2017.01.04 The Microchip is NOT the Mark of the Beast Created by James on 5/21/2018 8:56:21 AM The microchip is NOT the Mark of the Beast
The Microchip is NOT the Mark of the Beast
Dr James A Robertson
There is widespread alarm, verging on hysteria, to the effect that the micro-chip identification method is “The Mark of the Beast” from Revelation. This has been going on for about twenty years to my knowledge and I recently received a flurry of emails and text messages including a link to a very professional looking video. All of this alarm is completely unfounded, the microchip has NOTHING to do with the Mark of the Beast.
I asked Father about this around 20 years ago and He categorically stated that the microchip is NOT the Mark of the Beast. He went on to instruct me that the Mark of the Beast is the breaking of the Ten Commandments in our thoughts (in the forehead) and in what we write and covenant (in the right hand). It is a spiritual mark and NOT a physical one.
Right now the microchip is not in widespread deployment and it will take years, if not decades if not NEVER to be implanted in every adult human being on the planet – which for a mark with spiritual significance is not acceptable as it means that some people will be tested more than others simply because of geographic location and social standing.
It is vital to understand that Revelation is speaking of a spiritual battle, a battle for the souls of people and NOT a physical battle so ANY teaching which deals primarily with physical attributes is likely to be invalid.
Satan is using the microchip IN the right hand and IN the forehead (not widespread) as a counterfeit to lead to rebellion and persecution to direct people away from the real mark which they already have and need to get rid of. It is also making fools of people who are at some level trying to serve the Almighty thereby bringing the faith into disrepute.
Right now virtually the entire adult population of the Earth has the real Mark because they are breaking the Ten Commandments wholesale. The worst offender is the Christian Church because they have the truth about the Commandments in the Bible but they break all ten of the Commandments with their false teachings -- see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Commandments/TheMARKoftheBeast.aspx.html
To get rid of the Mark one needs to live a life above sin and that takes intense focus and effort and results in massive Satanic and Demonic opposition for the slightest transgression as they do all they can to prevent believers who are getting close to being free of the Mark or who have gotten free of the Mark, from buying and selling. Essentially they make it very difficult to sell and if one has no money one cannot buy. A divided house (man versus woman in marriage) is the most effective device that the forces of darkness use to get a legal basis to attack the finances of believers.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
14 January 2017

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