2014.01.19 The Bible Created by James on 1/5/2019 9:44:36 AM A discussion of the truth regarding the bible which reveals that the Bible truly is a compilation of the writings of human beings with, for the most part, limited inspiration. The Almighty refers to the Bible as "That Tiny Book", declares that the bible keeps people from close relationship with Him and that it is the "greatest idol" on earth today
he Almighty says:
"Bible study is obsession with history without understanding the present and the future"
"Bible based belief is 'minamalist' belief"
Many visitors to this page will find the content shocking and even offensive
I DO understand that what you will find here is EXTREMELY CHALLENGING for most believers
However, it IS the truth
Some context
In 1993 after a dramatic encounter with the Almighty and subsequent exposure to Bible based teaching that made sense I took my Bible, held it up and said something to the effect of "Father, these people say this is your word, I do not understand it but I choose to believe that it IS your word and I ask you to answer ALL my questions"
In the years that followed I read the Old Testament about twenty times in a wide variety of translations and the New Testament about 35 times in at least as many different translations, I filled about 14 notebooks with notes during my Bible reading, for many years I spent at least an hour a day and frequently more reading the Bible, I once read the Bible from cover to cover in about ten days
Then, around mid 2002 Father said to me "the Bible is NOT my Word"
It took me around two years to internalize this to a point where i posted an article in June 2004 -- "1AD.04.06.04 A Reality Check - Is the "Bible" REALLY the Inerrant Word of the Almighty"
It took me until around 2009 until I was prepared to write about this with confidence and it is ONLY in 2013 that I could hear the truth of what Yah has to say about the Bible and I may STILL be adjusting
Accordingly I counsel you to read what follows prayerfully, NOT to reject it out of hand but to go to the Almighty for confirmation
Read also http://www.end-time-issue-ministries.org/Articles/ArticleViewPage/tabid/124/ArticleId/374/2012-01-05-Getting-close-to-Yah-Appropriate-prayer-and-fasting-are-VITAL-the-answer-to-doctrinal-dif.aspx for an approach to seeking clarity on matters of teaching {doctrine}
If you scan this page from bottom to top you will roughly follow the more recent stages of the journey of adjustment and discovery that I have followed.
I pray that as you study this page you will come to understand the truth about the book commonly known as "The Bible".

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