2014.01.02.04 Fasting as a vital component of being a believer Created by James on 12/26/2018 12:10:45 PM Fasting is an essential component of life as a believer IF you desire to draw close to the Almighty with an expectation of being found to be a "good and faithful servant", "overcomer" or "friend"
Fasting is a vital component of being a believer
Partial or total fasting quietens the flesh of a believer and facilitates growth in spiritual terms thereby assisting a person to draw closer to Yah
It is strongly recommended that believers should fast on a reasonably regular basis
Fasts include one day total fasts, three day total fasts (only very occasionally and IF health permits -- can lead to kidney damage), three day water only fasts, seven day fasts, seven three day water only fasts at seven or ten day intervals, twenty one day fruit and vegetable or soup fasts or water only fasts and forty day water only fasts
The longer fasts should ONLY be undertaken if Father clearly directs
Seven three day fasts at seven day intervals are particularly helpful in gaining revelation and growing in relationship with Father
A forty day water only fast is almost essential for someone to operate in the power gifts of the Spirit of the Almighty
It is permissible to take limited quantities of bread and wine (or grape juice) together with rehearsing the covenant once or twice a day if you are on medication or even if you are not

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