2014.01.05 Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends Created by James on 12/27/2018 1:14:55 PM The fundamental reason we were created is to live this life in close association and friendship with the Almighty Creator That is the basis on which we will be rewarded in the life to come, the extent to which we put the Almighty first in this life and became His friends, going beyond overcoming the challenges of this life and going beyond simply being good and faithful servants
Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends
THE ultimate goal of ALL this, the entire Creation, the entire history of Earth, the entire society in which we live is for human beings to come into existence through procreation from Adam and Chavah {Eve} and live lives that afford them the opportunity to qualify to enter heaven, to be found to be good and faithful servants, to be overcomers and to become friends of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing
Of these the HIGHEST goal is to become a FRIEND of the Almighty in THIS life
A friend of the Almighty is one who has strenuously worked to developed a close personal relationship with the Almighty, through faith, sacrifice, discipline by choice
A person who has done the hard yards to grow in obedience, dealt with sin, aligned themselves with the Almighty, sought a deep personal relationship, prayed the rightprayers, spent thousands of hours in worship, prayer, study and seeking the Creator
A friend of the Almighty is a person to whom the Almighty confides His plans and discusses them, consults with asks the opinion of and a person to which He admits His mistakes
YES, the Almighty DOES make mistakes, Satan was a mistake, a failed experiment,The Contest in which we find ourselves today was a mistake, permitting Ham to enter the survival vessel with his father, Noah, was a mistake, etc
A friend is one who does just enough to provide for themself and devotes as much time as possible to the service of the Almighty, a person who is entirely dependent on the Almighty and totally in love with Him
The Almighty desires friends ABOVE ALL ELSE
People who remain true to their friendship with Yah to the END of their lives will, on their death, sit on the highest thrones in Heaven very close to Yah and Yahooshua {Jesus} -- there is NO GREATER PRIZE than being a friend of the Almighty and the reward in the life to come is beyond anything we can imagine today in terms of the esteem, the honor, the glory, the authority, the power that awaits these people
There are few people in any generation who truly qualify as friends and there have only been a few men in ALL of history who have been so close to the Almighty that they have REALLY made a difference
The most notable friends to date have been Noah, Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus} and Mohammed
There have been friends in every generation who have NOT played such dramatic roles in the world, these include Abraham and David and many others
You may not aspire to such high status BUT it IS available to YOU
It is available to everyone of us to become friends of the highest standing
There is a huge amount of work to be done in this generation and there is place for friends who will make a DRAMATIC difference
Are YOU willing?
Do YOU aspire to please your Father in Heaven and become His Friend?
There is much on this site to assist you, I encourage you to pull out ALL the stops and "go for it"
Refer to Relationship with Yah for more in this regard.

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