2017.04.01 There IS Reincarnation from Yah Created by James on 5/22/2018 6:09:28 AM Yah DOES permit human beings to be reincarnated
There IS Reincarnation from Yah
Dr James A Robertson
A year ago, probably even six months ago, if you had asked me if I believed in reincarnation I would have said that people who believed that they had lived in previous lives were being fed information by ancestor spirits, that is demons, and were not believers.
Then I met someone who Father clearly showed me WAS His servant and a strong believer and I discovered that they believed that they had been reincarnated and that they had undergone traumatic experiences in this life as part of dealing with their “karma” (accumulated unrepented sin) from a previous life!
At first I parked this, I did NOT know how to handle this information, on the one hand I was certain that Father had brought this person into my life and that they WERE in close relationship with Father, on the other hand I did not believe that reincarnation was something Father did.
Then I remembered that the Spirit being who was placed in Yahooshua {Jesus} pre-existed prior to the creation of the embryo that became the man Yahooshua and came with foreknowledge of the ways of the Almighty at some level.
Then I further remembered Jeremiah 1:4 and 5 which says “4 Now the word of Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD} came to me saying, 5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations."” This clearly speaks of prior existence!
Finally I got on my knees and checked in with Father -- from this conversation I came to understand that in addition to what I already knew which is that when a believer dies and comes before the judgment seat they are judged and to the extent that they are found to have unrepented sin breaking one or more of the Ten Commandments they are sentenced to a period of torment in Hell (see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Hell.aspx.html) before they are taken up into heaven. They are also assigned a rank in Heaven for eternity in terms of their standing with Father. See the article “Where are YOU Going” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/WhereareYOUgoing.aspx.html for a discussion of this.
In the context of this Father advised me that in addition to the above there is a further scenario:
Sometimes it happens that a believer gets to the judgment and finds that they have gross sin and / or that they have wasted their lives and will be assigned a very junior rank in Heaven and they then cry out for a chance to rectify their mistakes. In such a case Father explains to them that they may return to Earth but with the understanding that the penalty for all the unrepented sin will follow them in their new life and that they will have to pay the price in that life rather than going to Hell. Their previous life will also be hidden behind a veil such that they will have only very limited recollection of their previous life and will have to align more strongly with Yah in an intense way if they are to achieve a higher status in Heaven after the end of their second life.
At this stage as I understand it any one Spirit being will have only ONE opportunity at a new life and will NOT come back as an animal, neither can animals progress to becoming human. I currently understand that it is possible that a resurrected person will fall away completely in their second life – that is that they will be utterly rejected and subject to destruction in Hell. I qualify the above on the basis that I have been undergoing a steep learning experience in this area in recent weeks and I choose to be open to what Father may still want to teach me in this context. I am open to any sharing that people on the mailing list may have in this context.
I therefore must advise you that it is possible for a human spirit to be reincarnated in a new body as set out above.
I must also advise that I have come to understand that at least some of the Eastern Mystics and the associated religion around “Yoga” are at some level ALSO from Father. I have ordered a number of books which I plan to read in time in searching for truth and will report back as I find important lessons. I fully expect that, as with all religions, I will find much error but my search is, as always, for truth.
If you have not read my article “Seek Truth NOT Error” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/SeekTruth/SeekTruthNOTError.aspx.html I encourage you to read it now. If you do not understand what I am saying or consider it to NOT be from Yah, I urge you to simply park it and say “I do not understand / I do not agree” and leave it at that rather than risk bringing judgment on yourself if I am speaking truth.
It is now very clear to me that there are many more paths leading to Father through preserved truth amongst a great diversity of religions and groupings than I had previously thought and we judge such groups and religions at our peril. Our calling is to seek truth wherever we find it and NOT to concern ourselves with error for we will certainly find error throughout the world because that is what Satan and his Demonic Masterminds have been strenuously propagating on the Earth for over 6,000 years.
Our challenge is to find the fragments of truth preserved in ALL groups.
Following are the books that have been recommended to me in the context of what is written above:
- The Bhagavad Gita -- 2 Volume Set by Paramansa Yogananda
- The Divine Romance - Collected Talks and Essays -- Volume 2 by Paramahansa Yogananda
- Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
- The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Basil T Spalding
These books are all available on Amazon and I have ordered all of them. I intend to read as Father leads and will report back on what I learn where I believe it is relevant to you.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
14 April 2017

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