2017.01.05 High Sabbaths for 2017 Created by James on 5/21/2018 10:47:52 AM High Sabbaths for 2017
High Sabbaths for 2017
Dr James A Robertson
Following are the High Sabbaths, Feasts and Fasts ordained by the Almighty for the calendar year 2017.
If anything of major significance is planned by Father Yah, the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, He works around these special days.
These dates are drawn from the Qodesh Calendar published by Qodesh Books at:
These Sabbaths run from sunrise to sunrise except Yom Kippur {the Day of Atonement} which runs from sunset – see
Pesach {Passover} Wednesday 12th April 2017 – Deliverance from Egypt, Death and Resurrection of Yahooshua – feast – see
Shavuot {Pentecost} Sunday 4th of July 2017 – Commandments given to Moshe on Mount Sinai and Set-Apart Spirit poured out in the Upper Room – feast – see
Yom Teruah {Day of Trumpets} Friday 22nd September 2017 -- feast.
Yom Kippur {Day of Atonement} Saturday 30th September to Sunday 1st October 2017 – strict total fast from sunset to sunset – drink only water – the most set-apart {Holy} day in the year, it is a great offense to work on this day.
First Day of Sukkot {Tabernacles} Friday 6th October 2017 (day on which Yahooshua was born – harvest festival, commemorates Israel in the wilderness) -- feast.
Great Day of Sukkot {Tabernacles} Friday 13th October 2017 (day on which Yahooshua was circumcised and dedicated) -- feast.
If you are serious about serving the Almighty, please diarise these days and take leave as they are strict high Sabbaths on which NO secular or commercial activity should take place.
The following are abominable days, Satanic festivals which you should observe ONLY by fasting and worshipping Father or working – it is NOT necessary to take leave on these days:
Easter – Friday 14th April to Monday 17th April – fast and worship Father – this is the festival of the Satanic Goddess Ishtar – please fast – see
Halloween – Tuesday 31st October – the most abominable day of the year – Satan’s Great Day – please fast – see http://end-time-issueministries.org/SatanicFeasts/Halloween.aspx.html
Christmas – Monday 25th December – the day that brings Satan the Greatest Honour, hated by the Almighty Creator AND by Yahooshua – it is a lie that Yahooshua {Jesus} was born on this day – please fast – see
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
16 January 2017
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