2017.04.02 The Role of Previous Generations in Our Lives Created by James on 5/22/2018 6:23:52 AM Previous Generations of Believers DO play a role in the lives of the current generations
The Role of Previous Generations in Our Lives
Dr James A Robertson
I have been aware for some years that the spirits of those who die as unbelievers remain on Earth as Ancestor Spirits or Demons reliant on Messengers {Angels}, humans and animals for transport. I have also known that believers who die are taken to Heaven, judged, spend time in Hell if they have unrepented sin at the time of death and then live in Heaven for eternity with glorious bodies.
I have only vaguely wondered about whether the Resurrected Believers have a role on Earth. I knew that the Overcomers ruled over cities, towns, planetary systems, etc but I had never really asked how that happened. I had certainly not considered the possibility that they interacted with human beings alive today. I knew that they could watch and tune in on any person or situation on Earth and I was particularly conscious that my parents could see everything I did and hear everything I said and that, at some level, caused me to moderate my conduct. But it had never occurred to me that they could actually speak to and guide human beings alive today.
In addition to teaching me that it is possible for believers to be reincarnated, the same person taught me that there were what she referred to as “Ascended Masters”, believers who had gone before who spoke to her in various forms and, on occasion, even sat in her car with her while driving. They also communicated through Inspired Writing, writing with her left hand (she is right handed) what was the direct output of Spirit to Spirit communication between an Ascended Master and my friend.
Initially I was highly challenged by her statements but, as I digested them and continued to discover how close she was to Father I started to accept the possibility that these statements were valid and that it was indeed logical that if Ancestor Spirits could speak to humans then the spirits of those who were in Heaven could also speak to us.
Eventually I got on my knees before Father and He confirmed that it WAS possible for a person in Heaven to come to Earth and speak to a Human Being and give guidance. He advised that this only happened if the person on Earth gave permission / requested such communication and that the communication was limited by the knowledge and experience of the person from Heaven who came to speak to the Human Being AND also was constrained by the “Rules of Engagement” – the rules that limit what Yah and His servants can do and what Satan and his servants can do on Earth in this Era, see http://end-time-issueministries.org/TheContest/RulesofEngagement.aspx.html
Father has indicated that this communication is supplementary to communication with Him directly and that it is available to all on Earth to communicate directly with Father and not rely on those who have gone before. He further indicated that since I have always prayed to Him directly I have not had experience of those in Heaven speaking to me and that it is not necessary for me now to seek such communication.
This whole experience has opened up a diversity of topics that were previously closed to me and I will share further as time permits.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
15 April 2017

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