2017.11.02 About REAL service to the Almighty in this age – what REALLY matters Created by James on 6/5/2018 6:12:54 AM What really matters in our relationship with the Almighty
About REAL service to the Almighty in this age – what REALLY matters
By Dr James A Robertson
The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”, desires YOU to become His FRIEND and that is ALL that matters in this life.
That is what you were created for. This article headlines the issues and provide links to the End Time Issue Ministries website for more information.
The challenge today is whether you will seek to become a Friend of the Creator or something else.
Yesterday I received an email from a person I have known for many years who is a deeply committed believer and who has interceded for me on occasion.She was deeply offended at some of my writings and went so far as to suggest that I was hearing a wrong voice.
That is deeply concerning in the first instance because she runs the risk of blaspheming the set-apart {holy} Spirit of the Almighty and secondly because it evidences the deep error that she is in which is typical of nearly all who continue to apply the label “Christian” to themselves and even to many who have moved on from that error.
This article sets out to headline the key issues as I have come to understand them over twenty two and a half years of intense service to Father from the point at which He spoke to me audibly such that I knew with absolute certainty that He existed.In that time I have spent around 7 years set-apart and devoted almost entirely to serving Him with limited secular activity, I have been on five major fasts seeking Him, have listened to worship music almost constantly, have sought His face, questioned constantly and come to a place where He calls me His friend and tells me that I am closer to Him than anyone else on earth today.
That said, BEFORE you say anything negative about my claims above and what follows rather simply say “I do NOT agree” or “I do NOT understand” or similar and leave it at that, just in case my claims ARE true.
What follows is as concise a summary as I can manage of the key points as I currently see them.All of this is supported in much more detail on the website: http://end-time-issueministries.org
- Father desires friends – that is the SOLE reason for all of this
Father created us and, by extension the whole Universe, Solar System, planet Earth, plants, animals with ONE purpose to have friends to talk to, share with, learn with, to do things with Him.
So, UNLESS you are seeking to be His friend at a deep intimate personal level, which means you devote time to him, talk to Him, invite Him into your life in depth, you are IRRELEVANT and a source of irritation.See “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” at:
and “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator” at:
for a detailed explanation of this and guidance on how to achieve it.
To achieve this position you MUST be filled with the Spirit of the Almighty.
Note that it is NOT about “good” or “compassionate” or whatever, it is about RELATIONSHIP – Satan and his servants have become past masters at GOOD instead of relationship with Yah!
- Satan’s rebellion à the Contest à the Rules of Engagement
During the creative process Father created messengers {angels} as servants.One of these, Helel, became proud and rebelled.Father was about to cast him into the Incinerator, the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, as a reject creation when he challenged Father.
Helel challenged Father to a Contest in terms of which he claimed that by the end of 7,000years from the creation of mankind there would NOT be a single human being in right standing with Father and that, if this happened, Helel would rule on Earth forever.
Father was angered and in the moment agreed to the Contest, something that He now says He deeply regrets.
A set of terms, called “The Rules of Engagement” were agreed which massively constrain Father’s right to act on Earth.In particular He is NOT permitted to disclose ANY information to a living Human UNLESS that Human asks for that information and He is NOT permitted to DO anything on Earth unless it is called into existence by a living Human.
Helel, now called Satan, has similar constraints but gets round them with manipulation and duplicity.
The bottom line is that you believe whatever lies you believe and UNLESS you constantly pray prayers like “Father please lead me into ALL truth by your Spirit”, “Father show me the level of my present deception and HOW to correct it” and constantly question things that do NOT make sense, you will remain steeped in your error and, de facto, at some level a servant of Satan.
In considering this it is vital to understand that Father does NOT understand everything, Satan, plus the seven Demonic Masterminds (the first humans who died as unbelievers) are constantly inventing new tricks to trap humans and lead them away from Father.
It is also important to understand that NOTHING on Earth is pre-determined, so-called “prophecy” is NOT foretelling, it is a statement of intent that requires a servant of the Almighty to call into existence.
If you do NOT understand the above you are, to all intents and purposes, almost totally useless to Father as a servant.
See the pages on The Contest at:
and the page on the Demonic Masterminds at:
- The prize – a High Throne
IF you succeed in being a true friend to the Almighty, understanding that only a very few people HAVE accomplished this, largely because people do NOT know it is possible and therefore do NOT strive for it, you will sit on a VERY high throne in Heaven with massive power and authority, alongside Yahooshua.
If you do NOT make this grade but overcome sin and adversity you will still sit on a throne, just a bit lower as an “Overcomer”.
If you do not make that grade it is available to you to be a “good and faithful servant” – you will NOT qualify for a throne but will be at the front of the Court of Heaven near the thrones as one who has worked hard to please Father and do His will on earth
If you do NOT make that grade you can still become a “Wise Steward”, one who recognized the reality of Father and at some level tried to serve Him.
If you learned about Father and at some level tried to serve Him but NEVER invited Him to live IN you and sought the infilling of His Spirit so that He can at some leveloperate through you, you will qualify as a “Foolish Virgin” and find yourself far removed from the Throne.
If you at some level believed in the Creator and then continued to live your life as though He did NOT exist you will find yourself in the “Outer Darkness”, the “trash heap of Heaven” (Father’s words), a dark, cold and uncomfortable place.
If you never believed you will find yourself rejected from entering Heaven at all and will remain on earth as an Ancestor Spirit or Demon, forced to ride on living human beings, animals or Satanic messengers {angels} or stuck on the ground where your corpse fell powerless to do anything about it.
See the article “Where are you headed” for a discussion of the ranks amongst the Ancestor Spirits, there are over 100 million demons so competition for high rank is fierce and the top positions are strongly held by demons who have ruled on earth for thousands of years.
See the article “Where are YOU going?” at:
http://end-time-issueministries.org/WhereareYOUgoing.aspx.html for more information.
- The penalty for sin – the Place of Correction à Hell
There IS a Place of Correction in Heaven where BELIEVERS who die with unconfessed sin are sent for correctional detention BEFORE they are admitted into the body of Heaven.This place is commonly called “Hell” and you will spend time in Hell being tormented by the tormentors until you have fully paid the price for ALL your unconfessed sin.
Remember that Yahooshua died a terrible death to provide a way out for YOU to receive forgiveness for your sins – if you FAIL to avail yourself of the benefits of this terrible sacrifice YOU will pay a TERRIBLE price for your sin.
What makes you think that you can carry on as you like and go to Heaven and escape scot free because Yahooshua “died for me” – surely you can see that the logic of such belief is fundamentally flawed and an offense to both Yah and Yahooshua?
Realize that IF you persist in your sin and error you are NOT A FRIEND and NOT AN OVERCOMER and probably NOT a Good and Faithful servant so your aspirations to high office are without foundation.
See the article on “Hell” together with images painted by those who have been there at:
- Only the strongly anointed are relevant in the battle
I have made reference to being filled with the Spirit of Yah, if you are NOT you are irrelevant.Read the articles on growing close to Yah to understand.This infilling is referred to as “anointing” commonly mistranslated and misrepresented as “Christ” – “Christ” is NOT an alias for “Jesus” as most people believe, it refers to Yah!
Father says that there are about five thousand anointed one’s on earth who are having “some impact” and only a handful who are really significantly impacting the world today.
If you are NOT one of the five thousand then you are to all intents and purposes totally irrelevant and your entire life is a total waste of time – wake up, pull your socks up and start worshipping seriously, see the article on growing close to Yah.
There are also only about 5,000 highly illuminated, that is demon controlled ones serving Satan, who are having a material impact.
See the large number of pages on “The Anointed Life” at:
http://end-time-issueministries.org/AnointedLife.aspx.html for more information.
- If you Chesed (covenant love) Father you will keep His Commandments
Ultimately there is only ONE COMMANDMENT that really matters “chesed (covenant) love Yah the eternally self-existing, your Mighty One with ALL your heart, with ALL your mind, with ALL your soul and with ALL your strength” – that is clear, it leaves NO room for other loves.Complying with this commandment has four principal elements:
- Yah is ONE à Yahooshua is a created being à worship Yah alone
This commandment is quite clear, Yah is ONE, there is NO trinity, Yahooshua is NOT Yah in the flesh, it was the anointing of the Spirit of Yah ON Yahooshua that gave Yahooshua his powers.
It is gross sin to call Yahooshua “God” or worship Him in any form no matter what tortuous rationalizations you adopt.
See the page on “Yahooshua NOT Creator” at:
and the large number of pages relating to “Yahooshua” at:
http://end-time-issueministries.org/Yahooshua.aspx.html to fully understand WHO Yahooshua really is and HOW he accomplished what he accomplished.
If YOU are worshipping Yahooshua then it is time to CEASE failing which you will be found to be irrelevant to the battle when you stand before the throne of judgment.
- Have NO idols à the Bible is just a book à worship Yah alone
The Second Commandment is quite clear, NO IDOLS
Therefore do NOT worship the Bible, the Bible is NOT “the Living Word of God”, it contains error and idolatry of the Bible is the single greatest act of idolatry on the planet today and one of Satan’s great triumphs.
See the page on “The Bible” at:
http://end-time-issueministries.org/TheBible.aspx.html and child pages for much more information on why the Bible is NOT what is claimed for it, why worship of it is SIN and why Yah, having put a lot of work into the Bible when it was compiled, now HATES it!
If you are a Bible worshipper you too will be found to be close to irrelevant on the day when YOU are judged immediately following your death AND you will be tormented in Hell for a significant time for your Bible worship – time to CEASE!
- Do NOT take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain à NOT God, NOT The LORD à worship Yah alone
I am constantly shocked by the carelessness and indifference of believers who say things along the lines of “God is a God of love, He does not care what I call Him” or “He understands” or whatever.“How would YOU like it if your family called you by the name of your WORST ENEMY”, was how Father expressed his position to me!
Be aware that if you persist in calling Father by anything other than His true Name “Yah the eternally self-existing” or at a stretch “Yahooeh” or “Yahweh” you are in gross sin and He HATES YOUR indifference and insensitivity and you are close to being irrelevant in the Contest!You are FAR from being a Friend!
See the article on “The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” and child pages for much more information:
- Keep Yah’s Sabbaths as an act of Chesed (covenant love) à worship Yah alone
Yah has clearly requested that we keep the SEVENTH day set-apart {holy}, that day is SATURDAY and it runs from sunrise to sunrise.He also expects us to observe Passover, Pentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, the First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Day of the Feast of Tabernacles as Sabbaths on which we do NO secular work or any other work that can be done on other days.
He expects us to rest on those days and to devote time to worshipping Him and serving Him in whatever way He requests of us.
If you are NOT observing those Sabbaths you are close to being irrelevant in the Contest for you are a SERVANT OF SATAN in this regard.
Note that NONE of this is about NOT being a believer or whatever, it is about the level of your relationship with Him and the extent to which YOU chesed (covenant love) Him enough to keep His commandments.
The rest of the Commandments
The rest of the Commandments relate to loving our neighbor, they too should be observed.
See the page on “All of the 10 Commandments as well as the Principal Commandment have been almost universally broken and made of NO effect” and the preceding pages for a detailed discussion of the commandments:
Conclusion: Yah desires a turning around
The bottom line of all of this is that, right now, Father is LOSING the Contest HANDS DOWN, He is lonely, isolated, betrayed and constantly insulted by people who call Him wrong names, break His commandments, worship a created man, worship a book and do NOT CARE!
If you are one of those people it is time to WAKE UP and sort out your messed up life because that is what it is – either you deal with your ill-disciplined ways and cold heart now or you will be GRIEVOUSLY DISAPPOINTED on the day that you are Judged.
Choose this day who you will serve – will you seek to overcome sin and error and become a personal friend of the Almighty or will you continue to serve Satan with your confused and error filled wrong ways?
Right now almost no-one on earth is truly serving Yah, He desires YOU to turn from your sin and turn to Him and He desires YOU to help Him turn the tide of the Contest, start seeking ALL truth, start SHARING that truth and turn this world from its service of Satan!
Dr James Robertson
End Time Issue Ministries
The Almighty Creator desires a deep personal relationship with YOU
Email: JamesAR@ETI-Ministries.org
Website: http://www.End-Time-IssueMinistries.org

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