2014.01.03 The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing Created by James on 12/26/2018 1:56:37 PM The TRUE name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" other names are blasphemous and should be avoided
The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing
The true Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth is frequently represented as "Yahweh" or, more correctly, "Yahooeh" which is an inaccurate anglicization of the true essential Name of the Almighty which is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing"
Yah's true name is VERY important to Him, just as my name, "James" is important to me, I do NOT answer to "John" or any other name, I do NOT even answer to "Jim" or "Jimmy" which are commonly used abbreviations of "James"
This page contains substantial information about the true Name of the Almighty and its significance historically and in understanding the historic writings in the bible and elsewhere
This information and the use of the correct names is VITAL to clearing up massive confusion that exists amongst believers as well as the world at large
Many years ago, as I was first exposed to teachings about the name of the Almighty Creator and His servant, Yahooshua {Jesus} I asked Him if it was important to make the adjustments necessary to use names that were entirely unfamiliar and quite difficult to pronounce
His reply was simple... "James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy?"
It took me some years to fully comprehend the significance of this statement in the context of a number of key FALSE names:
1. The LORD (correct form is Yahooeh actually "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing")
The name "The LORD", substituted over 7,000 times in the bible for "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" (Yahooeh {Yahweh}) is actually an accurate translation of "Baal" a major demonic Mastermind and pagan (that is Satan worshipper) god
The use of the term "the lord" in the context of Yahooshua {Jesus} coupled to "The LORD" in the context of the Creator has contributed to the massive confusion that sees Yahooshua being equated with Yah by most believers thereby breaking the first commandment which is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One, you shall have NO mighty one's beside Him"
2. God (correct form is Almighty or Mighty One depending on context)
"God" is the name of a Germanic demonic entity or "god" and its subsitution for the underlying Hebrew word "Elohim" that translates "Mighty One" or "mighty one" depending on context has given rise to major confusion -- insofar as Yahooshua {Jesus} IS a mighty one, he IS a "god" but He is NOT the "Almighty Mighty One", that is, "Yah the eternally self existing"
3. Jesus (correct form is Yahooshua)
The man commonly referred to as "Jesus" was a Hebrew from Yahoodah {Judah} and therefore a Yahoodite {Jew}, he was given the same name as the man who led Yisrael {Israel} into the land of "Ysrael", commonly and inaccurately referred to as "Joshua", both men were actually called "Yahooshua" which means "Yah IS Salvation"
The use of "Jesus" and ignorance of the true name "Yahooshua" which directly evidence that the person bearing the name is NOT the Creator (Yahooshua REFERS directly to the Creator) has also given rise to major confusion
"Jesus" is also a pagan name that relates to "Zeus" another demonic Mastermind and pagan (Satan worshipper) god (mighty one)
4. Christ (correct form is anointing / anointed)
The incorrect translation of references to the "anointing" of the Spirit of Yah as "Christ" AND references to people who are "anointed ones" also translated "Christ" has further given rise to massive error and confusion
Yahooshua the man, filled with, that is ANOINTED WITH, the Spirit of Yah, was an "anointed one", that is "Christ", and thus "Jesus Christ" accurately translates "Yahooshua the anointed of Yah" and, again clearly evidences the distinction between the MAN "Yahooshua" and the "anointing" {Christ} -- it is thus apparent that it was the "anointing of the Spirit of Yah", that is the "Christ" that performed the miracles THROUGH the MAN Yahooshua
This error contributes in a major way to the confusion with regard to the identity of Yahooshua through people equating "Christ" with "Jesus"
With this understanding it is apparent that the true meaning of the word "Christian" is "one anointed with the Spirit of Yah" from which we discover that very few of the people who call themselves "Christian" are, in fact, "anointed one's" and from this we see that the religion known as "Christianity", correctly "the religion of the anointed one's" is false and fraudulent in terms of the vast majority of those who adopt that label and therefore, since the vast majority of Christians are, in strict terms unbelievers (worship of Jesus is pagan, that is Satanic and NOT from Yah) which makes broad based "Christianity" a pagan, that is Satan worshipping, religion
The fact that there ARE some Christians who ARE anointed one's does NOT make the religion acceptable, Yah has been speaking for decades telling those who truly love Him to "come out of her my people"
Once all these deceptions have been understood and moved out of one's daily life one can begin to develop a deep personal relationship with the Almighty Creator and cease sinning
Note that if you do NOT know the true Name of the Almighty it is NOT possible to keep the third commandment which is "you shall NOT take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, your Mighty One in vain", once you know that His name is Yah you will know that words like "Yahoo", "Ja", "Jah", "Jahwohl", etc are blasphemous and should be avoided at all costs
It is NOT possible to fully understand the historical writings without understanding this truth
It is also NOT possible to fully relate to the Creator if one does not know His true name
The articles on this page go into a lot more detail and I encourage you to study them carefully
<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him
NEXT SECTION: This website is the culmination of applying Engineering Principles to the matters of the Almighty Creator since 1993>>>
<<< PREVIOUS SUB-SECTION: Those who come to limited belief initially
NEXT SUB-SECTION: The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Detailed Analysis -- Abstract >>>
The fundamental, essential name of the Almighty is Yah, pronounced in a similar way to the short form of the German "Jawohl" or Afrikaans "Ja"
It is NOT possible to fully understand the historical writings without understanding this truth
It is also NOT possible to fully relate to the Creator if one does not know His true name
Related pages:
The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Detailed Analysis -- Abstract
Some Words Used To Describe Yah
Objective, Technical Notes And Technical Caveat
Words Translated "God"
Names Including Yah
Further Words Which Refer To Yah
Names Including Yah
Additional Words Which Relate To Yah
Instances Of Jehovah And Jah = Yah In The Hebrew Lexicon Of The Online Bible
Instances Of Yah In The Hebrew Lexicon Of The Online Bible
Closure Regarding The Name Of Yah
2013.10.01 - Yah is ANGRY about NAMES
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After posting the article on “Is Jesus Zeus” Yah said to me “Son of man, do you see how these people presume to play games with the name of the most powerful created being in the Universe AND with the name of their Creator?”
He subsequently said to me “I am angry, these people have NO excuse, I extended grace to previous generations because very few had access to the truth and the persecution was so severe, today they have the Internet and they can research without hindrance, they have turned against me, so shall I now turn against them”
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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2009.12.01 - Yah in everyday language -- breaking the third commandment
I recently emailed a number of people with Yxxoo email addresses to caution that this name is very close to the true name of our Almighty Father "Yah" or "Yahooeh" and advising them to obtain an alternative email address as I am concerned that Yxxoo breaks the third commandment not to take the name of Yah the eternally self existing (Yahooeh or Yahweh) in vain.
One of the people i mailed replied thanking me and pointing out that a word sounding very similar to Yah is regularly used in English for yes and i then realized that the Afrikaans word for yes, "ja" also sounds the same, as do words for yes in other languages.
It seems to me that one should seek to avoid using words that sound like "Yah" in any language as it is possible that the forces of darkness have inserted these words into common usage in order to trick as many as possible into breaking the third commandment.
2013.09.1 - Why Names ARE Important
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Various people have written to me to take issue with me regarding the names that I have been advocating
Arguments include “I have called him Jesus since I was a child and he knows how much I love him” and “Father knows my heart, He does not mind what name I use” and “Father is bigger than that” and “Grace”
Someone else has argued linguistically against the assertion that Jesus is derived from Zeus
And so people argue intellectually against something that is NOT intellectual
When I was young some of my friends called me “Jim” a common abbreviation for “James” – I resisted strenuously and, even today, will scarcely acknowledge anyone who addresses me as Jim, I know that my name IS important to me and it upsets me when people distort it
When I speak in countries where the language is not English they always introduce me as “Dr James Robertson”, the pronunciation may sometimes not be familiar but they NEVER suggest that they should translate my name
When I first became aware of the fact that the names “God”, “The LORD” and “Jesus” were inaccurate I asked Father about it – His reply? “James, how would you like it if your wife called you by the name of your worst enemy?” – I stopped using the names I had used all my life – it was a battle at first but I had got the message and I worked on it, it also took me time to get to the transliterations that Father said were most accurate in modern English but I had got the message and Father was blessed by the fact that I tried and it brought Him joy
Finally Father led me to transliterations that virtually no one recognizes but they ARE what He says are most accurate, and He should know
Recently, after someone had written to me telling me about how much they loved Jesus and how Father “understood” their use of “Jesus” Father said to me “if your wife insisted on calling you by the wrong name, after you had made her aware that she was using the wrong name and that the name was offensive to you, you would divorce her, wouldn’t you?” I agreed and Father responded “and so I divorce them”
The simple fact is that the fundamental Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth IS “Yah”, amplified as “Yah the eternally self-existing”, frequently represented as “Yahweh” and more correctly “Yahooeh”, the name of the prophet from Nazarus is “Yahooshua”
Depending on which source you rely on you will find “Yah” throughout the so-called “Old Testament” see https://app.box.com/s/u2tekscp4nzq5224j3e1 IF you hold the bible to be important then you owe it to Yah to call Him by His correct name
Derived from the above it becomes apparent that “Yahoo” is a derivative of the Name of the Almighty, that is “Yahoo” as in an exclamation of excitement AND as in xxxx@Yahoo.com which Yah says is a blasphemous name AND a name that is deeply hurtful to Yah when used by believers
How do I know?
Some years ago Yah indicated to me that someone who was very close to Him should cease using their Yahoo.com email address. I advised them accordingly and they rejected the message. By doing this they opened the door for massive demonic attack on their ministry and themselves. At the time it happened I saw Yah in tears, wracked with grief that this person whom He loved so much cared so little that they would continue to abuse his name once they had been told the truth
Shortly after that I was asked to communicate the same message to another, a person who had a Yahoo Groups community that had been running for the order of ten years with a huge store of articles, etc – this man IMMEDIATELY agreed to cease using Yahoo.com and moved to another service provider with great personal inconvenience and sacrifice. At the time this man made the decision I saw Yah in tears of JOY that this man, who had so little, loved so much that he was willing to sacrifice even the little he had to please his Father in Heaven
So, I say to you today “do YOU love the Almighty Creator ENOUGH to CEASE using pagan names?” and BRING HIM JOY?
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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2013.03.11 - Names DO Matter -- Yah and Yahooshua
There is all sorts of debate about the true name of the Almighty Creator commonly known as "God" or "The LORD" and the true name of the Prophet of Galilee commonly known as "Jesus"
By extension of the articles published earlier today there is ONLY one way to find the true names and that is by praying for guidance and fasting until one comes to a place of personal revelation through the leading of the Spirit of the Almighty
Intellectually one can reason that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Jew or a Hebrew and that it is therefore reasonable for him to have a Hebrew name
One can extend this argument to the effect that the Name of the Almighty in the form of Yah permeates the Hebrew language and the names of Hebrew men and women and in words such as HalleluYah
And one can find oneself battling to defend one's position against arguments that say that Jesus did not speak Hebrew or even Aramaic and, and, and ...
Alternatively you can pray for guidance, pray for judgement, pray for correction and go on multiple fasts explicitly seeking truth and, after some time, in my experience after some years, you will eventually come to a settled assurance that you really HAVE heard the Almighty clearly and it really does NOT matter what academic arguments or rationalizations are offered you KNOW the true names
I claim to be at that point:
1. The fundamental essential Name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah" and is most accurately represented in English as "Yah"
2. The name of the prophet commonly referred to as "Jesus" is "Yahooshua" which means "Yah is salvation"
3. The common Hebrew form of "YHWH" frequently translitterated "Yahweh" is more accurately transliterated "Yahooeh" and means "Yah the eternally self-existing" and is a statement of one of the essential characteristics of the Creator
4. "God" is a totally inaccurate transliteration of the Hebrew "Ellohim" or Aramaic "Ellah" and Arabic "Allah" which means "Mighty One" or "mighty one" and is a pagan and blasphemous name that the Almighty hates but extended grace for -- this grace was withdrawn in January 2001
5. "The LORD" is an accurate translation of "Baal" and bears NO relation to the Hebrew "YHWH" that it is used to represent and is also a pagan and blasphemous name that the Almighty hates but extended grace for -- this grace was withdrawn in January 2001
6. "ja" for "yes" in Afrikaans, "jawohl" in German, "Yahoo.com" are ALL blasphemous names and there will be judgment for using them -- people with Yahoo email addresses should migrate to Gmail or similar
7. To claim one has a relationship with the Creator and that that relationship entitles one to call Him other names is insensitive and insulting, I have seen Him in tears over a person who refused to change a "Yahoo.com" email address and in tears of joy regarding another who walked away from an entire Yahoo Groups site
8. "Jesus" IS derived from "Zeus" and is a blasphemous name which Yah and Yahooshua hate -- grace was also withdrawn for this name in January 2001
The correct words ARE important IF you have any interest in pleasing the Almighty Creator and claim to love Him
May Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty Creator, bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you.
2010.12.06 - The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible - Summary
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About ten years ago the Almighty started to deal with me about a wide variety of issues, one of these was His true Name.
I quickly encountered teachings which stated that His Name was “Yahweh”, based on a fairly widely used transliteration of the Hebrew “YHWH”, which occurs over 5,000 times in the books of the bible from Genesis to Malachi, the so-called “Old Testament”.
As He led me further I discovered that this word was more accurately transliterated as “Yahooeh” and that it was more accurately translated as “Yah the eternally self-existing”.
From this this I came to understand that the essential Name of our Almighty Creator, our Father in Heaven, was “Yah” and from there I discovered that there were well over 100 names and words in the bible that contained the Name Yah in the Hebrew although completely lost in the traditional English translations. For example the name we know as “John” is actually “Yahoochanan” which means “Yah has graced”.
In the same process I realized that the man most of us know as “Jesus Christ” was a Hebrew or Jew (“Yahoodite”) and NOT a Greek and that accordingly his name could NOT be Jesus, it had to be a Hebrew name. I encountered various interpretations of what this name might be including “Yeshua” meaning “salvation” but in time came to understand that his name was “Yahooshua” meaning “Yah is Salvation”, also Yahshua or Yahushua or other derivatives but that Yahooshua was the most exact. Translated “Joshua” in the books pre-Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ} (the so-called Old Testament) but translated “Jesus” in the books about Yahooshua and after Yahooshua (the so-called New Testament).
I discovered that the Hebrew word generally translated as “God” was in fact a technical term “Elohim” which means mighty one or Almighty depending on context. Elohim can be applied to the Almighty, generally translated as “God”, pagan deities (translated as god) and also to human beings. Elohim is NOT an exclusive reference to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.
Other words translated “God” include “Ellah”, the Aramaic for Elohim, effectively “Allah” in Arabic and “El” and “Eli” which in some applications effectively means “my personal mighty one” “or my beloved mighty one” as when Yahooshua cried out on the stake {cross} “Eli Eli lama sabachthani?” meaning “my beloved Mighty one, my beloved Mighty one, why have you forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46 (note that Matthew is more correctly translated as MattihYahoo meaning gift of Yah 27:46)
At the same time I came to understand that the commonly used names for the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing, were blasphemous and it was only as an act of great love and grace that He answers prayer in those names. Specifically “the LORD” is an accurate translation of “Baal” the pagan god of sexual immorality and “God” or “Gawd” is the name of the Babylonian demonic deity of good luck subsequently adopted by the Germanic people and then adopted by English speaking people as the name of the Almighty.
I also came to understand that “Jesus” is derived from “Ieosus” which in turn is derived from “Zeus”, another pagan deity.
I then came to understand that these names were grievously hurtful to our Father in Heaven, Yah the eternally self-existing and to Yahooshua and that Yah only answers to them as a great act of mercy and grace because of the level of deception of those who have some level of relationship with Him.
Yah summed it up to me as follows “James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy”, I got the point and changed my language immediately.
Most, if not all, of these errors can be traced back to the period from about 300 AD when the Roman church was apostatizing, distancing itself from its Hebrew roots and making compromises with Satan to make it easier for pagan's to convert.
Talking of covenants, I have recently come to understand that ALL sins that relate to breaking of the Ten Commandments which ARE the essence of the covenant between Yah and man, if they occur repeatedly result in a covenant with Satan and demonic infestation, at the very least once you have been exposed to the truth.
I also came to understand that “Christ” is a meaningless term that substitutes for a simple English translation which is “anointed with the Spirit of Yah”, or “anointing of the Spirit of Yah” or “one anointed with the Spirit of Yah”. Thus “Christian” means “an anointed one” or “one anointed with the Spirit of Yah”. From this I came to understand that “Christ” is NOT synonymous with “Jesus” or “Yahooshua” and that it is presumptuous for one to call themselves a “Christian” – who am I to presume to describe myself as being anointed by the Spirit of Yah, that is something for others to decide.
The Almighty is merciful Psalm 103:8 “Yah the eternally self-existing {The LORD} is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.” KJV This does NOT mean we should treat His Name lightly or call Him by other names.
This article sets out the above in more detail.
If you love me call me by my true name
My name is “James”, in English culture this is frequently abbreviated as “Jim”.
For reasons I cannot really explain I have always been particular about my name, I do not like being called Jim and, barring a few close friends who presumed to call me Jim anyway I have never been called Jim. They are no longer friends.
James is a poor translation of the Hebrew Jacob or Yaacov or similar. When I first started communicating with people on the Internet who had come to understand something about the true names of the Creator someone replied to my email calling my Yaacov, I was NOT amused, my name is James and it is James no matter where I am in the world and what language is being spoken to introduce me.
Names are not to be translated.
So, when, having shown me His correct name, the Almighty said to me “James, how would you like it if your family insisted on calling you by the name of your worst enemy” I immediately got the point and started to use the correct names.
Consider also 1 John 5:3 “For this is the love of Yah {God}, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous”.
Surely, if you love the Almighty, you will keep His commandments, including the commandment NOT to take His name in vain. In order to not take His name in vain you must know what His name is and realize that substituting other words for His name IS taking His name in vain.
In reading what follows it will be very easy for you to get into argument on the basis “but that is what I have always called Him”, or “I have been praying in those names of years and He has always answered me, why should I change?” or “I have experienced miracles in those names, how can they be wrong?”
The answer to all of these points is roughly “just because our Almighty Father has extended mercy and Grace to you by answering your prayers in these names and has even performed miracles to your benefit because of His great mercy does that mean you have a license to disregard the truth now that you have learned the truth?”
If you truly love Him, call Him by His true name!
I appeal to you as you read what follows, bring these issues before our Father in Heaven and seek confirmation and as soon as you have it then change your language. In fact, if you read what follows carefully and prayerfully you should not need much prayer to confirm that you should change.
I have a more detailed article “ETI_10_11_02_The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible v 39_006” which discusses some aspects of this article in more detail.
Do NOT take the name of the Almighty in vain
Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD} thy Mighty One {God} in vain; for Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD} will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain” KJV
This verse is definitive, particularly once you apply the correct translation as set out in the sections that follow.
Do not make light of or mock or distain, or use lightly, or cheapen or in any other way use the Name of the Almighty in vain.
As you will see in the sections that follow, these names are clearcut and distinct and there can be no excuse for using other names.
Yahooeh or Yahweh NOT “The LORD”
The first aspect of the truth regarding the Names of the Almighty that I encountered related to the word that is traditionally translated “the LORD”.

This word is Strong’s number 3068, see the graphic on the right for the Hebrew and the standard translation.
The reality is that those who translated the bible and those who work with the Hebrew text all know that the Hebrew YHWH is NOT in any meaningful way related to “the LORD”.
The basic theory of why this is done is that it is allegedly a longstanding Jewish tradition to avoid using the true Name of the Almighty in case they take it in vain so, by the time of Yahooshua {Jesus} it was common practice to substitute “Adonay” one of the Hebrew words for Lord in place of Yahweh or Yahooeh.
The true name was even removed from certain texts and there are over a hundred instances recorded in Jewish religious writings where such substitution is noted.
It seems that the English translators simply conformed to this tradition in the process effectively making the name of the Almighty of no effect.
This word occurs over 5,000 times in the books of the bible relating to the period prior to the birth of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}. See the screen dump from the PC Study Bible below:

While “Yahweh” is the most commonly occurring English form it turns out that “Yahooeh” is more accurate.
Thus we find that the web site and email service www.Yahoo.com has a blasphemous name and shouting “Yahoo” as an exclamation of victory or excitement is also blasphemous.
If you have such an email account you need to move away from it as a priority, set up a Gmail account or similar. You can ask for mercy to keep the old account for historical purposes but you should immediately start using an alternative account and notifying all who write to you as to why you are changing. When you get emails to your Yahoo account you can copy and paste the email address into your Gmail account and reply from there or forward to the Gmail account and reply from there.
I recently had a vision of people using Yxxoo accounts crawling with demons.
But there is greater complexity.
Yah the eternally self-existing
Yahooeh means “Yah the eternally self-existing”, so, from this we deduce that the essential name of the Almighty is in fact NOT Yahooeh or Yahweh or similar, it is in fact Yah.
And thus we see that names that sound like “Yah”, for example “ja” meaning yes in Afrikaans are also blasphemous!
And so we see the wiles of Satan, first he has tricked mankind into substituting other words for the true Name of the Almighty and then he tricks mankind into using words that sound like the Name of the Almighty in order to trap us into breaking the third commandment, thou shalt not take the name of Yahooeh in vain or thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain!
By losing sight of the true name of the Almighty, that is “Yah” we also lose sight of the extent to which His name is referenced in the bible.
Those who have not repented of this sin by the Day of Judgement will find themselves facing at least a PART in the LAKE OF FIRE which is the second death, see Revelation 21:8.
Names that reference Yah
Once I was sensitized to the true Name of the Almighty, Father arranged for me to obtain a copy of the bible in the version known as “The Scriptures” published by the Institute of Scripture Research available from http://www.qodesh.co.za
As I read this and referenced other sources I became aware that the name of Yah permeates the Hebrew texts of the books prior to the ministry of Yahooshua the anointed of Yah {Jesus Christ}.
Names like:
Elijah which is actually EliYahoo, Yah is my personal or beloved Mighty one.
Judah which is actually Yahoodah, praise Yah.
Joshua which is actually Yahooshua, Yah is salvation.
There are over 100 names that reference Yah.
Jew which is actually Yahoodite, the descendents of Yahoodah. So if one curses the Jews or speaks ill of them one is cursing Yah as well.
And so it goes, a rich tapestry of names, describing the ministries and callings of numerous well known characters in the books in the bible.
These same attributes are present in the so-called new testament, the books relating to the ministry of Yahooshua and what followed, but they are more concealed because of the reliance on the Greek texts because of the loss of the Hebrew texts.
Yahoochanan, Yah has graced, the name of John the Baptist, actually Yahoochanan the immerser, the man whose ministry to Yahooshua (Yah is salvation) {Jesus} ushered in the era of Grace from Yah.
Yahooshua – Yah is salvation
I have already mentioned above the name Yahooshua, Yah is salvation.
It turns out that this is the correct name of the man most know as Jesus Christ.
Thus, his very name was a prophetic statement of the role he would play on the earth.
But note also that he was NOT the first Yahoodite to be called by this name, Joshua who led Israel into the promised land was also actually called Yahooshua.
And, the reason that the name of Yahooshua is “the name above all names” is simply because there is nothing greater in all creation than the salvation of Yah.
Elohim -- The Almighty Mighty One NOT God
The Almighty Creator is also very frequently referred to as “God”, in fact many people think that His real name IS God.
Fact is, the word most frequently translated as God is "Elohim" which should be accurately translated as "mighty one" or in certain contexts "Almighty".
To complicate matters, "Elohim" applies to the Almighty Mighty One, the Mighty One of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob BUT it also applies to demonic mighty ones like Baal and Satan AND it can also be applied to a king or ruler or other powerful human being.
Thus, because a being is a god (mighty one) that does NOT mean that they are the Almighty.
In fact, for reasons that I will discuss in a minute, it is an insult to call the Almighty "God", and it is grace that He has seen fit to answer to this name for all these years.
If one loves our Father in Heaven we will substitute "the Almighty" or "Mighty One" for all occurrences of "God" in anything we are reading or singing where it is clear that this is referring to the Almighty and use "mighty one" for other gods.
Other names of the Almighty – El, Eli, Eloah, Ellah, etc
As I researched further I found that there were other words in addition to Elohim that were applied to the Almighty.
These include "El" and "Eli" which appear to be simply abbreviated forms of Elohim but which in context, at least in some cases, such as Yahooshua dying on the stake {cross} is a form of endearment, "my beloved mighty one" or "my personal mighty one", both referring to Yah.
Eloah and Ellah are simply Aramaic forms of Elohim used in the same way as Elohim.
Noticeably, Allah, the Arabic form of Ellah also can refer to the Almighty. Thus it is an error to state that Moslems are worshipping another mighty one, they may be, because Allah is no more exclusive to Yah than is Elohim or Eli or Ellah BUT since God is not being used exclusively to refer to the Almighty this is not really an issue.
All should be referring to the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, or to Yah. The error of the Moslems is LESS than the error of the Christians on this topic.
“The LORD” – Baal – a blasphemous name
It turns out that the English "The LORD" would be a good translation of "Baal" the god of sexual immorality that is referred to throughout the bible.
1 Kings 18:19 “Now therefore send, and gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel's table.” KJV
Thus, not only have men concealed the Name of the Almighty they have substituted it with the blasphemous name of a demonic deity!
How great is the love of our Father in Heaven that He has answered our prayers in this name!
This alone should be sufficient reason for you to change your use of language on this front.
To better understand how Yah feels about this consider Hosea 2:17 “For I will take away the names of Baalim [the LORD] out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.” (KJV)
This points to the need for heartfelt repentance and deliverance from that which has oppressed one through the use of this name as well as humble petition to Almighty Yah to break the covenant with Satan that may have come into place as a consequence.
God – another blasphemous name
Then, to make matters worse, it turns out that "God" or "Gawd" or "Gad" is the Babylonian god of luck and good fortune referred to in Isaiah 65:11 "But ye are they that forsake Yah the eternally self-existing {the LORD}, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for gad or god {that troop} (fortune), and that furnish the drink offering unto menee {that number} (fate)."

So we see that we should remove "God" from our vocabulary as well and repent and seek forgiveness for our sin and seek to be set free from all that is oppressing us as a consequence of our error including possible covenants with Satan.
Jesus – another blasphemous name
Then it turns out that "Jesus" is derived from the Greek "Ieosus" which is in turn derived from "Zeus" a Greek pagan deity.
I was told recently that Jesus actually means "Aardvark" a form of pig which has to be just about the biggest insult that one could give to Yahooshua but I have not managed to find independent corroboration.
This in turn points to a further adjustment in our vocabulary and some heartfelt repentance and deliverance.
Christ – anointing of the Spirit of Yah
The next challenge relates to the word "Christ", it is widely accepted that "Christ" relates to the anointing of the set apart {holy} Spirit of Yah, that is the pouring out or smearing or impartation of Father Yah's Spirit on and within those who believe.
Thus, "Christ" or "Christos" or "Christoon" or all the other Greek derivatives are NOT a name and NOT a title, they are a technical description of a spiritual state.
From context we discover that "Christ" has more than one meaning:
"Yahooshua the anointed of Yah" = "Jesus Christ"
"The anointing of the Spirit of Yah that was upon Yahooshua" = "Christ Jesus" and at times just "Christ" as in "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", that is "I can do all things through the Spirit of Yah who strengthens me" and "my Mighty One {God} will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by the anointing of His Spirit {Christ} that was upon Yahooshua {Jesus}" Phillipians 4:19 "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
"The anointed one" = "Christ" referring to Yahooshua as in Ephesians 5:2 "And walk in love, as the anointed one {Christ} also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to Yah {God} for a sweetsmelling savour."
Thus, we see that we can equate Christ with the Spirit of Yah and therefore with Yah at all times but we can only equate Christ with Yahooshua sometimes. Christ sometimes refers to Yahooshua as "the anointed one", or if you like "the Messiah" but Messiah is a similar technical term to Christ, it simply refers to a specific anointed one with the anointing coming from Yah.
Note that Christ can ALSO refer to false anointings, that is demonic anointings as in MattihYahoo 24:24 "For there shall arise false anointed ones {Christs}, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
From this we see that there will be Satanically and demonically generated anointings and through the Satanic and demonic there will be great signs and wonders that will deceive even the elect. As grace is withdrawn with regard to the errors amongst believers we will see more and more of these demonically anointed people within the body of believers performing works in the name of God, the LORD, Jesus and Christ, this is ALREADY HAPPENING!
Do you love enough to change?
The critical question for you to consider now:
If you have not heard this teaching before or if you have heard it but have not fully understood the consequences, do YOU love Yah and Yahooshua enough to change?
After I published the earlier version of this document one of the people on the list wrote to me to say that he was moving from Yxxoo.com to another Internet service provider.
As I read the email I saw Abba Yah with tears of joy in His eyes, He was DEEPLY MOVED at the love of this man – do YOU love Abba Yah enough to make that sort of course correction?
Do you love Him enough to obey His commandment NOT to take His Name in vain?
Do you love Him enough to get the name of Baal "the LORD" out of your mouth?
Do you love Him enough to stop worshipping Gawd, God?
Do you love Yahooshua enough to call him by his correct name?
Do you love Yah enough to stop using Christ to describe the anointing of His set apart {holy} Spirit?
Do you love them both enough to call them by their correct names?
It is a challenge, not many people know this truth, even fewer walk in it.
What if you do not change? – withdrawal of Grace, covenant with Satan, demonic infestation
"But I have always used those names, my prayers have been answered, I have experienced dramatic miracles, I have been caught up to heaven, all in those names, how can they be so wrong? I really do not see the need to change!"
Sounds reasonable, doesn't it?
Remember the words of Yah "how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your greatest enemy?"
The truth is that Yah has "had enough", His patience is exhausted, He is no longer willing to extend Grace to those who have access to the truth and, if you have a computer and an Internet connection you DO have access to the truth.
Either way, now that you have read this document you are without excuse.
What do you choose to do?
It is up to you to decide what you do, it is up to you to decide whether to gamble on this message being wrong or whether in love you change while there is still time.
I implore you, if the Almighty and Yahooshua mean anything to you, it is TIME TO CHANGE.
It really is not that difficult, YES it requires a quality decision and it will take you months and possibly years before you become really comfortable with the new names, it took me quite a time.
I went through my bible as I was reading it and crossed out the wrong words and inserted the correct words.
Get a copy of "The Scriptures" referenced above or another translation that contains the true names.
Adopt a discipline when praying, worshipping or praising of substituting the correct names even when others use the incorrect names.
If you love Yah please keep His commandments!
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2010.11.02 - The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible - Detailed Analysis
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About ten years ago I became aware that the name of the Almighty was "Yahooeh" or "Yah the eternally self existing". At the same time I came to understand that "the LORD" was an accurate translation of "Baal" and was therefore blasphemous and that it was only through the mercy and grace of our Almighty Father in Heaven that He answered to the commonly used names.
As I continued in my research, led by His Spirit I came to understand that God was the name of a pagan deity and that the word Elohim commonly translated God should in fact have been translated Mighty One or Almighty depending on context.
I also came to understand that the name of the man commonly known as Jesus Christ was in fact "Yahooshua the anointed of Yah" and that Christ referred to the anointing or impartation of the Spirit of the Almighty on any human being. Yahooshua means "Yah is salvation".
I learned many other things in this context and this opened up a new understanding of many key issues.
In January 2002 I published a formal document titled "The Names of Yah in Scripture" which examined in depth the use of the name Yah.
This article is an update of that article, nine years on to take account of what I have learned in the intervening period as I have sought to walk in these truths.
Something that has become very clear to me is that we GRIEVE the heart of our Father in Heaven when we use the traditional names and that it is only as an act of great mercy and grace on His part that He tolerates our error and still loves us and answers us.
I have also come to understand that the use of the true names brings a much richer understanding of many things, for example, the name you may know as "John the Baptist" should be translated as "Yahoochanan the immerser" and Yahoochanan means "Yah has Graced" which is a prophetic indication that the arrival of Yahooshua would usher in a dispensation of Grace.
I pray that you will find what follows informative and that you will chose to change your use of language to that which is more pleasing to our Father in heaven.
Exodus 20:7 "Thou shalt not take the name of Yah the eternally self existing (Yahooeh) {the LORD} thy Mighty One {God} in vain; for Yahooeh will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." (KJV, names adjusted)
Hosea 2:17 "For I will take away the names of Baalim [the LORD] out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name." (KJV)
Father, in the Name of Yahooshua the Anointed of Nazareth, if there is anything in this document that is not according to Your Word or Your perfect will please prevent it taking root in the heart of the reader and let all that IS according to Your Word and Your Will take deep root in the hearts of all who read it.
The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the bible
Dr James Robertson
Following on the articles on the Name of Yah, Yahweh, etc in Scripture, and particularly the article 1AD.02.01.30 "Yah versus Yahweh" (18 January 2002) which reported that in fact the Father's essential Name is YAH, further analysis of the Scriptures has been undertaken with a view to better understanding how the Name Yah is fundamental to understanding the Scriptures.
In order to do this, a limited analysis has been undertaken to identify words that are readily identified as containing the Name "Yah" or being derived from the Name Yah. This limited analysis has opened up considerable further understanding for the writer and it seemed appropriate to publish this information to the list.
This article is NOT intended to be an in-depth or comprehensive analysis but rather to report that information that is currently to hand.
The objective of this document is to give English speaking readers who do not have the benefit of in-depth knowledge of Hebrew some fundamental insight into the Names applied to Yah, our Creator and Heavenly Father, in the Hebrew texts.
The principal objective is to give readers a clear understanding of the frequency with which the ESSENTIAL SACRED NAME "YAH" permeates the breadth and depth of Scripture AND the names of His chosen people in a powerful way.
This document also makes certain anomalous translation practices previously reported more graphically visible.
In this document and others that may follow, graphical extracts have been taken from the Interlinear Bible contained in PC Study Bible version 2.1G of October 1997 published by BibleSoft. The form of each entry as presented in the accompanying figures is as follows:
<The first line is the Hebrew text, written RIGHT to left.
<The second line (Yahweh) is the transliterated English.
<The third line is the King James Version English words RIGHT to left.
<The fourth line, in red, is the Strong's number.
<The fifth and sixth lines in small text have been added by the writer to make the name of Yah more visible or to provide other comments - referred to as footnotes.
Where the footnotes are in black this indicates that what is written is more or less directly based on other sources, most frequently the Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew Lexicon in the same version of PC Study Bible.
Where the note is followed by one or two question marks (??) this indicates that the writer has a concern about the validity of the interpretation.
In all cases the writer has substituted Yah for Yahweh where the Hebrew appears to contain ONLY Yah and not Yahweh. This is done in accordance with the conclusion published in the article 1AD.02.01.30 "Yah versus Yahweh" (18 January 2002).
Where the footnotes are in blue this indicates an interpretation given by the writer which deviates materially from that given in other sources.
In the case of Yahooshua the footnote is in red because of the significance of this name.
In the transliteration the Name of Yah is variously transliterated as "Yaah", "Yah", "yaah" or "yah". In most cases this is clearly evident in the transliterated text.
Casual inspection indicates that Yah generally does NOT appear in the English word used and hence the principal objective of this document is to draw the attention of English readers to the PRESENCE OF THE SACRED NAME YAH in many more locations than most have previously been aware of.
In the sections that follow, a number of conventions are applied:
1) The heading for the word comprises:
- the transliterated name as it appears in the graphic
- in some cases this is followed by the KJV English word or a seemingly appropriate transliteration - this is NOT consistent, the writer has found it difficult to formulate a clear view of what should be used in all cases and time and resources do not currently permit a comprehensive analysis so this information should NOT be regarded as authoritative.
- the Strong's number
- the writers best estimate of the meaning based on Brown, Driver, Briggs and own interpretation and prayer
2) The transliteration adopted is that given in the graphic although the writer is not entirely certain that this is necessarily the most accurate transliteration. In this regard refer the article 1AD.02.01.01 "Sacred Name of God YHVH, YHWH, Yahveh, Yahweh, Yeshuah, Yashuah, Yehshuah, Yahshuah, Yahushuah, Yahoshua" (9 January 2002).
This makes it apparent that there are widely divergent views as to the "correct" transliteration and that technically speaking there is probably no such thing as a "correct" transliteration. Accordingly, since the PC Study Bible Interlinear makes the Name of Yah clearly apparent it has been adopted in most cases for the purposes of this document since this is NOT the principal objective.
It does, however, seem to the writer that with prayerful consideration it may be possible to adopt anglicizations of the transliterations that are more readily pronounced and remembered. This is not the objective of this document.
3) Occurrence: reports the number of occurrences of each English variation in the "Authorized Version" (AV) which as the writer currently understands it is essentially the same text as the "King James Version". This is provided in order to provide a clear picture of the frequency of occurrence of various translation variations. These statistics are obtained from the Hebrew Lexicon in the OnLine Bible from www.onlinebible.org. In the case of words typically associated with Yah our Creator and Heavenly Father it is instructive to note the number of occurrences of specific words associated with other entities in the context of words that are generally considered to be exclusive to Him.
4) In most cases a sample verse is included to demonstrate application of the word.
5) Strong: is a quote from the Hebrew or Greek dictionary by Strong included in PC Study Bible.
6) Brown, Driver, Briggs or BDB is a quote from the Hebrew dictionary by Brown, Driver and Briggs included in PC Study Bible.
7) Thayer: is a quote from the Greek dictionary by Thayer included in PC Study Bible.
8) Other notes are by the writer.
This document is intended to be primarily a mechanical analysis directed at assisting readers to gain some insight into the linguistic complexities behind the English versions. It is also hoped to make more visible the extent to which in certain cases very different Hebrew words are represented by the same English word and the level of inconsistency that accompanies this.
It is further intended to make visible to readers the extent to which the Name Yah is inherent in every aspect of Scripture and the life of Yah's people.
In presenting this document the writer must stress that he has NO material knowledge of Hebrew. The only knowledge is a few hours instruction on the basic principles of transliteration given by an Israeli Jewish friend some years ago.
What is presented herein is a straightforward mechanical analysis based on recognizable patterns in transliteration and supported by the opinions of the Lexicon authors. In a few limited instances the writer HAS expressly prayed over a particular interpretation and sought the guidance of Yah. The entire research and document preparation HAS taken place within a context of considerable prayer and therefore the writer has assurance that the overall content of the document is in accordance with the will of Yah at this time.
The following words are all used to refer to Yah in English translations through translation to the word "God" or "GOD" where the capitalization is generally accepted to indicate a reference to our Creator.
These words are discussed in more detail below. Notice the Aramaic word "Alaah" (426) which appears to correspond to the Islamic "Allah".
Elohiym (430) is the word most frequently translated "God" in proper case (first letter capitalized) but is ALSO applied to pagan "god's" as indicated second from right and also to men such as judges, etc, refer article 1AD.02.01.09 "Gods, God or Judges" (11 January 2002). "El" (410) in various forms is also applied to Yah when capitalized as "God" but also applied to other than Yah.
Yahweh (3068) meaning "Yah the eternally self existent One" is the particular extended Name of Yah applied by Yah in His communication's with Israel on many occasions. This is mostly but NOT always translated "GOD" (all capital letters) as discussed subsequently. Elohim or Yahovih (3069) is a scribal device to accommodate the DELIBERATE mispronunciation of Yahweh introduced at some time before the Babylonian exile. Refer article 1AD.02.01.05 "Nazarenes and the Name of Yahweh" (10 January 2002) and other articles which refer to this corruption. Further notes in this document.
Alaah - 426 - God
Notice the correspondence to "Allah" as used in Islam.
Occurrence: AV-God 79, god 16; 95
Not exclusively used for Yah.
Ezra 5:1 "Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God[Alaah] of Israel, even unto them." (KJV)
Strong's 426 'elahh (Aramaic) (el-aw'); corresponding to 433; God: KJV-- God, god.
BDB 426 'elahh (Aramaic)- god, God a) god, heathen deity b) God (used of Israel)
Derived from Elohiym / El / Eloah.
Elohiym - 430 - Mighty Ones (plural)
This word is widely translated "God", however, it actually means "Mighty Ones" (plural) and is used in many other applications. The Sacred Name "Yahweh" is MISPRONOUNCED "Elohiym" in many cases and has been substituted by "Elohiym" in eight locations according to the Institute of Scripture Research.
Yah has indicated that Elohiym has ALSO been substituted for "Yah" the essential Name of our Creator and Heavenly Father in many locations well before the tradition of mispronouncing Yahweh as Elohiym came about and before the substitutions referred to above.
Yah indicates that 80% of all occurrences of Elohiym in the Hebrew texts are in fact substitutions for "Yah"!
Occurrence: AV-God 2346, god 244, judge 5, GOD 1, goddess 2, great 2, mighty 2, angels 1, exceeding 1, God-ward + 04136 1, godly 1; 2606.
Out of 2606 occurrences 259 do NOT refer to Yah.
It is therefore not possible to build any doctrine relating to Yah based exclusively on Elohiym.
Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God [Mighty Ones or Yah?] created the heaven and the earth." (KJV)
Strong 430 'elohiym (el-o-heem'); plural of 433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: KJV-- angels, X exceeding, God (gods)- dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
BDB 430 'elohiym- 1) (plural) a) rulers, judges b) divine ones c) angels d) gods 2) (plural intensive -singular meaning) a) God, a god, a goddess b) god-like one c) works or special possessions of God d) the one true God e) God
It is apparent that any verse that uses elohiym CANNOT be used on it's own for any doctrine that is taken to apply to Yah. By implication any verse that uses elohiym can also NOT be taken as evidence that Yahooshua IS Yah.
Yahweh - 3068 - and Yahovih - 3069
Discussed in a subsequent section on page 11.
El - 430 - Mighty One
Essentially it appears that "El" is the preferred description of Yah as Mighty One. However, this form is NOT exclusively applied to Yah.
"El" occurs in numerous words such as "Israel", "Bethel", "Eliyah" (Elijah), "Eliezer", etc apparently generally but NOT always referring to Yah.
Occurrence: AV-God 213, god 16, power 4, mighty 5, goodly 1, great 1, idols 1, Immanuel + 06005 2, might 1, strong 1; 245
Note that out of 245 occurrences, 32 are NOT referring to Yah. Accordingly it is not possible to build any doctrine relating to Yah or Yahooshua based on El alone. This includes debate on whether Yahooshua is Yah or not.
Brown, Driver, Briggs 410 'el- 1) God, God-like One, the Mighty One a) mighty men, men of rank, mighty heroes b) angels c) a god, a false god, (demons, imaginations) d) God, the one true God, Jehovah (Yahweh) 2) mighty things in nature 3) strength, power
Strong 410 'el (ale); shortened from 352; strength; as adjective, mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity): KJV-- God (god), X goodly, X great, idol, might (-y one), power, strong. Compare names in "-el."
It is not possible to build any doctrine relating exclusively to Yah out of verses which use El.
Eliy (my mighty one) ALSO 410
As used by Yahooshua on the stake before he died in Matthew 27:46-47 "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My Eliy {God}, My Eliy {God}, why have You forsaken Me?" 47 Some of those who stood there, when they heard that, said, "This Man is calling for Elijah!"" (NKJ)
Notice there is more to the statement "calling for Elijah" once one recognizes that the name of EliYah means effectively "my Eliy is Yah" or "my might is Yah".
This raises the question as to whether the people said "this man is calling for Elijah" or whether they ACTUALLY said, this man is calling for "mighty Yah" (Eliy Yah) - which makes a lot more sense and is FUNDAMENTALLY DIFFERENT! In this regard it is important to note that the use of the Sacred Name was apparently forbidden at the time of Yahooshua's death and that Yahooshua may even have been put to death simply for uttering the Sacred Name. Refer article 1AD.02.01.05 "Nazarenes and the Name of Yahweh" (10 January 2002). Under such circumstances it is quite likely that the bystanders MIGHT have MISTAKEN what Yahooshua said to indicate that Yahooshua was calling on EliYah when in fact he was calling on "mighty Yah" = "El Yah" or "my mighty Yah" = "Eli Yah".
Again we see the vital necessity of understanding the TRUE Names!
The passage in Matthew quotes Psalm 22:1 "My Eliy {God}, My Eliy {God}, why have You forsaken me? Why are You so far from helping me, and from the words of my groaning?" (NKJ, adjusted)
Eliy (410) is distinct from Eli (5941) the High Priest when Samuel entered service to Yah.
Exodus 15:2 "Yahweh is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; he is my Eliy [= my might / Mighty One], and I will praise Him; my father's Elohiym [= Mighty One], and I will exalt Him." (NKJ)
The first occurrence of "God" is Eliy, the second is "Elohim" (father's mighty one('s)).
Variations: Following are some variations of 410 "El" relating to variations in case, etc which the writer is not conversant with. This provides some indication of the variability of prefixes and suffixes which is inherent in the Hebrew text and how these relate to the English.
It seems clear to the writer that the exact correlation is at best tenuous in some cases. Consider the cases of la-'Eel, laa-'Eel and la'eel translated "of God", "unto God" and "might" as the fourth, fifth and sixth words from left above. The nuances in the Hebrew in terms of jot's and tittles appears to be very fine to non-existent to the untrained eye. This is NOT to suggest that there is not a difference, only that one needs considerable knowledge and experience to discern the difference and that, accordingly, the potential for transcription error or difference of opinion in translation appears to be significant.
We must come to terms with the reality that the collection of inspired writings traditionally referred to as "The Bible" is extremely large and complex and that the nuances of language recorded up to four thousand years ago are NOT necessarily as evident as one might suppose.
This reinforces the need for us to be led by the set apart (Holy) Spirit of Yah in gaining full understanding of Scripture. It also clearly demonstrates that complex semantic analysis in English based on English words, spelling and capitalization, as encountered in more than one recent article, is largely or entirely futile. We cannot build doctrine solely on English text and we SHOULD NOT enter into divisive dispute based solely on English text.
The need for the Spirit of Yah to guide us and particularly the need for the recognition of the vital role of prophets in restoring doctrine becomes daily more apparent to the writer from this analysis.
Update: I have increasingly come to understand Eli as meaning "my personal mighty one" or a term of endearment when used by Yahooshua in particular.
Adonay - 136 - Lord or Master
Used as a term of respect.

Occurrence: AV-Lord 431, lord 2, God 1; 434
Almost exclusively applied to Yah but NOT exclusively. In 290 instances occurs as "Adonay Yahweh" in conjunction with 3069 (Yahovih), the scribal device referred to subsequently.
Genesis 15:2 "And Abram said, Lord GOD [Adonay Yahweh], what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?" (KJV)
Strong 136 'Adonay (ad-o-noy'); am emphatic form of 113; the Lord (used as a proper name of God only): KJV-- (my) Lord.
BDB 136 'Adonay- 1) my lord, lord a) used of men b) used of God 2) Lord (a title) spoken instead of Yahweh as a Jewish display of reverence
Is "used of men". Notice reference to substitution of Yahweh with Adonay.
Yah - 3050 - The Essential Name of Our Creator and Heavenly Father
The articles 1AD.02.01.01 "Sacred Name of God YHVH YHWH Yahveh Yahweh Yeshuah Yashuah Yehshuah Yahshuah Yahushuah Yahoshua" (9 January 2002); 1AD.02.01.11 "The Name (Yahweh)" (11 January 2002) and 1AD.02.01.26 "Re: REALLY IMPORTANT : Please give me a SIMPLE explanation" (18 January 2002) together with other recent articles and notes to articles posted over the last year provide context to understanding the Sacred Name Yahweh (Yah the eternally self existent One).
The article 1AD.02.01.30 "Yah versus Yahweh" (18 January 2002) explained that "Yah" is the essential Name of our Creator and Heavenly Father and that Yahweh is a specific extension or explanation of His Name. Much of the balance of this document investigates the presence of the sacred Name "Yah" in Scripture.
Occurrence: AV-LORD 48, JAH 1; 49
Also embedded in numerous Hebrew words as discussed in subsequent sections. "Yah" is SURELY the GOLDEN THREAD OF SCRIPTURE!
Variations: The variations encountered are shown below:
Exodus 15:2 "{The LORD} Yah is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; he is my Mighty One, and I will praise Him; my father's Mighty One, and I will exalt Him." (NKJ)
Psalm 68:4 "Sing to Mighty One, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him." (NKJ)
Song 8:6 "Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is as strong as death, jealousy as cruel as the grave; its flames are flames of fire, a most vehement flame." (NKJ)
Strong 3050 Yahh (yaw); contraction for 3068, and meaning the same; Jah, the sacred name: KJV-- Jah, the Lord, most vehement. Compare names in "-iah," "-jah."
Brown, Driver, Briggs 3050 Yah- Jah (Jehovah (Yahweh) in the shortened form) a) the proper name of the one true God b) used in many compounds: 1) names beginning with the English letters `Je-' 2) names ending with `-iah' or `-jah'
Notice that the above refer to "Yah" as a "contraction" of Yahweh. However, reverence surely dictates that we should not abbreviate the essential Name of our Creator and Heavenly Father and that, given His focus on precision of words, it is unlikely that He would do this.
Yah has clearly indicated to the writer that His ESSENTIAL NAME IS YAH and that all other names BUILD ON that Name as opposed to being SUB-SETS of His True Name.
The Sacred Name Yah occurs in numerous other names and words as examined in some detail later in this article.
Notice also the reference to English words beginning with "Je" and ending with "iah" or "jah". Many of these words are highlighted in the sections that follow.
It also seems anomalous that "Yah" is transliterated as "Jah". This was addressed to some extent in other articles posted earlier in January 2002 on the ETI informal list.
Yahweh - 3068 - "Yah the eternally self existent One"
The most frequently encountered Name applied to Yah in the Scriptures.
Occurrence: AV-LORD 6510, GOD 4, JEHOVAH 4, variant 1; 6519
Used 185 times in the couplet "the LORD God" note capitalization and note the direct contrast with "Adonay Yahweh", "the Lord GOD" above. In one case Yahweh is translated Lord and in the other GOD!
The perversion of expressing the Sacred Name "Yahweh" as "the LORD" occurs 6,510 times in the vast majority of English translations! This is IN ADDITION to the 45 times "Yah" is ALSO translated as "the LORD" and the 1 time that 3069 (Yahovih = scribal device for Yahweh) is also translated "LORD" instead of "GOD"!
This should be considered in the broader context that the word generally translated "Baal", the Phoenician pagan (= demonic) deity could accurately be translated "lord", see below.
Genesis 2:4 "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that Yahweh Elohiym made the earth and the heavens," (KJV)
Strong 3068 Yehovah (yeh-ho-vaw'); from 1961; (the) self-Existent or Eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: KJV-- Jehovah, the Lord. Compare 3050, 3069.
BDB 3068 Yehovah- Jehovah (Yahweh) "the existing One"; the proper name of the one true God; unpronounced except with the vowel pointings of 0136
Notice that "Yahweh" IS documented in various authoritative works going back a considerable period of time.
Variations: The following variations have been identified:
The above are in part variations in the Hebrew but are ALSO variations in translation, specifically Jehovah and GOD. Notice also the small difference in the Hebrew in the item bottom right (3069) or Yahovih which is discussed in the next section.
Update: Since this article was written I have come to understand that it is more accurate to translate the word referred to Yahweh as Yahooeh but to change this throughout this article is technically impossible because of all the images which contain it.
This again points to the level of error in modern texts.
Yahovih - 3069 - alternative form of Yahweh - Scribal Device
This word, with very minor differences in the Hebrew is used to cater for a very specific set of SCRIBAL AND TRANSLATION circumstances. Yah has indicated to the writer that this is "not a real word, it is a scribal device"!
Occurrences: AV-GOD 304, LORD 1; 305
Genesis 15:2 "And Abram said, Adonay Yahweh, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?" (KJV)
Strong 3069 Yehovih (yeh-ho-vee'); a variation of 3068 [used after 136, and pronounced by Jews as 430, in order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since they elsewhere pronounce 3068 as 136]: KJV-- God.
BDB 3069 Yehovih- Jehovah (Yahweh), used primarily in the combination `Lord Jehovah (Yahweh)' equal to 3068 but pointed with the vowels of 0430
Referring to Strong "Yehovih (yeh-ho-vee'); a variation of 3068 [used after 136, and pronounced by Jews as 430, in order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since they elsewhere pronounce 3068 as 136]:"
136 is Adonay; 430 is Elohiym
In other words - "a variation of Yahweh (3068) (the Sacred Name) [used after Adonay (Lord - 136), and pronounced by Jews as Elohiym (Mighty Ones (pl) - 430), in order to prevent the repetition of the same sound, since they elsewhere pronounced Yahweh (3068) as Adonay (136)]"!
So this is the Sacred Name Yahweh PRONOUNCED as Elohim (Mighty Ones) in order to prevent repetition of Adonay since elsewhere they pronounce Yahweh as Adonay!
In other words, because the Sacred Name Yahweh is elsewhere incorrectly pronounced as "Adonay", they require ANOTHER DEVICE here in order to tell readers to incorrectly pronounce the Sacred Name Yahweh as "Elohiym" and NOT as "Adonay" otherwise in this location they would have to say "Adonay Adonay" INSTEAD OF "Adonay Yahweh".
In light of the writers background in engineering, military and computers the writer has great difficulty in expressing an opinion on this in non-judgmental terms. We are dealing here with the Sacred Name of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and our Heavenly Father and yet the Name is arbitrarily substituted with other sounds which happen to be words that in some cases are ALSO applied to demonic deities!!
It seems to the writer that this is a MASSIVE INSULT to Yah and Yah confirms that He views it that way!

Note translation variously as GOD and LORD.
Refer also last example "of the Lord GOD of" where 3069 is used in conjunction with Adonay in order to avoid pronouncing 136 3068 as Adonay Adonay since 3068 is traditionally pronounced as 136 Adonay!
Baal - 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169 - lord, master, husband, owner
This word is NOT applied to Yah. However, it has a connotation that IS applied to Yah in English when we substitute words like "Lord" and "master" for Yahweh. This was discussed in some detail in article 1AD.01.10.02 "Why do you say that "the LORD" means "Baal"?" (23 October 2001) and will accordingly NOT be discussed in detail here.
There are a number of Hebrew words all of which are built around the essential Hebrew letters of "baal"
these are numbers 1166, 1167, 1168 and 1169 all of which are presented in the graphic at right:
Notice that the first three Hebrew characters from right to left are all recognizably the basic three characters of "baal" with fine nuance. In the case of "ha-Baaaliym" in the middle of the bottom row the "ha" precedes the "baal".
All of these words have to do with headship, dominion, rulership, etc.
From casual inspection of the above graphic the distinction between the different Strong's numbers appears to be relatively fine, particularly when viewed in light of the definitions that follow. This seems particularly noticeable to the writer who is increasingly becoming aware of what seem to be contrastingly COARSE distinctions made with regard to certain other words which seem to apply primarily to Yah and Yahooshua and which will, Yah willing, be touched on in future articles.
1166 AV-marry 8, husband 3, dominion 2, wife 1, married wife 1, Beulah 1; 16
1167 AV-man 25, owner 14, husband 11, have 7, master 5, man given 2, adversary 1, archers 1, babbler + 03956 1, bird + 03671 1, captain 1, confederate + 01285 1, misc 12; 82
1168 AV-Baal 62, Baalim 18; 80
1169 AV-chancellor + 02942 3; 3
Brown, Driver Briggs:
1166 ba` al- to marry, to rule over, to possess, to own a) (Qal) 1) to marry, to be lord(husband) over 2) to rule over b) (Niphal) to be married
1167 ba` al- an owner, a husband, a lord a) an owner b) a husband c) citizens, inhabitants d) rulers, lords e) (noun of relationship used to characterize, that is, master of dreams) f) lord (used of foreign gods)
1168 Ba` al- Baal = "lord"; as a proper noun, masculine: 1) the supreme male divinity of the Phoenicians or Canaanites 2) a Reubenite 3) the son of Jehiel and the grandfather of Saul proper noun, location: 4) a town of Simeon, probably identical to Baalath-beer
1169 be` el (Aramaic)- an owner, a lord
Notice repeated reference to "lord".
This should all be read in the context of Yah's words in:
Hosea 2:17 "For I will take away the names of Baalim [Lord] out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name." (KJV, adjusted)
and Jeremiah 23:26-29 "26 How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; 27 Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal [the Lord]. 28 The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? saith Yahweh {the LORD}. 29 Is not my word like as a fire? saith Yahweh {the LORD}; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" (KJV, adjusted)
These Scriptures are referring to the heresy of substituting "Adonay" and "Elohiym" for "Yah" and "Yahweh" in the days of Jeremiah and Hosea. They apply just as much today as they did in the time of Jeremiah when Judah went into exile in Babylon, the first Temple was destroyed and the Ark of the Covenant was hidden by Jeremiah until found in the early 1990's.
In fact, these Scriptures apply MORE today since we are under a "new and better covenant" as set out in Hebrews 8:6 "But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises." (KJV)
This covenant was purchased by Yahooshua, the son of Adam (man) on behalf of ALL mankind at a terrible price so that we can ALL have the set apart (holy) Spirit within us to teach us. Refer Hebrews 8:10-11 which quotes Jeremiah 31:33-34 "10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith Yahweh; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a Mighty One, and they shall be to me a people: 11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know Yahweh: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest." (KJV, names adjusted)
James 3:1 states "My brethren, be not many masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation." (KJV) The New King James and many other versions translate "masters" as "teachers".
Furthermore, as set out in the article 1A1.01.12.02 "Prophetic Strategic SWOT Analysis of the Body of Believers" (24 December 2001) we have access to over 100 English translations, numerous reference books, numerous electronic tools, etc. We are WITHOUT EXCUSE and will be judged accordingly.
We MUST take these scriptures VERY seriously and cease substituting other words for the Sacred Names of Yah and Yahweh!
It must be noted that the writer is still seeking greater understanding surrounding the apparently disparate number of occurrences of Yahweh versus the relatively few occurrences of Yah although Yah is embedded in numerous other words as presented below. Until the writer has clarity on this, where Yahweh occurs in the Hebrew text the adjustment made to the English reflects Yahweh. However, in general writing, the writer is IMPRESSED by the Spirit of Yah to use Yah almost exclusively!
As previously stated, there are a large number of names and words in Hebrew that are based on the essential Name "Yah". This section lists a number of words that have been encountered in an initial relatively superficial search together with some basic information about each word.
It is likely that there are more occurrences.
In each case a series of words are displayed from the BibleSoft PC Study Bible version 2.1G Interlinear Bible together with extracts of notes from the Strong's and Brown, Driver, Briggs Hebrew Lexicons. In most cases interpretation is based on Brown, Driver, Briggs which seems to be more aware of the reality of the Sacred Name.
In many cases the writer has substituted "Yah" for "Yahweh" since casual inspection of the Hebrew words and basic transliteration indicates that only the syllable "Yah" is present and NOT "Yahweh". There ARE a few instances of words based on "Yahweh". Where it seems appropriate the writer offers a version of the word that emphasises the existence of "Yah".
In the first stage of the analysis words adjacent to Yah (3050) were examined. It was found that Jedaiah or JedaYah (3048) appeared to be the first word which included "Yah" in that number range. It was then found that most of the words through to 3116 started with Yah or were perceived by Brown, Driver and Briggs to be based on "Yahweh" which the writer took to be "Yah" unless expressly otherwise noted.
It is STRESSED that what follows is NOT intended to be definitive, particularly anglicizations by the writer are approximations that, unless expressly indicated as given by Yah MAY be in error.
Note also that the examples in the graphics have been randomly selected and included prefixes and suffixes applicable to the particular instance from which they were selected. It is not the writer's intention to examine these or explain them since currently the writer has no material knowledge in this context. The principal objective is to DEMONSTRATE graphically the extent to which letter patterns corresponding to "Yah" occur and draw on available resources to offer interpretation where possible.

Ezra 5:1, a portion of which is displayed to the right of this paragraph, gives an indication of the extent to which the Name of Yah occurs in a fashion that has not been visible to most English speaking readers.
Notice the presence of "Yah" as either "yaah" or "Yah" in 2148 Zechariah (Zakaryaah), 3061 Judah (Yahuwd) and 3062 Jews (Yahuwdaayee).
The sections that follow provide data with regard to specific words together with graphical representation of the Interlinear text.
Yaah - 3050 - Yah
The essential Name of our Creator transliterated here as "Yaah". Discussed above.

Yada'yaah - 3048 - Jedaiah (JedaYah) - Yah has known
Occurrence: AV-Jedaiah 11; 11
BDB 3048 Yekda` yah- Jedaiah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has known"; 1) a priest in Jerusalem 2) a man who returned with Zerubbabel 3) a ruler of the priests in the days of Jeshua 4) a post exilic priest 5) one honored by Jehovah (Yahweh), perhaps one of the above
Yahab - 3051
Sorts numerically after Yah, not sure it relates specifically to Yah always seems to be transliterated haabuw therefore ignored in this analysis.
mityaheeb - Yaheeb - 3052 - deliver, provide, give
Occurrence: AV-give 21, given + 01934 2, delivered 1, laid 1, paid 1, prolonged 1, yielded 1; 28
Strong 3052 yehab (Aramaic) (yeh-hab'); corresponding to 3051; -deliver, give, lay, + prolong, pay, yield.
BDB 3052 yehab (Aramaic)- to give, to provide a) (P'al) 1) to give 2) to place, to lay (foundations) b) (Hithp'al) 1) to be given 2) to be paid
There seems to be some conceptual correlation with Yah as our provider.
yahaabakaa - yahab - 3053 - burden, lot, given by Providence (= Yah)
Occurrence: AV-burden 1; 1
Psalm 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon Yahweh, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." (KJV)
Strong 3053 yehab (ye-hawb'); from 3051; properly, what is given (by Providence), i.e. a lot: KJV-- burden.
BDB 3053 yehab- a burden, a lot (what is given)
There appears to be some correlation between Yah being our provider in the context of "providence" in particular and also relates to "lot's" being from Yah and prophetic "burdens" being from Yah.
mityahadiym - yahad - 3054 - become a Yahuwdite (Jew)
Occurrence AV-became Jews 1; 1
Esther 8:17 "And in every province, and in every city, whithersoever the king's commandment and his decree came, the Jews [Yahudiym] had joy and gladness, a feast and a good day. And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews [Yahudiym] fell upon them." (KJV)
Strong 3054 yahad (yaw-had'); denominative from a form corresponding to 3061; to Judaize, i.e. become Jewish: KJV-- become Jews.
BDM 3054 yahad- (Hithpael) to become a Jew (in fact or in fraud), to become Judaized
wi-Yahud - Yahud - 3055 - beauty
Occurrence AV-Jehud 1; 1
Joshua 19:45 "And Jehud, and Beneberak, and Gathrimmon," (KJV)
BDB 3055 Yehud- Jehud = "beauty"; a town in Dan, located between Baalath and Bene-berak and 8 miles east of Joppa

Yaahadaay - Yahdai - 3056 - whom Yah will place
Occurrence AV-Jahdai 1; 1
1 Chronicles 2:47 "And the sons of Jahdai; Regem, and Jotham, and Geshan, and Pelet, and Ephah, and Shaaph." (KJV)
Strong 3056 Yehday (yeh-dah'-ee); perhaps from a form corresponding to 3061; Judaistic; Jehdai, an Israelite: KJV-- Jehdai.
BDB 3056 Yehday- Jahdai "whom he will place" one of the family of Caleb
Yahudiyaah - Yahudiyah - 3057 - feminine of Yahuwdiy (a Jewess)
Occurrence AV-Jehudijah 1; 1
1 Chronicles 4:18 "And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor, and Heber the father of Socho, and Jekuthiel the father of Zanoah. And these are the sons of Bithiah the daughter of Pharaoh, which Mered took." (KJV)
BDB 3057 Yehudiyah- as an adjective, feminine: 1) the Jewess or as a proper noun, feminine: (CLBL) Jehudijah = "Jewess"; 2) a Calebite, the wife of one named Ezra
Yeehuw - Yahuw - 3058 - Yah is He
The transliteration "Yeeh" does not appear to correlate with the transliteration "Yah" or "Yaah" for the surrounding words with what appears to be the same Hebrew letters.
Occurrence AV-Jehu 58; 58
1 Kings 16:1 "Then the word of Yahweh came to Jehu the son of Hanani against Baasha, saying," (KJV, adjusted)
Strong 3058 Yehuw' (yay-hoo'); from 3068 and 193 l; Jehovah (is) He; Jehu, the name of five Israelites: KJV-- Jehu.
BDB 3058 Yehuw'- Jehu = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is He"; 1) the king of the northern kingdom Israel who overthrew the dynasty of Omri 2) son of Hanani and an Israelite prophet in the time of Baasha and Jehoshaphat 3) the Antothite, a Benjamite, one of David's mighty warriors 4) a descendant of Judah of the house of Hezron 5) son of Josibiah and a chief of the tribe of Simeon
Yahow'aachaaz - Yahow'achaz - 3059 Yah has seized
Occurrence AV-Jehoahaz 20; 20
2 Kings 10:35 "And Jehu slept with his fathers: and they buried him in Samaria. AndJehoahaz his son reigned in his stead." (KJV)
Strong 3059 Yehow'achaz (yeh-ho-aw-khawz'); from 3068 and 270; Jehovah-seized; Jehoachaz, the name of three Israelites: KJV-- Jehoahaz. Compare 3099.
BDB 3059 Yehow'achaz- Jehoahaz = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has seized"; 1) a king of Judah and son of Josiah 2) a king of the northern kingdom of Israel and son of Jehu 3) a king of Judah and son of Jehoram (Ahaziah)
Yahow'aash - Yahow'ash - 3060 - given by Yah
Occurrence AV-Jehoash 17; 17
2 Kings 11:21 "Seven years old was Jehoash when he began to reign." (KJV)
Strong 3060 Yehow'ash (yeh-ho-awsh'); from 3068 and (perhaps) 784; Jehovah-fired; Jehoash, the name of two Israelite kings: KJV-- Jehoash. Compare 3101.
BDB 3060 Yehow'ash- Jehoash = "given by the Lord"; 1) a son of king Ahaziah and the 8th king of Judah 2) a son of king Jehoahaz and the 12th king of the northern kingdom of Israel

Yahuwd - Yahuwd - 3061 - the territory of Yahuwdaah - Judea
Occurrence AV-Judah 5, Judea 1, Jewry 1; 7
Ezra 5:1 "Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God of Israel, even unto them." (KJV)
Strong 3061 Yehuwd (Aramaic) (yeh-hood'); contracted from a form corresponding to 3063; properly, Judah, hence, Judaea: KJV-- Jewry, Judah, Judea.
BDB 3061 Yehuwd (Aramaic)- Judah -the territory of the tribe of Judah
Yahuwdaayee - Yahuwda'iy - 3062 - the descendants of Yahuwdaah - Jews
Occurrence AV-Jews 10; 10
Ezra 4:12 "Be it known unto the king, that the Jews [Yahuwday'iy] which came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations." (KJV)
Strong 3062 Yehuwda'iy (Aramaic) (yeh-hoo-daw-ee'); patrial from 3061; a Jehudaite (or Judaite), i.e. Jew: KJV-- Jew.
BDB 3062 Yehuwda'iy (Aramaic)- a Jew
The descendants of Yahuwdaah (Judah)
Yahuwdaah - Yahuwdah - 3063 - praise Yah - Judah
Occurrence AV-Judah 808, Bethlehemjudah + 01035 10; 818
Genesis 29:35 "And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will Ipraise Yahweh: therefore she called his name Judah [Yahuwdah]; and left bearing."(KJV, adjusted)
Strong 3063 Yehuwdah (yeh-hoo-daw'); from 3034; celebrated; Jehudah (or Judah), the name of five Israelites; also of the tribe descended from the first, and of its territory: KJV-- Judah.
BDB 3063 Yehuwdah- Judah = "praised"; 1) the son of Jacob by Leah 2) the tribe descended from Judah the son of Jacob 3) the territory occupied by the tribe of Judah 4) the kingdom comprised of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin which occupied the southern part of Canaan after the nation split upon the death of Solomon 5) a Levite in Ezra's time 6) an overseer of Jerusalem in the time of Nehemiah 7) a Levite musician in the time of Nehemiah 8) a priest in the time of Nehemiah
Yahuwdiym - Yahuwdiym - 3064 - descendants of Yahuwdaah - Jews
It is important to understand that the people we call Jews in fact have a name that includes the essential Name of our Creator and Heavenly Father. Accordingly, when one uses "Jew" as a sware word or when one curses the "Jews", one is in fact speaking against Yah and His people.
Occurrence AV-Jew 74, Jew + 0376 1, Judah 1; 76
2 Kings 16:6 "At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews [Yahuwdiym] from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day." (KJV)
Strong 3064 Yehuwdiy (yeh-hoo-dee'); patronymically from 3063; a Jehudite (i.e. Judaite or Jew), or descendant of Jehudah (i.e. Judah): KJV-- Jew.
Yahuwdiy - Yahuwdiy - 3065 - a descendant of Yahuwdaah - Jehudi
Occurrence AV-Jehudi 4; 4
Jeremiah 36:14 "Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi [Yahuwdiy] the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, unto Baruch, saying, Take in thine hand the roll wherein thou hast read in the ears of the people, and come. So Baruch the son of Neriah took the roll in his hand, and came unto them." (KJV)
Strong 3065 Yehuwdiy (yeh-hoo-dee'); the same as 3064; Jehudi, an Israelite: -Jehudi.
BDB 3065 Yehuwdiy- Jehudi = "Jew"; a son of Nethaniah and servant of king Jehoiakim

Yahuwdiyt - Yahuwdiyt - 3066 - the language of the Yahuwdiym
Occurrence AV-Jews' language 5, Jews' speech 1; 6
2 Kings 18:26 "Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh, Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the Syrian language; for we understand it: and talk not with us in the Jews' language [Yahuwdiyt] in the ears of the people that are on the wall." (KJV)
Strong 3066 Yehuwdiyth (yeh-hoo-deeth'); feminine of 3064; the Jewish (used adverbially) language: KJV-- in the Jews' language.
BDB 3066 Yehuwdiyth- in the Jewish language, in Hebrew
Yahuwdiyt - Yahuwdiyt - 3068 - feminine of Yahuwdiy - Judith
Occurrence AV-Judith 1; 1
Genesis 26:34 "And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith [Yahuwdiyt]the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite:" (KJV)
Interesting that a Hittite woman was named "Judith" / "Yahuwdiyt", a name containing the essential Name of Almighty Yah. Note that Esau was the son of Isaac and therefore they were not YET the people of Israel and certainly not the people of Yahuwdaah (Judah). By implication the name, INCLUDING YAH, PREDATES "Jewess" and suggests that the Hittites ALSO knew Yah which is to be expected since all descended from Noah.
This suggests that the following lexicon entries which include the word "Jewess" have not accurately distilled the essence of the name.
Note also that the spelling of the name is almost identical to the previous word for "Jews language".
Strong 3067 Yehuwdiyth (yeh-ho-deeth'); the same as 3066; Jewess; Jehudith, a Canaanitess: KJV-- Judith.
BDB 3067 Yehuwdiyth- Judith = "Jewess" or "praised"; the daughter of Beeri the Hittite and wife of Esau
Yahweh - 3068 - Yah the eternally self existent One
Occurrence AV-LORD 6510, GOD 4, JEHOVAH 4, variant 1; 6519
Discussed on page 11.
Yahovih - Yahweh - 3069 - Scribal device for 3068
Occurrence AV-GOD 304, LORD 1; 305
Discussed on page 12.
This is a scribal device, NOT a separate word. Used to assist with deliberate mispronunciation of the Name of Yah Most High.
Yahweh-yir'eh - 3070 - Yahweh provides
Occurrence AV-Jehovahjireh 1; 1
Genesis 22:14 "And Abraham called the name of that place Yahweh provides [Yahweh-yir'eh]: as it is said to this day, In the mount of Yahweh it shall be seen [provided]." (KJV, adjusted)
Strong 3070 Yehovah Yir'eh (yeh-ho-vaw' yir-eh'); from 3068 and 7200; Jehovah will see (to it); Jehovah-Jireh, a symbolical name for Mount Moriah: KJV-- Jehovahjireh.
BDB 3070 Yehovah yireh- Jehovah-jireh = "Jehovah (Yahweh) sees"; symbolic name given by Abraham to Mount Moriah in commemoration of the interposition of the Angel of Jehovah (Yahweh) who prevented the sacrifice of Isaac and provided a substitute
Many other versions translate this as Yahweh provides, for example, in the New American Standard Genesis 22:14 "And Abraham called the name of that place Yahweh Will Provide, as it is said to this day, "In the mount of the Yahweh it will be provided.""(NAS, adjusted)
Accordingly this is reflected as Yahweh provides.

Yahweh-Nicciy - 3071 - Yahweh is my banner
Occurrence AV-Jehovahnissi 1; 1
Exodus 17:15 "And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Yahweh is my banner[Yahweh-nicciy]:" (KJV, adjusted)
Strong 3071 Yehovah Nicciy (yeh-ho-vaw' nis-see'); from 3068 and 5251 with the prononimal suffix; Jehovah (is) my banner; Jehovah-Nissi, a symbolical name of an altar in the Desert: KJV-- Jehovah-nissi.
BDB 3071 Yehovah nicciy- Jehovah-nissi = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is my banner"; the name given by Moses to the altar which he built in commemoration of the discomfiture of the Amalekites
Yahweh Tsidqeenuw - 3068-3072 - Yahweh is our righteousness
Occurrence AV-LORD our Righteousness 2; 2
Jeremiah 23:6 "In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, YAHWEH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS." (KJV)
Strong 3072 Yehovah Tsidqenuw (ye-ho-vaw' tsid-kay'-noo); from 3068 and 6664 with pronominal suffix; Jehovah (is) our right; Jehovah-Tsidkenu, a symbolical epithet of the Messiah and of Jerusalem: KJV-- the Lord our righteousness.
BDB 3072 Yehovah tsidqenuw- Jehovah (Yahweh) is our righteousness a sacred name symbolically applied to Jerusalem and the Messiah
Important to note the express statement that Yah (Yahweh) is our righteousness. This is challenging in the context of Scriptures like Romans 8:22 and 26 and 5:17 and 21 and 1 Corinthians 1:30 which are widely interpreted as indicating that "Jesus Christ is our righteousness" or "Yahooshua Messiah is our righteousness".
1 Corinthians 1:30 "But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:" (KJV)
This relates to the discussion regarding the exact meaning of "Christ" which has been touched on in various articles and which will, Yah willing, shortly be discussed in detail. However, in the context of this particular statement that Yahweh is our righteousness it seems worth touching on.
Recently the writer has taken to frequently interpreting "Christ" in terms of "anointed one", "anointing", etc all of which relate to the anointing of the set apart Spirit of Yah. On this basis the above verse becomes:
"But of him are ye in the anointing [of the set apart Spirit of Yah] of Yahooshua, who of Yah is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:"
As long as we interpret "Christ" in this passage as "the anointing of the set apart Spirit of Yah" then it is YAH who is our righteousness, NOT Yahooshua! In this case there is no conflict between the statements relating to the anointing of Yahooshua and statements that Yah or Yahweh is our righteousness.
Yahweh-Shalowm - 3073 - Yahweh is peace
Occurrence AV-Jehovahshalom 1; 1
Judges 6:24 "Then Gideon built an altar there unto the LORD, and called it Yahweh-shalowm [Yahweh is peace]: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abi-ezrites." (KJV)
Strong 3073 Yehavah Shalowm (yeh-ho-vaw' shaw-lome'); from 3068 and 7965; Jehovah (is) peace; Jehovah-Shalom, a symbolical name of an altar in Palestine: -Jehovah-shalom.
BDB 3073 Yehavah shalowm- Jehovah-shalom = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is peace"; the name of a sacred altar built by Gideon in Ophrah

Yahweh shammah - 3074 - Yahweh is there
Occurrence AV-The Lord is there 1; 1
Not found in the PC Study Bible which lists 8033 as shammah separated from Yahweh by "is" inserted by the translators in the "King James Version". The OnLine Bible lists 3074 in the "Authorized Version".
However, 3074 IS listed in the Lexicon's in the PC Study Bible.
There ARE many instances of 8033 shammah NOT in conjunction with Yahweh, it appears that there is one special case which is treated differently in the two software packages.
Strong 3074 Yehovah Shammah (yeh-ho-vaw' shawm'-maw); from 3068 and 8033 with directive enclitic; Jehovah (is) thither; Jehovah-Shammah, a symbolic title of Jerusalem: KJV-- Jehovah-shammah.
BDB 3074 Yehovah shammah- Jehovah-shammah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is there"; a symbolic name for Jerusalem
Yahowzabad - Yahowzabad - 3075 - Yah has endowed
Occurrence AV-Jehozabad 4; 4
2 Kings 12:21 "For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants, smote him, and he died; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Amaziah his son reigned in his stead." (KJV)
Strong 3075 Yehowzabad (yeh-ho-zaw-bawd'); from 3068 and 2064; Jehovah-endowed; Jehozabad, the name of three Israelites: KJV-- Jehozabad. Compare 3107.
BDB 3075 Yehowzabad- Jehozabad = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has endowed"; 1) son of Shomer, a Moabitish woman, who murdered Joash, king of Judah 2) a Benjamite, captain of 180,000 armed men, in the days of Jehoshaphat 3) a Korhite Levite, second son of Obededom, and one of the porters of the Temple and of the storehouse there in the time of David
Yahowchaanaan - Yahowchanan - 3076 - Yah has graced
Occurrence AV-Jehohanan 6, Johanan 3; 9
Notice two renderings for nominally the same word.
1 Chronicles 26:3 "Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Elioenai the seventh." (KJV)
Strong 3076 Yehowchanan (yeh-ho-khaw-nawn'); from 3068 and 2603; Jehovah-favored; Jehochanan, the name of eight Israelites: KJV-- Jehohanan, Johanan. Compare 3110.
BDB 3076 Yehowchanan- Jehohanan = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has graced"; 1) a priest during the high priesthood of Joiakim who returned with Zerubbabel 2) a high priest in the time of Ezra 3) a Levite priest who took part in the dedication of the wall in the time of Nehemiah 4) a son of Tobiah 5) a Korhite Levite and one of the doorkeepers to the tabernacle in the time of David 6) a captain of Judah under king Jehoshaphat 7) an Ephraimite 8) an Israelite with a foreign wife in the time of Ezra 9) a Jewish captain after the fall of Jerusalem 10) the oldest son of king Josiah 11) a post-exilic prince of the line of David 12) father of Azariah, priest in Solomon's time 13) a Benjamite, one of David's mighty warriors 14) a Gadite, one of David's mighty warriors 15) a returning exile

Yahowyaadaa - Yahowyada - 3077 - Yah knows
Occurrence AV-Jehoiada 51; 51
2 Samuel 8:18 "And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over both the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and David's sons were chief rulers." (KJV)
Strong 3077 Yehowyada` (yeh-ho-yaw-daw'); from 3068 and 3045; Jehovah-known; Jehojada, the name of three Israelites: KJV-- Jehoiada. Compare 3111.
BDB 3077 Yehowyada`- Jehoiada = "Jehovah (Yahweh) knows"; 1) the father of Benaiah, David's mighty warrior 2) the leader of the priests who joined David at Hebron 3) a high priest at the time of Athaliah's usurpation of the throne of Judah; hid Joash, the king's son, for six years and eventually replaced him on the throne of Judah 4) the second priest, or sagan, to Seraiah the high priest
Yahowyaakiyn - Yahowyakiyn - 3078 - Yah establishes
Occurrence AV-Jehoiachin 10; 10

2 Kings 24:6 "So Jehoiakim slept with his fathers: and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead." (KJV)
Strong 3078 Yehowyakiyn (yeh-ho-yaw-keen'); from 3068 and 3559; Jehovah will establish; Jehojakin, a Jewish king: KJV-- Jehoiachin. Compare 3112.
BDB 3078 Yehowyakiyn- Jehoiachin = "Jehovah (Yahweh) establishes"; king of Judah, son of Jehoiakim, and the next to last king of Judah before the Babylonian captivity; kingship lasted for 3 months and 10 days before he surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar who took him to Babylon and imprisoned him for 36 years when he was finally released
Yahowyaaqiym - Yahowyaqiym - 3079 - Yah raises up
Occurrence AV-Jehoiakim 37; 37
2 Kings 23:34 "And Pharaoh-nechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim, and took Jehoahaz away: and he came to Egypt, and died there." (KJV)
Interesting that Pharaoh-nechoh gave him a name that included "Yah" and meant "Yah raises up".
Strong 3079 Yehowyaqiym (yeh-ho-yaw-keem'); from 3068 abbreviated and 6965; Jehovah will raise; Jehojakim, a Jewish king: KJV-- Jehoiakim. Compare 3113.
BDB 3079 Yehowyaqiym- Jehoiakim = "Jehovah (Yahweh) raises up"; son of Josiah and the third from the last king of Judah; subject vassel of Nebuchadnezzar who reigned for 11 years before he died a violent death either in combat or by the hands of his own subjects
Yahowyaariyb - Yahowyariyb - 3080 - Yah contends
Occurrence AV-Jehoiarib 2; 2
1 Chronicles 9:10 "And of the priests; Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and Jachin," (KJV)
Strong 3080 Yehowyariyb (yeh-ho-yaw-reeb'); from 3068 and 7378; Jehovah will contend; Jehojarib, the name of two Israelites: KJV-- Jehoiarib. Compare 3114.
BDB 3080 Yehowyariyb- Jehoiarib = "Jehovah (Yahweh) contends"; 1) a priest in Jerusalem 2) the head of the first of the 24 courses (shift) of priests in David's time
Yahuwkal - Yahuwkal - 3081 - Yah is able
Occurrence AV-Jehucal 1; 1
Jeremiah 37:3 "And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to the prophet Jeremiah, saying, Pray now unto Yahweh our Mighty One for us." (KJV, names adjusted)
Strong 3081 Yehuwkal (yeh-hoo-kal'); from 3201; potent; Jehukal, an Israelite: -Jehucal. Compare 3116.
BDB 3081 Yehuwkal- Jehucal = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is able"; a son of Shelemiah and a servant of king Zedekiah whom he sent to Jeremiah to entreat his prayers and advice

Yahownaadaab - Yahownadab - 3082 - Yah is willing
Occurrence AV-Jehonadab 3, Jonadab 5; 8
2 Samuel 13:5 "And Jonadab said unto him, Lay thee down on thy bed, and make thyself sick: and when thy father cometh to see thee, say unto him, I pray thee, let my sister Tamar come, and give me meat, and dress the meat in my sight, that I may see it, and eat it at her hand." (KJV)
Strong 3082 Yehownadab (yeh-ho-naw-dawb'); from 3068 and 5068; Jehovah-largessed; Jehonadab, the name of an Israelite and of an Arab: KJV-- Jehonadab, Jonadab. Compare 3122.
BDB 3082 Yehownadab- Jehonadab = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is willing"; 1) a son of Rechab, chief of the Rechabites, in the time of Jehu and Ahab 2) a nephew of David
Yahownaataan - Yahownathan - 3083 - Yah has given
Occurrence AV-Jonathan 79, Jehonathan 3; 82
Note two different representations of nominally the same word.
1 Samuel 14:6 "And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that Yahweh will work for us: for there is no restraint to Yahweh to save by many or by few." (KJV)
Strong 3083 Yehownathan (yeh-ho-naw-thawn'); from 3068 and 5414; Jehovah-given; Jehonathan, the name of four Israelites: KJV-- Jonathan. Compare 3129.
BDB 3083 Yehownathan- Jonathan or Jehonathan = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has given"; 1) a son of king Saul and a friend of David 2) a son of the high priest Abiathar and the last descendant of Eli of whom we hear 3) a nephew of David who like David slew a giant of Gath 4) an uncle of David 5) one of David's mighty warriors 6) one of David's treasurers 7) a scribe in the time of Jeremiah 8) a Levite and father of Zechariah, a priest who blew the trumpet at the dedication of the wall 9) a son or descendant of Gershom, the son of Moses, and a priest to the tribe of Dan 10) a son of Kareah and a brother of Johanan; a Judaite captain after the fall of Jerusalem 11) another Judaite father of Peleth 12) the father of Ebed in the time of Ezra 13) a son of Asahel in the time of Ezra 14) a priest of the family of Melicu in the time of Nehemiah 15) a son of Joiada and his successor to the high priesthood in the time of Nehemiah
Yahowceep - Yahowceph - 3084 - Yah has added
Occurrence AV-Joseph 1; 1
Joseph is also 3130
Psalm 81:5 "This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not." (KJV)
Strong 3084 Yehowceph (yeh-ho-safe'); a fuller form of 3130; Jehoseph (i.e. Joseph), a son of Jacob: KJV-- Joseph.
BDB 3084 Yehowceph- Joseph = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has added"; the oldest son of Jacob by Rachel
Yahow`adaah - Yahow`adaah - 3085 - Yah has adorned
Occurrence AV-Jehoadah 2; 2
1 Chronicles 8:36 "And Ahaz begat Jehoadah; and Jehoadah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza," (KJV)
Strong 3085 Yehow` addah (yeh-ho-ad-daw'); from 3068 and 5710; Jehovah-adorned; Jehoaddah, an Israelite: KJV-- Jehoada.
BDB 3085 Yehow` addah- Jehoadah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has adorned"; a descendant of Saul through Jonathan

Yahow'adaan - Yahowadaan - 3086 - Yah delights
Occurrence AV-Jehoaddan 2; 2
2 Kings 14:2 "He was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and reigned twenty and nine years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem." (KJV)
Strong 3086 Yehow` addiyn (yeh-ho-ad-deen'); or Yehowaddan (yeh-ho-ad-dawn'); from 3068 and 5727; Jehovah-pleased; Jehoaddin or Jehoaddan, an Israelitess: -Jehoaddan.
BDB 3086 Yehow` addiyn or Yehowaddan- Jehoaddan = "Jehovah (Yahweh) delights"; the wife of king Joash and mother of king Amaziah of Judah
Yahowtsaadaaq - Yahowtsadaq - 3087 - Yah is righteous
Occurrence AV-Josedech 6, Jehozadak 2; 8
1 Chronicles 6:14 "And Azariah begat Seraiah, and Seraiah begat Jehozadak," (KJV)
Strong 3087 Yehowtsadaq (yeh-ho-tsaw-dawk'); from 3068 and 6663; Jehovah-righted; Jehotsadak, an Israelite: KJV-- Jehozadek, Josedech. Compare 3136.
BDB 3087 Yehowtsadaq- Jehozadak or Josedech = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is righteous"; the grandson of the high priest Hilkiah; son of the high priest Seraiah; and father of the high priest Joshua; he never attained the office of high priest himself because he was carried captive to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar
Yahowraam - Yahowram - 3088 - Yah is exalted
Occurrence AV-Jehoram 23, Joram 6; 29
1 Kings 22:50 "And Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Jehoram his son reigned in his stead." (KJV)
Strong 3088 Yehowram (yeh-ho-rawm'); from 3068 and 7311; Jehovah-raised; Jehoram, the name of a Syrian and of three Israelites: KJV-- Jehoram, Joram. Compare 3141.
BDB 3088 Yehowram- Jehoram or Joram = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is exalted"; 1) the son of king Jehoshaphat of Judah and himself king of Judah for 8 years; his wife was the wicked Athaliah who was probably the instigator for his returning the nation of Judah to the worship of Baal 2) the son of king Ahab of the northern kingdom of Israel and king of Israel himself for 12 years; he was murdered by Jehu on the plot of land for which his father had murdered Naboth thus fulfilling the prophecy of Elijah to the very letter 3) a priest in the reign of Jehoshaphat
Yahowsheba - Yahowsheba - 3089 - Yah has sworn
Occurrence AV-Jehosheba 1; 1
2 Kings 11:2 "But Jehosheba, the daughter of king Joram, sister of Ahaziah, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's sons which were slain; and they hid him, even him and his nurse, in the bedchamber from Athaliah, so that he was not slain." (KJV)
Strong 3089 Yehowsheba` (yeh-ho-sheh'-bah); from 3068 and 7650; Jehovah-sworn; Jehosheba, an Israelitess: KJV-- Jehosheba. Compare 3090.
BDB 3089 Yehowsheba`- Jehosheba = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has sworn"; daughter of king Joram of Judah and wife of the high priest Jehoiada alternate spelling `Jehoshabeath', 3090
Yahowshab`at - Yahowshab`ath - 3090 - Yah is an oath
Occurrence AV-Jehoshabeath 2; 2
2 Chronicles 22:11 "But Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the king, took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king's sons that were slain, and put him and his nurse in a bedchamber. So Jehoshabeath, the daughter of king Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada the priest, (for she was the sister of Ahaziah,) hid him from Athaliah, so that she slew him not." (KJV)
This is exactly the same person as 3089 above, this time reported in Chronicles. In other words the writers of Kings and Chronicles were NOT exactly certain of the spelling of her name. Therefore we can conclude that it IS possible that there will be other discrepancies between Kings and Chronicles and that these two Scriptures were NOT given by Yah in the form of letter and word perfect dictation as tradition suggests.
Strong 3090 Yehowshab` ath (yeh-ho-shab-ath'); a form of 3089; Jehoshabath, an Israelitess: KJV-- Jehoshabeath.
BDB 3090 Yehowshab` ath- Jehoshabeath = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is an oath"; the daughter of king Joram of Judah and wife of the high priest Jehoiada alternate spelling `Jehosheba, 3089
This is interpreted "Yah is an oath" whereas the previous version of the SAME NAME FOR THE SAME PERSON is given as "Yah has sworn". There is NOT absolute certainty on these matters.

Yahowshua - Yahooshua - 3091 - Yah is salvation
Occurrence AV-Joshua 218; 218
Exodus 17:9 "And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, fight with Amalek: to morrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of Mighty One {Elohiym}Yah in mine hand." (KJV)
This is an example of a verse where substituting "Mighty One" for "Elohiym" does not make sense, let alone substituting "Mighty Ones". Yah states "obviously that should read 'rod of Yah'!" (Yah's words).
Strong 3091 Yehowshuwa` (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah); or Yehowshu` a (yeh-ho-shoo'-ah); from 3068 and 3467; Jehovah-saved; Jehoshua (i.e. Joshua), the Jewish leader: -Jehoshua, Jehoshuah, Joshua. Compare 1954, 3442.
Refer also 3442 which is suggested as being essentially the same name.
BDB 3091 Yehowshuwa` or Yehowshu` a- Joshua or Jehoshua = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is salvation"; as a proper noun, masculine: 1) a son of Nun of the tribe of Ephraim and successor to Moses as the leader of the children of Israel; led the conquest of Canaan 2) a resident of Beth-shemesh on whose land the Ark of the Covenant came to a stop after the Philistines returned it 3) a son of Jehozadak and high priest after the restoration 4) the governor of Jerusalem under king Josiah who gave his name to a gate of the city of Jerusalem
This particular name has presented the writer with an ENORMOUS CHALLENGE on two fronts.
Firstly since becoming aware that the Name of "Jesus" was in fact Yahooshua, the writer has steadfastly wanted to believe that the Name "Yahooshua" was NOT the same as the name of "Joshua". The writer has also studiously avoided asking Yah about this.
However, during the process of extracting these names and other data it became apparent that the name traditionally translated "Joshua" in the books traditionally referred to as the "Old Testament" was EXACTLY THE SAME NAME given to the man we all know as "Jesus".
In other words, Yahooshua, our saviour, DID NOT HAVE A UNIQUE NAME, he had the SAME name that had been given to thousands of other believers through the ages!!
On going before Yah on this matter the writer was told "obviously Yahooshua could NOT have been given an exclusive name. It would have attracted too much attention to him and made life for Joseph and Mary totally unbearable!" (Yah's words)
Secondly, up to now the writer has been firmly persuaded that the Name Yahooshua meant "the salvation of Yah". However, having confronted the first point it was then necessary to confront the second, that is, that the Name "Yahooshua" means "YAH IS SALVATION"! In other words, Yahooshua, through his Name, POINTED US TOWARD YAH as our salvation NOT himself!
This confronts a whole spectrum of issues.
The man we have known as "Jesus" was actually called "Yahooshua" and that is the SAME name as the man who led Israel into Canaan and that occurs 218 times in the books we traditionally refer to as "the old testament" AND that name means "Yah is Salvation" NOT "Salvation of Yah"!
This is confirmed by the following Scriptures:
Psalm 106:21 "They forgat Yah El their saviour, which had done great things in Egypt;"
Isaiah 43:3 "For I am Yahweh thy Mighty One, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee."
Isaiah 43:11 "I, even I, am Yahweh; and beside me there is no saviour."
Isaiah 45:15 "Verily thou art a Mighty One that hidest thyself, O Mighty One of Israel,the Saviour."
Isaiah 45:21 "Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I Yahweh? and there is no Mighty One else beside me; a just Mighty One and a Saviour; there is none beside me."
Isaiah 45:17 "But Israel shall be saved in Yahweh with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end."
Isaiah 49:26 "And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I Yahweh am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob."
Isaiah 60:16 "Thou shalt also suck the milk of the Gentiles, and shalt suck the breast of kings: and thou shalt know that I Yahweh am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob."
Isaiah 63:8 "For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he [Yah] was their Saviour."
Jeremiah 14:8 "O the hope of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night?"
Hosea 13:4 "Yet I am Yahweh thy Mighty One from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me."
All Scriptures from the KJV with Names adjusted
It is clearly apparent that Yah is the ONLY saviour. This must be reconciled with our understanding of who exactly Yahooshua the anointed of Yah is and what exactly he accomplished on our behalf through his life and death!
YahowshaapaaT - Yahowshaphat - 3092 - Yah has judged
Occurrence AV-Jehoshaphat 84; 84
2 Samuel 8:16 "And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host; and Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder;" (KJV)
Strong 3092 Yehowshaphat (yeh-ho-shaw-fawt'); from 3068 and 8199; Jehovah-judged; Jehoshaphat, the name of six Israelites; also of a valley near Jerusalem: -Jehoshaphat. Compare 3146.
BDB 3092 Yehowshaphat- Jehoshaphat = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has judged"; as a proper noun, masculine: 1) a son of king Asa and himself king of Judah for 25 years; one of the best, most pious, and prosperous kings of Judah 2) a son of Nimshi and father of king Jehu of the northern kingdom of Israel 3) a son of Ahilud and chronicler under David and Solomon 4) a son of Paruah and one of the 12 commissary officers under Solomon 5) a priest and trumpeter in the time of David
as a proper noun, location: 6) symbolical name of a valley near Jerusalem which is the place of ultimate judgment; maybe the deep ravine which separates Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives through which the Kidron Creek flowed
yahiyr - 3093 - haughty
Occurrence AV-haughty 1, proud 1; 2
Proverbs 21:24 "Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath."(KJV)
Strong 3093 yahiyr (yaw-here'); probably from the same as 2022; elated; hence, arrogant: KJV-- haughty, proud.
BDB 3093 yahiyr- proud, arrogant, haughty
NOTE THE CLOSENESS TO THE NAME OF YAH - no wonder Yah hates pride - it is elevating ourselves to His level!!
Yahalel'eel - Yahalel'eel - 3094 - Yah my might is praised
Occurrence AV-Jehaleleel 1, Jehalelel 1; 2
1 Chronicles 4:16 "And the sons of Jehaleleel; Ziph, and Ziphah, Tiria, and Asareel."(KJV)
Strong 3094 Yehallel'el (yeh-hal-lel-ale'); from 1984 and 410; praising God; Jehallelel, the name of two Israelites: KJV-- Jehalellel, Jehalelel.
BDB 3094 Yehallel'el- Jehaleleel or Jehalelel = "God is praised"; 1) a Calebite descendant of Judah 2) father of Azariah and a Merarite Levite in the time of Hezekiah
"Mighty One is praised" or "praising Mighty One" does not make much sense when the word begins with a form of "Yah". This is not congruent. After prayer the interpretation "Yah my might is praised" was given.
yaahalom - 3095 - a diamond
Occurrence AV-diamond 3; 3
Exodus 28:18 "And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a diamond."(KJV)
Strong 3095 yahalom (yah-hal-ome'); from 1986 (in the sense of hardness); a precious stone, probably onyx: KJV-- diamond.
BDB 3095 yahalom- a precious stone (known for its hardness); perhaps the jasper, onyx, or diamond
It seems significant that the word for a diamond is ALSO derived from the Name of Yah - note the characteristics, it is intensely pure, transparent, beautiful but ALSO intensely hard and will burn with intense heat if ignited - it seems to me that this in a material sense describes Yah!!
However, the Hebrew transliterated Yaah does not appear to be that close to that transliterated Yah! This seems strange since it is in numerical sequence which, until now, had been assumed to be more or less alphabetic based on the Hebrew. In light of other instances of similar words with different numbers it seems that the numbering is probably LESS systematic than assumed. Given the magnitude of the task of cataloguing all this information manually at the time it was first done it is not unreasonable for there to be inconsistencies. This observation simply demonstrates that it is unwise to make assumptions about things of this nature!

Yaahatsaah - Yahtsah - 3096 - Yah has trodden down?
Occurrence AV-Jahaz 5, Jahazah 3, Jahzah 1; 9
Numbers 21:23 "And Sihon would not suffer Israel to pass through his border: but Sihon gathered all his people together, and went out against Israel into the wilderness: and he came to Jahaz, and fought against Israel." (KJV)
Strong 3096 Yahats (yah'-hats; or Yahtsah (yah'-tsaw; or (feminine) Yahtsah (yah-tsaw'); from an unused root meaning to stamp; perhaps threshing-floor; Jahats or Jahtsah, a place East of the Jordan: KJV-- Jahaz, Jahazah, Jahzah.
BDB 3096 Yahats or Yahtsah or (fem.) Yahtsah- Jahaz or Jahazah or Jahzah = "trodden down"; a place in Reuben east of the Dead Sea where Israel defeated Sihon king of the Amorites; the site is uncertain.
In this case the Hebrew seems fairly close relative to Yah, Yah has trodden down seems to fit the place and what happened there.
Yow'aab - Joab - 3097 - Yah is father?
Occurrence AV-Joab 145; 145
1 Samuel 26:6 "Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying, Who will go down with me to Saul to the camp? And Abishai said, I will go down with thee." (KJV)
Strong 3097 Yow'ab (yo-awb'); from 3068 and 1; Jehovah-fathered; Joab, the name of three Israelites: KJV-- Joab.
BDB 3097 Yow'ab- Joab = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is father"; 1) son of David's sister Zeruiah and general of David's army 2) a Judaite descendant of Kenaz 3) a post-exilic family
Yah is father seems an unlikely name?
Yow'aach - Joah - 3098 - Yah is brother?
Occurrence AV-Joah 11; 11
2 Kings 18:18 "And when they had called to the king, there came out to them Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, which was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder." (KJV)
Strong 3098 Yow'ach (yo-awkh'); from 3068 and 251; Jehovah-brothered; Joach, the name of four Israelites: KJV-- Joah.
BDB 3098 Yow'ach- Joah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is brother"; 1) son of Asaph and chronicler to Hezekiah 2) a Gershonite son or grandson of Zimmah 3) a Korhite, third son of Obed-edom and doorkeeper in the time of David 4) a son of Joahaz and chronicler to king Josiah
Yah is brother seems to be a very familiar name? Alternatively the relationship of Yah's people to Yah in the days when names like these were formulated was MUCH CLOSER than most people want to believe! (Yah says "that is so").
Yow'aachaaz - 3099 - Yah has grasped?
Occurrence AV-Jehoahaz 3, Joahaz 1; 4
2 Kings 14:1 "In the second year of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel reigned Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah." (KJV)
Strong 3099 Yow'achaz (yo-aw-khawz'); a form of 3059; Joachaz, the name of two Israelites: KJV-- Jehoahaz, Joahaz.
BDB 3099 Yow'achaz- Joahaz or Jehoahaz = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has grasped"; the father of Joah, Josiah's chronicler
It seems difficult for an untrained reader to recognize Yah in this Hebrew word.
Yow'eel - Joel - 3100 - Yah is Mighty One (El)
Occurrence AV-Joel 19; 19
1 Samuel 8:2 "Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second, Abiah: they were judges in Beersheba." (KJV)
Strong 3100 Yow'el (yo-ale'); from 3068 and 410; Jehovah (is his) God; Joel, the name of twelve Israelites: KJV-- Joel.
BDB 3100 Yow'el- Joel = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is God"; 1) a son of Pethuel and the second of the 12 minor prophets with a book by his name; probably prophesied in the time of king Uzziah of Judah 2) the oldest son of Samuel the prophet and father of Heman the singer 3) a Simeonite chief 4) a Reubenite 5) a chief of Gad 6) a son of Izrahiah and a chief of Issachar 7) a brother of Nathan of Zobah and one of David's mighty warriors 8) a son of Pedaiah and a chief of the half-tribe of Manasseh west of the Jordan River in the time of David 9) a son of Nebo who returned with Ezra and had a foreign wife 10) a Benjamite, son of Zichri 11) a Levite 12) a Kohathite Levite in the reign of Hezekiah 13) a Gershonite Levite chief in the time of David 14) a Gershonite Levite, son of Jehiel and a descendant of Laadan; maybe the same as meaning no. 13
"Yah is God" is actually "Yah is El", in other words "Yah is Mighty One".
Yah is not easily recognized in this word suggesting that the traditional meaning of the word goes beyond the exact spelling of Yah being embedded in the word.

Yow'aash - Joash - 3101 - given by Yah
Occurrence AV-Joash 47; 47
Judges 6:11 "And there came an angel of Yahweh, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abi-ezrite: and his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites." (KJV, names adjusted)
Strong 3101 Yow'ash (yo-awsh'); or Yo'ash (2 Chron. 24:1) (yo-awsh'); a form of 3060; Joash, the name of six Israelites: KJV-- Joash.
BDB 3101 Yow'ash or Yo'ash (2 Chron. 24:1)- Joash = "given by the Lord"; 1) a son of king Ahaziah and the 8th king of Judah 2) a son of king Jehoahaz and the 12th king of the northern kingdom of Israel 3) the father of Gideon 4) a son of king Ahab 5) a descendant of Shelah the son of Judah; either the son of Shelah or the son of Jokim 6) a son of Shemaah of Gibeah who resorted to David at Ziklag
There are a number of additional words which Brown, Driver, Briggs indicate refer to Yah. However the Hebrew connection is not apparent to the writer and there is a discontinuity in Strong's numbering which seems puzzling IF there IS continuity of reference.
The writer has subsequently concluded that there is NO continuity of reference.
3102 to 3106 make no reference to Yah
Yowzabad - 3107 - Yah has endowed
Occurrence AV-Jozabad 9, Josabad 1; 10
2 Kings 12:21 "For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants, smote him, and he died; and they buried him with his fathers in the city of David: and Amaziah his son reigned in his stead." (KJV)
BDB 3107 Yowzabad- Jozabad or Josabad = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has endowed"; 1) a Korhite Levite, second son of Obededom, and one of the porters of the Temple and of the storehouse there in the time of David 2) one of David's mighty warriors 3) another of David's mighty warriors 4) four other priests or Levites
Yowzakar - 3108 - Yah remembers
Occurrence AV-Jozachar 1; 1
Does not occur in the King James Version in PC Study Bible, DOES occur in 2 Kings 12:21 in the OnLine Bible. PC Study Bible has 3107 in this verse spelt as 3108! A further instance of small discrepancies indicative of differing human interpretations which must cause us to turn to Yah for guidance!
BDB 3108 Yowzakar- Jozachar = "Jehovah (Yahweh) remembers"; a servant of king Joash of Judah and one of his murderers; also called `Zabad'
Yowchaa - 3109 - Yah gives life
Occurrence AV-Joha 2; 2
1 Chronicles 8:16 "And Michael, and Ispah, and Joha, the sons of Beriah;" (KJV)
Strong 3109 Yowcha' (yo-khaw'); probably from 3068 and a variation of 2421; Jehovah-revived; Jocha, the name of two Israelites: KJV-- Joha.
BDB 3109 Yowcha'- Joha = "Jehovah (Yahweh) gives life"; 1) one of the sons of Beriah the Benjamite 2) the Tizite, one of David's mighty warriors

Yowchaanaan - Johanan - 3110 - Yah has graced
Occurrence AV-Johanan 24; 24
2 Kings 25:23 "And when all the captains of the armies, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governor, there came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan the son of Careah, and Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Jaazaniah the son of a Maachathite, they and their men." (KJV)
Strong 3110 Yowchanan (yo-khaw-nawn'); a form of 3076; Jochanan, the name of nine Israelites: KJV-- Johanan. ***. Yuwtah. See 3194.
BDB 3110 Yowchanan- Johanan = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has graced"; 1) a priest during the high priesthood of Joiakim who returned with Zerubbabel 2) a Jewish captain after the fall of Jerusalem 3) the oldest son of king Josiah 4) a post-exilic prince of the line of David 5) the father of Azariah, priest in Solomon's time 6) a Benjamite, one of David's mighty warriors 7) a Gadite, one of David's mighty warriors 8) a returning exile
Yowyaadaa - Jehoiada - 3111 - Yah knows
Occurrence AV-Joiada 4, Jehoiada 1; 5
Nehemiah 3:6 "Moreover the old gate repaired Jehoiada the son of Paseah, and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah; they laid the beams thereof, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks thereof, and the bars thereof." (KJV)
Strong 3111 Yowyada` (yo-yaw-daw'); a form of 3077; Jojada, the name of two Israelites: KJV-- Jehoiada, Joiada.
Abdb 3111 Yowyada`- Joiada or Jehoiada = "Jehovah (Yahweh) knows"; 1) a son of Paseah, who assisted to repair the old gate of Jerusalem 2) a son of the high priest Eliashib in the time of Nehemiah
YowyaAkiyn - Jehoiachin - 3112 Yah establishes
Occurrences AV-Jehoiachin 1; 1
Ezekial 1:2 "In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin'scaptivity," (KJV)
Strong 3112 Yowyakiyn (yo-yaw-keen'); a form of 3078; Jojakin, an Israelite king: -Jehoiachin.
BDB 3112 Yowyakiyn- Jehoiachin = "Jehovah (Yahweh) establishes"; king of Judah, son of Jehoiakim, and the next to last king of Judah before the Babylonian captivity. His kingship lasted for 3 months and 10 days before he surrendered to Nebuchadnezzar who took him to Babylon and imprisoned him for 36 years, when he was finally released.
Note reference to 3078 alternate spelling again suggesting that there is human error in the original texts in terms of specific precision at the letter level. Both refer to exactly the same man - refer to notes above and for 3078. Both have exactly the same interpretation, Yah establishes.
The 3112 reference is from Ezekial, all other references are from Kings, Chronicles and Jeremiah. Since Ezekial was in captivity with Jehoiachin it would seem probable that his record of the spelling is more likely to be correct. Either way, one or other record is presumably incorrect.
Yowyaaqiym - Joiakim - 3113 - Yah raises up
Occurrence AV-Joiakim 4; 4
Nehhemiah 12:10 "And Jeshua begat Joiakim, Joiakim also begat Eliashib, and Eliashib begat Joiada," (KJV)
Strong 3113 Yowyaqiym (yo-yaw-keem'); a form of 3079; Jojakim, an Israelite: -Joiakim. Compare 3137.
BDB 3113 Yowyaqiym- Joiakim or Jehoiakim = "Jehovah (Yahweh) raises up"; a priest and son of Jeshua, the high priest
Yowyaariyb - Joiarib - 3114 - Yah contends
Occurrence AV-Joiarib 5; 5
Ezra 8:16 "Then sent I for Eliezer, for Ariel, for Shemaiah, and for Elnathan, and for Jarib, and for Elnathan, and for Nathan, and for Zechariah, and for Meshullam, chief men; also for Joiarib, and for Elnathan, men of understanding." (KJV)
Strong 3114 Yowyariyb (yo-yaw-reeb'); a form of 3080; Jojarib, the name of four Israelites: KJV-- Joiarib.
BDB 3114 Yowyariyb- Joiarib = "Jehovah (Yahweh) contends"; 1) the head of the first of the 24 courses (shifts) of priests in David's time 2) a teacher in the time of Ezra 3) a Judaite in the time of Nehemiah.

Yowkebed - Jochebed - 3115 - Yah is glory
Occurrence AV-Jochebed 2; 2
Exodus 6:20 "And Amram took him Jochebed his father's sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses: and the years of the life of Amram were an hundred and thirty and seven years." (KJV)
Strong 3115 Yowkebed (yo-keh'-bed); from 3068 contracted and 3513; Jehovah-gloried; Jokebed, the mother of Moses: KJV-- Jochebed.
BDB 3115 Yowkebed- Jochebed = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is glory"; the daughter of Levi, wife and at the same time aunt of Amram, and the mother of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam
Yuwkal - Jucal - 3116 - Yah is able
Occurrence AV-Jucal 1; 1
Jeremiah 38:1 "Then Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of Pashur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashur the son of Malchiah, heard the words that Jeremiah had spoken unto all the people, saying," (KJV)
Strong 3116 Yuwkal (yoo-kal'); a form of 3081; Jukal, an Israelite: KJV-- Jucal.
BDB 3116 Yuwkal- Jucal = "Jehovah (Yahweh) is able"; a son of Shelemiah and a servant of king Zedekiah whom he sent to Jeremiah to entreat his prayers and advice
The following names include Yah embedded in the name.
Zekaryaah - Zechariah - 2148 - Yah remembers
Occurrence AV-Zechariah ; 43
Ezra 5:1 "Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the Mighty One of Israel, even unto them." (KJV)
Strong 2148 Zekaryah (zek-ar-yaw'); or Zekaryahuw (zek-ar-yaw'-hoo); from 2142 and 3050; Jah has remembered; Zecarjah, the name of twenty-nine Israelites: -Zachariah, Zechariah.
BDB 2148 Zekaryah or Zekaryahuw- Zechariah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) remembers"; 1) 11th in order of the minor prophets; a priest, son of Berechiah and grandson of Iddo, who, along with Haggai, directed the rebuilding of the Temple in the days of Zerubbabel 2) a king of Israel, son of Jeroboam II 3) a son of Meshelemiah of Shelemiah, a Korhite, and keeper of the north gate of the tabernacle of the congregation 4) one of the sons of Jehiel 5) a Levite of the second order in the Temple band in the time of David 6) one of the princes of Judah in the reign of Jehoshaphat 7) a son of the high priest Jehoiada, in the reign of Joash king of Judah, who was stoned in the court of the temple 8) a Kohathite Levite in the reign of Josiah 9) the leader of the sons of Pharosh who returned with Ezra 10) a son of Bebai 11) one of the chiefs of the people whom Ezra summoned in council at the Ahava River; stood at Ezra's left hand when Ezra expounded the law to the people 12) one of the family of Elam who had married a foreign wife after the captivity 13) an ancestor of Athaiah or Uthai 14) a Shilonite, descendant of Perez, grandfather of Athaiah 15) a priest, son of Pashur 16) the representative of the priestly family of Iddo in the days of Joiakim the son of Jeshua; possibly the same as meaning no. 1 above 17) one of the priests, son of Jonathan, who blew with the trumpets at the dedication of the city wall by Ezra and Nehemiah 18) a chief of the Reubenites at the time of the captivity by Tiglath-pileser 19) one of the priests who accompanied the ark from the house of Obed-edom 20) a son of Isshiah of Jesiah, a Kohathite Levite descended from Uzziel 21) the fourth son of Hosah, of the children of Merari 22) a Manassite, father of Iddo 23) father of Jahaziel. He prophesied in the spirit 24) one of the sons of Jehoshaphat 25) a prophet in the reign of Uzziah, who appears to have acted as the king's counsellor, but of whom nothing is known 26) father of Abijah or Abi, Hezekiah's mother 27) one of the family of Asaph in the reign of Hezekiah 28) one of the rulers of the Temple in the reign of Josiah 29) a son of Jeberechiah who was taken by the prophet Isaiah as one of the `faithful witnesses to record' when he wrote concerning Maher-shalal-hash-baz
Yadiydayaah - Jedidiah - 3041 - beloved of Yah
Occurrence AV-Jedidiah 1; 1
2 Samuel 12:25 "And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he called his nameJedidiah, because of Yahweh." (KJV)
Strong 3041 Yediydeyah (yed-ee-deh-yaw'); from 3039 and 3050; beloved of Jah; Jedidejah, a name of Solomon: KJV-- Jedidiah.
BDB 3041 Yediydeyah- Jedidiah = "beloved of Jehovah (Yahweh)"; the name given to Solomon through Nathan the prophet
Yirmayaahuw - Jeremiah - 3414 - whom Yah has appointed
Occurrence AV-Jeremiah 147; 147
2 Kings 23:31 "Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign; and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah." (KJV)
Strong 3414 Yirmeyah (yir-meh-yaw'); or Yirmeyahuw (yir-meh-yaw'-hoo); from 7311 and 3050; Jah will rise; Jirmejah, the name of eight or nine Israelites: KJV-- Jeremiah.
BDB 3414 Yirmeyah or Yirmeyahuw- Jeremiah = "whom Jehovah (Yahweh) has appointed"; 1) the major prophet, son of Hilkiah of the priestly family in Anathoth; author of the prophetic book bearing his name 2) a man of Libnah and father of Hamutal the wife of king Josiah 3) a Gadite who joined David at Ziklag 4) a Manassehite, one of the mighty men of valor of the Transjordanic half-tribe of Manasseh 5) a Gadite and warrior of David 6) a warrior of David 7) a priest who joined Nehemiah in the covenant ceremony 8) a priest also in the time of Nehemiah; maybe the same as meaning no. 7 9) father of Jaazaniah the Rechabites
Yasha`yaahuw - Isaiah - 3470 - Yah has saved
Occurrence AV-Isaiah 32, Jeshaiah 5, Jesaiah 2; 39
2 Kings 19:2 "And he sent Eliakim, which was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz." (KJV)
Strong 3470 Yesha` yah (yesh-ah-yaw'); or Yesha` yahuw (yesh-ah-yaw'-hoo); from 3467 and 3050; Jah has saved; Jeshajah, the name of seven Israelites: KJV-- Isaiah, Jesaiah, Jeshaiah.
BDB 3470 Yesha` yah or Yesha` yahuw- Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has saved"; 1) the major prophet, son of Amoz, who prophesied concerning Judah and Jerusalem during the days of kings Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah of Judah; the author of the prophetic book by his name. Tradition has it that he was sawn asunder in the trunk of a carob tree by king Manasseh and that this is the incident referred to in Heb 11:37 2) son of Hananiah, brother of Pelatiah, and grandson of Zerubbabel 3) a Benjamite 4) one of the six sons of Jeduthun 5) a son of Rehabiah, a descendant of Moses through Gershom, and an ancestor of a Levite treasurer in the time of David 6) a son of Athaliah and chief of the house of Elam who returned with Ezra 7) a chief of the descendants of Merari who returned with Ezra
Miykaayahuw - Micah - 4319 - who is like Yah
Occurrence AV-Michaiah 1; 1
PC Study Bible and OnLine Bible do not agree on relative occurrences of 4319, 4321 and 4322 in terms of verse occurrence.
Strong 4319 Miykahuw (me-kaw'-hoo); a contr. for 4321; Mikehu, an Israelite prophet: KJV-- Micaiah (2 Chronicles 18:8).
BDB 4319 Miykahuw- Michaiah = "who is like God"; a son of Imlah and a prophet of Samaria who predicted the defeat and death of king Ahab of Israel
4321 and 4322 ALSO mean "who is like Yah"
Nachemyaah - Nehemiah - 5166 - Yah comforts
Occurrence AV-Nehemiah 8; 8
Ezra 2:2 "Which came with Zerubbabel: Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah. The number of the men of the people of Israel:" (KJV)
Strong 5166 Nechemyah (nekh-em-yaw'); from 5162 and 3050; consolation of Jah; Nechemjah, the name of three Israelites: KJV-- Nehemiah.
BDB 5166 Nechemyah- Nehemiah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) comforts"; 1) the son of Hachaliah, cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, who became governor of Judah after the return from exile 2) one of the 12 heads of the people who returned from exile with Zerubbabel 3) son of Azbuk and ruler of the half part of Beth-zur, who helped to repair the wall of Jerusalem

Obadyaahuw - Obadiah - 5662 - servant of Yah
Occurrence AV-Obadiah 20; 20
1 Kings 18:3 "And Ahab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house. (NowObadiah feared Yahweh greatly:" (KJV, name adjusted)
Strong 5662 `Obadyah (o-bad-yaw'); or `Obadyahuw (o-bad-yaw'-hoo); active participle of 5647 and 3050; serving Jah; Obadjah, the name of thirteen Israelites: KJV-- Obadiah.
BDB 5662 `Obadyah or `Obadyahuw- Obadiah = "servant of Jehovah (Yahweh)"; 1) the fourth of the 12 minor prophets; nothing personal is known of him but it is probable that he was contemporary with Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel; the prophetic book by him; prophesies against Edom 2) the father of Ishmaiah, one of the chiefs of Zebulun in the time of David 3) a Merarite Levite overseer of the work of restoring the Temple in the time of king Josiah of Judah 4) the chief of the household of King Ahab of Israel; an devout worshiper of Jehovah (Yahweh) who, at risk to his own life, hid over 100 prophets during the persecution of Jezebel 5) a descendant of David 6) a chief of the tribe of Issachar 7) a Benjamite, one of the six sons of Azel and a descendant of King Saul 8) a Levite, son of Shemaiah and a descendant of Jeduthun 9) a Gadite chief, the 2nd of the lion-faced Gadites who joined David at Ziklag 10) a prince of Judah in the time of king Jehoshaphat of Judah 11) a priest, son of Jehiel of the sons of Joab who returned from exile with Ezra 12) a gatekeeper in the time of Nehemiah 13) one of the men who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah; perhaps the same as meaning no. 12
Tsaphanyaahuw - Zephaniah - 6846 - Yah has treasured
Occurrence AV-Zephaniah 10; 10
2 Kings 25:18 "And the captain of the guard took Seraiah the chief priest, andZephaniah the second priest, and the three keepers of the door:" (KJV)
Strong 6846 Tsephanyah (tsef-an-yaw'); or Tsephanyahuw (tsef-an-yaw'-hoo); from 6845 and 3050; Jah has secreted; Tsephanjah, the name of four Israelites: KJV-- Zephaniah.
BDB 6846 Tsephanyah or Tsephanyahuw- Zephaniah = "Jehovah (Yahweh) has treasured"; 1) the ninth in order of the 12 minor prophets; a descendant of king Hezekiah of Judah and prophet in the time of King Josiah of Judah 2) the son of Maaseiah and the second priest in the reign of King Zedekiah of Judah. He succeeded Jehoiada and an officer of the Temple. He was killed at Riblah when Jerusalem was captured. 3) the father of Josiah and Hen in the time of the prophet Zechariah 4) a Levite
There are many other such names listed in Appendix A.
Mattihyahu - Matthew - Greek 3156 - gift of Yah
Occurrence AV-Matthew 5; 5
Matthew 9:9 "And as Yahooshua passed forth from thence, he saw a man, namedMatthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him." (KJV)
Strongs 3156 Maththaios (math-thah'-yos) or Matthaios (mat-thah'-yos); a shorter form of 3164; Matthaeus (i.e. Matthitjah), an Israelite and a Christian: KJV-- Matthew.
Thayer 3156 Matthaios- Matthew = "gift of Jehovah (Yahweh)" son of Alphaeus, one of the 12 disciples
In progressively documenting findings it became apparent that there were far more words including Yah than had at first appeared.
Time does not permit further detailed extraction such as that presented in this article thus far. Accordingly, further limited coarse extraction has been undertaken for reference purposes. This is presented in the appendices and serves to further demonstrate the great extent to which the Name of our Creator and Heavenly Father permeates every facet of Scripture and the history of His chosen people.
It is hoped that after considering this article readers will have a far better understanding of why the true Sacred Names are so important and an increasing revelation of the Sacred Scriptures!
James Robertson
24 January 2002 with minor amendments 20 November 2010
The following 253 verse instances of Jehovah occur in the Hebrew lexicon of the OnLine Bible. Jehovah has been replaced with Yah in all cases other than those where Yahweh was already indicated in the text.
The majority of the line items that follow relate to names which refer to Yah, a small number are simply notes.
Since the objective of this appendix is simply to provide a more comprehensive picture this data is presented as obtained other than with the substitution of the Name of Yah and limited formatting and editing.
29 Abia or Abiah or AbiYah =" Yah is (my) father"
138 AdoniYah =" my lord is Yah"
168 1c) the sacred tent of Yah (the tabernacle)
172 1) (metaph) Jerusalem as adulterous wife of Yah
216 1k) Yah as Israel's light
223 Uriah or UriYah =" Yah (Yahweh) is my light (flame)"
245 Azaniah =" Yah (Yahweh) hears"
274 Ahaziah =" Yah (Yahu) holds (possesses)"
281 Ahiah or AhiYah =" brother of Yah (Yahu)"
410 1d) God, the one true God, Yah
452 EliYah or Eliah =" my God is Yah" or "Yah(u) is God"
454 Elioenai or Elihoenai =" unto Yah are my eyes"
558 Amaziah =" Yah is mighty"
568 Amariah =" Yah speaks" or "Yah(u) has promised"
683 Azaliah =" Yah (Yahweh) has reserved (set apart)"
912 Bedeiah =" servant of Yah"
964 BizjothYah =" contempt of Yah"
1141 Benaiah =" Yah has built" or "Yahweh has built up"
1152 Besodeiah =" with the counsel of Yah"
or "in the secret of Yah"
1183 Bealiah =" Yah is master"
1197 1a4) Yah's wrath, human wrath (fig.)
1202 Baaseiah =" in the service of Yah"
1229 Bakbukiah =" wasting of Yah"
1232 Bukkiah =" Yah has emptied"
1256 Beraiah =" Yah has created"
1294 people assembled to bless Yah after the overthrow of the hosts
1296 Berachiah or Berechiah =" Yah blesses"
1332 Bithiah =" daughter of Yah"
1361 1a3a) to be lofty (of Yah's ways-good sense)
1436 Gedaliah =" Yah is great"
1530 1b) waves (fig. of chastisement of Yah)
1587 Gemariah =" Yah has accomplished"
1612 1b) of stars fading at Yah's judgment (metaph.)
1614 1b) of Yah's breath (fig.)
1735 Dodavah =" beloved of Yah"
1806 Dalaiah or Delaiah =" Yah has drawn"
1878 1d) (Hothpael) to fatten oneself (of Yah's sword)
1914 Hiddai =" for the rejoicing of Yah"
1937 Hodevah =" praise of Yah"
1938 Hodaviah =" praise ye Yah"
1939 Hodaiah =" praise ye Yah"
1940 Hodiah =" majesty of Yah"
1941 HodiYah =" my majesty is Yah"
1944 Hoham =" whom Yah impels"
1953 Hoshama =" whom Yah hears"
1955 Hoshaiah =" Yah has saved"
2057 Vaniah =" Yah is praise"
2069 Zebadiah =" endowment of Yah"
2148 Zechariah =" Yah remembers"
2185 1a) armour (used in warfare not sanctioned by Yah) (fig.)
2228 Zerahiah =" Yah has risen"
2252 Habaiah =" Yah has hidden"
2262 Habaziniah =" light of Yah"
2293 Haggiah =" festival of Yah"
2396 Hezekiah or Hizkiah or HizkiYah =" Yah is my strength"
he served Yah and did away with idolatrous practices
2446 Hachaliah =" whom Yah enlightens"
2517 Helkai =" my portion is Yah"
2518 Hilkiah =" my portion is Yah"
2619 Hasadiah =" Yah has been faithful"
2736 Harhaiah =" fear of Yah"
2811 Hashabiah =" Yah has considered"
2812 Hashabnah =" Yah has considered"
2813 Hashabniah =" whom Yah regards"
2900 Tobiah =" Yah is good"
2970 Jaazaniah =" Yah hears"
2977 Josiah =" whom Yah heals"
great revivals back to the worship of Yah which he led
2979 Jeaterai =" whom Yah leads"
2984 Ibhar =" Yah chooses"
2997 Ibneiah =" Yah builds"
2998 IbniYah =" whom Yah will build up"
3000 Jeberechiah =" Yah blesses"
3012 Igdaliah =" Yah is great"
3041 Jedidiah =" beloved of Yah"
3042 Jedaiah =" praised of Yah"
3048 Jedaiah =" Yah has known"
5) one honoured by Yah, perhaps one of the above
3050 1) Yah (Yah in the shortened form)
3058 Jehu =" Yah is He"
3059 Jehoahaz =" Yah has seized"
3068 Yah =" the existing One"
3069 1) Yah-used primarily in the combination 'Lord Yah'
3070 Yahweh-jireh =" Yah sees"
of the interposition of the angel of Yah who prevented the
3071 Yahweh-nissi =" Yah is my banner"
3072 Yah is our righteousness
3073 Yahweh-shalom =" Yah is peace"
3074 Yahweh-shammah =" Yah is there"
3075 Jehozabad =" Yah has endowed"
3076 Jehohanan =" Yah has graced"
3077 Jehoiada =" Yah knows"
3078 Jehoiachin =" Yah establishes"
3079 Jehoiakim =" Yah raises up"
3080 Jehoiarib =" Yah contends"
3081 Jehucal =" Yah is able"
3082 Jehonadab =" Yah is willing"
3083 Jonathan or Jehonathan =" Yah has given"
3084 Joseph =" Yah has added"
3085 Jehoadah =" Yah has adorned"
3086 Jehoaddan =" Yah delights"
3087 Jehozadak or Josedech =" Yah is righteous"
3088 Jehoram or Joram =" Yah is exalted"
3089 Jehosheba =" Yah has sworn"
3090 Jehoshabeath =" Yah is an oath"
3091 Joshua or Jehoshua =" Yah is salvation"
3092 Jehoshaphat =" Yah has judged"
3097 Joab =" Yah is father"
3098 Joah =" Yah is brother"
3099 Joahaz or Jehoahaz =" Yah has grasped"
3100 Joel =" Yah is El" or "Yah is Mighty One"
3107 Jozabad or Josabad =" Yah has endowed"
3108 Jozachar =" Yah remembers"
3109 Joha =" Yah gives life"
3110 Johanan =" Yah has graced"
3111 Joiada or Jehoiada =" Yah knows"
3112 Jehoiachin =" Yah establishes"
3113 Joiakim or Jehoiakim =" Yah raises up"
3114 Joiarib =" Yah contends"
3115 Jochebed =" Yah is glory"
3116 Jucal =" Yah is able"
3122 Jonadab or Jehonadab =" Yah is willing"
3129 Jonathan or Jehonathan =" Yah has given"
3130 Joseph =" Yah has added"
3131 Josiphiah =" Yah adds"
3133 Joed =" Yah is witness"
3134 Joezer =" Yah is help"
3135 Joash =" Yah hastens"
3136 Jozadak =" Yah is righteous"
3137 Jokim =" Yah raises up"
3140 Jorai =" Yah has taught me"
3141 Joram =" Yah is exalted"
3143 Josibiah =" Yah causes to dwell"
3144 Joshah =" Yah makes equal"
3145 Joshaviah =" Yah makes equal"
3146 Joshaphat or Jehoshaphat =" Yah judges"
3147 Jotham =" Yah is perfect"
3150 Jeziah =" Yah sprinkles"
3153 Jezaniah =" Yah has listened"
3156 Izrahiah or Jezrahiah =" Yah will shine"
3165 Jehdeiah =" Yah is unity"
3167 Yahaziah =" Yah views"
3169 Hezekiah or Jehizkiah =" Yah has made strong"
3174 Jehiah =" Yah lives"
3181 Yahmai =" whom Yah guards"
3203 Jecoliah or Jecholiah =" Yah is able"
3204 Jeconiah =" Yah will establish"
3210 Jalon =" Yah lodges"
3253 Ismachiah =" Yah sustains"
3269 Jaaziah =" made bold by Yah"
3285 Jaanai =" whom Yah answers"
3298 Jaresiah =" whom Yah nourishes"
3301 Iphedeiah =" Yah will redeem"
3359 Jecamiah or Jekamiah =" Yah raises"
3376 IriYah =" Yah sees me"
3404 JeriYah or Jeriah =" taught by Yah"
3414 Jeremiah =" whom Yah has appointed"
3439 Jeshohaiah =" Yah humbles"
3449 Ishiah or IshiYah or Jesiah =" Yah will lend"
3460 Ishmaiah =" Yah will hear"
3470 Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah =" Yah has saved"
3548 1c) priests of Yah
3562 Cononiah or Conaniah =" Yah has established"
3659 Coniah =" Yah will establish"
3663 Chenaniah =" Yah establishes"
3727 reconciling Yah and His chosen people
3742 1a4) as the chariot of Yah (fig.)
4012 Mebunnai =" building of Yah"
4179 Moriah =" chosen by Yah"
4271 Maaseiah =" Yah is a shelter"
4309 Matri =" rain of Yah"
4322 Yah in the cities of Judah
4424 Melatiah =" Yah delivered"
4441 MalchiYah or Malchiah or Melchiah =" my king is Yah"
4532 1) the place in the wilderness where the Israelites tested Yah
4572 Maadai =" ornament of Yah"
4590 Maaziah =" consolation of Yah"
4641 Maaseiah =" work of Yah"
4720 1a4) of Yah
4737 Mikneiah =" possession of Yah"
4777 1a) against Yah
4920 Meshelemiah =" whom Yah repays"
4980 Mattanah =" gift of Yah"
4982 Mattenai =" gift of Yah"
4983 Mattaniah =" gift of Yah"
4992 Mattathah =" gift of Yah"
4993 Mattithiah =" gift of Yah"
5072 Nedabiah =" whom Yah impels"
5129 Noadiah =" meeting with Yah"
5166 Nehemiah =" Yah comforts"
5294 Neariah =" servant of Yah"
5374 Neriah =" lamp of Yah"
5418 Nethaniah =" given of Yah"
5514 1) the mountain where Moses received the Law from Yah;
5553 1b) as stronghold of Yah, of security (fig.)
5565 Semachiah =" Yah has sustained"
5644 Zithri =" protection of Yah"
5653 Abda =" servant of Yah"
5660 Abdi =" servant of Yah"
5662 Obadiah =" servant of Yah"
of Yah who at risk to his own life hid over 100 prophets during
5718 Adaiah =" Yah has adorned Himself"
5724 Adlai =" justice of Yah"
5752 2) a prophet of Yah in Samaria at the time of Pekah's invasion
5798 1) a man slain by Yah for touching the sacred ark
5812 Azaziah =" Yah is mighty"
5814 Uzzia =" strength of Yah"
5818 Uzziah =" my strength is Yah"
5836 Ezri =" help of Yah"
5838 Azariah =" Yah has helped"
5839 Azariah =" Yah has helped"
6007 Amasiah =" Yah is strength"
6018 Omri =" pupil of Yah"
6043 Anaiah =" Yah has answered"
6055 Ananiah =" Yah clouds"
6070 AntothiYah =" Yah's answer"
6222 Asaiah or Asahiah =" made by Yah"
6265 Athaiah =" Yah has helped"
6270 Athlai =" whom Yah afflicts"
6273 Othni =" lion of Yah"
6305 Pedaiah =" Yah has ransomed"
6410 Pelatiah =" Yah delivers"
6411 Pelaiah =" Yah does wonders"
6421 Pelaliah =" Yah has judged"
6494 Pekahiah =" Yah sees"
6611 Pethahiah =" freed by Yah"
6667 Zedekiah =" Yah is righteous"
6846 Zephaniah =" Yah has treasured"
6964 Kolaiah =" voice of Yah"
6984 Kushaiah =" bow of Yah"
7029 Kishi =" bow of Yah"
7041 Kelaiah =" Yah has dishonoured"
7211 Reaia or Reaiah =" Yah has seen"
7345 Rehabiah =" Yah has enlarged"
7380 Ribai =" pleader with Yah"
7422 Ramiah =" Yah has loosened"
7425 Remaliah =" protected by Yah"
7458 1a1) of Yah's word (fig)
7480 Reelaiah =" bearer of Yah"
7485 Raamiah =" thunder of Yah"
7509 Rephaiah =" healed of Yah"
7580 1a) of lion, conqueror, Yah, cry of distress
7621 1b) oath (of Yah)
7645 Shebaniah =" increased by Yah"
7650 1b2) to swear (of Yah by Himself)
7724 Sheva =" Yah contends"
7826 1a) of Yah, wicked men (fig)
7841 Shehariah =" dawning of Yah"
7864 Sheva =" Yah contends"
7894 Shisha =" Yah contends"
7935 Shecaniah or Shechaniah =" dweller with Yah"
8018 Shelemiah =" repaid by Yah"
8098 Shemaiah =" heard by Yah"
8114 Shemariah =" kept by Yah"
8187 Sheariah =" valued by Yah"
8203 Shephatiah =" Yah has judged"
8274 Sherebiah =" Yah has scorched"
8304 Seraiah =" Yah is ruler"
The following 6 instances of Jah occur. They have been substituted with Yah:
118 Adalia =" I shall be drawn up of Yah"
728 or "joyful shouting of Yah (#2Sa 24:18)"
3050 AV-LORD 48, Yah 1; 49
1b2) names ending with 'iah' or 'Yah'
4153 Moadiah =" the set time of Yah"
4573 Maadiah =" adorned of Yah"
4677 Mesobaite =" the one set up of Yah"
The following 46 instances of Yah occur in the Hebrew Lexicon of the OnLine Bible. Most relate to explicit inclusion of Yah in the transliteration of a word.
38 Abijam =" my father is the sea" or "Yah(u) is (my) father"
452 EliYah or Eliah =" my God is Yah" or "Yah(u) is God"
568 Amariah =" Yah speaks" or "Yah(u) has promised"
723 hyra 'arayah ar-aw'-yah'
803 hywva 'ashuwyah ash-oo-yah'
885 Nqey-ynb trab B@eroth B@ney-Ya'aqan be-ay-roth' be-nay' yah-a-can'
1100 leylb b@liya'al bel-e-yah'-al
1142 Nqey ynb B@ney Ya'aqan ben-ay' yah-ak-awn'
1256 hyarb B@ra'yah ber-aw-yaw'
1842 Ney Nd Dan Ya'an dawn yah'-an
1955 hyevwh Howsha'yah ho-shah-yaw'
2425 yyx chayay khaw-yah'-ee
2899 whynda bwj Towb Adoniyahuw tobe ado-nee-yah'-hoo
2970 hynzay Ya'azanyah yah-az-an-yaw'
or whynzay Ya'azanyahuw yah-az-an-yaw'-hoo
3048 hyedy Y@kda'yah yed-ah-yaw'
3095 Mlhy yahalom yah-hal-ome'
3096 Uhy Yahats yah'-hats
or huhy Yahtsah yah'-tsaw or (fem.)
huhy Yahtsah yah-tsaw'
3196 Nyy yayin yah'-yin
3258 Ubey Ya'bets yah-bates'
3268 layzey Ya'aziy'el yah-az-ee-ale'
3269 whyzey Ya'aziyahuw yah-az-ee-yaw'-hoo
3270 ryzey Ya'azeyr yah-az-ayr'
or rzey Ya'zer yah-zare'
3275 Nkey Ya'kan yah-kawn'
3279 aley Ya'ala' yah-al-aw'
or hley Ya'alah yah-al-aw'
3280 hley ya'alah yah-al-aw'
3281 Mley Ya'lam yah-lawm'
3282 Ney ya'an yah'-an
3284 hney ya'anah yah-an-aw'
3285 yney Ya'anay yah-an-ah'ee
3290 bqey Ya'aqob yah-ak-obe'
3291 hbqey Ya'aqobah yah-ak-o'-baw
3292 Nqey Ya'aqan yah-ak-awn'
3293 rey ya'ar yah'-ar
3294 hrey Ya'rah yah-raw'
3295 hrey ya'arah yah-ar-aw'
3296 Mygra yrey Ya'arey 'Or@giym yah-ar-ay' o-reg-eem'
3298 hyvrey Ya'areshyah yah-ar-esh-yaw'
3299 wsey Ya'asuw yah-as-oo'
3300 laysey Ya'asiy'el yah-as-ee-ale'
3460 hyemvy Yishma'yah yish-mah-yaw' or
3470 hyevy Y@sha'yah yesh-ah-yaw' or
3967 hyam me'yah may-yaw'
4438 hyklm malkuyah mal-koo-yah'
6411 hyalp P@la'yah pel-aw-yaw'
7474 hyer ra'yah rah-yaw'
8098 hyemv Sh@ma'yah shem-aw-yaw'
It is hoped that the above article will challenge you and assist you in your walk with Yah.
It is hoped that this article will open a whole new dimension to you regarding the extent to which the Name of Yah permeates Scripture.
It is also hoped that this article will also sensitise readers to the reality that there IS scribal adjustment and human error in the texts of the Inspired Writings that we have today, PARTICULARLY the Greek and English translations.
Yah willing these aspects will be developed further in subsequent articles.
Father, in the Name of Yahooshua may all that is according to Your Will and Your Wordin this article find deep root in the hearts of the readers and if there is anything that is not of You let it find no root at all.
It is our prayer 17 that the Mighty One of our Adonai Yahooshua the anointed one, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints [set apart ones], 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power 20 which He worked in Yahooshua when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, 21far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. 22 And He put all thingsunder His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the Body, 23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. (Ephesians 1:17-23)
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you. In the name ofYahooshua the anointed one, King of kings and Adonai of lords. Amen.
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2010.12.08 - The Name of Yah in the book {bible}
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In the previous two articles I have explained how the essential Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing occurs throughout the bible.
In this article all the instances that I have been able to locate are listed below.
There are a few instances where the connection is tenuous and my research is by no means exhaustive.
Notice the number of references to Yah and notice how the use of the name of Yah amplifies and enhances what is contained in the writings from which these words have been extracted.
It is vital to adopt the name of Yah into your everyday vocabulary and reading.
Traditional Name |
Correct Name |
Meaning |
Strong's Number |
Count |
Sample Verse |
The LORD |
Yah |
The essential Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth |
Exodus 20:7 “Thou shalt not take the name of Yahooeh {the Lord} thy Mighty One {God} in vain; for Yahooeh will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.” |
The LORD |
Yahooeh or Yahweh |
Yah the eternally self-existing
Note that the LORD is an accurate translation of Baal the Phoenician pagan (demonic) deity |
3068 and others |
LORD 6510
Jehovah 4 |
Exodus 20:7 |
God |
Elohiym |
Mighty Ones / Almighty / mighty one – applied to Yah, demonic deities and men
Has been substituted for Yah in ancient texts |
430 |
God 2346
god 244
judge 1
goddess 2
great 2
mighty 2
angels 1
exceeding 1
God-ward 1
Godly 1 |
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning God [Mighty Ones] created the
heaven and the earth.”
God |
Alaah |
Variation of Elohim – mighty one – Aramaic equivalent of Arabic Allah |
426 |
God 79
God 16 |
Ezra 5:1 “Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of
Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in the name of the God [Alaah] of Israel, even unto them.” |
God |
El / Eliy |
Abbreviated form of Elohim
Appears to be more personal in some cases as in my personal Mighty One or
My beloved Mighty one as Yahooshua before he died |
410 |
God 213
God 16
power 4
mighty 5
goodly 1
great 1
idols 1
Immanuel 2
might 1
strong 1 |
Matthew 27:46-47“And
about the ninth hour Yahooshua {Jesus} cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My El {God}, My El {God}, why have You forsaken Me?"
"my beloved mighty one, my beloved mighty one, why have you forsaken me"?
Lord |
Adonay |
Lord or Master |
136 |
Lord 431
(290 as Lord God i.e. Adonay Yahweh)
lord 2
God 1
Genesis 15:2 “And Abram said, Lord GOD [Adonay Yahooeh], what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?” |
Yah |
The essential name of the Almighty Creator |
3050 |
Jah 1
Embedded in numerous Hebrew words as set out in this document |
Psalm 68:4 “Sing to the Almighty {God}, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, by His name YAH, and rejoice before Him.” |
Yahovih |
Scribal device for Yahooeh when combined with Adonay i.e. Lord God instead of Adonay Yahooeh or Lord Yahooeh
This is a device instead of using the true name of Yahooeh correctly
Yah views this as an insult |
3069 |
GOD 304
LORD 1 |
Genesis 15:2 “And Abram said, Lord Yahooeh, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?” |
Baal |
The Lord |
Baal, the name of a pagan demonic deity, is not translated whereas the true name of the Almighty is translated as the Lord which is the correct translation of Baal.
Again a massive insult to the Creator. |
Very fine distinction versus course distinction on names of Yah |
Lord, husband, owner and various other meanings |
Hosea 2:17 “For I will take away the names of Baalim [the Lord] out
of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their
Jeremiah 23:27b “as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal [the Lord].
These verses refer to the heresy of substituting "the LORD" for the true name of the Almighty, Yahooeh |
Jedaiah |
JedaYah |
Yah has known |
3048 |
-Priest in Jerusalem
-Man with Zerubbabel
-Ruler of priests
-Post exilic priest
-One honoured by Yah |
1 Chronicles 9:10 "And of the priests; Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and Jachin," |
Yahab |
Not clear |
3051 |
Ignore |
Deliver, provide, give |
Yaheeb |
give |
3052 |
give 21
given 2
delivered 1
laid 1
paid 1
prolonged 1
yielded 1 |
Burden, lot, given by providence (Yah) |
Yahab |
given by providence
3053 |
Psalm 55:22 “Cast thy burden upon Yahooeh, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” |
Judaize |
Yahad |
became Jews |
3054 |
Esther 8:17b “And many of the people of the land became Jews; for the fear of the Jews [Yahudiym] fell upon them.” |
Jehud |
Yahud |
beauty |
3055 |
Joshua 19:45 “And Jehud, and Beneberak, and Gathrimmon,” |
Jahdai |
Yahdai |
whom Yah will place |
3056 |
1 Chronicles 2:47“And the sons of Jahdai; Regem, and Jotham, and Geshan, and Pelet, and Ephah, and Shaaph.” |
Jehudijah |
YahudiYah |
3057 |
1 Chronicles 4:18“And his wife Jehudijah bare Jered the father of Gedor," |
Jehu |
Yahuw |
Yah is He |
3058 |
Jehu 58 |
1 Kings 16:1 “Then the word of Yahweh came to Jehu the son of Hanani against Baasha, saying,” |
Jehoahaz |
Yahowachaz |
Yah has seized |
3059 |
Jehoahaz 20 |
2 Kings 10:35 “And Jehu slept with his fathers: and they buried him in Samaria. And Jehoahaz his son reigned in his stead.” |
Jehoash |
Yahowash |
Given by Yah |
3060 |
Jehoash 17 |
2 Kings 11:21“Seven years old was Jehoash when he began to reign.” |
Judea / Judah |
Yahuwd /
Yahood |
The territory occupied by Yahoodah / Yahuwdah |
3061 |
Judah 5
Judea 1
Jewry 1 |
Ezra 5:1 “Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of Iddo, prophesied unto the Jews that were in Judah and Jerusalem in
the name of the Mighty One of Israel, even unto them.” |
Jews |
Yahuwdaiy /
Yahoodaiy |
The descendents of Yahoodaah |
3062 |
Jews 10 |
Ezra 4:12 “Be it known unto the king, that the Jews [Yahuwday’iy] which came up from thee to us are come unto Jerusalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have set up the walls thereof, and joined the foundations.” |
Judah |
Yahuwdah /
Yahoodah |
Praise Yah
The son of Jacob by Leah
Tribe descended from him
Territory occupied by them
Southern Kingdom after split
Various Hebrews |
3063 |
Judah 808
Bethlehemjudah 10 |
Genesis 29:35 “And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now will I praise Yahweh: therefore she called his name Judah [Yahuwdah]; and left bearing.” |
Jews |
Yahuwdiym /
Yahoodiym |
Descendents of Yahoodah |
3064 |
Jew 74
Jew 1
Judah 1 |
2 Kings 16:6 “At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews [Yahoodiym] from Elath:” |
Jehudi |
Yahuwdiy /
Yahoodiy |
3065 |
Jehudi 4
Jeremiah 36:14“Therefore all the princes sent Jehudi [Yahuwdiy] the son of Nethaniah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Cushi, unto Baruch," |
Jews language |
Yahuwdiyt /
Yahoodiyt |
Jews' language |
3066 |
Jews' language 5
Jews' speech 1 |
2 Kings 18:26 “and talk not with us in the Jews' language [Yahuwdiyt] in the ears of the people that are on the wall.” |
Judith |
Yahuwdiyt /
Yahoodiyt |
Feminine of Yahoodiy -- praised |
3067 |
Judith 1 |
Genesis 26:34 “And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith [Yahuwdiyt] the daughter of Beeri the Hittite," |
The LORD |
Yahweh /
Yahooeh |
Yah the eternally self existing One |
3068 |
See above |
Jehovahjireh |
Yahooeh provides /
Yahooeh-yireh |
Yahooeh provides |
3070 |
Jehovahjireh |
Genesis 22:14 “And Abraham called the name of that place Yahooeh provides [Yahooeh-yir’eh]: as it is said to this day, In the mount of Yahooeh it shall be seen [provided].” |
Jehovahnissi |
Yahooeh is my banner /
Yahooeh-nicciy |
Yahooeh is my banner |
3071 |
Jehovahnissi |
Exodus 17:15 “And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it Yahooeh is my banner [Yahooeh-nicciy]:” |
The LORD our Righteousness |
Yahooeh our Righteousness /
Yahooeh Tsidqenuw |
Yahooeh our Righteousness |
3072 |
The LORD our Righteousness 2 |
Jeremiah 23:6 “In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, YAHWEH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” |
Jehovahshalom |
Yahooeh is peace /
Yahooeh-shalowm |
Yahooeh is peace |
3073 |
Jehovahshalom 1 |
Judges 6:24 “Then Gideon built an altar there unto Yahooeh, and called it Yahooeh-shalowm [Yahooeh is peace]: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abi-ezrites.” |
The Lord is there |
Yahooeh is there /
Yahooeh shammah |
Yahooeh is there |
3074 |
The Lord is there 1 |
Ezekial 48:35b "And the name of the city from that time on will be:
Jehozabad |
Yahoozabad /
Yahowzabad |
Yah has endowed |
3075 |
Jehozabad 4 |
2 Kings 12:21 “For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer, his servants, smote him, and he died;" |
Johanan |
Yahoochanan /
Yah has graced
NB the name of the man who immersed Yahooshua {John the Baptist} – ushered in an era of Grace |
3076 |
Jehohanan 6
Johanan 3 |
1 Chronicles 26:3“Elam the fifth, Jehohanan the sixth, Elioenai the
Jehoiada |
Yahooyada / Yahowyada |
Yah knows |
3077 |
Jehoiada 51 |
2 Samuel 8:18 “And Benaiah the son of Jehoiada was over both the Cherethites and the Pelethites; and David's sons were chief rulers.” |
Jehoiachin |
Yahooyakiyn / Yahowyakiyn |
Yah establishes |
3078 |
Jehoiachin 10 |
2 Kings 24:6 “So Jehoiakim slept with his fathers: and Jehoiachin his son reigned in his stead.” |
Jehoiakim |
Yahowyaqiym / Yahowyaqiym |
Yah raises up |
3079 |
Jehoiakim 37 |
2 Kings 23:34 “And Pharaoh-nechoh made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the room of Josiah his father, and turned his name to Jehoiakim," |
Jehoiarib |
Yahooyariyb / Yahowyariyb |
Yah contends |
3080 |
Jehoiarib 2 |
1 Chronicles 9:10“And of the priests; Jedaiah, and Jehoiarib, and Jachin,” |
Jehucal |
Yahookal / Yahuwkal |
Yah is able |
3081 |
Jehucal 1 |
Jeremiah 37:3 “And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to the prophet Jeremiah," |
Jonadab |
Yahoonadab / Yahownadab |
Yah is willing |
3082 |
Jehonadab 3
Jonadab 5 |
2 Samuel 13:5 “And Jonadab said unto him, Lay thee down on thy bed, and make thyself sick:" |
Jehonathan |
Yahoonathan / Yahownathan |
Yah has given |
3083 |
Jonathan 79
Jehonathan 3 |
1 Samuel 14:6 “And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour," |
Joseph |
Yahooceph / Yahowceph |
Yah has added |
3084 |
Joseph 1 |
Psalm 81:5 “This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out
through the land of Egypt:"
Jehoadah |
Yahooadaah / Yahowadaah |
Yah has adorned |
3085 |
Jehoadah 2 |
1 Chronicles 8:36“And Ahaz begat Jehoadah; and Jehoadah begat Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begat Moza,” |
Jehoaddan |
Yahooadaan / Yahowadaan |
Yah delights |
3086 |
Jehoaddan 2 |
2 Kings 14:2b “ And his mother's name was Jehoaddan of Jerusalem.” |
Jehozadak |
Yahootsadaq / Yahowtsadaq |
Yah is righteous |
3087 |
Josedech 6
Jehozadak 2 |
1 Chronicles 6:14“And Azariah begat Seraiah, and Seraiah begat
Joram |
Yahooram / Yahowram |
Yah is exalted |
3088 |
Jehoram 23
Joram 6 |
1 Kings 22:50 “And Jehoshaphat slept with his fathers, and was buried with his fathers in the city of David his father: and Jehoram his son reigned in his stead.” |
Jehosheba |
Yahoosheba / Yahowsheba |
Yah has sworn |
3089 |
Jehosheba 1 |
2 Kings 11:2 “But Jehosheba, the daughter of king Joram, sister of
Jehoshabeath |
Yahowshabath / Yahowshabath |
Yah is an oath |
3090 |
Jehoshabeath 2 |
2 Chronicles 22:11“But Jehoshabeath, the daughter of the king, took Joash the son of Ahaziah," |
Yahooshua / Yahowshua |
Yah is salvation
True name of Jesus Christ and two other Hebrews |
3091 OT /
2424 NT |
Joshua 218
Jesus 917 |
Exodus 17:9 “And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out,fight with Amalek:"
Matthew 1:1 "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham." |
Jehoshaphat |
Yahooshaphat / Yahowshaphat |
Yah has judged |
3092 |
Jehoshaphat 84 |
2 Samuel 8:16 “And Joab the son of Zeruiah was over the host; and
Jehoshaphat the son of Ahilud was recorder;”
Haughty |
Yahiyr |
Appears to indicate that haughty refers to a person who exalts themselves against Yah |
3093 |
haughty 1
proud 1 |
Proverbs 21:24“Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath.” |
Jehalelel |
Yahaleleel |
Yah my might is praised |
3094 |
Jehaleleel 1
Jehalelel 1 |
1 Chronicles 4:16“And the sons of Jehaleleel; Ziph, and Ziphah, Tiria, and Asareel.” |
diamond |
Yaahalom |
Appears to indicate that a diamond has certain characteristics similar to Yah |
3095 |
diamond 3 |
Exodus 28:18 “And the second row shall be an emerald, a sapphire, and a
Jahzah |
Yahtsah |
Yah has trodden down |
3096 |
Jahaz 5
Jahazah 3
Jahzah 1 |
Numbers 21:23 “and he came to Jahaz, and fought against Israel.” |
Joab |
Yowaab |
Yah is father? |
3097 |
Joab 145 |
1 Samuel 26:6“Then answered David and said to Ahimelech the Hittite, and to Abishai the son of Zeruiah, brother to Joab, saying," |
Joah |
Yow'aach |
Yah is brother? |
3098 |
Joah 11 |
2 Kings 18:18 “and Shebna the scribe, and Joah the son of Asaph the recorder.” |
Jehoahaz Joahaz |
Yow'aachaaz |
Yah has grasped? |
3099 |
Jehoahaz 3, Joahaz 1 |
2 Kings 14:1 “In the second year of Joash son of Jehoahaz king of Israel reigned Amaziah the son of Joash king of Judah.” |
Joel |
Yow'eel |
Yah is Mighty One (El) |
3100 |
Joel 19 |
1 Samuel 8:2 “Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his
second, Abiah: they were judges in Beersheba.”
Joash |
Yowaash |
Given by Yah |
3101 |
Joash 47 |
Judges 6:11 “And there came an angel of Yahweh, and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, that pertained unto Joash the Abi-ezrite:" |
Jozabad Josabad |
Yowzabad |
Yah has endowed |
3107 |
Jozabad 9 Josabad 1 |
2 Kings 12:21 “For Jozachar the son of Shimeath, and Jehozabad the son of Shomer," |
Jozachar |
Yowzakar |
Yah remembers |
3108 |
Jozachar 1 |
Joha |
Yowchaa |
Yah gives life |
3109 |
Joha 2 |
1 Chronicles 8:16“And Michael, and Ispah, and Joha, the sons of Beriah;” |
Johanan |
Yowchaanaan |
Yah has graced
See also 3076 |
Johanan 24 |
2 Kings 25:23 “And when all the captains of the armies, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had made Gedaliah governor, there came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, even Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, and Johanan the son of Careah” |
Jehoiada |
Yowyaadaa |
Yah knows |
3111 |
Joiada 4
Jehoiada 1 |
Nehemiah 3:6“Moreover the old gate repaired Jehoiada the son of Paseah, and Meshullam the son of Besodeiah; |
Jehoiachin |
YowyaAkiyn |
Yah establishes |
3112 |
Jehoiachin 1 |
Ezekial 1:2 “In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity,” |
Joiakim |
Yowyaaqiym |
Yah raises up |
3113 |
Joiakim 4 |
Nehhemiah 12:10“And Jeshua begat Joiakim, Joiakim also begat Eliashib, and Eliashib begat Joiada,” |
Joiarib |
Yowyaariyb |
Yah contends |
3114 |
Joiarib 5 |
Ezra 8:16 "and for Meshullam, chief men; also for Joiarib, and for Elnathan, men of understanding.” |
Jochebed |
Yowkebed |
Yah is glory |
3115 |
Jochebed 2 |
Exodus 6:20 “And Amram took him Jochebed his father's sister to wife; and she bare him Aaron and Moses:" |
Jucal |
Yah is able |
Yah is able |
Jucal 1 |
Jeremiah 38:1 “Then Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of Pashur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah," |
Zechariah |
Zekaryaah |
Yah remembers |
2148 |
Zechariah 43 |
Ezra 5:1 “Then the prophets, Haggai the prophet, and Zechariah the son of
Jedidiah |
Yadiydayaah |
Beloved of Yah |
3041 |
Jedidiah 1 |
2 Samuel 12:25“And he sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet; and he called his name Jedidiah, because of Yahooeh.” |
Jeremiah |
Yirmayaahoo / Yirmayaahuw |
whom Yah has appointed |
3414 |
Jeremiah 147 |
2 Kings 23:31 “And his mother's name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.” |
Jesaiah |
Yashayaahoo / Yasha`yaahuw |
Yah has saved |
3470 |
Isaiah 32
Jeshaiah 5
Jesaiah 2 |
2 Kings 19:2 “And he sent Eliakim, which was over the household, and Shebna the scribe, and the elders of the priests, covered with sackcloth, to Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz.” |
Michaiah |
Miykaayahoo / Miykaayahuw |
who is like Yah |
4322 |
Michaiah 1 |
Nehemiah |
Nachemyaah |
Yah comforts |
5166 |
Nehemiah 8 |
Ezra 2:2 “Which came with Zerubbabel: Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, Baanah." |
Obadiah |
Obadyaahoo / Obadyaahuw |
Servant of Yah |
5662 |
Obadiah 20 |
1 Kings 18:3 “And Ahab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house. (Now Obadiah feared Yahweh greatly:” |
Zephaniah |
Tsaphanyaahoo / Tsaphanyaahuw |
Yah has treasured |
6846 |
Zephaniah 10 |
2 Kings 25:18 “And the captain of the guard took Seraiah the chief priest, and Zephaniah the second priest, and the three keepers of the door:” |
Matthew |
Mattihyahoo / Mattihyahu |
gift of Yah |
Matthew 5 |
Matthew 9:9 “And as Yahooshua passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom:" |
Instances of Jehovah and Jah (= Yah) in the Hebrew Lexicon of the On-Line Bible |
Abia or Abiah |
AbiYah |
Yah is (my) father |
29 |
Adalia |
I shall be drawn up of Yah |
118 |
AdoniYah |
my lord is Yah |
138 |
Uriah |
UriYah |
Yah (Yahweh) is my light (flame) |
223 |
Azaniah |
Yah (Yahweh) hears |
245 |
Ahaziah |
Yah (Yahu) holds (possesses) |
274 |
Ahiah |
AhiYah |
brother of Yah (Yahu) |
281 |
EliYah or Eliah |
my God is Yah or Yah(u) is God |
452 |
Elioenai or Elihoenai |
unto Yah are my eyes |
454 |
Amaziah |
Yah is mighty |
558 |
Amariah |
Yah speaks or Yah(u) has promised |
568 |
Azaliah |
Yah (Yahweh) has reserved (set apart) |
683 |
Bedeiah |
servant of Yah |
912 |
BizjothYah |
contempt of Yah |
964 |
Benaiah |
Yah has built or Yahweh has built up |
114 |
Besodeiah |
with the counsel of Yah or in the secret of Yah |
115 |
Bealiah |
Yah is master |
1183 |
Baaseiah |
in the service of Yah |
1202 |
Bakbukiah |
wasting of Yah |
1229 |
Bukkiah |
Yah has emptied |
1232 |
Beraiah |
Yah has created |
1256 |
Berachiah or Berechiah |
Yah blesses |
1296 |
Bithiah |
daughter of Yah |
1332 |
Gedaliah |
Yah is great |
1436 |
Gemariah |
Yah has accomplished |
1587 |
Dodavah |
beloved of Yah |
1735 |
Dalaiah or Delaiah |
Yah has drawn |
1806 |
Hiddai |
for the rejoicing of Yah |
1914 |
Hodevah |
praise of Yah |
1937 |
Hodaviah |
praise ye Yah |
1938 |
Hodaiah |
praise ye Yah |
1939 |
Hodiah |
majesty of Yah |
1940 |
HodiYah |
my majesty is Yah |
1941 |
Hoham |
whom Yah impels |
1944 |
Hoshama |
whom Yah hears |
1953 |
Hoshaiah |
Yah has saved |
1955 |
Vaniah |
Yah is praise |
2057 |
Zebadiah |
endowment of Yah |
2069 |
Zechariah |
Yah remembers |
2148 |
Zerahiah |
Yah has risen |
2228 |
Habaiah |
Yah has hidden |
2252 |
Habaziniah |
light of Yah |
2262 |
Haggiah |
festival of Yah |
2293 |
Hezekiah or Hizkiah |
HizkiYah |
Yah is my strength |
2396 |
Hachaliah |
whom Yah enlightens |
2446 |
Helkai |
my portion is Yah |
2517 |
Hilkiah |
my portion is Yah |
2518 |
Hasadiah |
Yah has been faithful |
2619 |
Harhaiah |
fear of Yah |
2736 |
Hashabiah |
Yah has considered |
2811 |
Hashabnah |
Yah has considered |
2812 |
Hashabniah |
whom Yah regards |
2813 |
Tobiah |
Yah is good |
2900 |
Jaazaniah |
Yah hears |
2970 |
Josiah |
whom Yah heals |
2977 |
Jeaterai |
whom Yah leads |
2979 |
Ibhar |
Yah chooses |
2984 |
Ibneiah |
Yah builds |
2997 |
IbniYah |
whom Yah will build up |
2998 |
Jeberechiah |
Yah blesses |
3000 |
Igdaliah |
Yah is great |
3012 |
Jedidiah |
beloved of Yah |
3041 |
Jedaiah |
praised of Yah |
3042 |
Jedaiah |
Yah has known |
3048 |
Jehu |
Yah is He |
3058 |
Jehoahaz |
Yah has seized |
3059 |
Jehozabad |
Yah has endowed |
3075 |
Jehohanan |
Yah has graced |
3076 |
Jehoiada |
Yah knows |
3077 |
Jehoiachin |
Yah establishes |
3078 |
Jehoiakim |
Yah raises up |
3079 |
Jehoiarib |
Yah contends |
3080 |
Jehucal |
Yah is able |
3081 |
Jehonadab |
Yah is willing |
3082 |
Jonathan or Jehonathan |
Yah has given |
3083 |
Joseph |
Yah has added |
3084 |
Jehoadah |
Yah has adorned |
3085 |
Jehoaddan |
Yah delights |
3086 |
Jehozadak or Josedech |
Yah is righteous |
3087 |
Jehoram or Joram |
Yah is exalted |
3088 |
Jehosheba |
Yah has sworn |
3089 |
Jehoshabeath |
Yah is an oath |
3090 |
Joshua or Jehoshua |
Yah is salvation |
3091 |
Jehoshaphat |
Yah has judged |
3092 |
Joab |
Yah is father |
3097 |
Joah |
Yah is brother |
3098 |
Joahaz or Jehoahaz |
Yah has grasped |
3099 |
Joel |
Yah is El or “Yah is Mighty One” |
3100 |
Jozabad or Josabad |
Yah has endowed |
3107 |
Jozachar |
Yah remembers |
3108 |
Joha |
Yah gives life |
3109 |
Johanan |
Yah has graced |
3110 |
Joiada or Jehoiada |
Yah knows |
3111 |
Jehoiachin |
Yah establishes |
3112 |
Joiakim or Jehoiakim |
Yah raises up |
3113 |
Joiarib |
Yah contends |
3114 |
Jochebed |
Yah is glory |
3115 |
Jucal |
Yah is able |
3116 |
Jonadab or Jehonadab |
Yah is willing |
3122 |
Jonathan or Jehonathan |
Yah has given |
3129 |
Joseph |
Yah has added |
3130 |
Josiphiah |
Yah adds |
3131 |
Joed |
Yah is witness |
3133 |
Joezer |
Yah is help |
3134 |
Joash |
Yah hastens |
3135 |
Jozadak |
Yah is righteous |
3136 |
Jokim |
Yah raises up |
3137 |
Jorai |
Yah has taught me |
3140 |
Joram |
Yah is exalted |
3141 |
Josibiah |
Yah causes to dwell |
3143 |
Joshah |
Yah makes equal |
3144 |
Joshaviah |
Yah makes equal |
3145 |
Joshaphat or Jehoshaphat |
Yah judges |
3146 |
Jotham |
Yah is perfect |
3147 |
Jeziah |
Yah sprinkles |
3150 |
Jezaniah |
Yah has listened |
3153 |
Izrahiah or Jezrahiah |
Yah will shine |
3156 |
Jehdeiah |
Yah is unity |
3165 |
Yahaziah |
Yah views |
3167 |
Hezekiah or Jehizkiah |
Yah has made strong |
3169 |
Jehiah |
Yah lives |
3174 |
Yahmai |
whom Yah guards |
3181 |
Jecoliah or Jecholiah |
Yah is able |
3203 |
Jeconiah |
Yah will establish |
3204 |
Jalon |
Yah lodges |
3210 |
Ismachiah |
Yah sustains |
3253 |
Jaaziah |
made bold by Yah |
3269 |
Jaanai |
whom Yah answers |
3285 |
Jaresiah |
whom Yah nourishes |
3298 |
Iphedeiah |
Yah will redeem |
3301 |
Jecamiah or Jekamiah |
Yah raises |
3359 |
IriYah |
Yah sees me |
3376 |
Jeriah |
JeriYah |
taught by Yah |
3404 |
Jeremiah |
whom Yah has appointed |
3414 |
Jeshohaiah |
Yah humbles |
3439 |
Ishiah or Jesiah |
IshiYah |
Yah will lend |
3449 |
Ishmaiah |
Yah will hear |
3460 |
Isaiah or Jesaiah or Jeshaiah |
Yah has saved |
3470 |
Cononiah or Conaniah |
Yah has established |
3562 |
Coniah |
Yah will establish |
3659 |
Chenaniah |
Yah establishes |
3663 |
Mebunnai |
building of Yah |
4012 |
Moadiah |
the set time of Yah |
4153 |
Moriah |
chosen by Yah |
4179 |
Maaseiah |
Yah is a shelter |
4271 |
Matri |
rain of Yah |
4309 |
Melatiah |
Yah delivered |
4424 |
Malchiah or Melchiah |
MalchiYah |
my king is Yah |
4441 |
Maadai |
ornament of Yah |
4572 |
Maadiah |
adorned of Yah |
4573 |
Maaziah |
consolation of Yah |
4590 |
Maaseiah |
work of Yah |
4641 |
Mesobaite |
the one set up of Yah |
4677 |
Mikneiah |
possession of Yah |
4737 |
Meshelemiah |
whom Yah repays |
4920 |
Mattanah |
gift of Yah |
4980 |
Mattenai |
gift of Yah |
4982 |
Mattaniah |
gift of Yah |
4983 |
Mattathah |
gift of Yah |
4992 |
Mattithiah |
gift of Yah |
4993 |
Nedabiah |
whom Yah impels |
5072 |
Noadiah |
meeting with Yah |
5129 |
Nehemiah |
Yah comforts |
5166 |
Neariah |
servant of Yah |
5294 |
Neriah |
lamp of Yah |
5374 |
Nethaniah |
given of Yah |
5418 |
Semachiah |
Yah has sustained |
5565 |
Zithri |
protection of Yah |
5644 |
Abda |
servant of Yah |
5653 |
Abdi |
servant of Yah |
5660 |
Obadiah |
servant of Yah |
5662 |
Adaiah |
Yah has adorned Himself |
5718 |
Adlai |
justice of Yah |
5724 |
Azaziah |
Yah is mighty |
5812 |
Uzzia |
strength of Yah |
5814 |
Uzziah |
my strength is Yah |
5818 |
Ezri |
help of Yah |
5836 |
Azariah |
Yah has helped |
5838 |
Azariah |
Yah has helped |
5839 |
Amasiah |
Yah is strength |
6007 |
Omri |
pupil of Yah |
6018 |
Anaiah |
Yah has answered |
6043 |
Ananiah |
Yah clouds |
6055 |
AntothiYah |
Yah’s answer |
6070 |
Asaiah or Asahiah |
made by Yah |
6222 |
Athaiah |
Yah has helped |
6265 |
Athlai |
whom Yah afflicts |
6270 |
Othni |
lion of Yah |
6273 |
Pedaiah |
Yah has ransomed |
6305 |
Pelatiah |
Yah delivers |
6410 |
Pelaiah |
Yah does wonders |
6411 |
Pelaliah |
Yah has judged |
6421 |
Pekahiah |
Yah sees |
6494 |
Pethahiah |
freed by Yah |
6611 |
Zedekiah |
Yah is righteous |
6667 |
Zephaniah |
Yah has treasured |
6846 |
Kolaiah |
voice of Yah |
6964 |
Kushaiah |
bow of Yah |
6984 |
Kishi |
bow of Yah |
7029 |
Kelaiah |
Yah has dishonoured |
7041 |
Reaia or Reaiah |
Yah has seen |
7211 |
Rehabiah |
Yah has enlarged |
7345 |
Ribai |
pleader with Yah |
7380 |
Ramiah |
Yah has loosened |
7422 |
Remaliah |
protected by Yah |
7425 |
Reelaiah |
bearer of Yah |
7480 |
Raamiah |
thunder of Yah |
7485 |
Rephaiah |
healed of Yah |
7509 |
Shebaniah |
increased by Yah |
7645 |
Sheva |
Yah contends |
7724 |
Shehariah |
dawning of Yah |
7841 |
Sheva |
Yah contends |
7864 |
Shisha |
Yah contends |
7894 |
Shecaniah or Shechaniah |
dweller with Yah |
7935 |
Shelemiah |
repaid by Yah |
8018 |
Shemaiah |
heard by Yah |
8098 |
Shemariah |
kept by Yah |
8114 |
Sheariah |
valued by Yah |
8187 |
Shephatiah |
Yah has judged |
8203 |
Sherebiah |
Yah has scorched |
8274 |
Seraiah |
Yah is ruler |
8304 |
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2011.09.03 - Arguments against the true names Yah and Yahooshua
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As early as 1996 Yah had given me a deep revelation of the reality that Yahooshua {Jesus} was a Hebrew so in 2001 when I first became aware of the name Yahweh it was not that difficult for me to accept that "The LORD" and "God" were pagan names and thereafter to come to understand that "Jesus" was also a pagan name and that the name of the prophet who walked the land of Israel about two thousand years ago had to be a Hebrew name.
It took a bit longer until I was clear that his name had to have been "Yahooshua", meaning "Yah is salvation" and that other variants were less accurate.
Subsequently I came to understand that the essential name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the earth was "Yah" and that "Yahweh" or, more accurately, "Yahooeh", meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing" was a designation or description that amplified the essential name of Yah.
I also came to understand that the supposedly error free texts in the bible had been tampered with in order to hide the name "Yah" supposedly by scribes seeking to keep the commandment not to take the name of "Yah the eternally self-existing" in vain.
In all of this my investigation was triggered by documents I received, primarily by email with articles and links to websites but the final conclusions at each step of the journey relied on direct confirmation from Father Yah Himself.
It is thus so that for about the last ten years I have tried to be diligent in the use of the true names, "Yah" for the Almighty Creator and "Yahooshua" for the prophet commonly known as Jesus.
In the past week I have received two fairly lengthy articles arguing variously against these names and arguing that "Jesus" is actually an inspired name and entirely acceptable to "God".
In both cases, as I started to read the articles I felt Yah's grief and indignation welling up in me and I could not continue reading. Subsequently in both cases He confirmed that he was deeply hurt by these writings and did not want me to read them further.
Accordingly, I feel it necessary to restate:
"The LORD" is an accurate translation of "Baal" – it is a blasphemous pagan name.
"God" is a blasphemous pagan name.
"Jesus" is a blasphemous pagan name derived from Zeus.
The true name of the Creator is "Yah"
This name is frequently amplified as "Yahooeh" or "Yahweh" meaning "Yah the eternally self-existing".
The true name of the prophet who lived two thousand years ago in Israel and who died on the stake {cross} in order to usher in a new covenant of greater grace was "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah is salvation".
It is an INSULT and grievously hurtful to Yah and Yahooshua to use the names in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 above and it is an act of love toward them to use Yah and Yahooshua.
I DO understand that changing to these names IS a challenge when one has been using the other names for years BUT, as Yah put it to me many years ago "James, how would you like it if your family called you by the name of your worst enemy" – I got the message and stopped using the pagan names.
To put it another way, IF you love Yah call Him by His correct name and IF you love Yahooshua, call him by his correct name – else do NOT claim you love either of them!
No amount of intellectual rationalization or explanation or obfuscation or whatever can justify not using the true names.
Arguing on the basis of records at the time of the Exodus that the name Yah was in use in other religions is far off the mark, every human being on the planet at that time was descended from Noah and Noah knew the name Yah intimately so ALL of Noah's descendants ALSO knew the name of Yah!
If you love Yah and Yahooshua use their true names and do not play semantic word games to try and prove that the modern pagan names are in any way pleasing to them.
If you doubt at all get on your knees until you hear Yah clearly, I guarantee you that He will tell you the pagan names hurt Him and Yahooshua grievously and that they regard it as an act of love that we use the true names.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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2011.01.04 - About spelling and pronunciation
In response to my articles on the names and Yahooshua I received the following email from Gerry Easton geaston@telkomsa.net who has been a valuable source of information to me on a number of fronts over the years.
I am appending his email and my response and attaching his two articles as is for your information and consideration.
I pray that you will find this article of value and will pass it on to others.
Greetings James
.... I hope that the note of mine regarding 2 Thessalonians brings fruit and helps others who are new in this walk to be able to unravel the Christian lie.
Since 1987 we have been calling on our Heavenly Father through His Son our Messiah in the Name Yahushua, as you write to assist people phonetically, Yahooshua. We were also quite relaxed with the Father's Name pronounced phonetically, Yahooeh.
However, approximately 2 years ago a brother who I immersed in Yahushua's Name phoned me one day to say that the Messiah's Name should be Yahusha ending as in the case of Elisha.
My reaction was - not again and every time in our conversation when I used the Name Yahushua, he would correct me. In fact I became frustrated with him and was pleased to end the conversation. However, on returning from my business trip I was concerned about our conversation and in the light of Ezekiel 3 I decided to investigate the matter. Either I was right and him wrong in which case it was then my duty to try and reason with him to correct his error.
Acts 4: 12 states clearly that there is only one Name. My project was to find out Scripturally whether His Name is Yahushua or Yahusha.
In these end times I believe Satan is trying to confuse and bring about division among those who are hearing the call to "come out of her My people" and there is a mixed grill of names on offer :- Yeshua, Yahshua, Yehushua, Yahushua and now Yahusha. Surely only one can be right!
Then again in so called Messianic groups who lean towards Jewish rabbis for guidance we have a similar situation for our Heavenly Father :- Yahweh [ the weh pronounced as in way], Adonai, Hashem. Yehovah, Yahueh, and Yahuah.
I am enclosing my two notes on the above subjects and would welcome your comments. Concerning our Heavenly Father Yah, even the King James Bible has left this correct in Psalms 68: 4.
To new people I witness to this is a starting point and the Yah at the beginning of His Name is not debatable. It is easy to move onto Judah a name they are all familiar with. We eliminate the 400 year old letter "J" and replace it with Yah, giving us Yahudah the name of Leah's son. Remove the letter "D" and we have Yahuah, phonetically Yahooah.
PS I hope your program can read the Hebrew letters. On some systems they reverse the sequence and instead of placing the letters from right to left the put them the other way around.
>>> MY REPLY <<<
Hi Gerry
Regarding your points:
I think there are a number of distinct issues.
Regarding Yahooeh versus Yahweh I am certain the correct translation and transliteration is Yahooeh.
Simple, the way I figure it Satan is hell bent on ensuring maximum error that will cause people to burn in the lake of fire, what better way than first to intervene so that people forget the true name and then introduce the true name as a matter of every day usage so that the maximum number of people use it in secular use thereby taking it in vain and breaking the third commandment “thou shalt not take the Name of Yahooeh [Yah the eternally self-existing] in vain (lightly, irreverently, mockingly, casually)”
Thus we have “Yahoo” as an exclamation of excitement or victory and we have “Yahoo.com” as a web portal and common email address used by believers.
Since we do NOT have “Yahwe” or “Yahwe.com” or similar I conclude that the correct translation and transliteration MUST by Yahooeh, after all, Satan certainly knows the correct pronunciation.
Note that as I see things I do not place a huge amount of emphasis on debating the exact form, I use what I believe to be the most accurate form and I leave it to others to draw their own conclusions, they are accountable to Yah on the Day of Judgment and it is not my job to persuade them of the truth -- I must sow the seed and I leave it to the set apart Spirit of Yah to water and draw their own conclusions.
Yah showed me some years ago, based on Job, that in a debate tell someone once, tell them a second time and then be silent, after this both parties end up sinning -- easily said, NOT easily done...
Regarding the transliteration of “Yahooshua” the most important principle here is that the name was a common name in Hebrew at the time, it was NOT a unique name as this would have attracted attention and ridicule which would have made it very difficult for the person involved to live a life without sin. He did NOT come to attract attention to himself during the first thirty years of his life until he was old enough (thirty) to be about his Father’s business.
So the name was certainly the same as others with the same meaning of which the name translated “Joshua” in a number of locations is the obvious candidate from which we read from commonly available interlinear texts and dictionaries is transliterated “Yehowshua” or similar. Based on understanding that, as you observe the “Yeh” should be “Yah” and based on the above interpretation that the “ow” would be better represented as “oo”we have “Yahooshua”.
Again, very difficult to prove conclusively, I use what I believe Yah has shown me and leave it to each person to seek the truth as best they can.
2011.01.04a - Is our pronunciation of a very important name correct? by Gerry Easton
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N.B. Some Computers reverse the order of the Hebrew letters so I will place them in the right order from right to left and incorrectly from left to right. To illustrate, the Messiah’s Name below should start with the smallest letter the י on the right of the name.
יהושע Our Messiah’s name in Hebrew Strong’s no 3091
יהו The first part is not in question - YAHU
We can revert to the Hebrew Scriptures and allow the Ruach Ha Qodesh [The Spirit of Separation] to guide us, or should we continue with that which we have grown accustomed to?
Let us begin by checking the correct Hebrew names of two prophets, Isaiah and Elisha.
ישעיהו YESHAYAHU Strong’s no 3470 – “Yah has saved”
ישע YESHA Strong’s no 3468 – “Salvation, deliverance” עשי
שע Remove the י and we have – SHA
אלישע ELIYSHA Strong’s no 477 - “El of deliverance”
Therefore from the Hebrew we have יהושע = YAHUSHA
We have been ending His Name with SHUA. How is this written in Hebrew and does it have a meaning?
שוע SHUA Strong’s no 7768 – “Cry for help”
עוש Strong’s no 7769 – “Cry, riches”
Strong’s no 7770 – “A Canaanite”
For confirmation of this, let us look up a Hebrew name ending in SHUA and find the meaning of that name.
אלישוע ELIYSHUA Strong’s no 474 - “EL of riches”
To get to the pronunciation YAHUSHUA we would have to insert a ו between the
ש and the ע and spell His Name in Hebrew יהושוע with two ו’s.
This Name would then mean YAH’s cry for help, or YAH’s riches or YAH’s Canaanite.
Our Heavenly Father is indeed patient and forgiving and may He continue to lead us on in truth as promised in Yochanan [John] 14: 26.
Let us now examine Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance in the Hebrew section under the reference number 3091.
We will find the name written in two ways, one containing the second ו and both exhibiting vowel points. With the vowel pointing the commentary is as follows:-
יהושוע Yehowshuwa
יהושע Yehowshua
Let us first deal with the vowel pointing and this is referred to as the Massorite text.
The Companion Bible containing commentaries and tremendous research by E.W Bullinger has an appendixes 30 – 32 covering “The Massorah”, “The Fifteen extraordinary points of the Sopherim” and “The 134 passages where the Sopherim altered [יהוה – הוהי – YHWH ] to ‘Adonai’.” [In brackets = my insertion to clearly illustrate the error. Under this heading was ‘altered Jehovah to Adonai’].
The problems concerning Our Heavenly Father’s Name came after the Babylonian exile. This is when the “YAH” of His Name became disguised by the vowel pointing to ‘YEH’ with no Scriptural foundation. Let us quote a few passages from these appendixes:-
“The Text itself had been fixed before the Massorites were put in charge of it. This had been the work of the Sopherim. Their work, under Ezra and Nehemiah, was to set the Text in order after the return from Babylon, and we read of it in Nehemiah 8: 8.”
This is confirmed when the Old Covenant leader whose name was written יהושע was suddenly changed in Nehemiah 8: 17 to ישוע / עושי Yeshua and so leaving out the Heavenly Father’s יה.
“These are of the utmost importance, as they represent the most ancient result of Textual Criticism on the part of the Sopherim.”
“Out of extreme but mistaken reverence for the Ineffable Name [YHWH], the ancient custodians of the Sacred Text substituted in many places ‘Adonai’.” This was done and admitted to at least 134 times. [I have a list of these if you would like].
To give you the historical and factual account of the hiding of the Heavenly Father’s Name please request the 7 page note titled “The Name above all names”. This will make it clear as to the reason why it became necessary for His Son, the Messiah to declare twice that He would make His Name known. If the Name had not been hidden from the people, His statement would not make any sense. In Yochanan [John] 17: 6 “I have made known Thy Name”, and in verse 26 “And I have declared unto them Thy Name”.
The most glaring vowel point error is the two dots one above the other, the shev [e as in met] between the י and the ה causing the reader to read YEH. In the Christian Life Bible, the New King James Version which is a very comprehensive study Bible endorsed by most main stream denominations, Psalm 68: 4 reads as follows “Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His name YAH.”
Most believers know the beautiful words “HalleluYah” we don’t sing “HalleluYeh.”
Now finally we come to the Hebrew Name written with the two ו’s or better known as W’s which indicates exactly that, two U’s and pronounced –ooo.
Beginning in Exodus through Numbers, Deuteronomy, Yahusha [Joshua], Judges, 1 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, Haggai and Zechariah the Old Covenant leaders name is written יהושע / עשוהי 205 times.
However, it is written יהושוע / עושוהי with the two ו’s only twice, in Deuteronomy 3: 21 and Judges 2: 7. In Judges 2 the name appears twice in verse 7. The first time it is written with one ו and seven words further on, with two ו’s.
Are these two cases errors of the scribes? Our Messiah did not speak too positively concerning the scribes, read Matthew 23:13 – 39.
For proof that the Old Covenant leader whose name is יהושע / עשוהי was a shadow of our Messiah, request the 10 page note “The Spiritual significance of the number Four”.
May this work be a blessing to the readers who seeks after Truth.
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2011.01.04b - What is the correct Pronunciation of the Heavenly Father's Name? by Gerry Easton
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The only reliable source we can use is the Hebrew Old Covenant Scriptures.
Let us look at the facts. His name appears nearly 7000 times written in the Hebrew language with the letters י = Y ; ה = H ; ו = W ; ה = H.
These four letters are also called the tetra-grammaton and in English the letters are written as follows – YHWH.
These 4 letters are consonants without the vowels. To explain this we can look at some of our English language examples – for bldg we would read building; for pty we would read proprietary ; for ltd we would read limited, etc. The same applies in the Hebrew.
We now need to insert the vowels, a, e, i, o, or u.
What is the first vowel between the Y and the H?
If we select a good comprehensive King James Study Bible and we refer to Psalms 68 verse 4 we will read the following translation – “Extol Him who rides on the clouds by His Name Yah.”
Let us look for further confirmations that the first vowel is an – A.
You will need a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance for this exercise. The prophet’s names have been changed but in the Hebrew they are as follows:-
Isaiah is Yeshayahu Strong’s number 3470 meaning “Saved by Yah”
Elijah is Eliyahu Strong’s number 452 meaning “Power of Yah”
Jeremiah is Yirmyahu Strong’s number 3414 meaning “Risen by Yah”
Actually the list is almost endless- every name in the translated Scriptures that ends in “iah” was and is “Yahu.” Even the former Israeli minister was Benyamin Netanyahu.
Now we need to find the vowels between the H, the W and the final H.
There are those who pronounce the Vowel and the W as in the word – “way.”
Let us refer to the Scriptures for direction and look up the name“JUDAH.”
This is again the English version of a Hebrew name.
“It is written” in Genesis 29: 35. “And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, ‘Now will I praise YHWH:’ therefore she called his name YHWDH; and left bearing.”
For the information on this name YHWDH turn to your Strong’s, number 3063 and we read how this name is phonetically pronounced - Yehuwdah.
Strong’s is following the incorrect Massorite vowel pointing with the letter “E” to hide the Father’s Name. However, we know that the first vowel is an “A”.
We now pronounce the name – Yahuwdah. In the English again, due to inherited error this name has been changed to the English “Judah” by taking out the Father’s Name Yah and substituting with the letter “J” which we already know is less than 400 years old.
It would be impossible to pronounce this name without the vowel and the consonant “W” as in the sound of the word –“Way.” In the English this letter “W” is a short sound.
In Hebrew this Letter Vav or “W” is a long sound and in fact this is exactly what it means – a double “U” meaning a long “U” sound. We have the same letter in the Praise “HallelooooYah.”
We now know how to pronounce the letters Y H W D H as YAHUWDAH. Take out the letter “D”, we now know that Y H W H is YAHUW AH.
The Scriptures provide the key to unlocking the door. “To Hallow His Name.”
“It is written” in Malachi 1: 11, “For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same My Name shall be great among the Nations.”
How could the Heavenly Father’s Name be great among the Nations if It is not known?
We are now in the times of restoration. A time of putting back and rebuilding as
“It is written” in Acts 3: 19 – 21, “Times of refreshing,” “Times of restitution.” Before the second coming.

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