2014.01.06.06 Our Logo Created by James on 12/27/2018 2:14:21 PM The End Time Issue Ministries logo represents the continuum between all error in the form of Satan and all truth in the form of the Almighty Creator, the goal of this ministry is to assist people to climb away from error and towards increasing levels of truth
About our Logo

The End Time Issue Ministries Logo which looks like a flattened S on its side represents the continuum between the good of Yah and the evil of Satan.
The left hand side which dips down dips down to the extreme of all evil in the Pit of Hell which is Satan's way of doing things
The right hand side which rises steeply rises to the extreme of all good in Heaven which is the Almighty Creator's way of doing things and where the Almighty and Yahooshua live and their way of doing things
End Time Issue Ministries and this website seek to address issues that are necessary to climb the metaphorical "Mountain of Yah (the Almighty)" and draw close to Him. The continuum is illustrated in more detail by the following diagram:

It is important to understand that there is a huge difference between "good" as we understand it in our society and "good" as the Almighty sees it -- true good is being aligned with the Almighty and doing things His way which starts out by having a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him -- without having a personal relationship with the Almighty you are, by definition, a servant of Satan and therefore EVIL
Thus we find that our world is full of a LARGE amount of human GOOD but is EVIL when viewed from the perspective of the Almighty
An essential component of loving the Almighty is that you KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, problem is that there is SO much error in the world that we hardly know what His commandments are, let alone how to keep them -- see the series of pages on the Commandments to see just how FAR we have fallen from the Almighty's standards of righteousness
Based on these criteria the Almighty says that this generation is the MOST evil generation that has EVER lived and that there are almost NO truly GOOD people on the earth today
End Time Issue Ministries is dedicated to seeking to learn the truths of the Almighty and publish them so that people who are TRULY seeking to climb the right hand side of the curve have access to information to help them do this
It is my prayer that YOU will choose to climb the mountain to draw close to the Almighty in Relationship, in Truth and in Anointing (infilling of His Spirit)
If, after visiting this site you decide you really want to JUMP start your relationship with the Almighty then:
1. Pray the prayers that are set out further on the Prayer page -- in particular ask Father to show you the level of your present deception and how to correct it and ask Him to judge you severely and correct you harshly so that you may serve Him more perfectly -- do this daily for a year and make all the corrections that you are shown -- there are many other prayers on the Prayer page -- keep on praying these prayers for the rest of your life
2. Worship DAILY for at least an hour using anointed worship songs -- see the Worshippage for my recommendations
3. Clean up your life comprehensively, deal with ALL sin in your life and seek to eliminate ALL unacceptable practices from your life -- see the Life without Sin page
4. Seek help from an anointed servant of the Almighty to cast out ALL demons -- see the page on Immersion for Cleansing and related pages
5. Go on seven three day total fasts (water only) at intervals of seven days and repeat again at intervals of six months until you have completed three programs of fasting over slightly more than a year and dealt with all you find to deal with during and after these fasts -- you could also go on a forty day water only fast instead if you are in a hurry but you then need to arrange medical supervision and be prepared for the possibility that you will be very weak and confined to bed for the second half of the fast -- see the page on Fasting
6. Focus on developing a close personal relationship with Father -- see the Relationship with Yah page
Email me on James@End-Time-Issue-Ministries.org for guidance

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