2017.09.04 The Truth About Religion Created by James on 5/22/2018 8:18:10 AM The Truth about Religion
The Truth About Religion
Dr James A Robertson
The world is full of religions – Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Yoga, Confucianism, etc. They are all different and to a large measure are critical of and isolate themselves from the others. What is the truth?
I have been observing the phenomenon for many years but recently have seen it more clearly.
- The same origin
All religions have the same origin – Noah and his 3 sons who survived the flood.All significant religions have some reference to the Almighty in some shape or form, no matter how corrupt.See the recent article “Eternity in their Hearts” published a few weeks ago.
- All have SOME truth
ALL of these religions at some level have some truth about the Almighty and the matters of the Almighty.Generally, each one has some elements of unique truth that has been preserved in that religion and no other.
- Truth drowned out by error
But in most cases this truth is drowned out by great error – for example Christianity has critical truths about the man they call “Jesus Christ” whose real name was “Yahooshua the anointed of Yah” – but then they worship Jesus and make him equal with the Almighty which is great sin.
- Denominations
The same phenomenon occurs between the different denominations within each religion.Each has some unique truth and some unique error in amongst the error that is common to all in that religion.For example “baptism” by immersion versus a few drops on the forehead in different Christian denominations.
- Anointed Ones
All religions and denominations flow at some level from some anointed one {Christ}, a great “prophet” who brought some lost truths and evidenced some level of relationship with the Almighty.Consider Yahooshua {Jesus} for Christianity, Mohammed for Islam, Moshe {Moses} for Judaism, etc.In most, if not all, cases this anointed one is inappropriately revered or worshipped, for example the outright worship of Jesus that is prevalent in Christianity today.
- Revered Book
Each religion has its revered book which at some level is inappropriately reverenced and frequently worshipped such as the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, etc.None of these books is fully inspired, ALL are the works of human beings and ALL contain error.The Almighty did NOT create us to rely on books for our revelation of Him, He created us to seek a DEEP Personal Relationship with Him.
- Only ONE TRUE Religion
In reality there is only ONE true religion, that is PURE worship of, and service to, the Almighty Creator.This Religion has NO name and is practiced truly by a few isolated individuals who come from many of the different religions.And they are mostly in significant error because they are attached to the errors that pertain to the religion and denomination that they came from originally.
- Worldly Religion Causes Confusion
Looking at religion causes confusion, unbelievers look at a particular religion, see its error and its conflict with other religions and conclude that there cannot be a Creator because the picture that each religion paints is so contrary.
- Strife and War
Given that the goal of the Satanic and Demonic forces is to turn every single human being on the planet against the Almighty Creator the level of demonization of all the religions and denominations is substantial in support of their error.Together with this, spirits of pride, self-righteousness, etc drive strife and division.Most wars are the consequence of followers of different religions or denominations fighting over something which has its origin in their religious differences.
The fundamental answer is to look to the Almighty Creator alone and pray prayers like “Father please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”, “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly”, “Father lead me into ALL truth by Your Spirit”, etc. Together with this appropriate fasting is essential.
See the article The Creator Desires Deep Relationship with YOU at:
for a detailed discussion of the fact that we were created to have a deep personal relationship with the Creator.
If you really take this seriously see the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” at:
for guidance on how to grow much closer to the Almighty Creator.
The challenge for anyone who at some level believes that there IS a Creator and who realizes that there must be some reward for living life right, is to find out what IS right and how to adjust their beliefs and their lives accordingly – see the two articles cited above for detailed answers to this question.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
16 September 2017
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