2014.01.18 Words Created by James on 1/4/2019 7:30:24 AM A discussion of the importance of words in service of the Almighty and life generally
Words are critical, the entire Creation operates through words
Most people are sloppy with words and thereby bring about unintended consequences in their lives and sin
It is written that we will be judged by our words
Each one of us is accompanied by a guardian messenger {angel} who records EVERYTHING that we do and say in a book based on which we will be judged on our judgment day
Destructive words can cause harm to others and to ourselves and open us up to additional ancestor spirits {demons} being assigned to us
Idle words do nothing and are regarded as sin
Jokes are mostly lies in some shape or form
Words such as "luck" invoke demons
It is wise to be sober in our choice of words

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