible):
“Father help me to keep your Commandments:
“1. Yah the eternally self-existing is ONE mighty one you shall have NO OTHER mighty one’s before Him (includes do NOT worship Yahooshua)
“2. Make no graven images (includes the bible and the cross)
“3. Do not take the Name of Yah the eternally-self existing in vain (includes NOT saying ‘ja’ for ‘yes’ and NOT having a Yahoo.com email address)
“4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it set-apart {holy} (includes the other days set by Yah – Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles first and last days)
“5. Honour your father and your mother (no old age homes)
“6. Do NOT commit murder (includes cursing and abortion)
“7. Do NOT commit adultery
“8. Do NOT steal
“9. Do NOT bear false witness
“10. Do NOT covet or lust”
If you are REALLY committed you can pray:
“Father I ask you to put my flesh to death with Yahooshua that Your Spirit can live in and through me”.
You can go further:
“that you may reign on earth through me”.
If you are REALLY REALLY committed you can take this further – go on one or more fasts, I went on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days praying as I took the bread that Yah would put my flesh to death and fill me with His Spirit.
Understand that after you have done this your life truly is NOT your own and if you join yourself to another inappropriately or the one to which you are joined betrays you you will be devastatingly weakened, will age prematurely and could even die in extreme circumstances – the Spirit of Yah cannot co-exist with evil, be it fear, pride or whatever and will leave you in such circumstances – do NOT pray these last few prayers unless you are certain that Yah is ready for you to pray them AND that YOU are ready.
9. Against the forces of darkness
Once you are praying most or all of the above you can look at praying more offensive prayers against the Satanic realm and servants of Satan – see other articles about how this realm operates.
As you clean up your life you will progressively be able to get rid of the demons that are attached to you, some associated with blood-line curses, others associated with sins you have committed, others transmitted from those you have had sexual intercourse with, etc.
When you know that you have dealt with a particular sin, etc you can pray “I speak to all demons associated with … / of … and, in the name of Yahooshua I bind you and command you to leave me and go where Father Yah sends you”.
“Father, I ask you to send your mighty warring messengers {angels} to bind all demons who no longer have a legal right to be attached to me and to send those demons where you command them to go”.
Be cautious of being presumptuous in this area.
On a broader basis “I come against every Principality, Power, Throne and Dominion that is operating over me and my dwelling and in the name of Yahooshua I tear you down and command you to go where Father Yah sends you”.
On a fairly regular basis “Father, I ask you to cut off all curses that have been spoken against me and to cast out all demons associated with those curses”.
If you are making any serious effort to serve Yah and, particularly if you have a significant calling, expect servants of Satan to curse you regularly and possibly offer human sacrifices (most frequently in the form of abortions) against you. Accordingly it is important to ask for curses to be cut on a regular basis.
If you have really gone to significant effort to sort out your life before Yah you can go further:
“Father, I ask that where curses have been spoken against me by people that understand what they are doing that you will return those curses a thousand fold that they may learn not to curse those who serve you”
– the first time I prayed this a person died two days later and another six weeks later – this is NOT a prayer to be prayed lightly.
10. Etc
There are many other prayers that can be prayed but the above list is a reasonably comprehensive list of prayers that I pray regularly and that I consider to be important in terms of seeking to serve Father on a consistent basis.
Over and above this you can pray for children, parents, family, business, business and work situations, your city, your nation, etc, etc.
In all of these situations the same principles apply – if you are NOT sure what to pray then rather do NOT pray anything or else pray in line with the examples above such that Yah’s will is done in those situations.
“Father I ask you to be a Father to my children”, etc.
Most of the prayers prayed by most of the people on the planet get in Yah’s way because they are NOT His Will.
A useful prayer to close off with, as it covers so many issues, is the example prayer attributed to Yahooshua:
“Our Father who art in Heaven,
“hallowed be Thy Name,
“Thy Kingdom come,
“Thy Will be done,
“on earth as it is in Heaven.
“Give us this day our daily bread
“and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us.
“For Thine is the Kingdom,
“the Power
“and the Glory
“for ever and ever
All the above are important and most should be prayed regularly.
I pray that these prayers will help you to grow in your relationship with Yah.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
1 August 2016

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