2014.01.03.07 Additional Words Which Relate To Yah Created by James on 12/27/2018 12:34:42 PM A brief indication of the extent to which the Name Yah occurs
Additional words which relate to Yah
A brief indication of the extent to which the Name Yah occurs
Additional words which relate to Yah
In progressively documenting findings it became apparent that there were far more words including Yah than had at first appeared.
Time does not permit further detailed extraction such as that presented in this article thus far. Accordingly, further limited coarse extraction has been undertaken for reference purposes. This is presented in the appendices and serves to further demonstrate the great extent to which the Name of our Creator and Heavenly Father permeates every facet of Scripture and the history of His chosen people.
It is hoped that after considering this article readers will have a far better understanding of why the true Sacred Names are so important and an increasing revelation of the Sacred Scriptures!
James Robertson
24 January 2002 with minor amendments 20 November 2010

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