2014.01.10.06 Descent into ALL Error Created by James on 1/2/2019 2:37:32 PM For the last 6,000 years mankind has been learning all there is to learn about evil and error to the point where humans today hardly know anything about Yah and the things and matters of Yah, this website seeks to restore knowledge of these things
Descent into ALL Error
Slightly over 6,000 years ago, after Adam ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, mankind has almost entirely forgotten ALL truth, all about Yah and has fallen into total error, deception and sin
Yah is now resting, Satan is in the Pit for 1,000 years and those who remain are now struggling, those serving Satan are seeking to destroy ALL believers and ALL truth such that in 3003 there is NO PERSON without sin who can call for the return of Yahooshua to usher in the Day of Judgment
And those serving Yah at a SIGNIFICANT level (very few) are seeking to RESTORE ALL TRUTH so that, on the Day of Judgement, there IS someone free of sin who can call for the return of Yahooshua to user in judgement on the earth

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