2014.01.09.02 Yah's Commandments are BEST Created by James on 1/2/2019 1:51:29 PM Yah's Commandments are in our best interests, we will flourish on earth if we keep His Commandments and degrade and suffer loss if we break them -- the loss may NOT be immediately apparent but it IS there nonetheless
Yah's Commandments are BEST
Most people think that somehow Yah's commandments spoil their fun or spoil life and are onerous
In fact, Yah's commandments are the BEST for us, assuming we want to spend eternity with Him in heaven and His Spirit is given to make it possible for us to keep the Commandments
Yes, there are things we will battle to gain mastery over in our lives but that is NOT because Yah is unfair, it is because Satan and his servants have tricked us into taking on learned behaviours and beliefs that are deeply embedded but which are against Yah's Commandments
It is a vital element of serving Yah to realize that His Commandments are NOT burdensome but are, in fact, light once we know Him and choose to serve Him
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2013.10.05 - Yah’s commandments are BEST
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From feedback on the article on the “Virgin’s Covenant” it is also apparent that many do NOT believe that Yah’s commandments are just or right.
In forming such an opinion it is vital to understand that just over 6,000 years ago, at the time that Adam was created, man knew ONLY good, the ways of Yah.
Since Adam and Chavah {Eve} ate of the fruit of the tree of “the knowledge of good and evil” mankind has been learning everything there is to know about evil until, in Yah’s sight, the generation in which we now live is the MOST EVIL generation that has ever lived.
Accordingly we must be very wary of judging Yah’s commandments, laws and statutes through the eyes of our understanding of the present age.
We must ALSO be very wary of thinking that, because this generation is so defiled, we must make our own laws and deny Yah’s laws – that is how we got into the mess in the first place.
I would like to suggest for your consideration that Yah’s laws today are EVERY bit as valid and just and right today as they were when He established them at the start, we just do NOT know how to apply them and are so filled with corruption and wrong thinking and Satan’s influence that most people regard Yah’s Commandments as obsolete and unjust.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Provided you take a wholehearted decision to follow Yah and keep His commandments you WILL find that they are valid, valuable and totally applicable in your life.
You will also discover that the Satanic realm, the realm of fallen messengers {angels} and demons, hates Yah’s truths and does everything possible to corrupt them, distort them and make them seem wrong and unjust. They have to because, IF they did NOT men would discover the truth about Yah and flock to Him. Accordingly, the more you seek to serve Yah in obedience and faithfulness the more you will be faced with opposition and adversity UNLESS you really draw close to Yah and overcome.
In order to do this it is vital to have an understanding that YOU WILL FACE JUDGMENT and are likely to end up on the wrong side on the Day of Judgment IF you do NOT obey Yah’s commandments.
See also (article name at the end of the link):
I leave it to you to decide whether you will keep Yah’s Commandments or take the wide road that leads to death.
Note that it is written that it is love toward Yah to keep His Commandments.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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