2017.11.01 A Brief Insight Into the Pre-Flood World Created by James on 5/28/2018 11:22:59 AM An archaeological discovery of a device from before the flood
A Brief Insight Into the Pre-Flood World
Dr James A Robertson
Many years ago I purchased the book “DEAD MEN'S SECRETS: Tantalising Hints of a Lost Super Race” by Jonathan Gray now available on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/DEAD-MENS-SECRETS-Tantalising-2004-05-05/dp/B012HUPA64 Also available at http://www.beforeus.com/
When I started reading I could not put it down and finished reading at about 3 in the morning. The book describes 1,000 archaeological discoveries that evidence that the world before the flood was extremely advanced technologically and which give pointers to what the world looked like. I strongly recommend this book to you if you have not already obtained it.
Recently I received notice of a sequel “Dead Men’s Secrets Update http://www.beforeus.com/dead-mens-secrets-update.html – I obtained a copy and started reading about a week ago. Because I have read the first volume this volume is not as compelling but it again contains numerous insights into archaeological discoveries of the pre-flood and early post-flood world and is certainly worth reading.
A few days ago I got to Section 64 which has the title “Just too explosive to tell”. This reports the finding of a device deep in a mine in Russia which has displayed images and text relating to the pre-flood world. The report is reproduced in full below and following that the text that has been transcribed together with my commentary on this text.
Could this be the greatest find of all time? What do you think? My normal meticulous checking procedures have been blocked in this case.
Ancient circuit board "mirror" found in a mine thousands of feet deep?
The reported discovery was made thousands of feet deep in a mine in Russia.
A miner came up with what looked like one of those fire proof security boxes that people put their valuables in.
Just the fact that something like this could be found so far down in the earth was shocking enough, but once the x-rays were done and they finally decided to open it, the shock was just beginning.
My informant (name protected) reports:
“Inside the box was a mirror, or at least it looked like one. It was not glass though. It sounded and looked like gold metal, but so smooth and shiny that it looked like a gold mirror.
It was approximately 5 inches by 8 inches by ½ inch thick. It had a gold edging around it, but no seam could be detected.
“After x-rays of the ‘mirror’, it appeared to be hollow but the inside of it troubled the minds of some, because in the center was something that looked like a circuit board.
"Don't tell the public"
“When they brought the box into our laboratory we knew that this was not going out to the public. But now, after this, we knew that just the few of us were going to know what was going on from this point on.
“Never in our wildest imagination did we foresee what was going to take place 10 years later.
“Never has any object gone under so many tests. This ‘mirror’ had everything known to us, done to it. And then one day while one of the scientists was holding it in his hand, something strange happened. It turned white and black lines of what looked like a foreign language appeared on it for just a second.
“He nearly dropped it, and yelled for everyone to look. But as soon as it displayed the black words, it returned to a gold mirror.
“Six times in the next 5 months this happened. And on the 7th time, we discovered that it happened at exactly the same instant as another group of scientists were performing experiments with Low Frequency in another building.
Black letters appear
“When we took the ‘mirror’ to their building and they turned on their testing equipment the ‘mirror’ turned white and line by line, black letters appeared on the ‘mirror’.
“Photographs were taken of the writing and no one of the top people of the field could tell us what language it was. We had a problem. We didn’t want to tell anyone where this strange
language came from, but we had to get outside help.
“We finally decided to use the military decoding people. At least they would keep silent. They didn’t need to know where the writing came from, in fact they didn’t even know that it appeared on the ‘mirror’. All they saw was the photograph of the writing. There seemed to be no end to the writing. It just went on and on. Page after page. And then one day it stopped and went back to the gold ‘mirror’.
“We wondered why it stopped, even though the Low Frequency equipment was still going. It wasn’t until we tried to duplicate the experiment a week later that we discovered that when it came to stop, if we could touch a certain spot on the side of the ‘mirror’ that it would start with the writing all over again.
“Then the shock of all shocks. I was holding the ‘mirror’ in my hand and looking deeply into it and touched two places on the back of it and the ‘mirror’ turned into a picture in a gold frame.
Ancient photo shots
“It was a scenery picture, beautiful in color and obviously taken in a dense vegetation area. But where? Nothing looked familiar. What was this ‘mirror’?
“As others gathered around to look, I touched it again and a different picture appeared and this was a picture of a small stream, with people standing beside it. They looked as modern as us, dressed in sophisticated clothing, like anyone you meet on the street right here in this country.
“But when was this picture taken? Who were these people? “I guess that the pictures had something to do with the writing. There were 15 pictures and they all appeared to be of a certain family.
“Some of the pictures included modern type buildings and vehicles I couldn’t explain, other than people were riding in them.
“One showed a young man holding a globe, but nothing looked familiar about the land mass. Could this be pictures and a recording device from another planet?
“I thought, what we have here is a time capsule, but from what time and from where?
“Photographs of the pictures were taken as well as the whole writing sequence and for over 12 years now, every expert we have at our disposal has been working on this project. Don’t think for a moment that the things of the world were top priority… this was top priority!
Ancient writing decoded
“The de-coding people ran every word of the strange language through their super computers and then it happened.
Things started to click. They started to make some sense out of the words.
“And what came to be the translation would shock all mankind… but it was never to be let out to the world. It couldn’t be let out. The government wouldn’t allow it to be let out.
“I could not get the photos of the pictures out, but I did devise a way to scan and send to a private computer, the translation of it.
“Now my life is in mortal danger. They do not know who made a copy, but they know that one was made. That is why I am giving it to you. They will soon put two and two together and know it was from me. My life won’t be worth a coin.
“The only way to keep them from killing everyone who has this, is to publish it and get it into as many hands as possible.
“Then all they will be able to do is claim it is a fraud or some crack-pot story. They will disavow any knowledge of any of us who worked on the project and will deny any knowledge of the ‘Mirror Project 77’.
“If you can get this published, some will believe!” That is the end of his letter.
What the ancient message says
Here are extracts I have made from what was translated:
“This is the 800th year… I Jubal, the son of Lamech… want to leave this history to my children and all those who follow me.
“I want to tell the other side of the story, the true version, not the religious foolishness of my great, great, great grandfather.
“From the very beginning there were some of us who knew that the false teachings of Adam had to be stopped. They were corrupting our children. Arguments were a daily thing…. We just moved away from them….
Original body glow
“I remember as a child that we all… had a glow about us…Now it seems that we are not as glowing… they lost nearly half their light.
“He told us, because of the change, great fear came upon them. Now it seems that we are not as glowing as the other group, but this came on so gradually that no one thought much about it….
“Another thing I have noticed is the diminishing of ‘quickness of the mind’. We seem not to be as sharp as we were in the beginning. We have to think things out and reason, whereas before we just seemed to know the answer to whatever the problem was.
“The same with the ‘power of the mind’. We used to be able to do many things with our minds, but have lost that power for some reason, but we just invent a machine to do the work, so it
is no problem.
Early vehicles invented
“We made vehicles to transport us, when we could not transport ourselves with our minds anymore.
We devoted many years trying to restore our mental powers, but could not, so invented things to make up the difference.
“We were growing day by day and our inventions were glorious to behind. The sad thing is that the time came when our children and grandchildren didn’t believe us when we said that we used to have the power.
“Adam and his followers are constantly trying to get us to return to the old ways. Why would we want to? He is living in the past.
“Our technology and transportation is so great that we are the marvel of the world. We have proven that we do not need the old ways of Adam.
Space travel beginning?
“In fact, the rumor is floating around that soon we will be able to transport to the moon. We have gone to the very corners of the earth. Why not the moon? The sky is the limit for our people…
“When my family and I flew to Zan the other day. We noticed that some of the lush foliage was gone from the earth. I wonder what is causing that? With so many changes in my life, I wonder what…”
There’s just some of that document.
I must make it clear that we don't yet have the requisite evidence to confirm this particular report we received.
Did you notice that after the first sub-heading "Discovery 4 miles deep" I have placed a question mark? And the same, lower down.
My team and I are always very skeptical of anything for which adequate evidence is unavailable - but not so naive as to believe that all unproven discoveries are nonsense.
We have learned to keep an open mind - because, in our experience, we have found that many finds questioned by skeptics have ultimately turned out to be genuine.
>>> QUOTE ENDS <<<
In response to the above article I contacted Jonathan and obtained the full transcript:
Mirror Project 77 - Here is what was translated:
This is the 800th year of my life. I Jubal, the son of Lamech, the son of Enoch, the son of Cain, the son of Adam, want to leave this history to my children and all those who follow me.
I want to tell the other side of the story, the true version, not the religious foolishness of my great, great, great grandfather.
From the very beginning there were some of us who knew that the false teachings of Adam had to be stopped. They were corrupting our children. Arguments were a daily Thing. There were hundreds of us in various communities all trying to get along, but the constant preaching by Adam and Abel finally came to a head when my great, great grandfather Cain, killed Abel. That was a turning point and we became a separate people from that time. We could not live under that law of Adam that we heard all the time and felt that it would be best for our children if we just moved away from them.
Adam kept a detailed history from the very first day and we thought it was foolish, because he attributed everything to his God.
Now, I will try to think back my 800 years and try to set the record straight for those who follow me.
I want to tell you of the changes I have witnessed in the past 800 years.
I remember as a child that we all were very white and bright. We had a glow about us. However, after the death of Abel, we seemed to not glow like we used to. Adam said that when they were in the garden that they were as bright as the sun, but after they were driven out that they lost nearly half of their light.
He told us, because of the change, great fear came upon them. Now it seems that we are not as glowing as the other group, but this came on so gradually that no one thought much about it. I think it was nearly 400 years before the first baby was born without any glow. That was a sad day. I guess we were changing into something different and better.
Another thing I have noticed is the diminishing of ‘quickness of the mind’. We seem not to be as sharp as we were in the beginning. We have to think things out and reason, whereas before we just seemed to know the answer to whatever the problem was.
The same with the ‘power of the mind’. We used to be able to do many things with our minds, but have lost that power for some reason, but we just invent a machine to do the work, so it is no problem.
We made vehicles to transport us, when we could not transport ourselves with our minds anymore. We devoted many years trying to restore our mental powers, but could not, so invented things to make up the difference.
We were growing day by day and our inventions were glorious to behold. The sad thing is that the time came when our children and grandchildren didn’t believe us when we said that we used to have the power.
Adam and his followers are constantly trying to get us to return to the old ways. Why would we want to? He is living in the past.
Our technology and transportation is so great that we are the marvel of the world. We have proven that we do not need the old ways of Adam.
In fact, the rumor is floating around that soon we will be able to transport to the moon. We have gone to the very corners of the earth. Why not the moon? The sky is the limit for our people.
Adam’s followers are so backward. They believe in the supernatural, they believe in some invisible god. WE have proven that there is no God and yet they refuse to believe us. However, statistics show that there are fewer of them, with each passing year. Many are converting over to our way of thinking. The time will come when they will all see and believe like us.
We have harnessed electrical, magnetic and gravitational power. Nothing can stop us. We certainly don’t need to live in the past with Adam and his religious teachings that do nothing but hold us back.
We tried and tried to reason with those people, but they just wouldn’t listen. I have noticed through the years that the gulf between our two groups has become wider and wider. In fact, one wonders if the differences between us could get any more pronounced. Then something happened that has given us hope.
The followers of Adam called themselves “the sons of god”. How arrogant! They referred to us as the “sons of men”.
I predict that the downfall of the so-called sons of god will be our fair daughters. The “sons of god” cannot resist our daughters, and as soon as they marry, our daughters show them that there is a more modern way of life, and one by one they leave the old ways of Adam. Poor old man. He is delusional. In fact, I heard the other day that he died. I don’t know this for sure, but if that is true, then we have won, because without him, his followers will fade away.
A great mystery for our people is that we can trace our history back less than a thousand years. Whether we evolved from animals or were planted here by some other race of people from another planet we don’t know, but either theory makes more sense than the Adam theory of creation.
When my family and I flew to Zan the other day, we noticed that some of the lush foliage was gone from the earth. I wonder what is causing that? With so many changes in my life, I wonder what the next one thousand years will bring.
I had eye surgery a year ago and open heart surgery just last month. I don’t know if I will live much longer, but wish you well and hope that this brief history will be of some value to you in the future.
An obvious question about the above transcript is whether it truly was written before the flood.
To better understand the Flood and the overwhelming evidence that it happened please see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Flood.aspx.html
From my consideration of the above passage it is apparent to me that this text IS genuine. The only person who could write such a text would be a person with experience of the shekinah (glow) and the only people who have such experience are a limited number of true believers who would have strong reasons NOT to invent such an account.
With my understanding of the things of Yah the above makes perfect sense. The writer is an unbeliever who documents the consequences of the fall from grace with Yah but does not recognize that the deterioration is a DIRECT consequence of their unbelief and rebellion. The gifts that he writes about are all consequent on belief in the Almighty and relationship with the Almighty and the presence of His Spirit and their loss are all consequent on their rebellion and falling away.
For more information about the world before the flood and the events immediately following the flood I recommend the following books also by Jonathan Gray and available from http://www.beforeus.com/ or available on Amazon:
The Killing of Paradise Planet – Lost history from the pre-flood world
Surprise Witness – Global events during the flood
The Corpse Came Back – Post flood evidence revealed
This last volume is a thought provoking account of what happened on the planet in the centuries immediately after the Flood and is particularly worth reading.
If you are in any way serious about the matters of the Almighty, or about history in general, I strong recommend these books and other material from Jonathan Gray related to this topic.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
19 November 2017

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