2018.01.13 The Creators TRUE Name is Yah Created by James on 6/6/2018 11:49:10 AM The Creators TRUE Name is Yah
The Creators TRUE Name is Yah
By Dr James A Robertson
I constantly encounter people who do NOT know the TRUE Name of the Almighty Creator.
They call Him “God”, or “The LORD” and are offended by the true name, one man insists that I am an idol worshipper refusing to accept that the names “God” and “the LORD” are idolatrous and blasphemous pagan names.
The phrase “The LORD” occurs over 7,000 times in the Hebrew texts that form the basis of the so-called “Old Testament”, the Hebrew phrase so translated is best transliterated as “Yahooeh” but more frequently transliterated as “Yahweh”. Either way, that phrase means “Yah the eternally self-existing” – in other words, the true, essential Name of the Almighty is “Yah”.
Yah is very particular about His name, just as I am particular about being called “James” and get annoyed with people who call me “Jim”.
When I first became aware of “Yahweh” late in 2000 when on a program of three-day water only fasts at ten day intervals seeking truth I asked Father if it mattered if I called Him Yahweh to which He clearly replied “James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy?” I got the point and immediately ceased to use the names God and LORD.
Since then I came to understand that “Yahoo” is a blasphemous name and that it is sin for a believer to have a www.Yahoo.com email account or Group. In this context I have twice seen visions of Father Yah in tears. In the first case a deeply committed believer who was, at the time, very close to Father, refused go get rid of her Yahoo.com email address despite my explaining what it meant. When she refused I saw Father in tears of grief at her hard heartedness.
A few days later, after I had published an article on this subject, another deeply committed believer who had a large Yahoo Groups site advised me that he was going to terminate that site because of the wrong associated with that name. This time I saw Yah in tears of joy that this man was prepared to make such a huge sacrifice for Him out of love for Him. The first believer fell away as a consequence of this and other sins.
There is much that I could write on this topic – see the articles under the heading “The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing” at:
I strongly urge you that IF you are not already using the correct names that you do so starting immediately, in this age you will NOT get close to Yah UNLESS you call Him by His true name!
Actions you can take in conjunction with correcting your use of the Creators True Name:
Read the article “The Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU” – pray the prayers and take the actions outlined in that article. See http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/CreatorDesiresDeepRelationship.aspx.html
MOST IMPORTANT -- Read the article “Seven Components in Drawing Close to the Creator”. There are a large number of prayers, processes and actions that are presented here – systematically read the article and step by step apply what you find there. In particular, go on several sets of seven three day fasts at weekly intervals with clearly focussed prayer as outlined in the document. http://end-time-issueministries.org/Home/7ComponentsinGrowingClosetoYah.aspx.html
It will potentially take you several years of applying all that is specified in these documents to start reaching your full potential wherever you are in your life right now.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
25 December 2017

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