2016.08.15 The REAL Conspiracy Created by James on 5/17/2018 12:21:54 PM There IS a conspiracy on Earth, that is to bring about the total falling away of mankind such that Yah loses the contest, this conspiracy has numerous facets
The REAL Conspiracy
Dr James A Robertson
I receive a steady stream of angry and anguished emails about any number of alleged conspiracies ranging from the “New World Order” to any number of other conspiracies in high places. Juxtaposed with these is concrete evidence that at some level there ARE incidents of conspiracy, such as the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre on 11 September 2001 see http://end-time-issueministries.org/TheREALConspiracy/WorldTradeCenterDemolition.aspx.html
What IS the truth?
- Genuine Conspiracies
As mentioned above there ARE human conspiracies of which the 911 controlled demolition is by far the most obvious.But this did NOT require a large number of conspirators – what happened there was a manifestation of the efforts of a small group coupled with the naiveté and trusting nature of the bulk of society and an interesting psychological phenomenon whereby we do NOT see what we cannot believe is possible.
- Supposed Conspiracy
Far reaching conspiracies that implicate elected representatives across the globe are more problematic.I have consulted at the executive level for other 30 years and I know how difficult it is to get significant numbers of people to cooperate towards a specific goal.I therefore suggest for your consideration that the Earthly realm of physical human beings is NOT governed by some cabal of humans who have massive powers to manipulate the economy and people of the Earth.
- Events Suggest Conspiracy
BUT there ARE developments and events that at some level create the impression of widespread collaboration with mal-intent – so what IS real?
- The Satanic and Demonic Realm
What IS real is that in the Satanic and Demonic Realm the Earth is ruled by billions of Satanic messengers {angels} and over 100 billion demons or ancestor spirits – the spirits of deceased unbelieving humans.
- Demonic Masterminds Rule
The Satanic and Demonic Realm is ruled over by a council of Seven Demonic Masterminds see http://end-time-issueministries.org/DemonicMastermindsDirect.aspx.html who, for the most part, have been ruling on Earth in the spirit realm for over 5,000 years with an agenda of seeing the Almighty totally defeated on Earth by the time the 7,000 years of man on Earth are over.THIS is the REAL Conspiracy.
- Demonic Direction of the Affairs of Earth
These Masterminds rule and direct the affairs of the Satanic and Demonic hordes that they control with vicious and harsh discipline and these, in turn, through the influence of demon’s resident on just about every human being on the planet, direct the affairs of mankind.They are battled in turn by the will and prayers of those who believe which have become less and less effective as the number of true believers on Earth has dwindled in the onslaught.The Satanic and Demonic horde have very well developed command and control, communication lines and ways of working which they have been evolving and perfecting over more than 5,000 years as they learn the rules of the game and find out what works and what does not work.
Their most successful ploy on Earth right now is that they have managed to convince the vast majority of humans that the goal is a GOOD life and NOT a deep relationship with the Almighty Creator.In doing this they are well on the way to winning the Contest with the Almighty see http://end-time-issueministries.org/TheContest.aspx.html
- Combat this Conspiracy with Relationship, Prayer and Fasting
The only way to combat this conspiracy is to develop a DEEP personal relationship with the Almighty see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html and intensely seek Him.This should be coupled with intense fasting and prayer and ongoing seeking for set-apartness {sanctification}.
I sincerely hope that this article will challenge you to cease chasing after conspiracy theories as you come to realize that YOU are the victim of the most cunning conspiracy of all and therefore choose to actively serve the Almighty.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
20 August 2016

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