2017.12.03 Critical Attributes of a Friend of Yah and of other categories Created by James on 6/4/2018 12:38:59 PM The characteristics of a Fried of Yah
Critical Attributes of a Friend of Yah and of other categories
Dr James A Robertson
Following on from the two articles on the Demographics of the Kingdom of Yah, it seems important to evaluate the characteristics of the different categories of people relative to the attributes of a Friend of Yah. This article seeks to do this.
Please note that I write from a basis of close to fifty years of Christian influence so, while I NO LONGER regard myself as a Christian and understand from Yah that what I write is directly applicable also to Moslems, Yahoodites {Jews} and others my writing is biased towards the paradigm that I grew up in. Please accept my apologies and extrapolate as necessary. I assure you that Yah has said to me that these principles apply to ALL religions.
- Friend (2 in the World)
A person is ONLY a Friend if they have actively heard Father call them “Friend” – you may aspire to be a Friend and Yah may be your friend but that does NOT make you a Friend. A true Friend of Yah evidences the following:
- Deep Relationship
Deep total certainty that Yah exists and is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth – coupled to deep personal relationship with Yah.Hear Him clearly.Talk to Him constantly.Know things no one else knows.Discuss diverse topics with Yah.Learn from Him constantly.Seek His guidance in everything.Pray directional prayers.Actively led by the Spirit of Yah.
- Constant Worship
Constantly worship – carefully selected worship songs – in car, in house, on mobile phone with ear phones when commuting and working.Play songs on ear phones even when cannot listen for Yah’s pleasure.
- Lives to Serve Yah
Life focus on pleasing Yah and doing His will – seeking to contribute to turning around the current adverse situation so Yah wins the Contest – lives to serve Yah.Actively does things directed at furthering the matters of Yah and achieving Yah’s goals on Earth.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Deep commitment to seeking ALL truth by Yah’s Spirit.Actively seeks truth.Constantly prays prayers seeking truth.Asks for guidance with regard to error.Knows that ANY lies put them in bondage to Satan.
- Compliance with Commandments
Strict compliance with the true meaning of the Commandments.Deeply understands the Commandments and complies to the finest detail.Committed to living above sin.Quick to repent of even the slightest sin in themselves.Grieved by sin in others that touches them.
- In the World NOT of the World
In the World but NOT of the World.Separated – Qodesh (set-apart) {holy}.Engage with the world only sufficiently to earn a living.The rest of their time devoted to Yah and His projects.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Deeply engaged in Spiritual Warfare.Active self-sacrifice, regular fasting and other self-discipline. Undertaken at least one major fast either 7 x 3 days water only fasts at weekly intervals or a 40-day water only fast.Has suffered considerable loss.Been attacked spiritually, financially, health.
- Overcomer (20 in the World)
A person becomes an overcomer by actively seeking to serve Yah and overcome sin and error in their lives. An Overcomer is close to becoming a Friend but not yet there and may never make it. A true Overcomer evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
Certain that Yah exists and a reasonably close relationship but does not hear Yah as clearly as a Friend and is still progressing.
- Constant Worship
Worships frequently but not with the intensity and commitment of a Friend.
- Lives to Serve Yah
Strong focus on serving Yah but not as intensely as a Friend.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Strong focus on seeking truth but not as intensely as a Friend.
- Compliance with Commandments
Commitment to compliance with the Commandments but not as intensely as a Friend.
- In the World NOT of the World
Separated from the world at a significant level.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Engaged in spiritual warfare, considerable sacrifice, significant losses but not at the same level as a Friend.
An Overcomer is close to becoming a Friend and has made major sacrifices and overcome sin and adversity at an extreme level.There are currently only about 20 in the World.
- Good and Faithful Servants (about 5,000 in the World)
A person becomes a Good and Faithful Servant by actively seeking to serve Yah and overcome sin and error in their lives but they do not have the same depth of relationship that a Friend or Overcomer has. A true Good and Faithful Servant evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
Certain that Yah exists and some level of relationship but it is the relationship of a servant NOT that of a Friend or Overcomer.
- Constant Worship
Worship reasonably frequently.
- Lives to Serve Yah
Strong focus on serving Yah but not as intensely as a Friend or Overcomer.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Seeking truth at some level.
- Compliance with Commandments
Commitment to compliance with the Commandments and making reasonable progress but as a servant NOT a Friend.
- In the World NOT of the World
Separated from the world at a moderate level.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Engaged in spiritual warfare as some level, significant sacrifice and significant losses.May have been on a major fast.Sacrifice not at the same level as a Friend or Overcomer.
A Good and Faithful servant MAY become an Overcomer but this requires a mindset shift from Servant to Partner or Friend.There are currently only about 5,000 in the World.
- Wise Stewards (about 200,000 in the World)
A person becomes a Wise Steward by actively embracing what they are taught about the Almighty and His ways but they are only keeping watch on those truths not seeking to add to them or actively pursue the agenda of the Almighty. They are also Servants but more junior to the Good and Faithful Servant. A true Wise Steward evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
Fairly certain that Yah exists and very limited relationship but the relationship of a servant. NOT a Friend or Overcomer.
- Constant Worship
Worship regularly but generally limited to not much more than Church / Mosque / Synagogue worship.
- Lives to Serve Yah
Moderate focus on serving Yah but not as intensely as a Good and Faithful Servant.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Seeking truth at some level but generally accepts what others have to say without questioning.
- Compliance with Commandments
Some commitment to compliance with the Commandments but not a high priority and a lot of error around the interpretation of the Commandments.
- In the World NOT of the World
Separated from the world at a limited level.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Very limited personal experience of spiritual warfare at some level, some sacrifice and some losses.
A Wise Steward MAY become a Good and Faithful Servant but this requires a substantial increase in their level of commitment and time and resources expended.There are currently about 200,000 in the World.A lot of religious leaders are at this level.
- Adulterous Wives (about 500,000 in the World)
A person becomes an Adulterous Wife by receiving an infilling of the Spirit of Yah but they worship other Mighty One’s in addition to or in place of Yah. Most Jesus and Bible worshippers fall into this category. A true Adulterous Wife evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
Some level of conviction that Yah exists and very limited relationship.Some Adulterous Wives may have quite a strong conviction and strong relationship but they worship Jesus, the Bible, Mohammed, the Quran, Moshe {Moses}, the Torah and other human beings at a material level such that they are dividing their love and service between Yah and other Mighty One’s {Gods}.Many Charismatic Christians fall into this category. These people can be strong believers but their belief is highly corrupt and much of it is misdirected.
- Constant Worship
Worship regularly and may be intensely but frequently the worship is misdirected, for example “Jesus do you know how much I love you” is a particularly abominable worship song.
- Lives to Serve Yah
Varies, can be a strong Commitment but often misdirected to a human being such as Yahooshua {Jesus}.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Seeking truth at some level but generally accepts what others have to say without questioning.
- Compliance with Commandments
Some commitment to compliance with the Commandments but not a high priority.Because of their lack of truth much of their compliance is with the false interpretation of the Commandments.
- In the World NOT of the World
Separated from the world at a limited level – can be quite significant but misdirected to Jesus, etc.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Very limited personal experience of spiritual warfare at some level, some sacrifice and some losses.
An Adulterous Wife MAY progress rapidly IF they become aware of their error, repent and turn around to serving Yah ALONE!There are currently about 500,000 in the World.A lot of religious leaders are at this level – particularly Charismatic Christians.
- Foolish Virgins (about 2 million in the World)
A person becomes a Foolish Virgin by coming to belief in the Almighty but never worshipping Him or serving Him in such a way that they are filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. All the categories before this one are filled with the Spirit of the Almighty. This category includes a very large percentage of traditional church leaders in all religious groupings including Islam and Judaism as well as Christianity. Rick Joyner reports some very prominent Church Leaders amongst the Foolish Virgins. A true Foolish Virgin evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
Some level of conviction that Yah exists but NO relationship.Some Foolish Virgins may have quite a strong conviction but their faith is dead, they have never received the spark of infilling of the Spirit of Yah.These people can be strong servants but their belief is highly deficient and powerless.
- Constant Worship
Their worship is lifeless singing songs that mean nothing to them because they lack the spark of the Spirit of Yah or they are worshipping other mighty ones in error and NOT Yah.
- Lives to Serve Yah
Varies, can be a strong Commitment but it is lifeless because they have NO infilling of the Spirit of Yah to breathe life into their faith.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Not really seeking – accept what others teach.
- Compliance with Commandments
Some commitment to compliance with the Commandments but not a high priority and Commandments are taught with great error.
- In the World NOT of the World
Separated from the world at a limited level – can be quite significant in traditional churches but NO life in it.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Very limited personal experience of spiritual warfare at some level, some sacrifice and some losses.May be quite significant sacrifice but misdirected.
A Foolish Virgin MAY progress rapidly IF they become aware of their error, repent and turn around to serving Yah ALONE AND receive infilling of the set-apart Spirit of Yah!There are currently about 2 million in the World.A lot of traditional religious leaders are at this level including many Moslem and Jewish religious leaders in addition to most of the historic Christian Church denominations.
- Unbelieving Believers – the Outer Darkness (about 20 million in the World)
A person becomes an Unbelieving Believer by at some point believing that the Creator exists and making a decision to accept Him such that there is a switch in their spiritual state but they then go on with life as though they had NOT made that decision – the VAST majority of Christian converts fall into this category. An Unbelieving Believer evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
May vaguely believe that Yah exists but NO relationship. These people do NOTHING to serve Yah or even grow in belief that He exists.
- Constant Worship
They never worship.
- Lives to Serve Yah
Hardly know that Yah exists and make ZERO effort to serve Him.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Do not know enough to seek truth in any shape or form
- Compliance with Commandments
May comply with some sort of laws as per their society but ZERO attempt to comply with the formal Commandments of the Almighty because they do not know they exist.
- In the World NOT of the World
Totally in the world, ZERO interest in Yah or His way of doing things.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Nothing, do not know this exists and if they do consider it totally irrelevant and a waste of time.
An Unbelieving Believer is of NO use to Yah and when they die they are therefore discarded to the Outer Darkness which Yah refers to as the “Trash Heap of Heaven”.There are currently about 20 million in the World.
- Believing Unbelievers (about 100 million in the World)
There are a huge number of people who have some sort of belief in some sort of “God” but ZERO knowledge of the True Mighty One such that they have NEVER EVER made a decision that the Creator is real. These people can go to Church, the Mosque or the Synagogue and have ZERO revelation that the Almighty is real. A Believing Unbeliever evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
May believe that there is some sort of “higher power” but have NEVER even for a moment come to a revelation (spiritual switch on) that Yah exists.These people may go to Church, Synagogue or Mosque but do NOT have the slightest shred of revelation that Yah exists.
- Constant Worship
They may worship but in a completely lifeless form – they go along to the meeting and sing the songs just as they would sing songs at a pop concert.
- Lives to Serve Yah
May have some intellectual belief in a higher power but NO revelation that Yah exists.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Do not know enough to seek truth in any shape or form.
- Compliance with Commandments
May comply with some sort of laws as per their society and may attempt to comply with the formal Commandments of the Almighty but they do this in a completely legalistic lifeless way.
- In the World NOT of the World
May be involved in Church, Mosque, Synagogue or similar but it is just a social club —there is ZERO conviction.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
Nothing, do not know this exists and if they do consider it totally irrelevant and a waste of time.
A Believing Unbeliever is of NO use to Yah and when they die they are NOT admitted into Heaven and they are therefore servants of Satan.There are currently about 100 million in the World.A large number of Church / Mosque / Synagogue goers fall into this category – some are zealous in their error.
- Outright Unbelievers (about 6.8 billion in the World)
The vast majority of the World’s population. Carry on life oblivious to the reality of the Almighty let alone in any way engaged with seeking Him. An Outright Unbeliever evidences the following relative to the characteristics of a Friend:
- Deep Relationship
Have some or no religious emphasis, worship whatever deity appeals to them, totally oblivious to the existence of the Creator and totally disinterested in such a discussion.There may be some legacy belief that vaguely points to a Creator but they pay little or no attention to it.
- Constant Worship
They may worship whatever mighty one {god} they serve – be it their car, their wife, their sports team, their Satanic idol or whatever.
- Lives to Serve Yah
No interest in Yah or His matters.
- Deep Search for All Truth
Not seeking truth that is in any way relevant to Yah.
- Compliance with Commandments
May comply with some sort of laws as per their society and may attempt to comply with the formal Commandments of the Almighty but they do this in a completely legalistic lifeless way.Most of them are “good” people.
- In the World NOT of the World
May be involved in some religious grouping but nothing to do with belief in Yah.
- Sacrifice and Spiritual Warfare
May do things according to their religion.
An Outright Unbeliever is of NO interest to Yah and when they die they are NOT admitted into Heaven and they are therefore servants of Satan.There are currently about 6.8 billion in the World and increasing daily – the balance of the World’s population. Some are zealous in their error.
- Outright Satan Servants (about 22.7 million in the World)
People who at some level actively are consciously serving Satan – not of relevance to this ministry and not relevant to the purpose of this article.
Where do YOU stack up on this list?
There IS an option for every human being on the Planet to become a Friend of Yah – will YOU make that choice today and set out to reposition your thinking and your life purpose?
I am here to help you IF you make such a decision and there is much information on the website at https://www.eti-ministries.org/ with search facilities and catalogued articles to refer to.
See particularly the articles on The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU at
and Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator at
I urge you to choose to up your game NO MATTER where you currently map on the above continuum.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
10 December 2017

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