2016.11.07 The man Yahooshua, commonly called Jesus, was and is a human being and is NOT the Creator Created by James on 5/18/2018 11:41:23 AM Yahooshua {Jesus} is and was a Created being, a man and will always be that, it is wrong to make him equal to Yah
The man Yahooshua, commonly called Jesus, was and is a human being and is NOT the Creator
Dr James A Robertson
The Almighty says:
"Yahooshua's accomplishment has been muddied and defiled by the way in which men have worshiped him and put him before me"
The greatest single error of the Christian Church today is widespread but NOT universal belief that the man commonly known as "Jesus" but whose real name is "Yahooshua" is the Almighty in the flesh with the result that many people worship Jesus interchangeably with "God" and "The LORD" -- this error is followed by many of the most anointed leaders in the Christian faith and is today leading them to destruction and rejection -- the availability of information on the Internet makes this sin, as with the others addressed on this website as being "without excuse"
This false belief, which dates back nearly two thousand years, is the biggest single reason why Jews and Muslims reject Christianity -- and they are correct in rejecting this belief although there are OTHER truths which Judaism and Islam lack and which Christianity has regarding what was accomplished by Yahooshua
On what basis do I assert that Yahooshua {Jesus} is NOT Yah, the Almighty Creator in the flesh?
1. The first of the Ten Commandments given to Moshe on the Mountain in Arabia is "Yah the eternally self-existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have NO other mighty one's before / beside Him"
2. They have different names, the name of Yahooshua, which means "Yah is Salvation", points to Yah and the most important gift that Yah gives, His salvation
3. The Spirit of the Almighty descended on Yahooshua when he was immersed by Yahoochanan (Yah has Graced) {John} the immerser {baptist} -- Bible : John 1:32 -- how could the Spirit of the Almighty descend on Yahooshua if he was the Almighty?
4. The presence of the Almighty LEFT Yahooshua as he was dying on the stake {cross} -- Bible : Matthew 27:45 -- how could the Almighty leave himself?
5. It is so that with regard to the Almighty "in Him we live and move and have our being" -- He holds this entire Universe together -- if He were to die the Universe would collapse and -- if He were dead HOW would He resurrect Himself?
This error comes about through a series of historical compromizes and errors that taken together lead to massive confusion:
1. Changing the name of the man known as "Jesus" from his true name, "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah (The Almighty Creator) IS Salvation" to "Jesus" a meaningless Greek name allied with "Zeus" a pagan (Satan worshipper) god so that the distinction of the names was lost
2. Changing the technical term "anointing" or "anointed one" that designates respectively the smearing or pouring of the Spirit of the Almighty onto a human being and one who is so smeared with the Spirit of the Almighty to "Christ" a meaningless Greek term that over time has been taken to be synonymous with "Jesus" because of "Jesus Christ" and "Christ Jesus" which correctly are "Yahooshua the Anointed of Yah" and "the Anointing of Yah on Yahooshua" -- it is the anointing of the Spirit of Yah that enabled the human being Yahooshua to perform miracles and allow Yah to speak through him -- this same anointing is available to EVERY believer who is prepared to do the work (fasting, self-discipline, worship, etc) necessary to receive it
3. Substituting the Hebrew phrase "Yahooeh", frequently but inaccurately translated "Yahweh" but actually meaning "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" with "Adonai" in the Hebrew and subsequently "The LORD" in the English and then referring to "Jesus is Lord" to equate Jesus with "The LORD" and therefore make Jesus God
4. Use of the word "God" a pagan name to substitute for the Hebrew "Elohim" which means "Mighty One" or "mighty one" or "Almighty" depending on context so that while it IS true that Yahooshua IS a "mighty one" {or god} he is NOT THE "Almighty"
5. Translation of the technical term "qodesh" as "holy" when in fact it means "set-apart" and from that turning "holy" into a title or designation such that the "set-apart Spirit of Yah" a technical description, becomes "THE Holy Spirit" and is given a separate identity to Yah when it is simply a description of the fact that the Spirit of Yah, which IS Yah, IS set-apart, thereby enabling the concept of the Trinity
6. Finally it was expedient to turn Yah and Yahooshua and the Set-Apart Spirit into a "Trinity" all being part of Yah because pagan (Satan worshipper) tradition had referred to a Trinity for hundreds of years and this made the religion more palatable to the pagan's that it was hoped to "convert"
All of these errors / deceptions were in place well before 600 AD and this was a major factor in Yah sending the prophet Muhammed to the Arabs to bring correction because He could NOT get anyone in Judaism or Christianity to listen
To a point Yah has extended grace for this error but this grace was withdrawn on 1 January 2001 and totally rescinded on 3 May 2003 when Satan was cast into the Pit for 1,000 years -- those who worship Jesus now are increasingly worshipping a demonic principality of that name
Accordingly, if you are guilty of worshipping Jesus or even worshipping Yahooshua, it is time to repent and turn to Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, ask Him for forgiveness and give Him the worship that is due to Him
NEXT SECTION: Yahooshua, commonly called "Jesus" will only return around 3003 and is NOT "coming soon" >>>
<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION: Yahooshua is NOT the ONLY way
2013.09.09 The anointing that was upon Yahooshua
Christ in the verse “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” and in the verse “my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus” both relate to Jesus strengthening us and supplying our needs, don’t they?
NOT so
They relate to the Spirit of Yah (The Almighty Creator of the heavens and the earth) that anoints believers to various levels strengthening us and giving us the anointing and therefore wisdom to obtain our needs
These two verses would be accurately presented as “I can do ALL things through the anointing of the Spirit of Yah which strengthens me” and “my Mighty One shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory through the anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua” both relate to the Spirit of Yah imparted to the believer through faith and relationship with Yah
The substitution of “Christ” for a technical description relating to the impartation of the Spirit of the Almighty Creator on a believer through faith is at the root of massive misunderstandings
Coupled to a widespread belief that “Christ” is Jesus’ second name and that “Christ” is synonymous with Jesus this has given rise to the massive confusion that relates to Jesus and underpins the fundamental confusion that constitutes the religion known as “Christianity”
When one sees the word “Christ” one should IMMEDIATELY substitute “anointing of the Spirit of Yah” or “anointed of the Spirit of Yah” depending on context – one will then realize that the miracles performed by Yahooshua were performed by the Spirit of Yah IN and through Yahooshua NOT by the man Yahooshua and will turn to worship the Creator and NOT the anointed servant
When one realizes that it is the anointing of the Spirit of Yah on one that will supply all one’s needs then drawing close to Yah and getting filled with His Spirit becomes a vital necessity if one is to survive, let alone prosper in this world – the more one looks to other interpretations the more one is drawn into the demonic realm
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
2013.09.04 Who IS Yahooshua?
Recently someone questioned writings of mine that seemed to him to suggest that Jesus was Satanic
The following is an amplification of my response:
“About 2010 years ago a male child was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles and named Yahooshua, meaning “Yah is salvation” – Yah being the true Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth commonly referred to as “God” and “The LORD”
This man (Yahooshua) is commonly referred to as “Jesus”
Amongst those seeking the Creator's true name, the Creator is commonly referred to as “Yahweh” although even this is incorrect and should more correctly be transliterated as “Yahooeh”, which is correctly translated as “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”
The man Yahooshua grew up to be a mighty prophet and, through his way of life, evidenced what it was like to be powerfully filled with the Spirit of the Almighty – also known as “anointed” which is commonly translated “Christ”.
Yahooshua set an example as to how to serve Yah and therefore is referred to by some writings as “the way” – that is “the manner”,” the example” of how to serve Yah
This man can be correctly referred to as “Yahooshua the anointed of Yah” – commonly but incorrectly referred to as “Jesus Christ”
Jesus is a translation of the Greek “Ieosus” which is derived from Zeus, which is a pagan name and an abomination in the sight of the Almighty
“Christ” is NOT the name of this man it is a technical description relating to “the anointing of the Spirit of Yah upon a human being”
Reference to “Christ” on its own is sometimes to “the anointed one” which is sometimes to Yahooshua but can just as accurately be applied to any other anointed believer. In all cases anointing refers to the Spirit of Yah ON a person NOT the person. The phrase “anointed one” also translated “Christ” refers to the human being who has the Spirit of Yah on him or her. This is used at times in certain writings to refer to Yahooshua as “the anointed one” but this does NOT make Yahooshua, Yah
It was the Spirit of Yah ON and IN Yahooshua, that gave him the wisdom and knowledge whereby he spoke anointed words, it was the Spirit of Yah working through the body of Yahooshua that healed the sick and raised the dead, it was the Spirit of Yah speaking through Yahooshua that spoke at times in the first person
Yahooshua on his own was a man like all other men – the consequence of a nine month development in the womb of a woman. The miraculous creation of the foetus in his mother and his relationship with Yah before he came to earth as a human make him distinct BUT they do NOT make him Yah or God or The LORD – wrong beliefs that result from wrong translation resulting from wrong belief
It is false and an abomination in the sight of Yah to refer to the prophet Yahooshua as “Christ” in the sense of “Christ” being the name of Yahooshua or being synonymous with Yahooshua – substituting “the anointed one” for “Christ” immediately makes this clear
To worship “Christ” is stealing the worship that is due to Yah alone
For example, the verse frequently translated as “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” with “Christ” being taken to be synonymous with “Jesus” is accurately translated as “I can do all things through the anointing of the Spirit of Yah which strengthens me”
For a long time Yah, the Almighty Creator, granted grace with regard to these abominable names – “God”, “The LORD”, “Jesus” and “Christ” but in in January 2001 He began to withdraw this grace and it was finally withdrawn totally in May 2003, when Satan was cast into the Pit for a thousand years and we commenced the final thousand years of the seven thousands years of appointed time on earth for man
The man Yahooshua, the anointed of Yah, was and is a man, NOT Yah and it is grievous sin to worship him – grace for this sin has ALSO been withdrawn
Yahooshua lived a life without sin and died without sin and, as a consequence death had no legal hold on him and he was immediately resurrected to become the first born from the dead and therefore king of all human kings and lord of all human lords
He is seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool and has delegated ALL authority on earth back to those who follow him
It breaks the first commandment – “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have no other mighty ones beside Him” – to deify or worship Yahooshua and, accordingly because ALL grace has been withdrawn for this sin those who today worship Jesus – the vast majority of Christians – have been given over by Yah to worship demons. “Jesus” is now one of the most powerful Satanic forces on earth, just as God, Baal (the Lord) and Christ are powerful Satanic forces on earth because of all the worship that they receive”
A few people with deep relationships with Yah still refer to Jesus but are worshiping Yah but this is rapidly coming to an end
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
2012.08.08 Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet
I continue to encounter GREAT error in the way people understand Yahooshua {Jesus} and what he accomplished and how he accomplished it.
A major error relates to understanding of who and what Yahooshua was.
Bearing in mind what I wrote a while ago that there is NO such thing as Old and New Testaments, for the point of this article let me make the point that Yahooshua was an OLD TESTAMENT prophet (spokesman of Yah).
Moshe {Moses} referred to him as “a prophet like me”.
Yahooshua referred to himself as a prophet – he had NOT shed his blood yet so there was no “new covenant” and he had NOT been resurrected yet so there was no supernatural resurrected king.
He also stated that he had come to fulfil the Torah (laws of Moshe) NOT change them, he said that “not one jot or one tittle – the smallest Hebrew characters -- of the Torah would pass away”.
So he walked in the same prophetic office as Noah, as Moshe, as David, etc – he was only able to do more than they were because he was born of a virgin and therefore free of inherited curses and because, as a spirit being, he had lived with Yah from the beginning of Creation and therefore knew fully what was going on and what he was letting himself in for.
Therefore, Yahooshua did NOT change anything, he came and explained things that had been lost and forgotten, clarified things and demonstrated to the people of his time what WAS possible if one was truly set-apart {sanctified} and serving Yah and filled with the Spirit of Yah.
If you only read the so-called New Testament you will make HUGE errors – the ONLY way to understand Yahooshua is to read from Genesis to Revelation as one continuous account of the interactions between man and Yah – the same applies to my writings and other modern writings – they are ALL part of ONE continuum.
It was the Spirit of Yah NOT Yahooshua that performed the miracles, raised the dead, etc.
It is time to cease deifying Yahooshua and return to the truth that he was a prophet of Yah and operated in that authority – because he lived a life without sin he was granted to become king of kings and lord of lords and he gained eternal life.
You and I are capable of doing all that Yahooshua did with the exception that he was the firstborn from the dead and has become ruler of all, we must all submit to him as our head in a HUMAN sense, this does NOT mean that he has in some way become Yah or substitutes for Yah.
Relate to Yahooshua as king in a human sense – period!
There is considerable misunderstanding regarding Yahooshua – he was an Old Testament prophet and therefore could NOT change anything, he could only fulfil what was written about him.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
2012.04.02 There is NO Trinity
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The concept of the “Trinity” – being “Father, Son and Holy Spirit” is an almost universal concept within Christianity along with belief that Yahooshua {Jesus} is God and other pagan concepts.
This article discusses why there is NO Trinity and why the concept of The Trinity is blasphemous and serious error:
- Trinity is a pagan concept
There is significant information in the Internet to support the view that the Trinity is a pagan concept that predates Yahooshua by potentially thousands of years
However, the pagan roots of the concept of a Trinity are NOT the basis of the argument in this article so will not be discussed further
- Matthew 28:19 is the ONLY reference
Trinity thinking and teaching is founded on Mattihyahoo {Matthew 28:19} “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:” Authorized Version
This is the ONLY reference in the book {Bible} and therefore a very tenuous basis on which to build a doctrine which fundamentally breaks the first commandment
- Some say Matthew 28:19 was added later
There are various sources that claim that this verse, or at least the Trinitarian component of this verse was only added to the writing attributed to Mattihyahoo (meaning gift of Yah) several centuries AFTER the death of Yahooshua
Again, this is NOT central to this article so will not be discussed further
- Holy ACTUALLY means “set-apart”
What is much more important is that the Hebrew word translated as “Holy” actually means “set-apart” or separated
The Holy Spirit actually should therefore be translated “set-apart Spirit” which, by definition IS the Spirit of Yah
The set-apart Spirit is simply a technical description of the status of Yah’s Spirit NOT the designation of some other being or party
Father and set-apart {Holy} Spirit are one and the same with no distinction or differentiation – making up some story about them being separate and equal is therefore foolishness
- Yahooshua {Jesus} is a man and always has been
Yahooshua is a created being, a son of Adam, formed from the ovum of a woman through a creative miracle that is far LESS spectacular than the creation of Adam from dust or Chavah {Eve} from the rib of the man
Yahooshua could NOT be King of all human kings if he were NOT a man, Yahooshua would NOT have been resurrected if he were NOT entirely human, it would have been fraud for Yahooshua to be Yah in disguise, it was the set-apart Spirit of Yah IN Yahooshua that enabled Yahooshua to perform miracles and give anointed utterances {prophesy}
Yahooshua is therefore by NO MEANS equal to Yah or part of a Trinity
Yahooshua is the HEAD of all humans and in order to be that has to be entirely human
- Yahooshua means “Yah IS Salvation”
The name of Yahooshua means “Yah is Salvation” and therefore points to and confirms Yah as saviour NOT the man called by that name.
Yahooshua was ALSO the name of the anointed leader who brought Yisrael {Israel} into the promised land and also the name of a priest
There is NOTHING SPECIAL about the name Yahooshua other than as a descriptor of a fundamental characteristic of Yah which it happens from a human perspective is arguably the most IMPORTANT characteristic because without Yah’s salvation we would have a serious problem – thus the name Yahooshua is the highest name apart from the name of Yah
- The Trinity is blasphemous because it makes Yahooshua equal to Yah
The first commandment is “Yah the eternally self-existing is ONE mighty one, you shall have NO OTHER mighty one’s before Him” – making Yahooshua part of a Trinity fundamentally breaks this commandment and is therefore blasphemous
It is vital to understand that at a very simple level the Trinity is a false and blasphemous concept and therefore to cease using it
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2012.04.01 Why Yahooshua had to die THAT way
With Easter just past and, as it happened this year, Passover as well, there have been all sorts of spurious information about Jesus [Yahooshua] broadcast on TV and radio
I have long since avoided watching most of this stuff because most is serious error and in many cases dangerous but I felt impressed to watch one program that went to great lengths to suggest that the early Christian church went to great lengths to align itself with Rome and distance itself from the Jews by changing the so-called “Gospel” accounts to present themselves as being favourably disposed to Rome by portraying Pontius Pilate as the good guy who did not want to execute Yahooshua and the Jews as the bad guys for killing the “Saviour”
Not only are such explanations an indication of how removed people are from knowledge of Yah and His ways they are also paving the way once more for dangerous Christian hostility towards the Jewish people
Given that virtually ALL Western Europeans (and most of the people of the rest of the earth) are descended from the Tribes of Israel that went into Exile and migrated in other ways and that therefore nearly the entire so-called “Western World” and much of the rest of the world are children of Israel and that therefore much of the Christian church are members of that church by virtue of their Hebrew heritage this is not only tragic but highly unwise
Accordingly, I would like to summarize why it is so that every aspect of the way that Yahooshua died was in accordance with a carefully laid plan of Yah in consultation with Yahooshua before he was conceived as a created human being and that any attempt to distort or change the fundamental facts is hugely dangerous and is just one of the many things that brands mainstream Christianity as one of the most extremely pagan religions on earth today because while in appearance knowing the truth it distorts the truth to such an extent that it becomes of NO EFFECT!
Remember that the worship of Yahooshua is a heinous sin and the worship of Jesus (= derivative of Zeus) is an even greater sin
Following are the main reasons why Yahooshua had to die EXACTLY the way he died:
1. Fulfil the utterances of Yah through His spokesmen {prophecies}
There were diverse prophecies regarding a coming anointed one who would become king, etc – it was necessary for Yahooshua to die this way in order for these prophecies to be fulfilled
2. Fulfil the Torah {Law} of Moshe {Moses}
Yahooshua pointed out that the Torah {Law} of Moshe {Moses} spoke of him – it spoke of him through the offerings {sacrifices} appointed by Yah through Moshe, the ordinances for appointment of a High Priest, the ordinances for the offering of an atoning offering {sacrifice}, etc
Since the records attributed to Moshe speak ONLY of an anointed spokesman like Moshe in one place and are otherwise silent about Yahooshua we have to conclude that the entire series of covenant offerings appointed by Moshe in fact prepared the way for Yahooshua and therefore “spoke” of Yahooshua
3. His blood on the children of Israel – atoning sacrifice and new covenant
It was necessary after Pontius Pilate found Yahooshua innocent, and therefore a lamb without spot or blemish, for the people of Israel and particularly the High Priest to declare “his blood be upon us and upon our children” – this was an inspired {prophetic} declaration that allowed the blood of Yahooshua to be sprinkled metaphorically over all the descendants of Israel that would ever live after that time – without this proclamation Yahooshua’s death would NOT have been an offering for atonement and, in part, his death would have been of no effect
To use this statement to justify the abominations of the holocaust, the Crusades and all the other horrifying atrocities committed against the Jews since the death of Yahooshua is a great affront to the covenant and will result in many who regard themselves as devout Christians being cast into the Lake of Fire on the Day of Judgment
4. In order to become Priest
It was necessary for the High Priest to proclaim Yahooshua to be “Anointed one” {Messiah} and by extension of the inspired words about the anointed king also proclaim Yahooshua to be Priest, even though in ridicule and to lay hands on him in ordination, even though in violent abuse
Had the High Priest not sarcastically proclaimed those words over Yahooshua and laid hands on him Yahooshua could NEVER have become Priest and another part of his life and death would have been rendered of NO effect
5. In order to become King of all human kings
It was necessary first for the High Priest and Jewish people to ridicule Yahooshua as anointed one and by extension king and then for Herod and his men to ridicule him as king and finally for Pontius Pilate the legal Governor and representative of the Roman Emperor to declare him King of the Jews in writing for Yahooshua to become King
Were this not to have happened Yahooshua would NOT be King of kings today and another part of his life and death would have been rendered of NO effect
6. In order to be declared without sin and therefore a suitable sacrifice
It was necessary for Yahooshua to be found to be a lamb without spot or blemish BEFORE he could be offered as a sacrifice. This scrutiny took place first by the High Priests who were unable to find any case against him until they trumped up a false charge of blasphemy based on their Rabbinical rules and NOT the Torah of Yah.
Then, Pontius Pilate confirmed him to be righteous and without sin when he washed his hands of the case and handed him over to the Jews to be executed
Had he not been examined and found to be without spot or blemish his entire death would have been in vain
7. It was necessary for him to die on a stake in order to become a curse
Much is made of Yahooshua dying on a cross but the cross is a Satanic symbol, Yahooshua was hung on a length of tree trunk or stake in accordance with the ordinances of Yah such that he became a curse for us and provided the authority to break curses in our lives
8. For his blood to fall on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant
In order to be ordained Priest, offer atonement and usher in the new covenant it was necessary for Yahooshua to die of a ruptured heart through anguish thereby releasing copious amounts of blood AND water and for his side to be pierced by the spear in order to release the diluted blood with sufficient fluidity to flow down the stake and about six meters down the earthquake crack at the foot of the stake in order to fall onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant that was hidden in a cave DIRECTLY under the point of execution having been hidden there by Jeremiah approximately 600 years earlier when the Babylonians overran Jerusalem
So we see that the entire saga of Yahooshua’s massively traumatic death was NECESSARY and PRE-PLANNED by Yah in order usher in the new Covenant, new Priesthood and new Kingship of the reign of Yahooshua
It is also VITAL to understand that this was ONLY possible because Yahooshua was 100% a man and NOT Yah in the flesh and that he led his life as an example to us led by the anointing of the Spirit of Yah upon his flesh in order to evidence that it is possible for YOU AND I to live such a life in the authority of the name of king Yahooshua!
It is vital to understand these principles otherwise you are likely to draw dangerously wrong conclusions relating to the death of Yahooshua which could see you found guilty of serious wrong doing on the Day of Judgment
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
2011.04.17 Meditate on how Yahooshua died
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Having just eaten my Passover meal of roast lamb and reviewed how Yahooshua died I thought I would encourage you to do the same
If you have not done so when you ate the covenant bread and drank the covenant wine (or grape juice) I encourage you to do it
Remember that he fully knew how he was going to die and he went in obedience
Remember how he prayed in the garden that blood flowed
Remember his decision "Father, not my will but thine be done"
Remember how he was betrayed by a close friend and confidante
Remember how he was deserted by those closest to him
Remember how he was falsely accused, reviled, beaten, his beard plucked from his face
Remember how the crown of thorns was rammed onto his head, the sharp spines driving in to impact his skull, blood running down his face
Remember how he was mocked
Remember how he was flogged, some say with a nine line "cat-o-nine-tails" with metal hooks that ripped the flesh from his back
Remember how he was rejected and condemned by the Chief Priests and the people
Remember how he had to carry that heavy stake across his raw and bleeding back
Remember how those rough steel spikes were driven through his wrists and feet
Remember how he suffered for hours, heaving up on his feet, pain ripping through him as he gasped for breath
Then sinking down again and hanging on his wrists as pain ripped through him and he slowly suffocated before thrusting up on his feet again
Remember how the presence of his beloved Daddy Yah DEPARTED from him and how he cried out in anguish, "my beloved Mighty One, my beloved Mighty One, WHY have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46 -- "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?")
Remember how he died, some say of a ruptured heart broken as a consequence of his great grief and anguish
Remember the earthquake as he died and the veil of the Temple torn from top to bottom revealing that the Ark of the Covenant was not there and the priesthood was illegitimate
Remember how his side was pierced with a spear and blood and water ran out down the earthquake crack and onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant that had been hidden below nearly six hundred years earlier
Then ask yourself whether, in the light of his suffering, you want to continue in sin, continue to carry the Mark of the Beast and hide behind "not a legalist" and other excuses or whether you are going to follow in his footsteps and set yourself apart and put Daddy Yah first and deal with your sin through the covenant that Yahooshua purchased with his blood
If you are reading this at work on the Day of Passover I encourage you now to get on your knees, repent and then go home, Yahooshua did NOT die for you to treat the above sacrifice in such a disrespectful and cavalier fashion
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace
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2011.02.16 Do you aspire to do the works that Yahooshua did?
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In 1993, shortly after Yah intervened in my life and brought me back from a road that was leading to certain eternal damnation, He said to me "read the gospels as though you are Yahooshua "
So i did.
Subsequently i was permitted to experience what it was like to walk under that level of anointing.
That experience has fundamentally informed my understanding of Yahooshua and the anointing of the Spirit of Yah.
Yahooshua said in John 14:12 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." KJV
It is vital to understand that the works that Yahooshua did were not performed by Yahooshua, they were performed by the Spirit of Yah working through Yahooshua.
It is entirely possible for YOU to come to a place where Yah can work through you with the same power and authority that He worked through Yahooshua, Shaul {Paul} or through any other anointed prophet of Yah who has ever lived.
If you believe that Yahooshua is in some way Yah then you are disempowered from understanding your true potential as a believer.
If you accept that Yahooshua is a human being, a created being, just like you, then it becomes entirely practical to aspire to be like Yahooshua, to perform the works that Yahooshua performed and to speak the words that Yahooshua spoke with the authority that he spoke them.
Or, to do other works and speak other words as Yah has appointed for YOU to do and speak.
As i have mentioned before i had the priveledge last year of meeting a woman who walked very closely with Yah and who was indeed performing many comparable works to those performed by Yahooshua.
What is holding you back?
I would imagine that you may well never have thought that you could do the same or greater works than Yahooshua, i encourage you to put that aside and choose to believe you CAN be like Yahooshua.
You may need to deal with sin in your life and reach a high level of set apartness {sanctification} -- pray appropriate prayers like "Father i ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that i may serve you more perfectly"
You may need to spend a lot more time seeking Father, drawing close to Him, seeking to be filled with His Spirit, praying appropriate prayers, etc -- lay down your life in order to get close enough to Father to be in a position to be used like that
You may need to fast more and pray more, Yahooshua went on a forty day total fast in the wilderness before he started to move in power and i have heard it said that a forty day fast is prerequisite to moving in real power and authority -- a forty day fast involves drinking only water and should only be undertaken if you are sure that Father is calling you to such a fast -- you will also need to abstain from anything that requires large amounts of energy or physical exertion unless you do it under a very intense anointing.
The key point in all this is that YOU are the ONLY factor between you and being used by Father to the extent that He used Yahooshua or any of the other major prophets.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and grant you His peace.
Warm regards and blessings
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2011.01.21 Do this as often as you eat it in remembrance of Yahooshua
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You may know it as "Communion"
Another meaningless religious word.
The covenant meal or rehearsing the covenant or similar would be more meaningful language.
How frequently do you do this?
Do you do it yourself?
or do you wait for a priest of pastor or other office bearer to officiate on your behalf?
Do you have to use specially manufactured "wafers"
do they have a crucifix or other symbol on them?
or do you just use a piece of unleavened bread (bread without yeast) -- Jewish Matzos, a water biscuit, etc or do you just use ordinary bread?
or do you take some tiny fragment because you do not like unleavened bread?
do you use wine with alcohol or grape juice?
does it matter?
I suggest that it DOES MATTER!
Do you have a profound realization of the offering {sacrifice} that Yahooshua made in order to open the door for you to be your own priest, for you to be able to come before the throne of Grace with boldness, for you to have a personal relationship with Daddy Yah, in order for him to be your advocate, in order for you to have an offering for sin, for you to have access to divine health and healing and divine provision and set apartness {sanctification} and salvation? etc
If you do NOT have such a revelation you sin and should seek it.
If you do not rehearse the covenant or take the covenant meal with due reverence you sin.
It is reported that Yahooshua was at table with his followers and took the bread that was served with the meal and told his followers that this represented his body and that they should "do this as often as you eat it".
How frequently do you eat bread and do NOT do it in remembrance of Yahooshua's offering for you?
and the wine that was served with the meal and told them that this represented his blood of the new covenant shed for remission / forgiveness of sin and that they should "do this as often as you drink it".
How frequently do you drink wine or grape juice and do NOT do it in remembrance of Yahooshua's offering for you and the new covenant that he introduced?
You should do it EVERY TIME YOU EAT bread OR DRINK wine or grape juice!
Wafers with crucifixes and crosses on them should be avoided!
If you cannot bring yourself to eat a meaninful portion of the bread, rather do NOT do it at all.
I have reached a point where every morning at breakfast i break a portion of unleavened bread at the start of the meal and at the end of the meal i take a small cup of grape juice and in each case pray appropriately. In doing this i remember what Yahooshua did for me and what it means and i claim the promises of the covenant to REMIND MYSELF what it means.
I also pray that i may walk in the fullness of the covenant and that i may be taught the full meaning of the covenant.
I commend this practice to you.
At times when i am under intense pressure or seeking to sanctify myself or fasting i do this up to three times a day -- at each meal time -- the point is to remind YOURSELF of the covenant and to claim the promises.
You should pray as led but following are the lines along which i pray:
At the start of the meal: "Father i thank you for this food and i ask you to bless it to my body and bless those who prepared it."
Pause, reflect on what Yahooshua went through, sometimes i rehearse in detail all he suffered and was subject to in order that i may not take the bread and wine lightly.
Taking the bread "Father i recall that on the night that he was betrayed Yahooshua took the bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to those who followed him saying, 'take, eat, this is my body given for you, do this as often as you eat it in remembrance of me'
"Please help me to walk in the fullness of what this represents to you and teach me the fullness of what it means to you".
I then pray whatever i feel is appropriate at that time, sometimes nothing and sometimes a very detailed prayer, quite frequently "Father i ask that i may be put to death with Yahooshua that you may live in and through me"
I then eat the rest of the meal.
At the end i take the cup, i use grape juice but you are at liberty to take wine, and pray "Father i recall that after supper Yahooshua took the cup and gave it to those who followed him and said 'this is my blood of the new covenant shed for you and for many for forgiveness of sins, do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me'
"Father i ask that i may walk in the fullness of all this cup represents to you and that you will teach me what it means to you"
I then pray as i feel appropriate reciting the promises of the covenant, pray for the day, protection, deliverance, etc
for example:
"i thank you that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, that your messengers {angels} encamp around me to protect me, that every tongue that rises against me in unrighteous judgment will be refuted, that you supply all my needs according to your riches in glory through the anointing that was upon Yahooshua, that you are able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that i can ask or imagine, that i walk in divine health,"etc
I encourage you to adopt a similar practice, we do NOT walk in the fullness of the covenant by remembering it now and again and we insult Yahooshua by waiting for some other person to officiate when we are entitled to take the covenant meal ourselves.
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2011.01.15 Yahooshua IS the mightiest CREATED being in the entire creation
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In the light of various recent articles relating to the identity and personage of Yahooshua {Jesus} you may be asking what I DO believe about him!
This article seeks to present the main attributes of Yahooshua as he is today as I understand it.
1. The basics – conceived of a virgin, lived a sinless live, executed, resurrected, seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven
So, in simple terms, I believe that he was born of Miriam {Mary} who was a virgin when she conceived, that Yahooshua was conceived as a creative miracle less dramatic than the creation of Adam, that he was born in Bethlehem about two thousand years ago, that he lived a life without sin, that he was falsely accused, beaten, tortured and executed by the leaders of his day, nailed to a stake {cross} and died.
I also believe that because he had lived a life without sin, he was resurrected and lives at the right hand of Father Yah {the Almighty}. That he died to provide a new covenant whereby our sins could be forgiven and to usher in a new priesthood so that we had access to the Throne of Yah, the Throne of Grace where Yahooshua is our advocate.
This was necessary because the priesthood introduced through Moshe {Moses} had become so corrupt that they were no longer doing what was required of them and also in order that a single believer anywhere in the world had direct access to the Almighty through faith in Yahooshua without having to rely on any other human being.
See previous articles that relate to this.
I could add much more.
BUT that is not my goal in this article.
2. Ruler {king} of all created rulers and master {lord} of all created masters
It is vital to get the picture of Yahooshua as rule of all created rulers and master of all created masters.
Yahooshua is the most senior human being in the entire creation therefore the entire Universe.
And since human beings are the most senior of all creation Yahooshua is the most senior created being in the entire creation and therefore the entire Universe.
Together with that rank in the Creation go a huge number of powers and privileges.
These powers were GIVEN by Yah as a reward for the EXTREME OBEDIENCE of Yahooshua in giving up his position in Heaven, coming to earth, living a sinless life, loving enough to be obedient to Yah even in going so far as to subject himself to a terrible death when at any moment he had the legal right to cry off and opt out.
So, these powers are NOT because of anything that makes Yahooshua God, they are because Yah GAVE them to Yahooshua and because Yah's Spirit dwells in Yahooshua more powerfully and comprehensively than in any other being.
So, we see that Yahooshua IS "elohim" – a mighty one, elohim is the Hebrew word typically translated "god" or "God" but means only "mighty one" or when applied to Yah in certain contexts "Almighty".
It is VITAL to understand that Yahooshua IS a mighty one or god but NOT Yah.
It is also vital to understand that no matter how dramatic your experience of Yahooshua and of his powers, this does NOT make him Yah.
Please note that while the most senior place in creation has been given to Yahooshua, all the remaining places in the hierarchy of creation are OPEN.
YOU can aspire to sit on the second highest throne in heaven on the left hand or right hand of Yahooshua – it is up to you to determine if you will seek Yah for this, lay down your life, get filled with the Spirit of Yah to a massive extent and be obedient to death if necessary in order to do what He is calling you to do.
Maybe you have disqualified yourself from these thrones or a calling that high is not available to you or perhaps you cannot see yourself being obedient at that level but there are still lesser thrones available – refer the eBook "Where will you spend eternity" or get hold of the book "The Final Quest" by Rick Joyner which reports a series of visions that are profoundly important in this context.
The ONLY factor is your willingness to serve Yah faithfully for the rest of your life and be obedient – the field is wide open, NO ONE today is living their lives the way they should, NOT ONE – what are you willing to do in order to get to a place of deep favour and gratitude from Yah in this dark age?
3. Massively glorious resurrected physical body can manifest in different forms
We read in Acts in the account where Yahooshua appeared to Saul {Paul} that Yahooshua appeared with a brilliant light.
I have heard first-hand accounts of others who have been visited by Yahooshua or taken up into heaven that his appearance is awesome and spectacular. This does NOT make him Yah, it simply confirms that he has great powers as a consequence of his obedience.
Remember that messengers {angels} can manifest with glorious bodies as well. Even the messengers of Satan and Satan himself can manifest with a glorious body. Do not be deceived, a glorious body does NOT mean a being is Yah.
A resurrected physical body only slightly less glorious than that of Yahooshua is available to YOU if you really serve Yah faithfully to full potential for the rest of your life.
And even if you do not reach your full potential a glorious body of some degree is entirely within your grasp.
Note also that Yahooshua can ALSO manifest with an absolutely ordinary human body, as he did to the two on the road to Emmaus and also when he appeared and made breakfast on the beach and in other situations. So too can messengers manifest with human-like bodies.
4. Can hear and see every one of us concurrently and represent us before Yah as priest and advocate
Yahooshua has the ability to hear and see every one of us and to manifest to different people around the world concurrently.
As I understand it, any person who qualifies to spend eternity in heaven has the ability to hear what we are saying on earth and see what we are doing from heaven and is able to do this for more than one conversation or event concurrently.
Not necessarily anywhere near the level that Yahooshua can do this but again, as I understand it, this is a function of the seniority of that person in Heaven.
5. Shows us the way by example, great love and obedience that led him to die for us
No other human being has demonstrated the level of love and obedience that Yahooshua demonstrated when, with the full legal right to get off the stake at any moment, he chose to remain there and die that terrible death.
If you desire a high throne you need to ask yourself IF you are willing to be obedient even unto unjust torture and death AND if you are willing to seek to live a life without sin.
The challenge is HUGE, but so then is the opportunity!
6. Massive spiritual powers
Yahooshua has massive spiritual powers but I do not have a revelation of the details of these, I simply know they exist.
7. BUT still a created human being
But the critical point never to forget is:
1. Yahooshua is a human being just like you or i.
2. YOU can aspire to almost comparable glory and power IF you are willing to follow Yahooshua's example.
3. IF you make the HUGE blasphemous mistake of believing that Yahooshua is YAH you lose sight of the reward that is available to you and set your sights in serving Yah FAR TOO LOW.
The bottom line?
Yahooshua is spectacularly powerful and glorious.
You can be almost as powerful and glorious if you choose to follow his example fully or, failing that, you can still be significantly powerful and glorious following resurrection IF you are willing to pay the price.
How serious are YOU about serving Yah and overcoming to the end?
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2011.01.13 - If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem
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Where is Jesus?
A few days ago I was talking to someone who had misinterpreted something I had said and somehow thought that I was a very weak believer even though presented with solid evidence that I had a long and deep walk with Yah.
Suddenly he asked me "where is Jesus?"
I was a bit thrown but answered without hesitation "seated at the right hand of the Father".
The answer really rocked me:
"No, if you are born again Jesus is living in your heart".
Yah's anger
This answer hit me hard and I felt Yah's anger welling up in me.
Rather than rising to the bait I answered as calmly as I could (I was feeling anything but calm, in fact I was deeply grieved) "as I have told you I have been born again since the age of about thirteen, had a dramatic encounter with the Almighty in 1993 and have been intensely committed to serving Him ever since. I have absolutely NO doubt whatsoever that I am born again".
We changed the subject.
Yah has made it very clear to me that it is NOT my function to confront people and engage with them in arguments about doctrine.
It is my function to listen to Him and to publish what He gives me and it is up to those who read what I write to distribute the material more widely, turn it into teachings, confront others, etc. It is very difficult to hear clearly when you are embroiled in turmoil and my gifting is NOT to engage in harsh confrontations.
So, if you are reading this and at some level get the point and agree, the question to you is "if you see value in this article, what will you do to distribute it or its message more widely?"
Satan's lies about Yahooshua {Jesus}
What really shocked me about this incident was that the man concerned was a very mature believer with a strong anointing and a strong ministry with many who follow him, yet he is totally deceived by Satan's lies equating Yahooshua with Yah and breaking the first commandment.
If you have read the articles about the true Names of the Almighty, the name of Yah in the bible, the truth about Yahooshua, etc you will realize that it is the Spirit of Yah that dwells in us and which dwells in Yahooshua and therefore makes those who believe all one with Yah AND Yahooshua and each other.
Blasphemy, counterfeits and apostasy
To suggest that Jesus is living in a person is the height of blasphemy.
About ten years ago Yah told me that He was withdrawing the grace for the false names of God, the LORD, Jesus, Christ, etc and that those people who insisted on continuing to use those names and worship in those names would progressively no longer be answered by Yah but would be answered by demons instead.
Yah also told me that these people would become progressively demonized and the level of deception would increase drastically.
In recent months I have seen this repeatedly.
Seemingly sincere believers worshipping Jesus, equating Jesus with God and the LORD all in one sentence, etc, etc.
I now see that the apostasy (falling away into error) of the Christian church is reaching epidemic proportions and the number who still have some sort of material relationship with Yah is rapidly dwindling.
As far as I can see there are increasing numbers of miracles being performed through counterfeit acts by demons answering to the name of Jesus through withdrawal of illness, etc.
There are increasing levels of false anointing's {Christ's} manifesting – that is – anti-anointing's {anti-Christ's}.
And even the elect are being deceived.
The remnant, those who have NOT fallen into apostasy and error is minute and is shrinking daily.
Yahooshua is NOT coming soon
There is NO WAY Yahooshua is coming soon.
If Yahooshua were to return today almost the entire planet would be tares and goats and there would be virtually no sheep or wheat – if the Day of Judgement were to come today almost the entire population of the planet would find themselves burning in the lake of fire and brimstone, most of them for eternity.
If you are still sitting on the fence with regard to the true names I implore you if you love Yah then change today, else do not claim to love Him – how can one claim to love someone and then call them by an insulting name just because as a consequence of their great love for you they have tolerated your inconsiderate and insulting behaviour for years?
There are reports of Jesus appearing to people and telling them to be ready because he is "coming soon" – these are false manifestation, Yahooshua will not return, if he ever returns, for about one thousand years – between Passover and Pentecost 3003.
Yahooshua clearly stated in Luke 24:47 and elsewhere that the good news of salvation through faith in the covenant through Yahooshua should be preached to the entire world IN HIS NAME.
He did NOT say in the name of Jesus, he said in the name of Yahooshua.
This is certainly NOT happening in this generation and therefore it is apparent that there is NO WAY that Yahooshua will return any time soon.
Added to this it is written that he is "waiting till his enemies are made his footstool" – again, there is no way that Yahooshua's enemies are anywhere near to having been made his footstool – there is a HUGE task ahead of us before Yahooshua can return.
Accordingly I suggest for your prayerful consideration that it is VITAL to stop using the false names and EVEN MORE VITAL to stop worshipping Jesus or Yahooshua IF you are guilty of either of these massive crimes against Yah.
Faith through the covenant through Yahooshua
Regarding faith in the covenant of Yahooshua it is clearly written 1 John 5:13 "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of Yah [Yahooshua = Yah is salvation]; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of Yah." KJV adjusted
John 3:14-15 "14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: 15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." KJV
There are numerous other verses that refer to faith, to eating Yahooshua's flesh and blood – that is partaking of the covenant meal – the bread and wine, being born again – that is receiving an infilling of Yah's Spirit by faith – that is by believing, etc.
Recall also Joel 2:32 "And whoever shall call on the name of Yah the eternally self-existing {the Lord} shall be delivered and saved, for in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those who escape, as Yah the eternally self-existing {the Lord} has said, and among the remnant [of survivors] shall be those whom Yah the eternally self-existing {the Lord} calls." Amplified bible adjusted.
Salvation is clearly available through faith in Yah and a saving relationship with Yah.
AND Yahooshua came and died in order to make it MUCH easier to have a saving relationship with Yah, in fact it may well be almost impossible in this age to have a saving relationship with Yah apart from the covenant of Yahooshua, but Yah is merciful and oft forgiving so there is no reason why someone who is isolated from the covenant of Yahooshua cannot be saved if they have a deep enough relationship with Yah and earnestly seek to keep the Ten Commandments.
The bottom line?
If you are using the false traditional names of God, the LORD, Jesus and Christ, CEASE today, repent and turn to the true names.
If you are worshipping Jesus, repent and fall on your face before Yah and ask for forgiveness because GREAT WRATH is about to be released on those who continue in this error.
Yah is calling us ALL to clean up our acts, there is NO TIME TO WASTE.
If you have turned from these evil ways, then share the truths regarding the names of Yah, Yahooshua, etc with as many people as you can find to share them with – consider emailing your entire list of contacts – IF you are serious.
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* Words in curly brackets {xxx} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like God, the LORD, Jesus are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn.
2011.01.02 - So – what IS special about Yahooshua – REALLY?
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If you have read the chain of recent articles you may be wondering if I attach any particular importance to Yahooshua at all.
Many people seem to think that because I believe that Yahooshua is "just a man" and NOT Yah in the flesh that somehow I am devaluing Yahooshua.
On the contrary, rather than believing that Yahooshua is Yah masquerading as a man I accord Yahooshua GREATER RESPECT because he achieved what he achieved by living entirely as a man and NOT being Yah AT ALL.
This article headlines the distinct elements of Yahooshua's existence that I consider to be worthy of comment and worthy of esteem as one human being to another human being.
What Yahooshua accomplished IS HUGE but it lies in areas of extreme obedience, self-control, self-discipline, etc and in strict legal compliance with the commandments and fundamental legal principles of Yah.
Yahooshua above all things showed us the WAY to live life fully dead to self and filled with the Spirit of Yah as discussed in the previous article on "NOT I that live, Yah that lives in me".
1. First created being – Yah's executive second in command
Yahooshua's first claim to fame lies in the fact that when Yah began with the work of creation Yahooshua was the first spirit being that Yah created and that ever since then Yahooshua (NOT his name in the beginning) was alongside Yah as his executive assistant, if you like, his second in command.
2. Gave up all his rights, authority and powers to come to earth as a human infant
That is not so remarkable.
What is MORE REMARKABLE is that Yahooshua, the massively powerful created being gave up ALL his rights, authority and power to be injected into a human foetus as the spirit in the foetus that became the child Yahooshua (NOT anointed), son of Miriam of Natzareth, born approximately 2007 years ago.
You might ask WHY would anyone so powerful do that, particularly since he fully knew that he would live a challenging life, be tortured and abused terribly and die a terrible death with the real risk that if he sinned during the planned thirty three and a half years he would die in the same way as every other human being died with sin in their lives and with no hope of redemption.
Quite a serious risk!
So, WHY did he do it?
Because he was promised by Yah that IF he succeeded he would become king of ALL human kings and lord of all human lords and be honoured for eternity, and maybe he felt so strongly about the wrong that Satan had done that he was determined to make it right and please his loving heavenly Father?
Simple really – HEAVY PAIN – HEAVY GAIN!
3. Minor creative miracle – no father and therefore no bloodline curses
There is a minor creative miracle associated with the conception of Yahooshua.
Nothing major really.
Minor compared to the creation of Adam from the dust of the earth and the creation of Chavah {Eve} from the rib of the man (Adam).
And certainly NOT the Spirit of Yah in some perverse way having sex with Miriam as some people seem to think.
In this sense Yahooshua the created human being was just as much a son of Yah as Adam was – less if anything and just as much a son of Adam as other human beings, again, less if anything.
The principal gain from the no earthly father piece was that the blood line curses and associated demons that pass down the father's blood line were skipped so it was technically possible for Yahooshua to start life without sin, a head start on the rest of us here...
4. Lived for thirty years as an ordinary mortal with no anointing (and no sin) unnoticed by Satan
Satan had a few attempts at killing Yahooshua shortly after his birth but after the murder of the children under two in and around Bethlehem it would appear that he assumed that either he had got the prophesied child, or that someone got the dates wrong or got the wrong prophesy or that he did not have a clue where to look next so he waited for a time when Yahooshua would show himself.
What is relevant here is that Yahooshua did NOT have a special name.
He had the same name as countless other Hebrews before him, Yahooshua, meaning Yah is salvation.
Yes, a prophetic indication of what his purpose was but not unique in the same way that the Hebrew of the same name that we mostly know as Joshua was an instrument for Yah's salvation when he brought the children of Israel into the Promised Land.
The key point to note about Yahooshua here is that he managed to live for thirty years without sinning.
No swearing at the neighbour's cat, daughter, son, etc.
No lusting after the girl next door.
No slightly off colour joke, probably no jokes at all since jokes generally involve lies.
No "little white lie".
No bubble gum stolen from the corner store.
Quite a remarkable achievement all things considered and one that we do not esteem nearly as much as we should AND aspire to for ourselves and our children!
AND he did the entire thirty years ON HIS OWN with NO anointing!
5. At age thirty immersed, filled with the Spirit of Yah, forty days fasting in the wilderness and tempted – no sin
After living a sinless low profile life without sin Yahooshua suddenly emerges on the scene, is immersed by Yahoochanan (Yah has Graced) with an immersion for sin even though there was no sin in him and immediately he receives a massive impartation of the Spirit of Yah, massive because Yah does not have to contend with any sin, no demons or anything else to get in the way.
Immediately he goes into the wilderness for forty days in order that his flesh can die and the Spirit of Yah can be given full control and he comes out in the Power of the Spirit of Yah able to resist powerful temptations.
6. Three and a half years of ministry filled with the Spirit of Yah – Yah spoke through him – no sin
For the next three and a half years he got IN SATAN'S FACE so to speak – healing, delivering, etc.
He did not allow pride or self-righteousness or greed or lust or any other sin to creep in and even got angry a few times without sinning.
As we have seen he did what any person filled with the Spirit of Yah can do.
In fact, just about every miracle that Yahooshua performed had been performed by at least one other documented prophet before him and, in all likelihood had been performed by more than one prophet.
On the negative side he did not perform any of the mighty works that were performed through Moses so one could argue that Moses was a greater prophet than Yahooshua. Problem is that Moses did sin a few times, murdered a guard, lost his temper at the rock, possibly a few others?
So, again, the most noteworthy thing about this period of Yahooshua's life is NO SIN and TOTAL OBEDIENCE, even unto death.
7. Falsely accused, brutally treated, tortured, abandoned by Yah on the stake in torment, agony and anguish, forgave his torturers and died without sinning
Finally, knowing exactly where he would die and how he would die and how brutally he would be treated Yahooshua foretells his death with the bread and wine at dinner and goes out to face the massive evil that he has known has been awaiting him for centuries.
Have you ever given thought to the COURAGE that took, especially once you realize that he REALLY WAS ONLY A MAN!!!
Stop kidding yourself that this was all some sham and he was God and since God could not die there was really no big deal in what Yahooshua did!
This was for real, he could so easily have cried off at any stage, I am pretty sure I would have cried off in the garden, let alone when they lashed him, let alone when they drove that first iron spike into his wrist, let alone when the presence of Yah left him on the stake.
And still to manage to cry out "Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing!"
THAT is remarkable for any human being.
Here are good reasons to esteem Yahooshua at an exceptional level!
8. As a consequence of a life without sin death had no hold on him so he was resurrected as the first born from the dead and therefore king of human kings and lord of all human lords
Building on the previous point.
Because he died without sin, right to the last gasp, he had to be resurrected, it was a legal certainty.
And, because he had kept his agreement with Yah to do this thing and because the people who tortured him and mocked him had proclaimed him so he became king of all kings and lord of all lords.
The remarkable things were the things that he did BEFORE HE DIED.
Once he was dead it was essentially a bureaucratic nicety to get the necessary documents signed so he could assume his position as king.
BUT, until he died there was NO CERTAINTY.
Just as today there is NO CERTAINTY that he will return because there is NO CERTAINTY there will be a single human being in a position of authority on earth to declare the earth ready for the return of Yahooshua on the Day of Judgment.
9. He is seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool and will then return to judge the living and the dead
This is a formality.
He holds this position in recognition of what he achieved in this life, just as each one of use will hold a position in recognition of our achievements in this life, be it a high throne with Yahooshua or a place in the most terrible part of the lake of fire and brimstone with Satan or anywhere in between.
Problem is, will he STILL BE WAITING in a thousand years from now, two thousand, etc.
Will Satan win the battle for control of earth, certainly looks like he is doing so from where I sit – WILL YOU DO SOMETHING TO ENSURE THE EARTH IS READY FOR YAHOOSHUA'S return?
THAT is the question for each one of us each day!
What do YOU choose?
I pray that this article will challenge you to review your service to Yah and your relationship to Him and to step out in faith motivated to emulate the achievements of Yahooshua and to achieve even greater accomplishments.
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2011.01.01 - NOT I that live but YAH that lives in me
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In a number of recent articles I have addressed the issues of the meaningless religious words that are in widespread use to describe the Almighty and those associated with Him as well as clarifying why Yahooshua is not and cannot be Yah.
This article explores in more detail how Yahooshua accomplished what he did and how you can accomplish what you are called to do.
1. Galatians 2:20 – the essence of being a true believer
One of the most significant verses in the bible, little recognized and even less understood is Galatians 2:20.
In its traditional rendering it reads: "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me." KJV
A more accurate rendering would be: "I am executed with Yahooshua (the anointed one of Yah): nevertheless I live; yet not I, but the anointing of the Spirit of Yah liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of Yah, who loved me, and gave himself for me." KJV (adjusted)
The most critical piece of this verse can be rendered "I am put to death with Yahooshua and it is no longer I that live but the SPIRIT OF YAH that lives in me"
The only relevance of Yahooshua in this verse is:
- That I seek to die to self as Yahooshua died to self.
- I continue to live by the same faith that brought Yahooshua back to life, FAITH IN YAH and the promises of Yah.
This verse is about being filled with the Spirit of YAH so that He can live on earth THROUGH YOU and faith in YAH that He will do this.
This is about giving oneself so totally over to Yah that you no longer live other than to exercise your will second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year and decade by decade for the rest of your life to permit Yah to have total freedom to use your body to do His will on earth.
At this point you can claim to truly be an anointed one on earth! And, at this point it will no longer matter to you that you are seen by others to be an anointed one because your entire satisfaction will flow from your intimate personal relationship with Yah Himself, YOUR DADDY!
This is one of the reasons why the label "Christian", which at least nominally means "anointed one" is such a farce and so meaningless – virtually all who appropriate this label to themselves do not have a clue what they are talking about and are certainly NOWHERE NEAR to the above.
Myself included.
2. Personal experience – Malawi 1994
In the middle of 1994 for a period of about three hours I personally had an experience of what the above is like.
I had a dramatic life changing encounter with Yah in about March 1993 when I was close to taking my own life and was headed for hell in the fast lane and about to pass the last off ramp.
Yah spoke to me.
I committed myself totally to do whatever He called me to do.
Accepted the bible as "The word of God and without Error".
Spent hours daily in prayer, reading the bible, listening to teaching tapes.
On the morning of 2 January 1994 at about 03h00 Yah filled my bedroom with the rushing mighty wind described in Acts chapter 2 and placed His hand on me for about twenty minutes imparting an intense infilling of His Spirit.
I started to prophesy, to lay hands on people and see them healed, be used in all sorts of ways.
About the middle of that year I traveled to Malawi.
I ministered, the power of the Spirit of Yah flowing through me was so strong that people could not stand, I walked through a hospital and saw people with faith to be healed, walked over to them, prayed for healing and moved on with absolute certainty they were healed.
That night I met with three shepherds {pastors} of the Assemblies of God church in Lilongwe, Malawi.
As I moved towards the most senior, Yah told me to tell them to move the furniture, they did, he fell to the ground under the power of the Spirit of Yah. I started to speak over him but I had NO KNOWLEDGE of what was coming out of my mouth, the only active participation that I had in what was happening was that I could have chosen to prevent my mouth from speaking.
Yah spoke to this man for about twenty minutes, ALL in the first person but I guarantee that not a soul in that room thought for one second that James Robertson was speaking – we all knew that the Almighty Creator was speaking through James.
I moved to the next man, the same thing happened, he fell to the ground under the power of the Spirit of Yah and Yah spoke through me.
Then the third.
Finally I sat down and Yah spoke to me for about twenty minutes through my own mouth. Again, there was no uncertainty as to who was speaking.
For the next two or three hours I taught.
But I taught things I did not know, there was somewhat more engagement of my intellect and faculties but effectively Yah was teaching through me simply through my willingness to be a vessel.
It has never happened again.
In the months and years that followed strife in my marriage slowly tore down the anointing and distracted me from my commitment. The anointing cannot be sustained in an environment of domestic strife.
At various times I have reached some level of anointing but NEVER anything like what I have described above.
But, even then there was a catch – Yah could ONLY speak using language that I understood, words that my mouth knew how to frame and that our understanding knew how to interpret. He used God, the LORD, Jesus, Christ and Cross because if he had used Yah the eternally self-existing, Yahooshua, spirit of Yah and stake we would not have understood the message and would most likely have rejected it.
The KEY POINT of sharing this with you is that right then, in that poorly furnished room in Malawi I KNEW what it was like to be Yahooshua!
The year before that Yah had said to me "read the Gospels as though YOU are Yahooshua" – I did, so by the time I had this experience in Malawi I had in detail read the Gospels repeatedly imagining that I, James Robertson, was the anointed prophet of Galilee. That may shock you, you may think it presumptious even blasphemous but I would be lying to you if I told you otherwise.
So, when I met Loraine last year I KNEW that her word was true!
3. Loraine – a real life example right now
I met Loraine last year in July over the Internet and face to face at the beginning of August.
Before I met her Yah caused me to trip and fall flat on my face while carrying a computer, video camera, tripod, etc such that I could not brace myself or deflect my fall at all. I was winded, injured and humiliated in front of about fifty people and then I still had to get up and deliver a forty five minute technical presentation at a major national conference.
That night, when I got on my knees and asked Yah why I had been judged this way His answer was roughly "pride – I need you to humble yourself before you meet Loraine tomorrow night – listen and do not say much – she has the third closest relationship with me of any person on earth right now …"
I met Loraine the following evening, she hosted me to dinner in her home, a delightful and charming woman with a wonderful secret.
For nearly thirty four years she has been walking as close to Daddy Yah as just about anyone else on this planet.
Well over a dozen dead have walked out of hospitals and morgues as a consequence of her ministry, she prophesies over nations and is consulted by governments, she has seen sick healed, storms calmed, been translated dozens of kilometres in minutes for a journey that should have taken an hour, the ONLY experience that she has not had that Yahooshua has had is to walk on water! ALL THE REST have been real experiences in her life.
As she shared her life story, with no glory for herself just a meek and humble joy in what she experienced every day with her Daddy (her word) I knew with certainty that every word was true, that these experiences were real, that here was a woman who knew her heavenly Father as deeply as Yahooshua knew Him when Yahooshua walked the earth with the difference that she had done this for thirty four (34) years NOT three and a half.
Yes, there had been wrong turnings and mistakes, which she was quite prepared to talk about as well but in all things she had overcome so far in her life and was making a difference to the lives of others.
She spoke with respect of a great team of intercessors praying for her and her ministry and this world under her guidance. Correction brought to high profile people.
Deliverance of high profile Satanists and Witches, dramatic demonic manifestations.
This beautiful and charming woman shared in a few hours a life story that could stand side by side with any account contained in the bible.
I left there absolutely certain that I had heard Yah correctly when He told me that she was one of those that was closest to Him on earth right now.
In the days that followed I got to know her more and learned more about her.
What I saw that first evening was that she was totally filled with the Spirit of Yah and was extremely close to Him at a level that I had never before seen in any human being.
I share this testimony in the hope that you will see more clearly the picture that I am seeking to build.
4. Forty (40) day fast (water only) – Yahooshua, Moses, Loraine – put your flesh to death and start your ministry
One of the principles that Loraine advocates as a necessity is regular fasting.
She maintains that you cannot seriously enter into any form of ministry without first going on a forty day (water only) fast, she has done something like seven in her life as well as numerous three day total fasts (Esther – no food and no fluid), 21 day (Daniel), etc.
She bases this on the forty days that Yahooshua spent in the wilderness being tempted by Satan and the two periods of forty days that Moses spent on the mountain with Yah receiving the Ten Commandments.
I am sure she is correct.
Technically at the end of a forty day fast one would be well on the way to starving to death, one is certainly well on the way to putting one's flesh to death in a significant way.
I have just completed seven three day fasts over seven weeks and that was a challenge for me, the thought of forty days with water only is a daunting prospect but one that I believe we should all be willing to embrace if we do it for the right reason – to die to self and be filled with the Spirit of Yah.
"I am put to death with Yahooshua it is no longer I that live but the Spirit of Yah that lives in me"
The question must be for all who read this – are YOU prepared to lay down your life to this extent – I have an excuse, I am on medication and clinically I cannot fast on water only for forty days without severe clinical repercussions but it is NOT a good excuse because if I had the faith to do the forty day fast I would probably be healed and no longer need the medication.
This is where the piece about "by the faith of the Son of Yah" comes in! (
So, my challenge to you is to give serious consideration to YOUR level of commitment on this – do YOU desire to do the same or greater works than Yahooshua – it is there, it is going to take more than a half-hearted forty day fast BUT it is there for the taking of ALL who TRULY SEEK IT, I have total certainty of this!
Do not get me wrong, it took Loraine a LOT MORE than a forty day fast to get to the level of relationship and anointing that she has walked in.
Selling a successful business and giving away all the proceeds and moving to a town where nobody knew her and living by faith without a job and without begging. Driving a car with NO FUEL in the tank for months, praying constantly for a creative miracle to supply the fuel to get her from point A to point B. Sitting down to table with no food in the house.
Driving at 120km per hour with her eyes closed learning to hear so clearly that she could travel for kilometres like this.
Faith that is extreme, on the face of it reckless, childlike in simplicity, total devotion to her Daddy, her childlike excitement at being used by Him, her wonderment at each new miracle performed through her, no pride, no complacency, a simple wonderment at her wonderful heavenly Daddy!
So, what are YOU waiting for, we are ALL called to be like this, IF we were all like this then the WHOLE WORLD would be serving our Father in heaven and Yahooshua could return to take up his kingdom.
Instead, Yahooshua is seated at the right hand of his Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool!
5. There ARE different anointing's for different roles – business (kings), traditional prophet, etc
It should be noted that there are different anointing's for different roles.
Not all of us are called to walk as power prophets as described above BUT a huge number more are called than are doing anything more than the most elementary attempts to walk in that power.
Others are called to supernatural wisdom in commerce, science, engineering, technology, law, education, medicine, etc, etc but few realize that this level of anointing is possible and fewer still are really making an effort to walk in it.
6. We should ALL be like Yahooshua or Loraine or …
If you are NOT close to what is described above then I challenge you as to whether you can truly say you are a believer, let alone a servant – this is why the body of believers is so weak.
When is the last time YOU prayed "Father give me the anointing to be ALL that you want ME to be on this earth today" and then prayed "Father please lead me to make ALL the sacrifices that you want me to make in order to achieve this level of anointing" ?
And then, "Father, please cause me to pray all that I need to pray to achieve ALL that you want me to achieve in my life" …
and other extreme prayers?
Are YOU willing to make a difference?
Do you WANT to make a difference?
The ridicule when your new found faith does not work?
Losing friends and family?
Opposition from the forces of darkness?
If you count for anything on earth today know this, the forces of darkness will be making LIFE DIFFICULT for you right now.
If they are not then you are NOT (making a difference)!
7. Yahooshua is NOT coming soon – WE are called to REIGN with the anointing of the Spirit of Yah for 1,000 years and prepare the way for the return of the king of all human kings
Building on the messages that have gone before this, let me draw your attention to another widely incorrectly interpreted verse Revelation 20:4:
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Yahooshua {Jesus}, and for the word of Yah {God}, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} a thousand years" KJV (adjusted)
Notice, this does NOT say that Yahooshua will reign on earth for a thousand years, it says that believers will reign with the ANOINTING OF THE SPIRIT OF YAH for a thousand years.
That thousand years commenced in May 2003 when Satan was cast into the Pit for a thousand years.
We are already supposed to be reigning and, it turns out, that Loraine has been anointing men and women as kings for some years!
Like Loraine, these people may not be very visible but they ARE there and will become more prominent in time BUT they, too, need to learn the lesson that is contained in this article and become much more committed.
And, by the way, the mark of the beast is NOT some computer micro-chip, it is the sin of breaking ANY of the ten commandments either with our thoughts and what we believe (IN our foreheads) or in what we write or contract (IN our hands) – so get the names right, observe the true Sabbath strictly, etc, etc.
As for Jesus, he is here already as any number of demons and fallen angels that answer to the name of Jesus and which manifest at times with human bodies that look just like people expect Jesus to look but these are NOT Yahooshua the anointed of Yah, the son of Miriam, born in Bethlehem of Yahood about 2007 years ago.
I pray that this article will challenge you to review your service to Yah and your relationship to Him and to step out in faith seeking to be put to death with Yahooshua that Yah may live in and through you!
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2010.12.12 How did Yahooshua accomplish what he did?
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There is a lot of confusion about who Yahooshua {Jesus} is and how he accomplished what he did.
Many people believe that the only way Yahooshua could have accomplished what he did and have the authority that he has is by being the Almighty in the flesh.
However, this is incorrect, IF Yahooshua were the Almighty in the flesh then he would have NO authority on earth and he could NOT have accomplished anything on earth. It is only by being entirely human that Yahooshua could accomplish anything.
This article provides an overview of the main elements of what Yahooshua accomplished and how he accomplished what he accomplished.
Before I address this issue let me first define some terms:
- The correct name of the man commonly known as Jesus Christ is Yahooshua the anointed of Yah. He was a Yahoodite {Jew}* and therefore his name cannot be Jesus which is based on a Greek name, Iesus (Greek) which is derived from Zeus, a pagan idolatrous name, the name of a Greek God.
- Christ relates to the outpouring or anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty on the flesh of a human being, thus the Spirit of the Almighty came upon Yahooshua at the time that he was immersed by Yahoochanan {John}, thus until the age of thirty Yahooshua was NOT anointed (NOT Christ).
- When we refer to Christ, that is to the anointing, we refer to the Spirit of the Almighty, that is the Almighty. Thus one who is anointed will at some level have the Almighty manifest in and through them.
- The word translated “god” or “God” refers to a “mighty one”, “Mighty One” or “the Almighty”. It is true that Yahooshua is a mighty one {god} but it is false to say that he is Almighty {God}.
- The word translated “The LORD” is Yahooeh {or Yahweh} meaning “Yah the eternally self existing”, this is NOT the same as Adonai, also translated Lord or Baal which can also be translated Lord. It breaks the third commandment to call the Almighty “The LORD” when He has clearly stated that His Name is Yah the eternally self-existing or Yahooeh. Thus Yahooshua IS an Adonai (Lord) but he is NOT “The LORD” (Yahooeh).
- The above points give rise to great confusion. Once the above points are understood it becomes apparent that Yahooshua is a man and that he lived for three and a half years with the Spirit of the Almighty dwelling in and on him in a mighty way but he is NOT the Almighty in the flesh or in disguise – it is blasphemy to suggest that he is.
How did Yahooshua accomplish what he accomplished?
- Firstborn of creation – Yah’s executive assistant and messenger – knew what to expect
When Father Yah, the eternally self existing Creator of the heavens and the earth, commenced with creation the first spirit being He created was the spirit being that eventually came to earth in the body of the man we know as Yahooshua {Jesus}.
In this capacity he assisted Yah as an executive assistant and messenger and at times came to earth as the “Messenger of Yah”, “Captain of the host” and in other capacities.
As a consequence, when he arrived on earth in the body of a human being he knew what to expect, he knew Satan’s devices and he knew Yah’s way of doing things and Yah’s plans.
Thus, Yahooshua the son of Adam (son of man) was exceptionally well informed and well equipped for what he was called to do.
He also fully knew what to expect and how he was to die and why it was necessary that he go through all that he had to go through.
He did this by choice knowing full well what the reward would be if he succeeded and the penalty if he failed.
It is vital to understand that he chose to go through all he went through voluntarily in exchange for the promise of being king of all human kings and lord of all human lords for eternity.
- Born of a virgin -- son of Adam – authority -- no blood line curses
In being conceived by a creative miracle in the fallopian tubes of a virgin the being that became Yahooshua was fully human save for the absence of a male father.
This miracle is minor compared to the miracle of the creation of Adam from dust and the creation from Eve (Chavah) from a rib of Adam.
This miracle does NOT in any way make Yahooshua in some way more special than Adam and therefore does not in any way make Yahooshua more special than you or I. As such, it is entirely false to infer some form of sexually transmitted paternity that in some strange way makes Yahooshua devine. Such thinking is a pagan abomination.
If we are to follow that logic we must impute greater divinity to Adam and therefore to the entire human race. It is therefore patently false to assign divinity to Yahooshua.
BUT by being born as a son of a human being, and therefore a son of Adam, Yahooshua had the right to redeem the authority that Adam gave to Satan when he submitted to Satan in response to Satan’s lies to Eve and this in turn put Yahooshua in a position to redeem mankind by living a sinless life and regain authority for the sons of Adam. Note that Yah gave authority on earth to Adam and told him to have dominion over all things on earth, including Satan.
In this Yahooshua had exactly the same opportunity that had existed for every son of Adam before him with the exception that he had better knowledge of his enemy AND that because he was born of a virgin he was free of bloodline curses which pass down the male bloodline.
- King because men with authority proclaimed him king
Yahooshua became king simply because Herod and Pontius Pilate, respectively as king of the Yahoodites {Jews} and governor in office on behalf of the Roman Emperor declared him king even as did many others albeit that they thought they were mocking him.
The placards above the stake {cross} were sufficient to make him king.
- Offering for sin because he was declared the lamb of Yah and he declared the bread and wine as representative tokens of his body and blood and therefore of the sin and other offerings
Yahooshua became the offering for sin simply because Yahoochanan {John} [meaning Yah has Graced] declared Yahooshua to be “the Lamb of Yah” at the time that Yahooshua was immersed by Yahoochanan.
AND because Yahooshua assigned the bread and wine to represent his body and blood at his last meal with those who followed him.
The entire reassignment of representation is simply a matter of authoritative statement. Yahoochanan as a member of the Levitical priesthood had the authority to proclaim Yahooshua to be the lamb and Yahooshua had the authority to proclaim that his body and blood would henceforth be represented by the bread and wine.
This was vital to enable us to overcome in this age after the Levitical priesthood fell away totally after the destruction of Jerusalem and was necessary even before that because the Ark of the Covenant had gone missing when Babylon invaded Jerusalem.
- Offering for atonement because he was sent outside the city walls and his blood fell on the Mercy Seat of the Ark (Container) of the Covenant
By laying hands on Yahooshua the High Priests and people transferred their sins onto Yahooshua as the scape goat and then sent him outside the city walls.
In addition, as discovered recently by Ron Wyatt, someone, probably YirmaYahoo {Jeremiah} [meaning whom Yah has appointed], hid the Ark (Container) of the Covenant in a cave under a hill known as Skull Hill (Golgotha) outside the city walls and reached by a tunnel from underneath the Temple Mount at the time of the Babylonian invasion in about 597 before Yahooshua (so Yahooshua knew exactly where and how he had to die).
In 1982 Ron Wyatt found the Ark of the Covenant directly under an execution site that exactly fits that described in the historical accounts known as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and found an earthquake crack through the central stake {cross} hole in the rock AND found human blood without the male chromosome that had run down the earthquake crack onto the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.
Thus the offering required for atonement of sin and also the offering required for the induction of a new Priesthood were made moments after the soldier pierced Yahooshua’s side with a spear and water and blood ran out and ran down the earthquake crack onto the Mercy Seat.
The precision of Yah’s planning is amazing.
From this it is entirely certain that Yahooshua knew exactly how and where he would die BEFORE he came to earth.
- His name (Yahooshua) means “Yah is Salvation” and there is no name higher than this
The man most know as Jesus was NEVER known that way, his name was Yahooshua meaning “Yah is Salvation”.
Since there is nothing higher than the salvation of Yah it is apparent that Yahooshua is the name above all names.
- New priesthood because the High Priest laid hands on him and declared him Messiah and because his blood (the blood of the offering) fell on the Mercy seat
As indicated above, Yahooshua ushered in a new priesthood because the High Priest laid hands on him and proclaimed him Messiah and because the blood of the offering was placed on the Mercy Seat.
- We have authority in his name because he gave it to us
Because of his life and death ALL authority in heaven and on earth was given to Yahooshua.
We have authority in his name because he commanded those who followed him to be his emissaries (representatives) and to go in his name. He delegated his authority to them and to all who follow him.
Thus, whenever we use his name we do so as his representatives (emissaries) and in his authority.
He is SEATED at the right hand of the Father WAITING until his enemies are MADE HIS FOOTSTOOL. He will do nothing now until we prepare for him and take authority on his behalf and if NO human being is ready for Yahooshua to return in about 3003 which will be 7,000 years from Creation then Satan will be victorious on earth because Yahooshua will have been betrayed by those he came to save.
One way to hand over dominion on earth to Satan is to worship Yahooshua as deity and thereby break the first and greatest commandment.
- He showed us how to live life led by the Spirit of Yah and petitioned for us to be given the Spirit without the intervention of other humans
From the time the Spirit of Yah came upon him following immersion {baptism} by Yahoochanan the Immerser {John the Baptist} Yahooshua was filled with the Spirit of Yah and demonstrated to us what is possible when we are so filled.
Furthermore, he petitioned that the set apart {Holy} Spirit, which is simply the Spirit of the Almighty in a special measure, would be given to all who asked for it in the name of Yahooshua so that we are no longer reliant on the laying on of hands or other ministry by other humans to receive this gift.
All of this was done in order to make a way for any and all human beings to live life in service to the Creator irrespective of the spiritual state of other human beings. Prior to the death of Yahooshua we were dependent on there being others who had gone before as Priests or prophets to induct us. After the death of Yahooshua this is no longer necessary.
Yahooshua died a terrible death so that we would not have to live for eternity in the torment of hell fire. We will be judged in terms of the way he suffered and we will suffer eternal death if, having accepted Yahooshua’s gift, we treat it lightly or make a mockery of it.
It is a grave offense to make out that Yahooshua is the Almighty in disguise, or part of a “godhead” or “trinity” because it denies the full magnitude of what Yahooshua achieved as a MAN. This is sin in addition to the sin of worshipping a man as the Almighty which breaks the greatest commandment – “Yah the eternally self existing is one mighty one and you shall have no other mighty one’s beside Him”.
In my capacity as an emissary and spokesperson of Yah the eternally self existing I urge you NOT to worship Yahooshua or regard him as deity or part of a pagan trinity but to esteem him greatly as an emissary (sent one {apostle} and prophet (one through whom the Almighty speaks) and man who achieved great things in his life AND gave us an example, that is showed the WAY, for us to do likewise.
For this reason we CAN aspire to do GREATER works than he did.
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* Words in curly brackets {} are words which are commonly used but technically incorrect. Some of these words are simply incorrect, others like God, the LORD, Jesus are abominations in the sight of the Almighty Creator which He has, in His mercy tolerated up to now but for which grace has now been withdrawn.
2010.12.10 Unscrambling the true identity of Yahooshua {Jesus}
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This message may be one of the most challenging that you will ever read if you are a believer who applies the label "Christian" to yourself, or for that matter if you are one who applies the label "Messianic believer" or similar to yourself.
This article builds on a number of recent articles about the Name of Yah and associated labels applied to Yah such as "the Almighty" generally incorrectly translated "God", the name of a pagan deity, "Yah the eternally self-existing" generally translated "the LORD" which is actually the correct translation of the pagan deity "Baal", "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah" generally incorrectly translated "Christ" and Yahooshua meaning "Yah is salvation" generally incorrectly translated "Jesus" which is another form of Zeus a pagan deity.
This article sets out to unscramble the true identity of the man most know as Jesus Christ, correctly Yahooshua the anointed of Yah or, more specifically, Yahooshua the anointed of Yah son of Mirriam {Mary}, of Natzareth {Nasareth}, born approximately 2007 years ago in Bethlehem of Yahood {Judea}. Note that Yahooshua of Natzareth is NOT the only Yahooshua anointed of Yah, the man you probably know as Joshua from the book of the bible of the same name was also anointed of Yah and his name was also Yahooshua.
In fact, Yahooshua was a reasonably common Hebrew name, including at the time of Yahooshua of Natzareth, his name did NOT attract attention, it was the level of anointing and the works he did through that anointing and the words the Almighty spoke through Him that were noteworthy and the fact that he lived a life without sin. But that is the topic of another article.
Let us consider some facts about Yahooshua which are easily verifiable as a matter of practical consideration if one considers the points that follow prayerfully.
- Yah the eternally self-existing is one Mighty One you shall have no other mighty ones before Him
In considering what is presented in this article the following verses are critical:
Mark 12:29-30 "29 And Yahooshua answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; Yah the eternally self-existing our Mighty One {the Lord our God} is one Yah the eternally self-existing {Lord}: 30 And thou shalt love Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment." KJV (names adjusted)
Exodus 20:2-3 "2 I am Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One {the Lord thy God}, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other mighty ones {gods} before me." KJV (names adjusted)
Deuteronomy 6:4-5 "4 Hear, O Israel: Yah the eternally self-existing our Mighty One {The Lord our God} is one Yah the eternally self-existing {Lord}: 5 And thou shalt love Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One {the Lord thy God} with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." KJV (names adjusted)
Deuteronomy 5:6-7 "6 I am Yah the eternally self-existing thy Mighty One {the Lord thy God}, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 7 Thou shalt have none other mighty ones {gods} before me." KJV (names adjusted)
This is very clear.
Yah the eternally self-existing our mighty one is ONE mighty one and ONE Yah the eternally self-existing.
NOT a duality or a plural or a trinity, Yah is ONE Yah.
This is important because Yah Himself declared this from the mountain of Sinai in the Arabian peninsula to an audience of several million people, the only time that I know of that Yah has audibly spoken to millions so it is surely important.
It also forms a core of the basis on which we will be judged at the end of the age, breaking this commandment could cause you to spend part or all of eternity in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone which is the second death (Revelation 21:8).
Yah was at great pains before anything else to stress that He was one and that they were to have no other Mighty One's before Him.
So, our criteria in assessing who Yahooshua is must be whether he is Yah the eternally self-existing, NOT a proxy, NOT a messenger but Yah the eternally self-existing Himself.
If Yahooshua is NOT Yah then we sin grievously if we assign Yahooshua equivalence with Yah or equal rank with Yah or worship Yahooshua.
In fact, IF Yahooshua is NOT YAH then if you worship Yahooshua you could find yourself burning in the lake of fire for eternity.
Yes, there has been grace up to now but that grace is being rapidly withdrawn.
It is therefore vital for each of us that we get clear exactly who Yahooshua is.
The sections that follow seek to systematically address each of the areas of major misunderstanding that result in people equating Jesus with Christ with God with the Lord with Yah and drawing the mistaken conclusion that Jesus is God in the flesh which at one level IS true but at the level that we are discussing it here is fundamentally incorrect.
- Yahooshua's name is NOT Yah, therefore he is NOT Yah
In addressing this topic the first point I want to make is quite clear, Yahooshua' s name IS Yahooshua NOT Yah, therefore he is NOT Yah.
Yahooshua therefore does not satisfy the most elementary criteria to be regarded as being Yah in the flesh.
- Yahooshua's name "Yah is salvation" describes an attribute of Yah NOT of Yahooshua and references what Yah sent Yahooshua for – as a vehicle for Yah's salvation
Yahooshua's name describes an attribute of Yah and makes an absolute statement about Yah – "Yah IS salvation" – i.e. Yahooshua is NOT salvation, Yah IS salvation.
Yes, Yahooshua came as a vehicle for Yah's salvation but that does NOT make Yahooshua the salvation of Yah, it makes Yahooshua the vehicle through which Yah chose to offer man a path to salvation.
Yahooshua did NOT do this because of some power of his, he did it through the power of the Spirit of Yah upon him AND through a massive act of obedience through which he lived for thirty three and a half years without sin AND then died the most horrible death and still managed to pray at the end "Father forgive them for they do not know what they are doing"
As a consequence of dying without sin death had no hold on Yahooshua and he was resurrected as a simple legal consequence of being free of the guilt that would give death a hold on him.
Because of his obedience and because he was the first born from the dead Yahooshua became king of all human kings and lord of all human lords.
Again, this is NOT because of any mystical or magical or supernatural power of Yahooshua, it is a simple legal consequence of compliance with the terms of an agreement between Yahooshua and Yah which will be discussed in a subsequent article.
- Yahooshua was NOT the first Hebrew to have that name
It is important to understand that Yahooshua was NOT a unique name.
The Hebrew most know as Joshua in the book of that name who was the assistant to Moses in the wilderness and who then led the people of Israel into the promised land was ALSO called Yahooshua, there was a priest called Yahooshua, undoubtedly there were many others called Yahooshua.
Thus there is NOTHING special about the name of Yahooshua OTHER than that it speaks about the most wonderful attribute of Yah, that Yah IS salvation, that Yah offers salvation.
This is what makes the name Yahooshua the name above all human names.
- Yahooshua IS a god but NOT the Almighty {God}
Once one understands that the word translated "god" actually means mighty one and that there are men and demonic deities including Satan all of which are "mighty ones" {gods} then it is entirely so that Yahooshua is a god.
Except that as we have seen "god" is a meaningless pagan name that refers to a demonic deity and it is therefore an insult to refer to Yahooshua or anyone else apart from Satan and his cohorts as a god.
Given that the term "mighty one" is also used in the bible to refer to human beings and others in addition to Yah it then becomes apparent that there is confusion in applying this term.
Yahooshua IS a mighty one {god}, but Yahooshua is NOT the Almighty as many think by confusing the application of the word god and in some respects seeming to assume that it is exclusive to Yah.
- Yahooshua IS a lord and a master but not The LORD = "Yah the eternally self-existing"
It is so that Yahooshua is referred to in the writings by those who followed and esteemed him as a lord and a master.
One of the problems that one faces is that in the Greek the distinction between Yahooeh or Yah the eternally self-existing translated as Lord and other uses of other words translated as lord is completely lost.
So on reading the so-called new testament we find people using lord to refer to Yahooshua and Lord to refer to the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self-existing.
This ambiguity causes major confusion which, coupled with the confusion regarding the title "The LORD" causes many to believe that Yahooshua IS THE LORD, that is, Yah.
Once one strips away these ambiguities it becomes apparent that Yahooshua is NOT Yah.
In this context consider also the following passage:
Mattihyahoo {Matthew} [meaning gift of Yah] 23:8-10 "8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ}; and all ye are brethren. 9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven. 10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even {the anointing of the Spirit of Yah} Christ." KJV (names adjusted)
Yahooshua himself corrects those following him and tells them NOT to call him Rabbi or father or master.
The multi-facetted meaning of the meaningless word "Christ" causes major confusion in these passages because most interpret these verses as Yahooshua in some egotistical way telling people to call him Rabbi and Master.
- Yahooshua IS synonymous with "Jesus" for some sometimes but NOT for everyone always
As we have seen in recent articles the word Jesus is derived from Ieousus which in turn is derived from Zeus a major pagan deity.
Another unverified report says that Jesus means "Aardvark" a form of pig.
We have seen that in His mercy Yah has allowed people to pray in the name of Jesus and receive answers and even in their confusion to pray to Jesus and have their prayers answered.
However, Yah now asserts that the truth is widely available to anyone who has access to a computer and the Internet and that accordingly He is rapidly withdrawing ALL grace that relates to the name Jesus.
Thus while you may have received answers in the name of Jesus before this, it is now increasingly the case that a smaller and smaller number of highly anointed believers with close relationships with Yah and those who do not have reasonable means of accessing the truth are still receiving answers in the name of Jesus but this will change soon.
Thus, there are some who pray to Yah in the name of Jesus who are having their prayers answered by Yah but there are others who pray to God or the LORD in the name of Jesus who are having their prayers answered by demonic principalities called Jesus, God or the LORD. These satanic powers are performing major miracles by the manipulation of demonic forces that are acting on people, they are even able to heal by withdrawing the demons that are causing the illness, they produce counterfeit, false anointing's as well.
The goal of these satanic forces is to ensure that every human being on the planet is worshipping Satan through his various principalities, powers, thrones and dominions in the false names, etc.
If Satan and the forces of darkness can ensure that there are no true believers left at the end of the age there will not be anyone to call for the return of the king and Satan will have won the victory over the earth forever.
- Yahooshua IS anointed with the Set Apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah {Christ} but so are millions of others
As mentioned above, Yahooshua is anointed with the Spirit of Yah, that is in traditional terminology Yahooshua is "Christ".
However, once we understand that "anointed with the Spirit of Yah" is a technical description that applies to ALL believers who have an infilling of the Spirit of Yah then we realize that there are millions of "christs" on earth today and possibly there have been billions over the last six thousand years.
So Moses was a christ, David was a christ and you are probably a christ.
So anything that infers deity for Yahooshua based on "Christ" is missing the point.
- Yahooshua IS THE Anointed One {Messiah / Christ} but Christ only refers to Yahooshua occasionally
Following on from this point it is so that there ARE some prophecies that refer to a coming anointed one, traditionally referred to as "the Messiah" based on the Hebrew word for anointed one, but once more it is important to remember that Messiach and Christ both refer to the spiritual state of a specifically identified human being, in this case Yahooshua the son of Mirriam.
Insofar as that anointed one is anointed with the Spirit of Yah there is an element of Yah being at work in that individual.
In fact, in the case of Yahooshua who walked with a mighty anointing in a very real sense Yah WAS walking the earth through Yahooshua but it was Yah THROUGH Yahooshua NOT Yah being Yahooshua, who walked the earth.
Thus we can use the term Christ to refer to Yahooshua and also to the anointed one's generally or to other specific anointed one's.
This is a huge source of error, people read verses that relate to the Spirit of Yah and convert them to referencing Yahooshua the man.
For example consider the following verses:
Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through the anointing of the Set Apart Spirit of YAH {Christ} which strengtheneth me." KJV (term adjusted)
Phillipians 4:19 "But my Mighty One {God} shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by the anointing of the Spirit of YAH that was upon Yahooshua {Christ Jesus}." KJV (adjusted)
Notice how radically the meaning of these verses changes when we substitute "anointing of the Spirit of Yah" for "Christ" verses believing that "Christ" equates with "Jesus".
This is one of the most significant errors that results in people misunderstanding what would otherwise be plain text.
- Christ is always YAH but only sometimes Yahooshua the anointed of Yah the son of Mirriam of Natzareth, born in Bethlehem of Yahood approximately 2007 years ago
From the above notice that "Christ" in the sense that we are accustomed to using it ALWAYS refers to YAH and NOT to Yahooshua.
Yes, it is occasionally so that "Christ" equates to Yahooshua but NOT ALWAYS.
While "Christ" = "the anointing of the Spirit of Yah upon a human being" ALWAYS refers to YAH.
The extension of this logic is perhaps the most essential reason why people believe that Jesus IS God – they use "Christ" interchangeably with "Jesus" and from that they take references such as those above which refer to Yah and they appropriate them incorrectly for Yahooshua.
So "the body of Christ" is the body of those filled with the Spirit of Yah, this body INCLUDES Yahooshua who is the head, the leader, the king, of that body, that assemblage or conglomeration of people who are together filled with the SAME SPIRIT, the Spirit of YAH, NOT the spirit of Jesus.
This principle applies to a wide diversity of widely held doctrines in this regard.
- Yah is ONE, alone, altogether, singular NOT two or trinity or other plural
One of the other causes of confusion is the passage where Yahooshua says that he and the Father are one:
Yahoochanan {John} [meaning Yah has graced] 10:30 "I and my Father are one."KJV
It is widely held that this verse, taken together with the statement that Yah is one means that Yahooshua IS one and the same with Yah.
In considering this consider the word translated "one" in the passages in Exodus and Deuteronomy that report what was spoken by Yah from Mount Sinai.
The Hebrew dictionary definition of this word which is Strong's number 259 is:
dj*a# 'echad (ekh-awd'); a numeral from OT:258; properly, united, i.e. one; or (as an ordinal) first:
KJV - a, alike, alone, altogether, and, any (-thing), apiece, a certain, [daily-], each (one), + eleven, every, few, first, + highway, a man, once, one, only, other, some, together,
(Biblesoft's New Exhaustive Strong's Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek-Hebrew Dictionary.Copyright © 1994, 2003, 2006 Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.)
It is clear from this that when Yah says He is one He is making a statement that He is NOT more than one.
Since Yah is Yah and Yahooshua is Yahooshua it is apparent that Yahooshua and Yah are NOT one in the sense widely applied.
- Yahooshua is ONE with Yah but so are you if you are a true believer, this does NOT make either of you Yah
As an extension of the previous point consider:
Yahoochanan {John} [meaning Yah has graced] 10:30 "I and my Father are one." KJV
Yahoochanan 17:22 "And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:" KJV
Romans 12:5 "So we, being many, are one body in the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ}, and every one members one of another." KJV (adjusted)
Ephesians 5:31-32 "31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning the anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} and the body of believers {church}." KJV (adjusted)
1 Corinthians 6:15-17 "15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of the anointing of Yah {Christ}? shall I then take the members of the anointed body of Yah {Christ}, and make them the members of an harlot? The Almighty {God} forbid. 16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh. 17 But he that is joined unto Yah the eternally self-existing {the Lord} is one spirit." KJV (adjusted)
Please notice the string of associations with the concept of being one:
- Yahooshua is one with Father Yah by Yah's Spirit in Yahooshua.
- We are one with Father Yah (and by extension Yahooshua) through the Spirit of Yah {Christ} in us.
- A man and woman are one through the spirit of the man in the woman through the man cleaving (cutting = sexual intercourse) into the woman.
- One who cuts into (has sexual intercourse with) a harlot becomes one with her.
This is clearly NOT the same ONE as in Exodus 20:2-3 and Deuteronomy 5:6-7.
Thus it is so that as we become filled with the Spirit of Yah we all become one in Yah {Christ}, in the same way when men and women become one they become one spiritually.
Since it is clear to me and, I hope to you, that I am NOT Yah then by extension it is so that Yahoochanan 10:30 does NOT indicate that Yahooshua IS Yah.
I am one with Yahooshua as I am one with all who are at some measure anointed with the Spirit of Yah because I have the Spirit of Yah indwelling me, the same applies to all who read this who are at some level anointed because they have believed and prayed appropriately.
- But I have been to heaven and Yahooshua IS one with Yah – the problem of paradigms
Recently I was confronted with the statement "I have been to heaven and seen that Yahooshua is one with Yah", I have also heard an account of one who was raised from the dead but who had been to heaven and who had seen Yahooshua "in" Yah.
I am quite certain this is the case.
I have had a vision of a man and woman who had such a strong one flesh bond that the woman appeared to be IN the man, her spirit and his spirit were so tightly coupled that in the spirit realm they appeared to be one with the woman IN the man.
It is therefore entirely probable that Yahooshua, being as close to Yah as he is will indeed be seen in the spirit realm as being part of Yah.
This does NOT make Yahooshua equal to Yah nor does it make Yahooshua a proxy or surrogate of Yah that IS Yah. Yes, Yahooshua CAN be seen as an emissary but that is different.
However, IF your paradigm, your mental programming, equates that oneness with Yahooshua being Yah then you will draw the conclusion that what you have seen in heaven supports your understanding that Yahooshua IS Yah.
However, if you have the understanding presented in this article then you will NOT see Yahooshua as being Yah, you will see Yahooshua as in Yah but not being Yah.
- Yahooshua as emissary {apostle} is also ONE
In the sense that Yahooshua is an emissary {apostle} or sent one of Yah he also has great delegated authority and in his interactions with the rest of creation he represents Yah and speaks with Yah's authority and as Yah's agent.
This can also create the impression that Yahooshua IS Yah when in actual fact he is speaking with delegated authority as king of all human kings and lord of all human lords.
- Yah speaks through His prophets in the first person
Finally, Yah spoke through Yahooshua in the first person repeatedly but this too was NOT something new.
Yah is reported speaking in the first person through His prophets throughout the so-called "Old Testament", for example consider the following passage:
Yashayaahoo {Isaiah} (meaning Yah has saved) 64:11-65:2 "11 Our holy and our beautiful house, where our fathers praised thee, is burned up with fire: and all our pleasant things are laid waste. 12 Wilt thou refrain thyself for these things, O Yah the eternally self-existing {Lord}? wilt thou hold thy peace, and afflict us very sore?
65 1 I am sought of them that asked not for me; I am found of them that sought me not: I said, Behold me, behold me, unto a nation that was not called by my name. 2 I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts;" KJV adjusted
Notice that in verses 11 and 12 of chapter 64 the prophet is speaking in the first person and in chapter 65 verses 1 and 2 we find Yah speaking in the first person THROUGH THE PROPHET.
Thus just because a prophet says something that is from Yah because Yah is speaking through that prophet does NOT make that prophet Yah, it is simply that Yah has chosen to speak through that prophet and expects those listening to discern when Yah is speaking.
I have received many prophecies and have given much prophetic word myself and just because Yah is speaking in the first person there has never in my experience been uncertainty when Yah was speaking.
It should be the same with Yahooshua, once all the other sources of confusion are removed and we accept that Yahooshua is a human being and no more than a human being and we no longer think that he will speak as Yah then it becomes straightforward to discern where Yah is speaking through Yahooshua and where Yahooshua is speaking himself.
Bearing in mind that Yahooshua was HIGHLY ANOINTED with the Spirit of Yah we should expect Yah to speak through Yahooshua directly and indirectly just as we expect Yah to speak through Moses and other anointed prophets before and after Yahooshua right through to the current age.
It is my prayer that as you prayerfully consider what is presented above you will come to a robust realization that Yahooshua is NOT Yah, that Yahooshua is only a human being, yes an extremely powerful human being, because of his resurrection as a consequence of his sinless life NOT because he is Yah in disguise.
In closing I would like to quote what Yah said to me a few weeks ago at a church meeting where the people were praising and worshipping Yahooshua "Son of man, have you heard this abomination, they take my worship and they give it to my son whom I created".
If you love Yah, cease worshiping Yahooshua and draw a clear distinction between Yah as Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and Creator of Yahooshua and Yahooshua as created being and king of human kings and lord of human lords.
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2009.12.02 How special is Yahooshua REALLY?
I continue to get feedback regarding Yahooshua's exact status.
In this context it is important to distinguish between the status that he attained through being obedient even to the death of the stake having lived life without sin and any status he may have had before that point.
As i understand things the spirit being that was placed in the fertilized ovum (egg) in Mirriam {Mary} was the first spirit being that Yah ever created and who had a special relationship with Yah as a consequence. That spirit being also had full conscious knowledge of Yah and Yah's way of doing things, Yah's plan for the earth and the children of Adam (human beings) and also knew how Satan and the forces of darkness operated.
However, in coming to earth as a son of Adam {man}, Yahooshua stepped away from all power and privilege in order to be fully a son of Adam and live life as a human being in order to demonstrate that it was indeed possible for a human being to live a life without sin and to be totally filled with the set apart {holy} spirit.
In this regard, therefore, it is vital to recognize that there is NOTHING that Yahooshua did during his time on earth that was in any way a matter of special privilege or power, we are all created such that we are able to do the same and greater works relative to those performed by Yahooshua.
He was unique in his time on earth in that he succeeded in living a life without sin but he did it to demonstrate that we can also choose to forsake sin and serve Yah with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to be filled to capacity with the Spirit of Yah.
BECAUSE Yahooshua accomplished this he was resurrected because there was no sin in him when he died NOT because of any special status.
It was a legal requirement that since he had lived without sin he was resurrected, just as it is a legal requirement that should you or i die having repented of all sin before death we too will be resurrected.
Let us consider what Yahooshua achieved on earth over and above the point of a life without sin totally as a son of Adam.
Firstly, consider that Adam is described as the son of Yah just as Yahooshua is described as the son of Yah.
In Job, even Satan and all created spirits in heaven are described as sons of Yah.
Yahooshua does NOT have exclusive claim to the designation "son of Yah", you and i are also son's of Yah -- in fact, chances are you refer to Yah as your father which by extension makes you His son or daughter so there is no reason to assume that being the son of Yah makes Yahooshua in any way particularly special, he was just like you or i when he was on earth.
Incidentally, Adam (man) fathered all of humanity with the exception of Yahooshua who did not have an earthly father but this was no different to Adam or Chavah {Eve}. Remember that the creation of Adam from dust and Chavah from a rib of Adam was MORE miraculous than the creation of the man Yahooshua from a fertile egg in a virgin so there is no particular reason to ascribe special status to Yahooshua here. It is pagan tradition that ascribe special status to a virgin in the context of the creation of the man Yahooshua. The only reason that Yah chose to create Yahooshua in this way was for the there to be a line of descent from Adam so Yahooshua could be a son of Adam and Yah chose a virgin because it was necessary so that no bloodline curses would pass to Yahooshua so he could start life without inherited curses and therefore sin.
This is a sovereign act on the part of Yahooshua and again does not convey a special rank on Yahooshua.
Many people are impressed by the miracles performed by Yah through Yahooshua but lose sight of the fact that ALL the miracles were performed by Yah and NOT by the human being who called them into being. Accordingly if we are to ascribe special status to Yahooshua we must ascribe the SAME status to Moshe {Moses}, EliYahu {Elijah}, and all the other prophets, else we must ascribe the same status to Yahooshua as we ascribe to them.
In deciding how you want to respond to this point please consider the following -- Yahooshua:
-- turned water into wine -- Moshe turned the waters of Egypt into blood;
-- healed lepers -- so did Elisha;
-- multiplied bread and fish -- Moshe fed the Yisraelites with manna in the wilderness for forty years, EliYahu multiplied meal and oil;
-- walked on water -- Moshe parted the sea; Elisha caused an axe head to float on water;
-- calmed the storm -- Moshe caused a storm;
-- did not cause any material thing to appear -- Moshe caused water to flow from a rock on two occassions; so did Samson; Moshe turned a rod
into a snake;
-- cast out demons and said that the sons of the Pharisees cast out demons by the spirit of Yah;
-- opened blind eyes -- Psalm 146 says Yah opens blind eyes; Paul caused a man to go blind and then to see again;
-- raised the dead -- Eliyahu raised the dead as did Peter;
-- cursed a fig tree and it died; Moshe destroyed all the plants in Egypt with a hail storm;
-- caused dumb persons to speak; Yah spoke to Balaam through a donkey;
-- did NOT call down fire from heaven; Moshe, Eliyahu and others did this;
-- did not bring about a global flood and destruction of the earth -- Noah did this;
-- laid hands on others to receive the set apart spirit; Moshe laid hands on seventy elders; Samuel anointed Saul and then David; Moshe received the set apart spirit of Yah without laying on of hands or being immersed, Yahooshua only received it when he was immersed;
-- assigned his body to bread as an offering to Yah for covenant; Moshe designated a wide diversity of animal offerings {sacrifices} and meal, grain and bread offerings for various atoning and healing purposes AND thereby created the basis for Yahooshua's assignment;
-- assigned his blood to the wine in the cup as an offering and for atonement; again Moshe created the assignments to animal offering for forgiveness for sin which formed the basis of the authority for what Yahooshua did;
-- provided atonement through his offering on the stake and through his assignment of his body and blood to the bread and wine; again, Moshe instituted the offerings and rituals which Yahooshua fulfilled;
-- was resurrected; Enoch was translated {"raptured"} and never died; Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego were cast bound into a furnace and walked out unharmed; Daniel was cast into the lion's den and walked out unharmed;
-- repeatedly referred to himself as a prophet -- as far as i can recall all others only were named prophets by those around them;
-- lived a life without sin for thirty three and a half years; no one else has done that that i know of;
Either Moshe and Eliyahu and many other men were anointed prophets and emmissaries of Yah who did mighty works AND so was Yahooshua
OR Moshe and others are also super human beings as is ascribed to Yahooshua by many.
Bottom line?
Yahooshua WAS a mighty prophet, in some respects the mightiest ever but there could be a close context with Moshe given that Yahooshua only performed miracles for three years while Moshe did so for forty years and Moshe directly impact the lives of millions in real time and caused the death of millions and instituted the ordinances by which Yahooshua accomplished what he accomplished through assigning his body and blood to the bread and wine.
It is vital to understand this, IF we ascribe greater powers to Yahooshua when he lived on earth we DISEMPOWER OURSELVES from the challenge of seeking to forsake sin and be filled with the Spirit of Yah to the point where we can do the same and greater works than Yahooshua.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
26 November 2016

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