2014. Seeking to live a Life WITHOUT Sin Created by James on 12/29/2018 11:48:31 AM It is possible to live life without sin, we may fall at times but it is possible to recover, the sacrifice of Yahooshua makes recovery from sin simple and quick, this requires a clear and firm decision coupled to an accurate understanding of the commandments, which is presented elsewhere on this site
Seeking to live a Life Without Sin
A fundamental requirement for drawing close to Yah, the Almighty Creator, is to seek to deal with ALL sin in one's life and live a live free of sin.
This is a significant part of the "overcoming" that is required to quality for a high throne
The articles on this page discuss various aspects of this state of being and some of the benefits
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2011.06.01 - Is it possible to live a life without sin?
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In response to the article with the paintings of what the young Korean artist was shown in Hell, I received the following:
"Hi Dr James,
"I had a look to these paintings and it’s really scaring, painful to see this. However, I keep on asking myself if is it possible for us to live without sins? Looking at yahooshua’s life the man who never sinned he was not born they way we were born. I’d like to explain myself by stating that yahooshua was born from a virgin woman a woman who never knew a man before. Starting from that point it shows how different he is from the rest of human beings. And this explains also somehow why he had lived on earth without sinning.
"My question is can we live without making sins? Is that possible? We should remember that there are many things that we don’t know about and perhaps till we die we will never know those things, so how can we do to avoid going to hell? What and which attitude can we adopt in order to avoid going there?
"May Yah bless you."
My reply was as follows:
"A very relevant question
I believe that it IS possible to live without sin and, when we do sin Yahooshua died to give us a quick and easy way to recover
I am firmly convinced that prayers such as:
“Father I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly in the name of Yahooshua” – and then get on your knees and ask what is wrong the moment even the smallest thing goes wrong,
“Father I ask you to show me the level of my current deception and how to correct it in the name of Yahooshua”,
“Father I ask you to help me to overcome to the end in the name of Yahooshua”,
"Father help me to be found to be a good and faithful servant at the end of my life in the name of Yahooshua”
and such other prayers as you are led to pray are vital coupled to a determined effort to seek truth and put into practice the lessons that you learn.
There is much else that one can pray for guidance, protection, direction, etc"
To elaborate:
It is to all intents impossible for any human being to live without sin, particularly unintended sin where we do not even know we are in error but we can also sin by committing sins we are trying not to commit.
As I understand it there are a number of issues here:
1. Yah expects us to do all we can to live without sin BUT we are going to battle to do that in our own strength, hence it is vital to pray the directional prayers that I suggest above and such other directional prayers as the Spirit of Yah may give us.
2. We should be observant and if we have prayed the sort of prayers outlined above and something goes wrong in our lives we should seek to immediately go on our knees and ask Father what the sin is that has led to judgment, repent and do whatever we need to do in order to make right with Yah and, where necessary, with man.
So, if we have stolen, Yah may require us to restore what we have stolen and may in some cases require that we repay a multiple of what we stole. Note that stealing includes obtaining things by false pretences and this includes people telling people to give to the "House of the Lord" when they are not teaching truth.
3. The offering {sacrifice} for sin has been made by Yahooshua so repentance is quick and easy, this does NOT mean we should take it lightly or sin flippantly knowing that it is easy to repent. Yahooshua did NOT die for us to have a casual attitude to sin.
4. If we sin willfully repeatedly it is written that we will burn for eternity because we put Yahooshua to death again.
The basic approach is therefore:
1. Pray constantly for guidance and correction.
2. Be observant and quick to repent when you are shown there is a course correction required.
3. Accept that truth is not something you pick and choose, Yah expects us to seek to walk in ALL truth.
4. Constantly examine your life and ask Father Yah to help you.
5. If you have never gone through a comprehensive sanctification process as was outlined a few months ago I strongly recommend that you do this.
6. Sit down and prayerfully consider your life year by year, consider where you lived, who you were in relationship with, major events in your life, etc and as you do this ask Daddy Yah to show you all areas of sin in your life in each year as you review it and to also show you who you need to forgive and release. Ask Daddy Yah what you need to pray as you review your whole life – you may need to do this more than once in order to clean up your life – remember, sin must either be confessed and repented of in this life or you will be called to account for it in the life to come.
7. Ask Father to take the people He wants out of your life out and bring the people He wants in your life in, ask Him to open the doors He wants opened in your life and close the doors He wants closed, etc.
8. Trust Him to guide you, do not lean to your own understanding, you cannot figure it out all yourself.
Take it a step at a time.
I urge you not to look to men for your salvation or the way to salvation, Yah is salvation (Yahooshua means Yah is salvation).
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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