2017.06.01 Suicide Bombers Face Harsh Judgment After Death Created by James on 5/22/2018 6:55:06 AM Suicide Bombers face harsh judgment after death
Suicide Bombers Face Harsh Judgment After Death
Dr James A Robertson
From reports relating to the suicide bomber who wreaked havoc in Manchester recently killing over twenty people and injuring over 100 it appears that the bomber was significantly religious within the Muslim religion. Reports regarding other suicide bombers report similar information.
It appears that people who commit these acts do so in the mistaken belief that somehow they are doing the Almighty a service by killing themselves and taking as many people as possible with them.
Given that I have written on a number of occasions that there are a significant number of Muslim people who are true believers and at some level close to the Almighty it seems important to me to take a position on the conduct of suicide bombers.
In the first instance it is important to note that notwithstanding apparent claims from those involved in committing such atrocities or in sponsoring, motivating or assisting those who commit such deeds, there is NO passage in the Quran that mandates or commands a believer in the Almighty through reliance on the Quran to kill themselves and randomly kill others with them.
It is also important to note a fundamental spiritual law, “in the mouths of two or three witnesses the truth will be established” this relates specifically to the death penalty for murder amongst other things.
Insofar as a person who randomly blows themselves up together with a group of randomly selected people, even if the bomber were righteous and free of sin and qualified to judge, which appears to be highly unlikely, they would still be required to convene a court to pass judgment on each and every person that they planned to kill such that a just judgment was obtained. It is in the nature of suicide bombing that this does not happen. Therefore the act of suicide bombing is an act of murder with full intention to kill randomly.
Accordingly the suicide bomber, assuming they are a believer, which appears to be the case in many instances, will on their death find themselves before the Judgment Seat in Heaven judged for the unrighteous murder of all the people they killed plus judgment for unrighteous wounding of all those who survived.
In other words, the suicide bomber will face a very long and very tormented period of service in Hell for the sin of murder.
Claims that such people will qualify to sit in Heaven with some number of beautiful virgins to wait on them are also false. Firstly there are no gender based privilege in Heaven and secondly cowardly acts of murder will not qualify anyone for a position of privilege in Heaven. Accordingly, from a perspective of spiritual benefit for the perpetration of such acts there is NO benefit to the perpetrator – they will in fact face extreme sanctions and penalties in Heaven.
Those who motivate such acts will also find themselves judged as liars and accessories to the act of murder and will also face harsh judgment on death.
All told it is NOT in the interests of the perpetrators of these crimes to commit these crimes.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
29 April 2017

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