2017.09.07 Yah intends sexual lovemaking to be a high point of being human Created by James on 5/23/2018 8:42:22 AM Yah intends sexual lovemaking to be a high point of being Human
Yah intends sexual lovemaking to be a high point of being human
Dr James A Robertson
I regularly encounter people who have a negative view of sexual love making. There are also many religious groups who advocate celibacy as the highest form of relationship with Yah. These lies are hugely damaging to the body of believers and are an insult to Yah who created sexual reproduction and sexual love making and gave us the organs, emotions and senses to enjoy hugely satisfying and powerful lovemaking.
To a significant extent these lies cripple the body of believers and turns many away from serving Yah. It also empowers the Satanic and Demonic realm who derive great power from utilizing sex to serve their evil ends.
Following are some key points:
- A man shall cut (cleave) into his woman – sex is a covenant act
The act of a man inserting his organ into the organ of the female with, at first penetration of a virgin, shedding of blood, is a covenant act of great significance.
Thereafter every ejaculation by the male in the female vagina sheds semen which contains the elements of blood and is therefore a covenant act.In the same way first intercourse with a truly divorced woman is a covenant act.See the detailed discussion of “The Virgins Covenant” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/MenWomen/MenandWomenandCovenant/TheVirginsCovenant.aspx.html and the detailed analysis of the basis of sexual covenant at
A covenant is a lifetime contract with a death penalty.In the Court of Heaven the penalty for adultery, sex with a woman who is already one with another man, is death unless it is repented of and forgiveness obtained.
It is vital to recognize that the form of the external female sexual organ is in the same form that a deep cut with a sharp knife makes in flesh.Yah purposed for sexual intercourse between man and woman to be a covenant act at the time that He created man and woman.There is NOTHING about sexual love making that is an accident – Yah designed it to be highly pleasurable and for man and woman to make intense and uninhibited love on a regular basis.
Sadly the false teachings of many religions and denominations have completely lost this knowledge and they have replaced it with all sorts of false, demonically inspired, teachings.
- And they shall become one-flesh – the one-flesh bond
When either the man or the woman experiences a sexual climax during intercourse where there is body to body contact a portion of the spirit of that person is also ejaculated and it adheres to the spirit of the other person resulting in an unbreakable bond which is known as “the one-flesh” bond.
Every time a man and woman have intercourse with orgasm by one or both this bond gets stronger until it is like a large spiritual pipe between the two people that enables them to know each other’s thoughts and to communicate with one another spirit to spirit in a powerful way.
The strongest one-flesh bond is formed through male ejaculation in the vagina of the female.Weaker bonds are formed through climax by either party with contact with the external female organ, the vulva or through oral or anal climax.Even weaker bonds are formed with climax against other parts of the body, such as the hand.A bond is even formed if a man or woman masturbates to orgasm while intensely focussing on another human being at a distance, this includes the use of pornography.
One-flesh bonds are also formed in the event of sexual congress with an animal which is a total abomination.
- When two or more pray in symfoneo (agreement) their prayers will be answered – much more than agreement
A powerful one-flesh bond allows two people who are one-flesh to pray MUCH more powerfully and to have much greater impact on the Earth. This is a key reason that the forces of darkness have gone to such lengths to trap committed believers into believing that sex is dirty and carnal.
This verse speaks to “symphony” – the same song, to the same music in the same key – perfect alignment and perfect harmony THEN prayers will be answered. The stronger the one-flesh bond the stronger the harmony and the more powerful the prayers.
The one-flesh bond is also a shadow of the bond that occurs between Yah and a Spirit-Filled believer – one who has invited Yah to indwell them. Ephesians 5:31-32: “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and cut into (cleave) his woman, and the two will become one-flesh.” 32This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about the Anointing of the Spirit of Yah {Christ} and the body of believers {church}.” So, we were given sexual love making in order to understand the intensity with which Father Yah desires that we will worship Him. It is great sin to make out that sex is dirty and carnal within a covenant union.
- House divided WILL fall
The opposite point to the previous point is that “a house divided against itself WILL fall” – when a man and woman are NOT in harmony, whether by tacit quiet disagreement or worse still in active strife then the Forces of Darkness have a blank cheque book to tear down that house and cause loss in every possible way, particularly in finances.
- A fault finding and contentious woman is like rottenness in the bones
Once a man and woman are one-flesh, if the woman argues and fights with the man the man will experience internal trauma that feels like “rottenness in the bones” (Proverbs 12:4) – it is therefore vital for a couple to be well aligned and in perfect harmony.
- Age for union – NOT possible in most societies today
From the above it will be apparent that a woman is ready for lifetime covenant as soon as she reaches puberty and becomes sexually aware.Yah intended for women to enter into covenant when they were relatively young and therefore adaptable to married life.However, that has been terribly corrupted such that most societies where this is practiced abuse women and regard them as chattels while other societies with a better attitude to women regard the age of puberty to be much too young to marry because they do NOT prepare them appropriately.
The huge problem with this is that reports indicate that about two thirds of young women lose their virginity by the age of 16.This happens largely casually in one night stands and quickies in the back seat of a car, etc and they then lose contact with the man who took their virginity.As a consequence, the vast majority of women have had more than one sexual partner and therefore the “marriage” that they are in is generally adultery and they and their “husband” will pay a heavy price on the day of their judgement unless they repent and clean up as appropriate!
- Sexual lovemaking creates love
There is a very good reason that sexual intercourse is known as “making love”, the act of sexual intercourse builds a deep spiritual bond that we know as “love”.This love grows deeper and stronger every time that two people make love.It is so that love never dies and so a person who has had multiple sexual partners will find that they are drawn back to previous partners UNLESS there is a very solid divorce in place on the correct legal terms in the Court of Heaven.
This lovemaking will produce love whether between man and woman, man and man or woman and woman.
- Dating and long engagements are out – right choice and consummate
It is important to understand that dating, which raises sexual desire and results in casual one-flesh bonds is totally unacceptable – in the case of young adults the parents of the man and the parents of the woman should agree that their offspring are well matched.The youngsters should then be introduced and given a short while to assess whether they are willing to spend their lives together and this should move to marriage with a short ceremony followed by consummation within a week or so.
In the case of mature adults they should carefully draw up a specification of what they are looking for and a prospectus of who they are and then use dating websites or whatever means are available to them to locate a member of the opposite sex who is a suitable partner.Follow this by detailed discussion and agree terms and conditions, write these down, sign them and consummate.
The bottom line is that Father Yah intended us to be able to make covenant union work between ANY man and ANY woman PROVIDED they are socially, culturally and otherwise well matched.And even if they are NOT well matched it is possible to make it work with real commitment and effort because of the power of the one-flesh bond IF they have regular fulfilling sex.
- Fornication NOT sex is dirty and wrong
So many religious people see sex as dirty and wrong.I recently read an article by an intensely religious person in which the writer expounded that conjugal love was the lowest form of human love.This is false, conjugal love is the highest form of human love.Given that this writer is influential and has apparently advocated this principle on a long-term basis one can only imagine the amount of harm caused to the body of believers.
What is dirty and wrong in the sight of Yah is sexual fornication in which men have sex with multiple partners and then abandon them to have sex with other men and where women have sex with multiple partners.This is NOT per se dirty and wrong on an earthly level, it is highly pleasurable and people derive great pleasure from the excitement of a new relationship but it IS dirty and wrong from the perspective of the Almighty Creator who sees a mesh of one-flesh bonds in a completely random form with believers joined to unbelievers, that is Satan worshippers, in a way that gives the forces of darkness considerable power over the believers.
The big error of many in much of organized religion is to make ALL sex dirty as opposed to recognizing that sexual lovemaking is highly pleasurable but that in the wrong setting it is grievous sin.
In fact, all the lies about sex amongst believers collectively result in a situation where lies about sex and wrong beliefs about sex are the single most debilitating suite of lies that the Forces of Darkness have managed to imprint on much of the body of believers.These lies are wreaking havoc on the body of true believers!
- Sex in a covenant relationship should be frequent, passionate and highly enjoyable
One of the great traps of conventional religious sexual thinking is that sex is only for procreation and should NOT be enjoyed whereas, such a view is an insult to the Almighty who created us to enjoy highly uninhibited, passionate and enjoyable sexual love making with NO holds barred WITHIN the covenant relationship such that a strong one-flesh bond is developed.
This is one of the reasons that believers turn to pornography – within their religious confines they cannot find anything useful about sex whereas pornography speaks of a highly enjoyable experience BUT without the strict relationship constraints outlined above.Wrong thinking about sex amongst religious people is a big reason that pornography flourishes amongst believers with all the wrong thinking that accompanies it.
It is vital to understand that highly uninhibited, no holds barred, intensely pleasurable sexual lovemaking WITHIN a committed life time relationship is highly pleasing to Yah – after all, He created us to be able to do this.
- The marriage bed is undefiled – nothing is prohibited
Hebrews 13:4 states “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers Yah will judge.”This extends the previous point.In particular, note that there are NO restrictions on what partners in a lifetime covenant relationship can do together sexually.So oral sex, mutual masturbation, various sexual positions and even anal intercourse are NOT prohibited provided both partners agree and it is done in a considerate, loving manner.I do NOT think that bondage types of games were envisaged by Yah but one cannot present a case to say they are prohibited provided they are entered into voluntarily.
Surrounding sexual lovemaking WITHIN lifetime covenant union with all sorts of constraints is destructive and opens the door for people to fall into the trap of going outside the union.
- Adultery is a one-flesh bond between two men
There is a lot of confusion about adultery but in its fundamental form adultery is a one-flesh bond between two men.This can take place through homosexual congress but it can also take place by two men having a one-flesh bond with the same woman.In spiritual terms, because they are both one with the woman they might just as well directly have sex together, the spiritual effect is the same.
For this reason, singling out male-male homosexuality for special opprobrium while turning a blind eye to massive male-woman fornication in the body of believers is an abomination in the sight of Yah.He disapproves EQUALLY of both forms of adultery.It is high time that the body of believers tell the truth about fornication and deal with it at root – the huge levels of ignorance and wrong teaching.
- One incident is ALL it takes
One of the big lies that the church teaches is that somehow the Almighty will condone a one-night-stand or one off “slip” – NOT so, once it has happened there is a one-flesh bond and that is unbreakable except in special circumstances.Release certainly does NOT apply when the woman was a virgin even if the man has an existing woman.
The message needs to be clear – “man, take the virginity of a woman and you are responsible for her for life no matter how unsuitable she is”, “woman give your virginity to a man and you are required to spend the rest of your life with him, no matter how unsuitable he is”.This applies equally if the woman is truly divorced and all one-flesh bonds, etc have been cut.
- It is possible for a man to covenant with more than one woman
From consideration of the male and female sexual organs and what is written above regarding the virgins covenant it is apparent that a woman can ONLY give her virginity once and therefore is designed to ONLY covenant with one man while men are designed to be able to covenant with more than one woman.
The catch today is that in Western Society and in many other societies women are programmed NOT to share their men and undergo intense psychological trauma if their man tries it such that they simply CANNOT share.This does not alter the fact that IF a man takes the virginity of more than one woman he is responsible for ALL of them.
In this context sadly most of those societies where it IS acceptable for one man to covenant with more than one woman have an abusive attitude towards those women.So, in most cases monogamy is unavoidable but it is NOT Yah’s best.
- There are seven (7) x more women than men in the body of believers
One of the harsh realities in the context of the points above is that in this age Yah says that there are seven times more women than men in the body of true believers.This means that the vast majority of believing women cannot find a suitable man.This has huge implications for the spiritual well-being of a huge number of women believers.See the article on this subject at http://end-time-issueministries.org/SingleWomenbelievers7xmen.aspx.html for more information.
- Union with an unbeliever is a major problem for Yah
In the context of the previous point an inevitable consequence of the large number of women believers relative to the number of male believers is that there are a huge number of women joined to unbelieving men, a situation that is very uncomfortable for Yah who is, at some level, indwelling those women and therefore forced into contact with a person who is a temple of the Demonic realm.
Simplistically Yah would prefer those women to divorce and will always grant a divorce if requested but, in practice, these women have sexual needs and most have children so it is a major problem.If you are female and single it is advisable that you decide NOT to enter into covenant with a man UNLESS Yah clearly brings a believing man to you.Accordingly, in this situation it IS so that it is preferable for a woman to remain single and celibate than to covenant with an unbelieving man and in these circumstances a woman is entitled to ask Yah to be her husband.
- Women should covenant with a man who is closer to Yah than they are
As a further complication women should only covenant with a man who is closer to Yah than they are so that when they look to their man they are looking towards Yah and not away from Him.It will be apparent from this that it is very difficult to do this in practice so much of the time women who do find a believing man find themselves with a man who is less mature than they are.This gives rise to its own set of problems.
- Nothing prevents sexual congress between women in a committed relationship
It will be apparent from consideration of the terms of the sexual covenant and the definition of adultery that nothing prevents two women or more than two women from having sexual congress.This applies to two or more women on their own in a relationship or two or more women in relationship with a man.
This is a viable way for believing women who cannot find a suitable man to team up with other women with the same challenge and resolve their sexual needs that way.Note that it is not mechanically possible for women to form a full one-flesh bond since the full bond requires a male organ in the female organ.But they CAN become one-flesh at the level of a betrothal one-flesh bond.
- Forced celibacy is NOT right in the sight of Yah
Extending the previous point, forced celibacy was NEVER Yah’s intention.
In the case of men, where there are many times more women than men in the body of believers there is NO need for men to go celibate and, in fact, it is a sin for a man to refuse to cover at least one woman who is in need.
In the case of women forced celibacy may in many cases be almost unavoidable, but see below.
- Man covers his woman
Part of the way that Father Yah created things to be is that the man spiritually covers his woman such that he protects her physically and spiritually.If the man is an unsuitable spouse this again leads to various spiritual problems.Men are commanded to love their women as Yahooshua loved the body of believers and gave his life for them – in other words – man love your woman even if she beats and abuses you.So, best to be careful about your choice of partner.
- Woman submit in everything
Women are commanded to submit to their man in everything – Ephesians 5:22, Colossians 3:18 and 1 Peter 3:1.This is NOT weak-willed subservience it is a strong woman aligning herself with her man towards a high ideal of what they are aiming at as a couple – see Proverbs 31:10-31.By extension, woman love your man even if he beats you and abuses you – so best to be careful about your choice of partner.
- Divorce is permitted by Yah for covenant breaking
Where one party in a covenant relationship breaks covenant there is a basis for divorce. See the article on the Virgin’s Covenant for a discussion of the terms of the Virgin’s Covenant and the point that it is possible to agree any terms one chooses for a covenant BEFORE first intercourse.After first intercourse one is locked into whatever terms were agreed before intercourse or to the default terms of the Court of Heaven.
See the article “Separation of a Man and a Woman who were in sexual union {divorce}” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/MenWomen/MenandWomenandFamily/SeparationofManandWoman.aspx.html for a detailed discussion of what is required to separate a man and woman who have been in sexual union.This includes divorce AND adulterous unions.
- I hope that the above has clarified some issues with regard to Yah’s true views on sex and sexual lovemaking.See the section of the Website on “Men and Women” at http://end-time-issueministries.org/MenWomen.aspx.html for a wide range of additional material on the relationship between men and women.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
23 September 2017

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