2017.09.05 The Great Deception – Anointed therefore all truth – NOT SO Created by James on 5/22/2018 8:35:02 AM The Great Deception -- anointed therefore all truth -- NOT SO
The Great Deception – Anointed therefore all truth – NOT SO
Dr James A Robertson
Following on from the previous article, as observed, every religion and every denomination flows from a highly Anointed One, a servant of the Almighty at some visible level filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. This person was also at some time at some level inspired by the Spirit of the Almighty such that others are convinced (correctly) that that person was in relationship with the Almighty.
The correct technical term for such a person is “an Anointed One” {Christ} where “Anointing” refers to infilling with the Spirit of the Almighty.
Clear examples of Anointed Ones include Noah, Abraham, Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed, etc. Anointed One’s continue to occur in the present age so, for example, Ron Wyatt who made a series of dramatic discoveries led by the Spirit of the Almighty. Findings include Noah’s Ark, the Red Sea crossing site with Chariot parts, human and horse remains on the floor of the sea, the site where Yahooshua was executed, etc.
What happens, in broad terms, is that those who are less Anointed follow the leadership of the Anointed One and report what the Anointed One has said and done and others recognize the hand of the Almighty on that Anointed One and so they follow too and propagate the writings and teachings of that Anointed One. They do this at the expense of seeking a deep relationship with the Almighty Creator first hand themselves.
Following an Anointed One is well and good until the people lose sight of the fact that the inspiration of the Anointed One came from the Almighty. They then start to venerate the Anointed One instead of the One who called and Anointed the Anointed One and so religions and denominations come about.
As an extension of this deception the followers of the Anointed One in question start to believe that their Anointed One has ALL truth. In fact, during their life time many Anointed One’s fall into this trap as well – believing that the manifestations of the Almighty in, on and through them and some level of inspiration, revelation, etc is an indication of their accuracy and reliability when, in fact, it simply reflects that they have done the hard yards to get somewhat close to Father and He has worked through them.
It is possible to be in massive error and still have the Almighty work miraculously through one. In 1994 I had a dramatic encounter with the Almighty where He laid his hand on me and anointed me and I awoke with an Anointing for healing, revelation, speaking {prophecy}, etc. In the months that followed I ministered powerfully in various situations until I eventually lost the Anointing through strife in my home. At the time I still used the names God, the LORD, Jesus, etc, believed that the Bible was the “Word of God”, etc – in fact, the church I was in was full of error and since, at that time, I believed that the church was in all truth so I thought I was in all truth too.
It was only sometime later that I discovered that the church was in massive error and the more I walked with Father the more I learned that the Christian church as a whole is in massive error. My point? Simply that although I was powerfully Anointed I was still in major error and the manifestation of the Almighty through me said nothing about my accuracy or level of deception it said only that I had developed some level of close relationship with Him.
This is an extremely important point. By all means draw truth from the teachings, writings and lives of Anointed Ones but NEVER lose sight of the One Who Anoints, the Almighty Creator who places His Spirit in and on His Anointed servants such that they may perform miracles, may prophesy, may teach with wisdom, etc. BUT they do this within the constraints of what they know, their experiences to that point, the teachings of whatever religious and denominational group they belong to, etc.
Note also that every anointed one will have a cultural bias in favour of the culture and religion that they grew up in. I no longer regard myself as a Christian but the fact is that my entire life experience has been in a Christian society with Christian norms and teachings. I have common ground with other religions but I have a strong bias which it is almost impossible to shift short of going to live in another country with another culture and religion. Thus I recognize the truths of Islam but I do NOT have a detailed understanding of what it means to be Muslim. Ditto Judaism, ditto Yoga, etc. Thus every anointed one, including the major anointed one’s mentioned in this article, had a strong bias towards the group that they grew up in.
If you are an Anointed One at any level, NEVER lose sight of the above and NEVER cease asking Father to sort out your errors and lead you into all truth and recognize that you are likely to never come to ALL truth unless you make an extremely intense attempt over many years with a lot of prayer and a lot of fasting AND asking the RIGHT questions.
Recognize also that it is available to EVERY human being to exceed the achievements of ANY anointed one who has ever lived. It is available to YOU to choose TODAY to become closer to Yah than any other human being who has ever lived. Make appropriate choices, pray appropriate prayers, fast appropriate fasts and do appropriate things and IF you really set yourself to doing it you have every possibility to draw closer to Yah than any other human who has ever lived.
The fundamental answer is to learn from anointed ones but then to look to the Almighty Creator alone and pray prayers like “Father please show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it”, “Father judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly”, “Father lead me into ALL truth by Your Spirit”, etc. Together with this appropriate fasting is essential.
See the article The Creator Desires Deep Relationship with YOU at:
for a detailed discussion of the fact that we were created to have a deep personal relationship with the Creator.
If you really take this seriously see the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” at:
for guidance on how to grow much closer to the Almighty Creator.
The challenge for anyone who at some level believes that there IS a Creator and who realizes that there must be some reward for living life right, is to find out what IS right and how to adjust their beliefs and their lives accordingly – see the two articles cited above for detailed answers to this question.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
18 September 2017

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