2016.08.11 What should YOU do? Created by James on 5/17/2018 11:24:40 AM What should you do about the way you live the rest of your life?
What should YOU do?
Dr James A Robertson
Having visited this site, what should you do?
Irrespective of who you are or what you have believed up to this point, it is fundamentally true that the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing, created human beings with a view to having a close personal relationship with EVERY one of us
He desires a close personal relationship with YOU
He desires to be part of every facet of your life
He desires to guide you and help you in your work, your family, every area of your life
He knows EVERYTHING about you
He is NOT surprised by your sin and error in your life to date and he has provided a mechanism through the sacrifice of Yahooshua for you to repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness, see the WHY BELIEVE page for more information on what to do if you currently do NOT believe and even if you have once believed but have now fallen away
If you do at some level believe Father Yah wants a MUCH deeper personal relationship with YOU, see the Relationship with Yah page for more information
Whatever your current position there is room for improvement, there is room to grow closer to Yah and to clean up your act at some level, there is NOT a single person on earth today who is in total right standing such that there is NO room for improvement -- so I urge you right now to turn around and pull out all the stops to develop and grow your relationship with the Almighty NOW!
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Where are YOU headed?
NEXT SECTION: The ULTIMATE GOAL -- deep personal friendship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth >>>
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
14 August 2016

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