2014. Why are we here? Created by James on 12/27/2018 2:33:00 PM There is much uncertainty as to WHY we exist and what we are here to do, unless one has clarity on this the rest of life is effectively pointless
Why are we here?
We are on earth because Father Yah was lonely and He wanted intelligent beings to build relationships with Him and to learn with Him as He developed His creative ability and created this Universe and learned more and more about His creation
We are ALL here because Father wants to have a deep personal relationship with us and engage with us in EVERY area of our lives
To experience this it is UP TO YOU to determine WHETHER you want this and then do what you need to do in order to draw close to Him as discussed in this section and on the website as a whole
As you draw closer to Yah you will find that He wants to learn from you in terms of your experience of things, you will find that He will tell you that He does NOT have all the answers, you will find that He will ask your opinion and, once He trusts you enough, will even defer to your opinion when it relates to things in this life and particularly in your life, your relationships and your enterprise
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2013.09.14 - Why are we HERE?
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The longer I walk this road and become aware of what is REALLY important to Daddy Yah the more I realize that very few people know why we are here
I receive emails about “grace” and “peace” and “rest”
And it IS true that if you are walking in the full power of the Spirit of Yah and living a sinless life you will be led by Him to a place of grace and peace and rest but it is unlikely that you WILL get there in this age and, should you get there and then get to the place of being stoned or flogged or nailed to a stake it is unlikely that you will have any of these things – there were NOT many, even many centuries ago, who died in grace and peace and rest
The implication is that somehow Yah has called us to come along for a free ride where He will do all the work and we just do what takes our fancy
I have come to understand that this is far from the truth, even the most superficial examination of historical writings in the bible or elsewhere will reveal this
“But Jesus” I hear some cry
So Yahooshua who was WITHOUT SIN died an appalling and tortured death so that you could live a sloppy self-indulgent life doing what suits you and paying lip service to some sort of relationship with Him?
I do not think so!
We sing of “refiners fire” but few understand that the process of being refined is painful and difficult and NOT pleasant at all
So, why ARE we here?
1. Yah was lonely and He decided to create intelligent beings to keep Him company
2. The first being of this type that He created was a spirit who later went on to volunteer to come to earth and become the prophet Yahooshua
3. Subsequent creation endeavours were NOT so successful, Father created messengers, “angels” and one of them became so proud that he led one third of the messengers in rebellion and was cast out of heaven and became “Satan”
4. Yah was in the process of creating the Universe and was working towards the creation of human beings who would be the pinnacle of his creation and the intelligent friends and companions that Yah desired and He was creating a home for them, planet earth
5. Satan challenged Yah and stated that Yah was UNABLE to create a being that would voluntarily resist sin and that if Yah placed Satan and his followers on earth together with the soon to be created men they would ALL eventually worship Satan and forsake Yah
6. Yah agreed to the challenge and it was stipulated that there would be seven thousand years during which the battle would be fought, some simple laws (which most know as the Ten Commandments) were stipulated and some principles were established
7. The agreement was that if at the end of six thousand years Satan had succeeded such that NO man was in a position to call for judgment on Satan, Satan would have won and would rule earth and all men for eternity – during this six thousand years both Yah and Satan were free to take whatever measures they deemed fit to secure their side of the battle
8. If Satan did NOT succeed in six thousand years he would be judged appropriately for his rebellion and taken out of the battle but would NOT die AND Yah would WITHDRAW from the battle and let mankind battle it out with Satan’s forces for a thousand years
9. At the end of seven thousand years the final judgment would take place – if there was NOT at least one man at the end of the seven thousand years who was without sin and therefore able to call down judgment on Satan, Satan would be handed control of earth and all men for eternity – included all the demons (deceased men)
10. If Satan were defeated, Satan and all those who had followed him would be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and utterly consumed with the caveat that those believers who had at some level followed Satan and were NOT without sin would spend time in the Lake of Fire commensurate with the level of their sin BEFORE being admitted to Heaven
Accordingly we are on earth to provide friendship and fellowship to Yah and fight on His side to defeat sin on the earth, at the very least at the level of ensuring that there is a man or men on earth in 3003 between Passover and Pentecost who are in relationship with Yah and without sin in order to call down judgment on Satan
If you are NOT playing your part in this battle and earnestly seeking a deep personal relationship with Yah, to bring Him joy, to strive for ALL truth and to conquer the forces of darkness in your life, then in your environment and finally on the earth I have to say to you that your life is really NOT worth much
Unless, of course, you have decided that Satan will win and have aligned yourself with him – but, IF you get close to him you will find he is a very HARD and ruthless taskmaster
Either way, on the middle ground you face a very unpleasant outcome
Which way do YOU choose?
I recommend that you go ALL OUT to serve Yah
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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