2014. Fasting as a vital component of drawing close to the Almighty Created by James on 12/29/2018 10:48:15 AM Fasting is, in essence, taking authority over our earthly or carnal nature and creating a spiritual state in which the Almighty can reach us more easily, there are various types of fast and it is important to only go on fasts as the Almighty leads
Fasting as a vital component of drawing close to the Almighty
Partial or total fasting quietens the flesh of a believer and facilitates growth in spiritual terms thereby assisting a person to draw closer to Yah
It is strongly recommended that believers should fast on a reasonably regular basis
Fasts include one day total fasts, three day total fasts (only very occasionally and IF health permits -- can lead to kidney damage), three day water only fasts, seven day fasts, seven three day water only fasts at seven or ten day intervals, twenty one day fruit and vegetable or soup fasts or water only fasts and forty day water only fasts
The longer fasts should ONLY be undertaken if Father clearly directs
Seven three day fasts at seven day intervals are particularly helpful in gaining revelation and growing in relationship with Father
A forty day water only fast is almost essential for someone to operate in the power gifts of the Spirit of the Almighty
It is permissible to take limited quantities of bread and wine (or grape juice) together with rehearsing the covenant once or twice a day if you are on medication or even if you are not
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2012.01.05 - Getting close to Yah -- Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL (the answer to doctrinal differences)
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I regularly encounter people who disagree with what is published on this list and on the ETI websites.
Some just walk away and refuse to have contact, others say nothing and some try and reason with me by stating what they deeply hold to be true.
In responding to your reaction if you disagree with something on this list or on the websites it is important to consider the following:
1. My error
If what is on the list or the websites is error, that is my problem and if I do NOT come to correction and repent before my death I will burn for some part of eternity for that sin. So, IF you do NOT agree with me the solution is NOT to be offended by my error but to pray that Yah will show me the error of my ways that I may repent.
Note that I have repeatedly stressed that we are each responsible for what we believe and it is up to YOU to decide what you believe of what is written on the list and websites.
Note also that on the old website http://www.etimin.org/ there are articles where my understanding has developed considerably over the years and it is therefore certain that some of the articles on that site contain SIGNIFICANT error so you should pray for guidance when reading articles from that site (and from the new site http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/ as well).
2. Your error
If YOU are in error then YOU will burn for part of eternity if you do NOT repent before your death. So, if you disagree with what is published here it is important that YOU seek the truth diligently.
Somebody said to me yesterday that Yahooshua died so we do NOT have to pay the price for our sins, YES, BUT, ONLY if you repent in this life – Yahooshua did NOT die so we can be sloppy about what we believe and teach lies – Yah HATES that teaching and you will burn terribly if that is something you believe and worse still teach to others.
3. Other people’s error – “my pastor says”
Then there is the dilemma faced by many people that they subscribe to what they have been taught at church or read in books, or what the majority believe, or what they were taught as children, etc – problem is, as we have seen, nearly everything that is taught is lies!
If a person challenges or questions what is being taught they are frequently told in no uncertain terms that they are in error, that the pastor has been to Bible School and they have not, that the majority agree, etc and people are made to feel stupid for disagreeing. They are also frequently given to understand that if they persist in discussing their “wrong doctrines” or questioning the teachings of their leaders they will be cast out of the congregation.
Under such circumstances you will STILL burn for part of eternity for believing those lies and even more so if you have taught them or propagated them BUT the pastor, writer, etc will ALSO burn, not only for their own sin but the sin they have forced you and others into.
Please remember that nearly everything that is taught in the church is false, nearly everything taught in Bible Schools is false and just about everything that the majority agree on is false – Satan is IN the church and controls the church through his demons just as he controlled the “church” in the days of Yahooshua.
4. What to do – based on someone else?
The ONLY reason you should believe on the basis of something that someone else forces on you is if they are willing to commit, IN WRITING, that what they are teaching is the truth AND that they indemnify you and will burn FOR you.
IF they do that they may be walking in presumption so you might want to get out anyway.
IF they tell you that “Jesus paid the price” and you will NOT burn if you are in error then GET OUT immediately!
IF they get sarcastic or aggressive, or harsh in any way then GET OUT.
You should NOT believe based on James Robertson, or Joe Smith, or Pastor X, or some imminent historical character (note that “The Final Quest” reports that “The Great Reformer” almost did NOT make it into heaven – see the article on “Where will YOU spend eternity?”) or EVEN on what “Jesus / Yeshua / Yahooshua allegedly said” based on your corrupt English translation (interpretation) of the Greek translation of the record allegedly recorded by someone who claims to have walked with Yahooshua {Jesus} in the book {bible}.
You should ONLY believe based on your PERSONAL relationship with the Almighty Creator, Yah the eternally self-existing {The LORD, God, Allah, etc).
The ONLY time you should believe someone else is in the case of a woman joined to a man in which case you are commanded to submit to him in EVERYTHING and that INCLUDES accepting his teachings {doctrine} and he will burn for your sin.
5. Guidance by Yah
How do I make decisions based on personal relationship?, I hear you cry!
Well, first of all you need to realize that Yah created YOU to have a personal relationship with Him – if you do NOT have a personal relationship with Yah then your ENTIRE life is POINTLESS and at the end of your life you will be cast into the fire and consumed!
Secondly you need to pray appropriately.
I regard the following prayers, in no particular order, as vital and non-negotiable – all prayers should be prayed to the Father, Yah, in the name of Yahooshua so I will leave those parts out after the first prayer:
Father, I come to you in the name of Yahooshua and I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it;
Judge me severely and correct me harshly – if you do nothing else, pray this;
Help me to overcome to the end and be found a good and faithful servant;
Help me to draw close to you;
Help me to hear you clearly and close my ears to all voices that are not from you;
By your Spirit blow away all that I have read or heard or thought that is not of you and imprint all that IS of You;
Where I am unable to hear you please speak to me in whatever way I am able to hear you through people, video, radio, TV, books, magazines, emails, websites, other people, etc, etc;
Open my eyes to see what you want me to see and close my eyes to what you do NOT want me to see;
Enlarge my territory in knowledge of You and Your ways and Your will and Your Kingdom and in relationship with You and in anointing with Your Spirit;
Please fill me with your Spirit;
Help me to put on the WHOLE armour of Yah, the belt of truth (note that truth comes first), the sure footed shoes of the good news of peace, the breastplate of righteousness, the helmet of salvation and the shield of faith, help me to wield the sword of the Spirit which is your commandments and to pray in the Spirit at all times without ceasing (note that you can ask Yah to teach your spirit to pray in the Spirit 24/7);
Bring the people you want into my life and take the people you do not want out; -- be prepared for lots of people to leave and all sorts of unpleasant things to be revealed;
Speak to me through your emissaries {apostles} and spokesmen and women {prophets} and send them across my path; -- be prepared for unusual and sometimes difficult people who may easily offend you
Open the doors in my life that you want opened and close the doors that you want closed;
Show me all demons and curses that are attached to me and how to get rid of them, send people across my path with the anointing to deliver me; -- you need to study demons and deliverance and seek out people who can help you to get free – guaranteed that unless you have put in MAJOR effort over a number of years to get free of demons you HAVE demons and they are corrupting your thinking and leading you into all sorts of sin – you need to deal with blood-line curses and the demons associated with them, etc, etc
Show me all the sins I need to repent of; -- this is an ongoing process for years and probably decades, sit down, pray and make a list of all your sins starting with blood line stuff that you inherited and then list year by year from birth to the present all the things you did wrong and repent of them AND pray for those that you harmed with your sins to forgive you – you will need to do this several times over a period of a year or more with the assistance of the Spirit of Yah before you have cleaned up and you will still find yourself remembering things years later – Yah may require you to go to people and repent of what you did wrong to them, you may need to make restitution, restore things your stole, compensate them for losses they incurred because of the wrong you did them, etc
Show me all the people I need to forgive; -- all the people who have wronged you, forgive them and release them from their debt towards you, including things they have stolen, etc – you may be able to just pray this but you may need to go to people and actively forgive them and release them
Teach me to quieten my spirit so I can hear your still, small voice;
Help me to qualify to sit on a high throne with Yahooshua for eternity;
Put my flesh to death so that I may live by your Spirit; -- if you are truly Spirit filled the strength of your physical body will diminish and you will become increasingly dependent on the strength of the set-apart {Holy} Spirit of Yah. If something then happens like major sin, fear, anger, strife or other things that drain the anointing of the Spirit of Yah you will find that you become very weak and you will age rapidly – strife in a marriage is a particular problem here
Help me to bring You joy every day;
Whatever else you are led to pray at any particular time.
By the way, once you start praying the above it is probable that if you are still in the formal “church” Yah will take you out very quickly.
You also need to worship regularly – not “feel good” worship, definitely NOT worshipping Yahooshua or Jesus but worship that lifts Yah up and makes Him feel good and that humbly requests Him to move in your life, etc – refer the article “2011.07.05 Some important worship songs” for a list of songs that I have used for years and keep coming back to – there are many others but not that have the significance and anointing that those on this list have.
6. Sensitivity and obedience
Praying the prayers is NOT enough.
You need to be sensitive and obedient – Yah can start closing a door but you can storm through it or block it open, or ignore it, or ...
You can ignore His voice.
You need to PRACTICE hearing His voice, you need to get on your knees so you can hear better, you need to do things because you THINK you heard His voice – if you think Yah has spoken to you then ACT, if you are unsure then ask for confirmation or guidance but if it is NOT a massive issue then just tell Him you are going to do what you think He has told you to do and DO it and check in with Him if you did it right – ask Him to guide you, to close and open doors, etc.
Spending hours or days, or weeks checking and double checking is SIN and it is NOT helpful – walk by faith – JUST DO IT!
Expecting other people to confirm and advise you -- if you are young and inexperienced -- well, maybe for a while -- but Yah wants YOU to hear Him and obey Him.
It is better to do something because you think Yah told you to do it but are not sure than it is to NOT do that thing.
Yah wants obedient servants and servants do NOT argue with their master – yes we do, but that is NOT what Yah wants.
You have to go through SERVANT to get to FRIEND and confidante – it will likely take some years before Yah takes you into His confidence and asks your opinion and consults with you the way He did, for example with Abraham and, unless you really work at it you are not very likely to get there – you do not get to become the Friend of Yah by accident, you get there through commitment and hard work and laying down your life.
If it is a really BIG thing, like sell everything, give it to the poor and move to … halfway round the world, THEN it is reasonable to do a bit of checking and ask for confirmation but even then there is a point at which Yah does NOT expect even such a decision to take you much time – when He tells you to raise your staff over the sea and tell it to open in front of millions of people Yah does NOT want you to take five months of arguing and asking Him for confirmation, He expects you to do it NOW and if you got it wrong take the risk of making a fool of yourself BUT chances are you DID hear Him because His ways ARE foolishness to the ordinary man (including almost all those who claim to believe).
7. Fast and fast again!
In my experience the above is just the entry point.
I only started to get dramatic revelation eight years after I had been walking intensely with Father when He led me to go on eight three day fasts at intervals of ten days – in other words three days fasting and seven days eating normally – in that case the fasts culminated on the 31st of December 2000 and Yah then gave me the message “The Wrath of {God} Yah for the Church” and said the church was breaking ALL of the Ten Commandments.
During those 80 days I received massive revelation, about the true names Yah and Yahooshua, about the true Sabbath, about the true feasts, about the pagan and Satanic nature of Christmas, etc, etc.
On those fasts during the three days all I took was the bread and wine – remembering the covenant made by Yahooshua {communion} and limited water.
In the year that followed I continued to get continuous revelation, saw Yah move significantly in my life and wrote hundreds of articles which are included on the old website at http://www.etimin.org/msg3.htm
In the years that followed I fasted periodically, most significantly on the Day of Atonement.
Then, towards the end of 2010, Yah impressed on me to go on seven three day fasts at intervals of seven days, three day’s fasting and four days eating normally, culminating on the 26th of December 2010 (Christmas).
On the first two fasts and the last fast I drank only a small amount of Grape Juice and ate a small amount of unleavened bread twice a day because I had to take medication.
On the remaining fasts I took the bread and wine morning and evening and drank a significant amount of water as well as I was advised that repeated withholding of liquid could cause permanent damage to my kidneys. My kidneys were quite painful at the end of the seventh fast and took some months to recover fully – so there is need for caution, do NOT do total three day fasts unless you are SURE Yah requires it.
Note that a total three day fast is required to break certain witchcraft and get rid of certain demons and curses and shift certain other things.
Over that period of fasting and in the months that followed my understanding of various things consolidated and I wrote well over one hundred articles all of which are on the new website at:
In 2010 I was also told that in order to enter into full blown ministry operating in the power gifts of the Spirit of Yah, conducting spiritual warfare at a level where one could combat major demons, witches, etc, heal the sick, raise the dead and by used for other miracles it was necessary to go on a forty day total fast only drinking water. I have met several people who have done such fasts and who walk in GREAT power and authority in the Spirit realm, one of these people had been used to raise about 19 people from the dead, one who had been in the morge for two days!
Note that you are likely to become extremely weak during a forty day water only fast and are unlikely to be able to engage in business or even normal domestic activities after about two to three weeks so the series of three day fasts is more practical for many people but is NOT a substitute for a forty day fast IF you are really going ALL OUT.
On the basis of this experience I have to say to you that IF you claim to be serious about serving Yah and you have not fasted at the sort of levels referred to above then you are kidding yourself and playing games.
IF you are serious about serving Yah you need to pray the prayers above REGULARLY and start fasting – it is as simple as that!
8. If you disagree with what is on the End Time Issue Ministries websites
If you disagree with what is on the two websites, taking account of the fact that particularly some of the older articles DO contain error and taking account of the fact that I may still have error I have not recognized then you are welcome to let me know you think I am in error.
Taking account that I have prayed most of the prayers above over more than a decade, that I have been through ALL the sanctification processes I mention above AND others and that I have fasted extensively I ask you to understand that I will NOT pay much attention to what you have to say in disagreement with me UNLESS you have gone through a similar cleansing process.
So, rather than dismissing me as a madman or heretic, rather than walking away and cutting me out of your life, rather than speaking ill of me, pray ALL the above prayers sincerely and regularly, examine your life and clean it up comprehensively, go on at least one series of eight three day fasts at ten day intervals, walk the road you find yourself on after the fasts for six months and then IF you still disagree with me we can sit down and talk – I FULLY expect that if you do what I have outlined here you will almost certainly AGREE with me on all the critical issues (
You will be far closer to Yah than you have ever imagined possible.
A high level of sanctification and hard work is required to come to a deep personal relationship with Yah and a clear understanding of what really IS truth.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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