2017.09.03 Sexual Reproduction Proves Creation Created by James on 5/22/2018 8:09:26 AM Sexual Reproduction proves Creation
Sexual Reproduction Proves Creation
Dr James A Robertson
I have recently been exposed to a very heated debate by email with regard to the existence or non-existence of the Creator with intense arguments by people who label themselves as Atheists – that is they do not believe there is a Creator.
Some years ago I wrote a lengthy document on this topic which is available at http://end-time-issueministries.org/Creation/CreationvsEvolutionPart1.aspx.html which examines all sorts of rational factors that point to the existence of the Creator.
I will now present a shorter rationale for the existence of the Creator based on my learnings and experience since writing the above document.
Essential point of departure is to base the argument as far as possible on things that I can prove from my own experience so let us see how I do.
Before I start let me state that I do NOT believe that Creation took place in seven 24 hour days, it took place in seven periods of indeterminate duration probably running to millions of years. It took place in an evolutionary, that is experimental and inquiring, manner with many failed experiments. A lot of the objections to Creation are in fact objections to irrational and illogical Bible Punching based on wrong translation and wrong interpretation of the historical information in the book known as the Bible.
The basis of my argument is sexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction, the merging of male and female reproductive gametes such as sperm and egg, is common to all mammals, all fish, all insects and all plants with the exception of very basic plants and animals.
Inherent to sexual reproduction is that there is a male organism and a female organism with male and female generally looking very similar but with certain very distinct male and female characteristics. Those who say there is no Creator need to explain how these two organisms that inter-operate so intimately came into existence spontaneously with no overarching Engineered design to make sure that the two halves could work together first time – they could not have “evolved” in a random spontaneous way because they only work when they are complete in every way. This is very much the chicken and egg phenomenon – the egg has to know the chicken exists in order to produce a chicken and the chicken has to know the egg exists in order to produce the egg – inherently a seriously complex engineering endeavour.
Problem is that this applies not only to chickens but to all birds, all reptiles and, in a slightly different form, all mammals and humans. In a slightly different form again it applies to all plants that produces seeds or fruits (another form of “egg”) from which a new generation of plant emerges. All of these reproductive elements are unique and each has its own beauty, not to mention many of these items having nutritional value for humans and other animals. If you do not believe in a Creator you have to figure out how to explain this massive complexity, massive inter-operability and comprehensive beauty and functionality all with the same core mechanism.
Then there is an added complexity amongst mammals and less obviously other life forms. The female has the capacity to produce both male and female children. The male has NO capability to produce offspring. So how did these two life forms spontaneously evolve and then suddenly reach a point where the male ceased to spontaneously evolve and the female suddenly developed the capability to produce offspring of both genders? Again this points to a highly intelligent, highly creative engineering agency to design and build this complexity. And then the offspring have to be cared for, nurtured, protected, provided for and educated for years in the case of humans, shorter periods with mammals, birds, etc.
In addition, in mammals the male and female are almost identical in physical structure with the exception of the reproductive organs and the female being more petite and delicate than the male, also with different personality traits. The skeletal system, the muscular system, the lungs, the digestive system, the nervous system, the brain, etc, etc are effectively identical, only the reproductive organs differ. Again it is necessary to explain how the male and female evolved spontaneously to be almost identical but with critical differences. Or did they evolve as one form and then at the last minute mutate into male and female? Again, a highly intelligent engineering manager is necessary for this to happen.
Then in plants with regard to reproduction we have a huge diversity of seeds and fruits consider oranges, paw paws, bananas, coconuts, peaches, mangoes, cherries, papayas, litchis, tomatoes, cashew nuts, walnuts, pine cones, maize (corn), sun flowers, millet, wheat, beans, peas, figs, dates, grapes, etc, etc – massive diversity and each enjoyably edible by human beings and aesthetically attractive, many with pleasing scents – how did these all come about spontaneously? And then with insects there is the added step of the caterpillar and the chrysalis both of which keep track of the male and female in one organism. Again, evidence of a creative agency.
And ALL of these plants and animals are complete, functional, perfect – why is there not a plethora of diverse stages of evolution with incomplete items in abundance – why is everything perfectly complete? Surely this speaks of a Creative agency who progressively developed all this complexity and designed it in such a way that the final design could faithfully reproduce itself with great precision!
At the same time one needs to ask why spontaneous evolution has apparently suddenly ceased. And also why there are not MANY more derivatives reflecting a diversity of less and more successful mutations. Consider that there are over 7.5 billion human beings on the planet and they are all fundamentally exactly the same – surely if we were the result of spontaneous evolution there would be myriad different human derivatives on the planet. And then, also, the form of the human race has been fixed for around 6,000 to 15,000 years depending on which dating you trust with no evidence that humans existed in any significant form before that – surely random spontaneous evolution would result in variation over that period of time and result in a hotch potch of different unrelated forms. If one recognizes the role of a master architect who destroyed the unsuccessful experimental outcomes in the incinerator of Heaven (the Lake of Fire and Brimstone) and designed us to be stable and not morph or mutate this is entirely explained.
All plants and animals have a finite life span which may be very short, measured in days or weeks or very long, measured in centuries but that life span is finite. At some point sexual reproduction must take place in order for the organism to continue to exist. So the organism cannot have spontaneously evolved over thousands or millions of years as many postulate. It had to be there complete and functional and able to breed from day one!
It is also so that with animals the organism cannot reproduce itself any other way except by sexual reproduction – the merging of a male gamete or sperm with a female gamete or egg which is then followed by a complex process to generate a new organism. In plants this is further complicated by the use of third party mechanisms to bring the male and female gametes together in most cases be it wind, bees, etc. So somehow the plant had to know the mechanism it would use to transfer the pollen and then design the flower to match that mechanism. And somehow the bee needed to know about flowers in order to feed itself and create the honeycomb in which to breed.
What is notable is that in order for sexual reproduction to work the male and female organism must have very precise knowledge of the other half of the equation in order for the female organism to receive the male gamete and then generate the new offspring as a precise mix of the two parents.
Inherently this capability cannot have come into existence as the consequence of a progressive succession of random events without any plan or any control which is inherent in the argument for evolution. The male and female organisms had to be perfectly formed and functional from the first generation.
In saying this it is important to stress that I assert that the Creative process that led to these perfect male and female organisms was an exploratory, experimental, progressive, that is evolutionary, process that followed a path through which more and more complex organisms and more and more beautiful organisms were created until the Creation reached the sophistication of what exists today.
Let me develop this line of thought a bit further from consideration of human beings, ourselves, after all, that is the component we all have personal experience of.
In order to reproduce a human male must be attracted to a human female and copulation must occur resulting in the discharge of semen in the vagina of the female with the sperm then swimming up-stream to fertilize the egg which is conveniently located in an organ designed with the sole purpose of facilitating that meeting. None of this can happen randomly it has to be the consequence of a master engineer who designed and built the two halves of the whole so that they perfectly fit together. Note that the male needs to know the female exists and vice-versa for procreation to occur.
The male needs to find the female attractive – not something that two organisms evolving without an external design engineer would think to do – bear in mind that evolution argues that NO thinking was necessary for a pile of dirt to explode to form a mass of planets and solar systems, etc, then form a planet with perfect atmosphere to support life, then progressively randomly and in an uncontrolled fashion craft more and more complex and more and more beautiful organisms – for that matter, how did the organisms know to be beautiful seeing as how they had no way of knowing that there would be humans to enjoy looking at them?
How did the ear know to develop without knowing there was something to listen to? How did the eye know to develop without knowing there was something to see? Or the mouth and tongue with the capacity to speak without knowing there was someone to hear? The list is endless. The male organ needs to perfectly fit the female organ in a way that is pleasurable such that the man and woman will desire to copulate on a regular basis – so we have an organ like the clitoris that has absolutely NO value in a sterile evolutionary model. Then of course there is the love the comes into existence when a man and woman “make love” – a tangible spiritual force -- how did that come about with random evolution which did not know that love was possible?
Then, when a man and woman have intercourse a unique spiritual bond is formed that gets stronger and stronger the more frequently and more passionately they make love such that in time they get to know each other’s thoughts and become more and more closely aligned. Certainly no way THAT could happen in a random evolutionary manner.
Finally the female human has a hymen, a seal of virginity that ties in with sexual intercourse being a covenant act ordained by the Almighty – there is NO way that a hymen would come into existence in a spontaneous evolutionary model.
Over and above that humans have deep sexual desire, intense erogenous zones and deep desire for erotic stimulation, all geared to producing a strong one-flesh bond between man and woman in a life time committed relationship. In fact, one could argue that the existence of pornography and all the other aberrations of the Almighty Creators plan for intensely pleasurable sexual congress WITHIN life time covenant union is clear evidence of an external creative agency in the creation of human beings.
So, overall a diverse range of factors all of which strongly evidence that some form of random unmanaged evolutionary process is NOT a plausible explanation. Conversely, highly managed and carefully thought out progressive evolutionary design by an external creative engineering agency is the ONLY explanation for what exists on Earth today. By extension, this explains the entire Universe.
Then there is the most amazing piece of the entire complex puzzle, something that occurs consistently in all forms of life – DNA.
“Deoxyribonucleic acid is a molecule that carries the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all known living things”-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA
The amazing thing about DNA as shown in the diagram to the left, taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetics is that when the male and female gametes join, one side of the resulting DNA molecule in the offspring comes from the father and the other half from the mother such that the resulting child is an exact random combination of attributes from the two parents. This happens without fail and the most remarkable thing is that the sequencing on the one side of the spiral “ladder” EXACTLY matches the pattern on the other side – details of the eye come equally from each parent but with dominant and recessive genes in the structure that dictate complex relationships that define the resulting off-spring.
It is essential to recognize that there is NO way that DNA can evolve without the intervention of a highly sophisticated super engineer who first designed the requisite DNA at a precise micro-level and then assembled it in a self-reproducing pair of organisms that would faithfully reproduce and duplicate the design consistently for thousands of years. A mechanism that is present in EVERY living organism on the planet!
Then, the consequence of the merger of the two gametes and their DNA is a complex process that results in an infant that is an exact composite of the two parents and which, in all mammals and birds as well as humans, is defenceless and a mini version of the parents. This infant requires to be fed, nurtured and educated, for years in the case of humans. How then did spontaneous anything generate such an entirely dependent organism that cannot fend for itself? Again, this points to a carefully prepared design and plan in terms of which we reproduce and NOT to some random generative event with no intelligence involved.
I leave you to ponder how all this complexity, sophistication and engineering precision could conceivably have come into existence without a highly intelligent, highly imaginative, highly creative engineer to conceptualise, design, test, prove and put this design into production.
Yes, I grant you that this leaves one with the dilemma of where that Creator comes from but He says that His name is “Yah the eternally self-existing” so He has always been here. The fact that I exist and have a deep personal relationship with Him and have conversations with Him and have experienced numerous instances of His manifest presence in my life is sufficient for me to accept that He exists and I therefore choose to take His word that He has always existed and leave it at that.
If you refuse to believe that the Creator exists you are left with “where did all this stuff come from” to which you more or less have to reply “I do not know but as we learn more we will figure it out” which is quite a common response from proponents of spontaneous evolution. To this I have to reply “I HAVE figured it out, the Creator made it all!”. To this the Atheist is compelled to reply “but there is NO Creator”. You can take this imagined dialogue further if you choose but I suggest it is absurd just as I have to say that I think it is pretty foolish to believe that all of this beauty and complexity just happened. I am an engineer and I know how hard it is to design and build things that work so I see it as pretty silly to believe in evolution without an engineer in charge J
Incidentally, there is added complexity, the Creator will NOT reveal Himself UNLESS you first believe He exists and then He says that He WILL be found by those who diligently seek him! So, I offer you this document and this rationale to assist you to recognize that He exists so that you may then diligently seek Him. THEN you will discover that He exists J
Note also that this world is part of an experiment to develop human beings who despite all the tribulations and opposition will seek to form a relationship with the Creator so, IF you decide not to believe that He exists the Almighty is NOT unduly moved by your unbelief, He simply regards you as a failed experiment ultimately destined for the incinerator of Heaven, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, unless Satan wins The Contest on Earth – see
I hope that this article has given you food for thought and that you will come to realize that the Creator really must exist and that NO other explanation will support the amazing complexity that exists in this world we live in. I would also hope that you will see that it really is UNWISE to deny His existence.
IF you DO reach this point then I commend the Article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU!”
for your consideration.
If you take this seriously then I suggest that you read “Seven Components (or Steps) in Growing Close to Yah (the Almighty Creator)”
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
14 September 2017

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