2014.01.07 Building a close relationship with Yah the Eternally Self Existing, the Almighty Creator Created by James on 12/27/2018 2:20:17 PM The Almighty Creator deeply desires an intense personal relationship with YOU, this section discusses some important principles
How to reach a close personal relationship with the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self-existing
The Almighty Creator wants a deep personal relationship with YOU as His FRIEND
and wants to REWARD you in the life to come!
IF you have a DEEP inner conviction of the reality of the Creator, in other words you claim to be a "believer", but you do NOT have a deep personal relationship with Him such that He speaks to you clearly and regularly and you seek His guidance in every area of your life then He has said of you “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?”
If you are such a person then be aware that at best you face a lengthy period in the place of correction BEFORE you enter Heaven followed by eternity in the place of "out darkness" that is reserved for those who have NOT served the Almighty faithfully in this life, see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Hell.aspx
In contrast, there are great rewards for serving the Almighty faithfully to the end, see http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Eternity.aspx
A quality decision is the FIRST step
Prayer and fasting are essential see the article Getting close to Yah, appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL here-under
To REALLY draw close to Him you MUST decide to live a life without sin and do the work necessary to get there, see the article Life WITHOUT sin here-under and the subsequent article amplifying this message also below
There is much on this site that is relevant to getting closer to the Almighty Creator
Search the site or email me if you want more information James@End-Time-Issue-Ministries.org
NEXT SECTION: Specific Messages from the Almighty >>>
NEXT SUB-SECTION: Key Principles with regard to relationship with Yah >>>
The Almighty says:
"A deep realization by an individual of their own inadequacy and My total and complete sovereignty is an essential step in that person's journey towards a deep personal relationship with Me"
Yah, the Almighty Creator, re: What He can tell YOU -- 20 August 2014
"The 'Rules of Engagement' between myself (Yah) and Satan prevent me telling YOU anything you do NOT know UNLESS YOU ask me or do something to put yourself in a place to hear NEW truths from me"
'"I (Yah) am limited in speaking to YOU by the mental barriers YOU have put in place with regard to what YOU believe I can say to you AND by YOUR vocabulary"

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