2018.01.29 What Went Wrong? Created by James on 6/7/2018 7:21:34 AM What Went Wrong?
What Went Wrong?
Dr James A Robertson
Some time ago I received an email with the subject “THIS IS INTELLIGENT DESIGN?” which read:
“A world like ours filled with all kinds of bad natural disasters? -- things like Hurricanes, Earthquakes Tornado's, Volcano's. Floods, Avalanches, Wild Fires, Land Slides and Tsunamis?
“A world where some living things must kill other living things to live when other living things do not?
“A world filled with diseases, sickness and starvation?
“A world where humans do the terrible things they do to both other living things and to their fellow humans?
I was challenged by this and was not sure how to respond, the basic thesis was that it was stupid to believe in the existence of a Creator.
After contemplating this email for some days, I responded as follows:
Hi N…
I was challenged by your article "This is Intelligent Design" but have not had time to prepare a thorough response till now.
Let me set out my understanding of the situation as follows:
1. The Almighty Created the Universe and Planet Earth with ONE objective -- to create intelligent beings with whom He could have a relationship and do things with.
2. He Created advanced spirit beings, "messengers" {angels} -- something went wrong with one of them, name of Hillel, who rebelled.
3. Standard protocol for defective creations was to discard them in the Lake of Fire and Brimstone -- the Incinerator of Heaven.
4. Hillel was about to be cast into the fire when he challenged the Creator to a Contest in terms of which he claimed that if he was allowed to operate on Earth for 7,000 years he would ensure that NOT a single human being would be in right relationship with the Almighty at the end in which case Hillel, now Satan, would rule on Earth for eternity with those who followed him.
5. The Creator agreed – He subsequently regretted his decision but it was too late, the die was cast.
6. Satan proceeded to lead mankind into error to the point where after about 1,500 years there were virtually no believers left.
7. A man called Noah prayed for judgment on the unbelievers and the Almighty brought an Ice Comet which collided with the Earth, melted and flooded the planet drowning all the unbelievers while Noah and his family escaped in a specially prepared survival vessel {Ark}.
8. The entire surface of the Earth was mashed up and the climate totally messed up – hence the bad weather conditions that you refer to below – originally the world had an idyllic climate and none of the traumatic events you write of below.
9. The forces of darkness under Satan corrupted the world such that all the evil that we see with nations warring, atrocities committed, starvation, etc came about as per your points below.
10. The Creator sees nothing wrong with animals killing each other for food, that is how they were created – it is a humanistic view that sees something wrong with this.
11. During the Contest the Creator initiated diseases as a means of bringing judgment which has also been sub-optimal.
So, overall, I am saying that there WAS Intelligent Design in the beginning but some things went wrong because the design was NOT entirely perfect.
I believe that there IS ample evidence of the existence of the Creator and that He DID execute the design of all that is around us and I have published various articles to this effect see http://end-time-issueministries.org/Creation.aspx.html
I leave it to you to consider all the evidence and arrive at an informed decision which takes account of how difficult it is to design and build things that work.
May Yah, The Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish.
Warm regards and blessings,
James Robertson
Emissary and Spokesman of Yah
13 January 2018

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